path: root/i18n.cpp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2007-04-27- added actions for remote in submenuMichael Brückner
2007-04-27Fixed an i18nThomas Keil
2007-04-27- added a check for search terms shorter then 4 charsChristian Wieninger
2007-04-27- added actions für searchtimer & timer in submenuMichael Brückner
- resized logo_login.png - beautified login page
2007-04-26- added logout button in menuMichael Brückner
- translation fixes
2007-04-26- new 'Test'-ButtonChristian Wieninger
2007-04-26Added translationsThomas Keil
2007-04-25- Added pagemenu infrastructure. Use this to create below the main menuDieter Hametner
a page specific optional additional menu. Just add a component to the main menu. A working sample can be found in 'schedule.ecpp' - Added extra with at the top of the recordings line. - Adapted styles.css for both changes.
2007-04-25Beatified edit_searchtimer, added helping tooltipsThomas Keil
2007-04-25- confirm deleting search timersChristian Wieninger
2007-04-24- added deletion of search timersChristian Wieninger
2007-04-24- various translation fixesMichael Brückner
2007-04-24- beautified german translation textsMichael Brückner
2007-04-24added SaveThomas Keil
2007-04-24- added "All" translation in i18n.cppMichael Brückner
2007-04-24New i18nsThomas Keil
2007-04-24Fixed some styles, new icons, added tooltipsThomas Keil
2007-04-22- some new translations for search resultsChristian Wieninger
2007-04-19- added translation for 'new' buttonChristian Wieninger
2007-04-17added missing features 'allowed repeats' and 'only repeats within ... days'Christian Wieninger
2007-04-15- translations for search timer editChristian Wieninger
2007-04-03- removed tooltips in remote sectionMichael Brückner
2007-04-02- (MB) complete new remote design with imagemapDieter Hametner
- (MB) placed progressbar after date in whatson (thx to winni) - (MB) replaced inactive picture (thx to winni)
2007-03-25Added some translationsThomas Keil
2007-02-25- Added posibility to switch channels from status box.Dieter Hametner
- Regouping of status box active buttons.
2007-02-18- Added status box with current channel, program and elapsed time in theDieter Hametner
logo area. - Added support for progress bars to display elapsed content. - Extendend ajax.js to be usable for non xml requests. - adapted styles for the new features.
2007-01-21- Draggable epg-evnts tooltips. They don't get closed automaticaly. ItDieter Hametner
is possible to have more of them open at one time. This makes it possible to have tooltips also inside the epg-event boxes. This is an experimental setting and is only a domTT configuration option. - Found and preliminary fixed a bug in domTT for sticky tooltips (like the epg-event boxes) that don't have a domTT-caption (domTT option caption set to false for design reasons). When they are set to draggable domTT crashes. I added a fix to this, that makes the whole box draggable with the mouse. Idealy one would like to have this beheaviour only in the title bar. Will try to report this bug upstream to domTT developer. - Added some translations for new strings.
2007-01-14Updated recordings tooltipps.Dieter Hametner
2007-01-10Alignment of recordings, new movie icon, adapted stylesDieter Hametner
2007-01-09fixed page layout (partly by Michi)Dieter Hametner
2007-01-07Changed some stuff for whats_on.ecppThomas Keil
2007-01-07Added i18n for edit timersThomas Keil
2007-01-07added error handling framework to recordings.ecppDieter Hametner
2007-01-05New translation for EditDieter Hametner
2007-01-05Added new_timerThomas Keil
2007-01-04- added internationalization for remote controlSascha Volkenandt
2007-01-04Added translation for TimeDieter Hametner
2007-01-04Initial version of Recordings pageDieter Hametner
2007-01-04New date format addedThomas Keil
2007-01-03Added i18n "Date"Thomas Keil
2007-01-03added i18n for date-stringThomas Keil
2007-01-03Neues und BugfixesThomas Keil
2007-01-03Uhr in deutsch jetzt mit :Thomas Keil
2007-01-03Uebersetzungen nun richtig, dummy eingebautThomas Keil
2007-01-03mergeThomas Keil
2007-01-03- added missing terminating 0 entrySascha Volkenandt
2007-01-03- added internationalizationSascha Volkenandt