path: root/javascript/domTT.js
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2007-01-21- Draggable epg-evnts tooltips. They don't get closed automaticaly. ItDieter Hametner
is possible to have more of them open at one time. This makes it possible to have tooltips also inside the epg-event boxes. This is an experimental setting and is only a domTT configuration option. - Found and preliminary fixed a bug in domTT for sticky tooltips (like the epg-event boxes) that don't have a domTT-caption (domTT option caption set to false for design reasons). When they are set to draggable domTT crashes. I added a fix to this, that makes the whole box draggable with the mouse. Idealy one would like to have this beheaviour only in the title bar. Will try to report this bug upstream to domTT developer. - Added some translations for new strings.
2007-01-04*** empty log message ***Thomas Keil