path: root/pages/recordings.ecpp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-05-03Make LIVE compile and work with Tntnet and cxxtools version 2.2.Dieter Hametner
Thanks to Tommi Mäkitalo for his help on resolving the issues. This problem was reported by Martin Gansser and by the user 'varas' in the bugtracker as bug #1351. This commit fixes that bug.
2013-04-04If deleting multiple recordings the user right are checked now.Dieter Hametner
This problem and a patch solving this was reported in bug entry #1317.
2012-12-26Make PCRE optionalChristian Ruppert
2011-09-05Support for native recording length since VDR 1.7.21:Dieter Hametner
Applying a patch provided by ROFA: As the new vdr-1.7.21 provides native interface for recording lenght, there's no need to keep the "Show duration in 'Recordings'" setting anymore - less the options the better. If users want to speed up the recordings page, they must just upgrade to vdr-1.7.21+.
2011-09-04Allow to remove rights to delete recordings. According to the bug entryDieter Hametner this will allow to create a pure 'guest' only user account. The fix was suggested by mhanu in above bug entry.
2011-03-20Added recording filtering to include also descriptions.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-03-20Added expand/collapse all folders functionality into recordings page.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-03-03Added missing line break.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-02-22Added support for HAVE_LIBPCRECPP.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-02-20Reverted part of Rolfs changes in the CSS file. Not all parts of theDieter Hametner
pagemenu shall become bold. Made only the new recordings Filter field bold, as it is the wish of Rolf who added it.
2011-02-20Fixed reseting of the active recordings filter.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-02-20Updated Finnish translations.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-02-20Moved recordings filter input box into the actions area of theDieter Hametner
recordings page. This ensures a consistent look and feel like on other pages in LIVE.
2011-02-18Added Perl compatible regular expression filtering into the recordings menu.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-02-11Unified date formatting and added recording duration format into translations.Rolf Ahrenberg
2011-02-10Added support for sorting recordings by name and date in both ascending and ↵Rolf Ahrenberg
descending orders.
2011-02-10Added support for renaming/moving recordings and for deleting multiple ↵Rolf Ahrenberg
recordings at once.
2011-01-29Applied patch supplied by Rolf Ahrenberg to omit recordings durations.Dieter Hametner
This helps in scanning large amounts of recordings, because not for every recoding a file is scanned for either its size or the length.vdr file. The patch (live-git-20110129-showrecduration.patch.gz) was submitted on in the post:
2011-01-29Added a comment where the 'Recordings' instance comes from.Dieter Hametner
2010-06-20Reaction to a patch sent by Jan Willies for an other problem withcvs-commit-370Dieter Hametner
tntnet version string. Jan's patch resolved the immediate problem with regard to the updated version but was not backwards compatible for older tntnet version. My changes to the code adressed that problem and added an enhancement how to deal with that problem in the future.
2010-06-19Added translators hint and a german locale for the date/time formating of ↵Dieter Hametner
recordings provided by Dominic Evans.
2010-06-08Improve/fix locale date/time formatting.Dominic Evans
2008-11-23Added nowrap class in styles.css. Time strings are now 'nonwrapable'.Dieter Hametner
Removed in german translations the 'Uhr' from time formating.
2008-11-23Visual enhancement: Make progress bar invisible if duration is 0.Dieter Hametner
Visual enhancement: fixed and changed several access path to the img/transparent.png invisible image.
2008-06-21Use the previous commited functionality to stream recordings.Dieter Hametner
The recordings now have a stream button beneath them.
2008-06-21Changed the definition of tntversion in the LIVE source files.Dieter Hametner
Now there is a define TNTVERSION set to a number that can be compared in C oreprocessor 'if' statements. This allows for adding support for tntnet specific features with evolving tntnet version.
2008-06-03Added 'i18n.h' include in pages/recordings.ecpp to support backwardDieter Hametner
compatible 'trVDR' macro.
2008-05-02show disk usage and free space in table headerChristian Wieninger
2008-04-08display length of recordings (#451)Christian Wieninger
2008-01-25- tadi's updateChristian Wieninger
2007-12-25- Presence of IMDb URLs is now configurable. Closes bug #401.Dieter Hametner
2007-12-18- IMDB link for recordings too. Fixes Bug #420Dieter Hametner
- Window size of streaming window is now adapted to new size of embedded vlc video frame.
2007-12-01- Backwards compatible update to support Tntnet Version Hametner
Backwards compatibilty will be dropped in future version of LIVE.
2007-10-21- renamed recordings.h/cpp to recman.h/cpp. Preparations forDieter Hametner
recordings updates.
2007-09-17- Moved images from compiled in image dir to data dir 'img'.Dieter Hametner
- Fixed MapUrl entries to the new image location - Adapted some pages for the new image locations. - Added a preload functionalty to fill file cache at plugin startup.
2007-07-12- Update to the mootools framework.Dieter Hametner
- New more XHTML compliant tips. - Optional AJAX enabled infoboxes for epg information. - Major speed enhancement for the single pages, due to less data to transfer to the browser. - See doc/ChangeLog for more detailed changes description. - See doc/dev-conventions.txt for how we benefit from mootools package on the ECMAScript side of live.
2007-06-22- Introducing Mootools as base javascript library.Dieter Hametner
- ported Infobox javascript code to this library. - LiveSimpleAjaxRequest uses Ajax-Object from mootools. - Start of distribution of javascript in source form (not compiled into the live binary).
2007-06-12- New theme orange-blue (see ChangeLog for more info).Dieter Hametner
- Some minor style fixes.
2007-06-03- general CSS based themeing support.Dieter Hametner
- added setup option to select theme. - added search scheme for themable images and stylesheets. - added marine (default) and redwine theme. - documented new features. All developers must read doc/dev-conventions.txt
2007-05-31- Added doc/ChangeLogDieter Hametner
- Added doc/css-themeing.txt - Implemented support for site wide style overrides. Fixes Bug #339 - Updated all pages to use the override mechanism. - Added needed files to Makefile - Introduced USRDIR configuration variable to Makefile.
2007-05-08- Control recordings playback from InfoboxDieter Hametner
- Added button images (Buttons by skiller2k1) - Made recordings look more like schedule - Made all tables 100% width to have a common look over all pages - some cleanup in ajax xml responses - common file for xmlresponses - Added translations for recordings related strings - Javascript updates in vdr_status.js for new playback control functions - Added tasks for playback control actions
2007-05-06- Added recording timer indication. Fixes #302Dieter Hametner
- Added appropriate image, adaped Makefile - Changed timers.ecpp, recordings.ecpp to use only <%cpp> (Doesn't confuse syntax aware text editors like <{ }> did.)
2007-05-05- General cleanup of recordings. Made design more like other pagesDieter Hametner
- Bugfix for #289, #291 - Adapted styles and helper classes. - recordings should be now strict XHTML.
2007-04-29- xml version of infobox, updates only pagelements inside the box notDieter Hametner
whole box. This circumvents the tooltip stacking problem. - updated styles for this change. - updated i18n.cpp for this change. - Changed javascript implementation for infobox. - Box doesn't change size after first update. - added some <%cpp> { </%cpp> tags to prevent newlines inserted by tntnet. See tntnet documentation about this. - Added infobox to all pages that didn't had one.
2007-04-26- added login protection to the following pages: edit_searchtimer.ecppMichael Brückner
edit_timer.ecpp login.ecpp recordings.ecpp remote.ecpp schedule.ecpp searchresults.ecpp searchtimers.ecpp timers.ecpp whats_on.ecpp - replaced DOCTYPE at login.ecpp and whats_on.ecpp with page element "<& pageelems.doc_type &>"
2007-04-25- Added pagemenu infrastructure. Use this to create below the main menuDieter Hametner
a page specific optional additional menu. Just add a component to the main menu. A working sample can be found in 'schedule.ecpp' - Added extra with at the top of the recordings line. - Adapted styles.css for both changes.
2007-02-18- Added status box with current channel, program and elapsed time in theDieter Hametner
logo area. - Added support for progress bars to display elapsed content. - Extendend ajax.js to be usable for non xml requests. - adapted styles for the new features.
2007-01-21- Draggable epg-evnts tooltips. They don't get closed automaticaly. ItDieter Hametner
is possible to have more of them open at one time. This makes it possible to have tooltips also inside the epg-event boxes. This is an experimental setting and is only a domTT configuration option. - Found and preliminary fixed a bug in domTT for sticky tooltips (like the epg-event boxes) that don't have a domTT-caption (domTT option caption set to false for design reasons). When they are set to draggable domTT crashes. I added a fix to this, that makes the whole box draggable with the mouse. Idealy one would like to have this beheaviour only in the title bar. Will try to report this bug upstream to domTT developer. - Added some translations for new strings.
2007-01-21- use epg_events in recordings too. This simplifies the overallDieter Hametner
recordings code.
2007-01-19- Added new class epgEvent. Sie epg_events.h. This class collects epgDieter Hametner
data from other structures. It can the be used to appent to the page a hidden section with full epg datas for the epg-popup boxes. - Changed whats_on to uses this new feature. - No description in the event boxes any more. A mouse over tooltip shows a shortened version of the description. A click on 'more' displays a full epg box. - Added tip parameter to ajax_action_href. The text is displayed as tooltip when hoovering over the link. - Adapted style.css to make event boxes smaller.