From 06df85b5eadb9f088793df157b1dc5523a626db5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dieter Hametner <dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 23:49:24 +0000
Subject: - Adapted Rolf Ahrenbergs patch for VLC streaming to current LIVE  
 development status. See Bug #343. This will need some additional tweaking.

 live/js/live/browserwin.js              |  97 ++++++++++++
 live/js/live/pageenhance.js             |  20 +++
 live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js      | 252 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 live/js/mootools/readme.mootools.config |  11 +-
 4 files changed, 345 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 live/js/live/browserwin.js

(limited to 'live')

diff --git a/live/js/live/browserwin.js b/live/js/live/browserwin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69e0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/js/live/browserwin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * This is part of the live vdr plugin. See COPYING for license information.
+ *
+ * browserwin.js
+ *
+ * BrowserWin class, BrowserWin.Manager class
+ *
+ * Extension of mootools to create and manage browser windows.
+ */
+Class: BrowserWin
+	Create and browswer window pointing at an specific URL.
+var BrowserWin = new Class({
+	  options: {
+		  size: { width: 300, height: 200 },
+		  toolbar: false,
+		  location: false,
+		  directories: false,
+		  status: false,
+		  menubar: false,
+		  scrollbar: false,
+		  resizable: true,
+		  wm: false // overide default window manager.
+	  },
+	  initialize: function(id, url, options){
+			this.setOptions(options);
+ = id;
+			this.wm = this.options.wm || BrowserWin.$wm;
+			this.wm.register(this, url);
+		},
+	  create: function(url){
+			winOpts = "height=" + this.options.size.height;
+			winOpts += ",width=" + this.options.size.width;
+			winOpts += ",toolbar=" + this.options.toolbar;
+			winOpts += ",location=" + this.options.toolbar;
+			winOpts += ",directories=" + this.options.directories;
+			winOpts += ",status=" + this.options.status;
+			winOpts += ",menubar=" + this.options.menubar;
+			winOpts += ",scrollbars=" + this.options.scrollbars;
+			winOpts += ",resizable=" + this.options.resizable;
+			if ($defined( {
+				winOpts += ",top=" +;
+			}
+			if ($defined(this.options.left)) {
+				winOpts += ",left=" + this.options.left;
+			}
+			this.$winRef =,, winOpts);
+		}
+	});
+BrowserWin.implement(new Events, new Options);
+BrowserWin.Manager = new Class({
+	  options: {
+		  onRegister: Class.empty,
+		  onUnregister: Class.empty
+	  },
+	  initialize: function(options){
+			this.setOptions(options);
+			this.hashTab = new Hash();
+		},
+	  register: function(browserWin, url){
+			this.unregister(browserWin);
+			browserWin.create(url);
+			this.fireEvent('onRegister', [browserWin]);
+			this.hashTab.set(, browserWin);
+		},
+	  unregister: function(browserWin){
+			if (this.hashTab.hasKey( {
+				winRef = this.hashTab.get(;
+				winRef.$winRef.close();
+				this.fireEvent('onUnregister', [winRef]);
+			}
+			this.hashTab.remove(;
+		}
+	});
+BrowserWin.Manager.implement(new Events, new Options);
+BrowserWin.$wm = null;
+window.addEvent('domready', function(){
+		BrowserWin.$wm = new BrowserWin.Manager();
+	});
diff --git a/live/js/live/pageenhance.js b/live/js/live/pageenhance.js
index 0cbf2ff..90df001 100644
--- a/live/js/live/pageenhance.js
+++ b/live/js/live/pageenhance.js
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ var PageEnhance = new Class({
 	  options: {
 		  epgLinkSelector: 'a[href^="epginfo.html?epgid"]',
 		  actionLinkSelector: 'a[href^="vdr_request/"]',
+		  vlcLinkSelector: 'a[href^="vlc.html?channel"]',
+		  vlcWinOptions: {
+			  size: { width: 420, height: 370 }
+			},
 		  hintTipSelector: '*[title]',
 		  hintClassName: 'hint',
 		  infoWinOptions: {
@@ -40,6 +44,7 @@ var PageEnhance = new Class({
+			$$(this.options.vlcLinkSelector).each(this.vlcRequest.bind(this));
@@ -55,6 +60,7 @@ var PageEnhance = new Class({
 			elems = $$(sel);
 			$$('#' + id + ' ' + this.options.actionLinkSelector).each(this.vdrRequest.bind(this));
+			$$('#' + id + ' ' + this.options.vlcLinkSelector).each(this.vlcRequest.bind(this));
 	  // Epg Popup function. Apply to all elements that should
@@ -106,6 +112,20 @@ var PageEnhance = new Class({
 				}.bindWithEvent(this, el));
+	  // function that opens a window for streaming of tv data.
+	  vlcRequest: function(el){
+			el.addEvent('click', function(event, element){
+					var href = $pick(element.href, "");
+					if (href != "") {
+						href += "&async=1";
+						var bw = new BrowserWin("vlcstream", href, this.options.vlcWinOptions);
+						event.stop();
+						return false;
+					}
+					return true;
+				}.bindWithEvent(this, el));
+		},
 	  // change normal 'title'-Attributes into enhanced hinttips
 	  // usesd by domExtend and domReadySetup functions.
 	  addHintTips: function(elems){
diff --git a/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js b/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js
index ad6bfeb..eba43c7 100644
--- a/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js
+++ b/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ document.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
 Class: window
 	Some properties are attached to the window object by the browser detection.
 	browser detection is entirely object-based. We dont sniff.
@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ Array.extend({
 Script: Function.js
 	Contains Function prototypes and utility functions .
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@ Function.extend({
 				If set to a class name, the function will receive a new instance of this class (with the event passed as argument's constructor) as first argument.
 				Default is false.
 		arguments - A single argument or array of arguments that will be passed to the function when called.
 					If both the event and arguments options are set, the event is passed as first argument and the arguments array will follow.
 					Default is no custom arguments, the function will receive the standard arguments when called.
 		delay - Numeric value: if set, the returned function will delay the actual execution by this amount of milliseconds and return a timer handle when called.
 				Default is no delay.
 		periodical - Numeric value: if set, the returned function will periodically perform the actual execution with this specified interval and return a timer handle when called.
@@ -3030,56 +3030,56 @@ Class: Elements
 	Property: filterByTag
 		Filters the collection by a specified tag name.
 		Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
 	filterByTag: function(tag){
 		return new Elements(this.filter(function(el){
 			return (Element.getTag(el) == tag);
 	Property: filterByClass
 		Filters the collection by a specified class name.
 		Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
 	filterByClass: function(className, nocash){
 		var elements = this.filter(function(el){
 			return (el.className && el.className.contains(className, ' '));
 		return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements);
 	Property: filterById
 		Filters the collection by a specified ID.
 		Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
 	filterById: function(id, nocash){
 		var elements = this.filter(function(el){
 			return ( == id);
 		return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements);
 	Property: filterByAttribute
 		Filters the collection by a specified attribute.
 		Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
 		name - the attribute name.
 		operator - optional, the attribute operator.
 		value - optional, the attribute value, only valid if the operator is specified.
 	filterByAttribute: function(name, operator, value, nocash){
 		var elements = this.filter(function(el){
 			var current = Element.getProperty(el, name);
@@ -3155,7 +3155,7 @@ function $ES(selector, filter){
 $$.shared = {
 	'regexp': /^(\w*|\*)(?:#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[(\w+)(?:([!*^$]?=)["']?([^"'\]]*)["']?)?])?$/,
 	'xpath': {
 		getParam: function(items, context, param, i){
@@ -3178,7 +3178,7 @@ $$.shared = {
 			return items;
 		getItems: function(items, context, nocash){
 			var elements = [];
 			var xpath = document.evaluate('.//' + items.join('//'), context, $$.shared.resolver, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
@@ -3187,9 +3187,9 @@ $$.shared = {
 	'normal': {
 		getParam: function(items, context, param, i){
 			if (i == 0){
 				if (param[2]){
@@ -3323,11 +3323,11 @@ Element.extend({
 		return el;
-	getElementsByClassName: function(className){ 
-		return this.getElements('.' + className); 
+	getElementsByClassName: function(className){
+		return this.getElements('.' + className);
 	/*end compatibility*/
@@ -3626,8 +3626,8 @@ Element.Events.domready = {
-window.onDomReady = function(fn){ 
-	return this.addEvent('domready', fn); 
+window.onDomReady = function(fn){
+	return this.addEvent('domready', fn);
 /*end compatibility*/
@@ -3635,7 +3635,7 @@ window.onDomReady = function(fn){
 Script: Window.Size.js
 	Window cross-browser dimensions methods.
 	The Functions in this script require an XHTML doctype.
@@ -3758,7 +3758,7 @@ var Drag = {};
 Class: Drag.Base
 	Modify two css properties of an element based on the position of the mouse.
 	Drag.Base requires an XHTML doctype.
@@ -3780,7 +3780,7 @@ Options:
 		x - array with start and end limit relative to modifiers.x
 		y - array with start and end limit relative to modifiers.y
 	onStart - optional, function to execute when the user starts to drag (on mousedown);
 	onComplete - optional, function to execute when the user completes the drag.
@@ -4060,7 +4060,7 @@ Options:
 	encoding - the encoding, defaults to utf-8.
 	autoCancel - cancels the already running request if another one is sent. defaults to false.
 	headers - accepts an object, that will be set to request headers.
 	onRequest - function to execute when the XHR request is fired.
 	onSuccess - function to execute when the XHR request completes.
@@ -4225,7 +4225,7 @@ Options:
 	update - $(element) to insert the response text of the XHR into, upon completion of the request.
 	evalScripts - boolean; default is false. Execute scripts in the response text onComplete. When the response is javascript the whole response is evaluated.
 	evalResponse - boolean; default is false. Force global evalulation of the whole response, no matter what content-type it is.
 	onComplete - function to execute when the ajax request completes.
@@ -4445,6 +4445,198 @@ var Json = {
+Script: Hash.js
+	Contains the class Hash.
+	MIT-style license.
+Class: Hash
+	It wraps an object that it uses internally as a map. The user must use set(), get(), and remove() to add/change, retrieve and remove values, it must not access the internal object directly. null/undefined values are allowed.
+	Each hash instance has the length property.
+	obj - an object to convert into a Hash instance.
+	(start code)
+	var hash = new Hash({a: 'hi', b: 'world', c: 'howdy'});
+	hash.remove('b'); // b is removed.
+	hash.set('c', 'hello');
+	hash.get('c'); // returns 'hello'
+	hash.length // returns 2 (a and c)
+	(end)
+var Hash = new Class({
+	length: 0,
+	initialize: function(object){
+		this.obj = object || {};
+		this.setLength();
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: get
+		Retrieves a value from the hash.
+	Arguments:
+		key - The key
+	Returns:
+		The value
+	*/
+	get: function(key){
+		return (this.hasKey(key)) ? this.obj[key] : null;
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: hasKey
+		Check the presence of a specified key-value pair in the hash.
+	Arguments:
+		key - The key
+	Returns:
+		True if the Hash contains a value for the specified key, otherwise false
+	*/
+	hasKey: function(key){
+		return (key in this.obj);
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: set
+		Adds a key-value pair to the hash or replaces a previous value associated with the key.
+	Arguments:
+		key - The key
+		value - The value
+	*/
+	set: function(key, value){
+		if (!this.hasKey(key)) this.length++;
+		this.obj[key] = value;
+		return this;
+	},
+	setLength: function(){
+		this.length = 0;
+		for (var p in this.obj) this.length++;
+		return this;
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: remove
+		Removes a key-value pair from the hash.
+	Arguments:
+		key - The key
+	*/
+	remove: function(key){
+		if (this.hasKey(key)){
+			delete this.obj[key];
+			this.length--;
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: each
+		Calls a function for each key-value pair. The first argument passed to the function will be the value, the second one will be the key, like $each.
+	Arguments:
+		fn - The function to call for each key-value pair
+		bind - Optional, the object that will be referred to as "this" in the function
+	*/
+	each: function(fn, bind){
+		$each(this.obj, fn, bind);
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: extend
+		Extends the current hash with an object containing key-value pairs. Values for duplicate keys will be replaced by the new ones.
+	Arguments:
+		obj - An object containing key-value pairs
+	*/
+	extend: function(obj){
+		$extend(this.obj, obj);
+		return this.setLength();
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: merge
+		Merges the current hash with multiple objects.
+	*/
+	merge: function(){
+		this.obj = $merge.apply(null, [this.obj].extend(arguments));
+		return this.setLength();
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: empty
+		Empties all hash values properties and values.
+	*/
+	empty: function(){
+		this.obj = {};
+		this.length = 0;
+		return this;
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: keys
+		Returns an array containing all the keys, in the same order as the values returned by <Hash.values>.
+	Returns:
+		An array containing all the keys of the hash
+	*/
+	keys: function(){
+		var keys = [];
+		for (var property in this.obj) keys.push(property);
+		return keys;
+	},
+	/*
+	Property: values
+		Returns an array containing all the values, in the same order as the keys returned by <Hash.keys>.
+	Returns:
+		An array containing all the values of the hash
+	*/
+	values: function(){
+		var values = [];
+		for (var property in this.obj) values.push(this.obj[property]);
+		return values;
+	}
+/* Section: Utility Functions */
+Function: $H
+	Shortcut to create a Hash from an Object.
+function $H(obj){
+	return new Hash(obj);
 Script: Tips.js
 	Tooltips, BubbleTips, whatever they are, they will appear on mouseover
@@ -4482,7 +4674,7 @@ Options:
 	offsets - the distance of your tooltip from the mouse. an Object with x/y properties.
 	fixed - if set to true, the toolTip will not follow the mouse.
 	onShow - optionally you can alter the default onShow behaviour with this option (like displaying a fade in effect);
 	onHide - optionally you can alter the default onHide behaviour with this option (like displaying a fade out effect);
diff --git a/live/js/mootools/readme.mootools.config b/live/js/mootools/readme.mootools.config
index edc3cef..f82f31b 100644
--- a/live/js/mootools/readme.mootools.config
+++ b/live/js/mootools/readme.mootools.config
@@ -19,11 +19,12 @@ live. In order to obtain the right mootools configuration follow these steps:
 - Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the following
   options towards the top of the download page in this order:
     1. Tips
-    2. Json
-    3. Ajax
-    4. Drag.Move
-    5. Window.DomReady
-    6. Element.Selectors
+    2. Hash
+    3. Json
+    4. Ajax
+    5. Drag.Move
+    6. Window.DomReady
+    7. Element.Selectors
 - Then open 'Choose compression type' and select 'No Compression' to
   have fully documented mootools source. This helps when developing
cgit v1.2.3