Grams of suggestions, bugreports, patches and other contributions have been provided by the people on the VDR-Portal and VDR-Portal chatrooms. Special thanks go to the following individuals (if your name is missing here, please send an email to Michael Brueckner for icons and images and parts of the overall visual design. Rolf Ahrenberg for lots of finish translations and the initial implementation of streaming of live tv via streamdev into a browser window using the vlc plugin for firefox. And a lot of usefull hints about the features of the vlc plugins, some of which still need to be added to LIVE. Patrice Staudt (in memoriam) for the french translations. Matthias Kortstiege for a patch that activates the SSL support in tntnet. LIVE can then be used over https too. This works only with tntnet versions above Recomended is tntnet version 1.6.2 and higher. Diego Pierotto for the italian translations. John Germs, Chavonbravo from CaptiveWorks ( for the addition of channel numbers on the live pages.