title = $title; $this->vers_string = $vname; $this->vers_number = $vnum; $this->datefmt = $datefmt; $this->language = $lang; } } /** * class Menu: * holds the localized names and the urls to the pages of the main * menu. */ class Menu { public $urls; public function __construct($entries) { $this->urls = $entries; } } /** * class Screenshots: * Contains the localized 'basic' names of the screenshot images and a * description of the single images. */ class Screenshots { private $images; public function __construct($imgNames) { $this->images = $imgNames; } public function RandomImg() { $idx = array_rand($this->images); $this->MakeAnchor($idx); } public function AllImg() { foreach($this->images as $idx => $descr) { $this->MakeAnchor($idx); } } private function MakeAnchor($img) { echo "\"$img\"/\n"; } public function FullImage($img) { $img = basename($img); echo "\"img/${img}.jpg\"/\n"; } public function ImageDescr($img, $error) { $img = basename($img); if (isset($this->images[$img])) return $this->images[$img]; else return $error; } } /** * class SoftwareComponnent: * Describes one software component which has some kind of relation * with the LIVE plugin. */ class SoftwareComponent { private $name; private $minVers; private $recVers; private $homepage; public function __construct($n, $m, $r, $h) { $this->name = $n; $this->minVers = $m; $this->recVers = $r; $this->homepage = $h; } public function Name() { return $this->name; } public function MinVersion() { return $this->minVers; } public function RecommendedVersion() { return $this->recVers; } public function Homepage() { return $this->homepage; } } class LiveSWConfig { private $required; private $optional; private $plugins; public function __construct(array $r, array $o, array $p) { $this->required = $r; $this->optional = $o; $this->plugins = $p; } public function Required() { return $this->required; } public function Optional() { return $this->optional; } public function Plugins() { return $this->plugins; } } ?>