#include <time.h>
#include <glob.h>
#include <algorithm>

#include "tools.h"
#include "recman.h"

#include "epg_events.h"
#include "setup.h"

using namespace std;

namespace vdrlive

	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * EpgInfo
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	EpgInfo::EpgInfo(const std::string& id, const std::string& caption) :


	const string EpgInfo::CurrentTime(const char* format) const
		return FormatDateTime(format, time(0));

	const string EpgInfo::StartTime(const char* format) const
		time_t start = GetStartTime();
		return start ? FormatDateTime(format, start) : "";

	const string EpgInfo::EndTime(const char* format) const
		time_t end = GetEndTime();
		return end ? FormatDateTime(format, end) : "";

	int EpgInfo::Elapsed() const
		return EpgEvents::ElapsedTime(GetStartTime(), GetEndTime());

	int EpgInfo::Duration() const
		return EpgEvents::Duration(GetStartTime(), GetEndTime());

	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * EpgEvent
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	EpgEvent::EpgEvent(const std::string& id, const cEvent* event, const char* channelName) :
		EpgInfo(id, channelName),


	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * EpgString
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	EpgString::EpgString(const string& id, const string& caption, const string& info) :
		EpgInfo(id, caption),


	const string EpgString::Title() const
		return m_info;

	const string EpgString::ShortDescr() const
		return "";

	const string EpgString::LongDescr() const
		return "";

	// virtual const std::string Archived() const { return std::string(); }

	time_t EpgString::GetStartTime() const
		return time(0);

	time_t EpgString::GetEndTime() const
		return time(0);

	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * EpgRecording
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	EpgRecording::EpgRecording(const string& recid, const cRecording* recording, const char* caption) :
		EpgInfo(recid, (caption != 0) ? caption : ""),
		m_ownCaption(caption != 0),

		m_recording = 0;

	const string EpgRecording::Caption() const
		if (m_ownCaption) {
			return EpgInfo::Caption();
		if (!m_recording) {
			return "";

		return Name();

	const string EpgRecording::Title() const
		if (!m_recording) {
			return "";

		const cRecordingInfo* info = m_recording->Info();
		return (info && info->Title()) ? info->Title() : Name();

	const string EpgRecording::ShortDescr() const
		const cRecordingInfo* info = m_recording ? m_recording->Info() : 0;
		return (info && info->ShortText()) ? info->ShortText() : "";

	const string EpgRecording::LongDescr() const
		const cRecordingInfo* info = m_recording ? m_recording->Info() : 0;
		return (info && info->Description()) ? info->Description() : "";

	const string EpgRecording::Archived() const
		if (!m_checkedArchived) {
			if (m_recording) {
				m_archived = RecordingsManager::GetArchiveDescr(m_recording);
				m_checkedArchived = true;
		return m_archived;

	time_t EpgRecording::GetStartTime() const
		return m_recording ? m_recording->start : 0;

	time_t EpgRecording::GetEndTime() const
		return m_recording ? m_recording->start : 0;

	const string EpgRecording::Name() const
		string name(m_recording->Name());
		size_t index = name.find_last_of('~');
		if (index != string::npos) {
			name = name.substr(index+1);
		return name;

	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * EmptyEvent
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	EmptyEvent::EmptyEvent(std::string const &id, tChannelID const &channelID, const char* channelName) :
		EpgInfo(id, channelName),


	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * EpgEvents
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	namespace EpgEvents {
		string EncodeDomId(tChannelID const &chanId, tEventID const &eId)
			string channelId(chanId.ToString());
			string eventId("event_");

			channelId = vdrlive::EncodeDomId(channelId, ".-", "pm");

			eventId += channelId;
			eventId += '_';
			eventId += lexical_cast<std::string>(eId);
			return eventId;

		void DecodeDomId(string const &epgid, tChannelID& channelId, tEventID& eventId)
			string const eventStr("event_");

			size_t delimPos = epgid.find_last_of('_');
			string cIdStr = epgid.substr(eventStr.length(), delimPos - eventStr.length());

			cIdStr = vdrlive::DecodeDomId(cIdStr, "mp", "-.");

			string const eIdStr = epgid.substr(delimPos+1);

			channelId = tChannelID::FromString(cIdStr.c_str());
			eventId = lexical_cast<tEventID>(eIdStr);

		EpgInfoPtr CreateEpgInfo(string const &epgid, cSchedules const *schedules)
			string const errorInfo(tr("Epg error"));
			cSchedulesLock schedulesLock;

			tEventID eventId = tEventID();
			tChannelID channelId = tChannelID();

			DecodeDomId(epgid, channelId, eventId);
			cChannel const *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(channelId);
			if (!channel) {
				return CreateEpgInfo(epgid, errorInfo, tr("Wrong channel id"));
			cSchedule const *schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(channel);
			if (!schedule) {
				return CreateEpgInfo(epgid, errorInfo, tr("Channel has no schedule"));
			cEvent const *event = schedule->GetEvent(eventId);
			if (!event) {
				return CreateEpgInfo(epgid, errorInfo, tr("Wrong event id"));
			return CreateEpgInfo(channel, event, epgid.c_str());

		EpgInfoPtr CreateEpgInfo(cChannel const *chan, cEvent const *event, char const *idOverride)
			if (event) {
				string domId(idOverride ? idOverride : EncodeDomId(chan->GetChannelID(), event->EventID()));
				return EpgInfoPtr(new EpgEvent(domId, event, chan->Name()));
			else if (LiveSetup().GetShowChannelsWithoutEPG()) {
				string domId(idOverride ? idOverride : EncodeDomId(chan->GetChannelID(), 0));
				return EpgInfoPtr(new EmptyEvent(domId, chan->GetChannelID(), chan->Name()));

		EpgInfoPtr CreateEpgInfo(string const &recid, cRecording const *recording, char const *caption)
			return EpgInfoPtr(new EpgRecording(recid, recording, caption));

		EpgInfoPtr CreateEpgInfo(string const &id, string const &caption, string const &info)
			return EpgInfoPtr(new EpgString(id, caption, info));

		list<string> EpgImages(string const &epgid)
			list<string> images;

			size_t delimPos = epgid.find_last_of('_');
			string imageId = epgid.substr(delimPos+1);
			imageId = imageId.substr(0, imageId.size()-1); // tvm2vdr seems always to use one digit less

			const string filemask(LiveSetup().GetEpgImageDir() + "/" + imageId + "*.*");
			glob_t globbuf;
			globbuf.gl_offs = 0;
			if (!LiveSetup().GetEpgImageDir().empty() && glob(filemask.c_str(), GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf) == 0) {
				for(int i=0; i<(int)globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
					const string imagefile(globbuf.gl_pathv[i]);
					size_t delimPos = imagefile.find_last_of('/');
			return images;

		int ElapsedTime(time_t const startTime, time_t const endTime)
			// Elapsed time is only meaningful when there is a non zero
			// duration (e.g. startTime != endTime and endTime > startTime)
			int duration = Duration(startTime, endTime);
			if (duration > 0) {
				time_t now = time(0);
				if ((startTime <= now) && (now <= endTime)) {
					return 100 * (now - startTime) / duration;
			return -1;

		int Duration(time_t const startTime, time_t const endTime)
			return endTime - startTime;

	} // namespace EpgEvents

}; // namespace vdrlive