/* * Javascript functions for the status update box. * This file needs 'ajax.js' to be included on the pages. */ var vst_reload = true; var vst_timer; var vst_boxId = null; var vst_url = null; function LiveStatusAjaxRequest(url, containerid) { if (vst_url == null) vst_url = url; if (vst_boxId == null) vst_boxId = containerid; var status = new LiveAjaxCall("text", url); status.oncomplete = function() { document.getElementById(containerid).innerHTML = this.xml.responseText; if (vst_reload) vst_timer = window.setTimeout("LiveStatusAjaxRequest('" + url + "', '" + containerid + "')", 1000); } status.onerror = function(message) { vst_reload = false; document.getElementById(containerid).innerHTML = '