This file documents the configuration of mootools! The otherwise cool feature of mootools to select only needed functionality can be a nightmare when trying to add additional features in a distributed development situation. Because the configured mootools download does not document in a central position which options have been selected to optain a specific version of mootools. Therefore this file, which documents the minimal selections needed to get a valid mootools configuration for the features of mootools used in live. In order to obtain the right mootools configuration follow these steps: - Go to mootools download page: - Usualy 'Core' is preselected. This is OK :) but you can unselect it to have a 'clean' starting base. - Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the following options towards the top of the download page in this order: 1. Tips 2. Hash 3. Json 4. Ajax 5. Drag.Move 6. Window.DomReady 7. Element.Selectors - Then open 'Choose compression type' and select 'No Compression' to have fully documented mootools source. This helps when developing own functionality and when trying do debug errors with Firebug. If mootools is extended by additional modules, please document this here in this file, by updating the selection scheme above.