
#include <tools.h>
#include <timers.h>
#include <setup.h>
#include <epg_events.h>
#include <timerconflict.h>
#include <livefeatures.h>
#include <epgsearch.h>
#include <users.h>

#include <vdr/timers.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace vdrlive;

	// input parameters
	string timerid;
	string epgid;
	string async;
	// form parameters
	tChannelID channel;
	int active = 1;
	string title = "";
	string date = "";
	bool wday_mon = false;
	bool wday_tue = false;
	bool wday_wed = false;
	bool wday_thu = false;
	bool wday_fri = false;
	bool wday_sat = false;
	bool wday_sun = false;
	int start_h = 0;
	int start_m = 0;
	int end_h = 0;
	int end_m = 0;
	bool vps = 0;
	int priority = 0;
	int lifetime = 0;
	string aux = "";
	string directory = "";
<%session scope="global">
bool logged_in(false);
string edit_timerreferer;
TimerConflictNotifier timerNotifier;
<%request scope="page">
cTimer* timer;
	if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");

	if (!cUser::CurrentUserHasRightTo(UR_EDITTIMERS))
		throw HtmlError( tr("Sorry, no permission. Please contact your administrator!") );

	bool ajaxReq = !async.empty() && (lexical_cast<int>(async) != 0);

	tChannelID channelid = tChannelID();
	tEventID eventid = tEventID();

	string message;
	cMutexLock timersLock( &LiveTimerManager() );
	SortedTimers& timers = LiveTimerManager().GetTimers();

	timer = 0;
	if ( !timerid.empty() ) {
		string tId = SortedTimers::DecodeDomId(timerid);
		// dsyslog("DEBUG: TIMER: tId = %s", tId.c_str());
		timer = timers.GetByTimerId(tId);
		if ( timer == 0 )
			throw HtmlError( tr("Couldn't find timer. Maybe you mistyped your request?") );

	if ( request.getMethod() == "POST" ) {
		uint flags = ( active ? tfActive : 0 ) | ( vps ? tfVps : 0 );
		string weekdays = string( wday_mon ? "M" : "-" ) + ( wday_tue ? "T" : "-" ) + ( wday_wed ? "W" : "-" )
							  + ( wday_thu ? "T" : "-" ) + ( wday_fri ? "F" : "-" ) + ( wday_sat ? "S" : "-" )
							  + ( wday_sun ? "S" : "-" );
		int start = start_h * 100 + start_m;
		int stop = end_h * 100 + end_m;

		if (!directory.empty())
		   title = directory + "~" + title;

		if (title.empty())
			message = tr("Please set a title for the timer!");
			// TRANSLATORS: only adjust the ordering and separators, don't translate the m's, d's and y's
			time_t tdate = GetDateFromDatePicker(date, tr("mm/dd/yyyy"));
			string sdate = DatePickerToC(tdate, "yyyy-mm-dd");
			LiveTimerManager().UpdateTimer( timer, flags, channel, weekdays, sdate, start, stop, priority, lifetime, title, aux );
			return reply.redirect(!edit_timerreferer.empty()?edit_timerreferer:"timers.html");

	if (message.empty())
		edit_timerreferer = request.getHeader("Referer:", "timers.html");

	std::unique_ptr< cTimer > eventTimer;
	if ( timer == 0 && !epgid.empty()) {
		EpgEvents::DecodeDomId(epgid, channelid, eventid);
		if ( channelid.Valid() && eventid != 0 ) {
			cerr << "grabbing event" << endl << endl;
			cSchedulesLock schedLock;
#if VDRVERSNUM >= 20301
			cSchedule const* schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule( channelid );
			cSchedules const* schedules = cSchedules::Schedules( schedLock );
			cSchedule const* schedule = schedules->GetSchedule( channelid );

			eventTimer.reset( new cTimer( schedule->GetEvent( eventid ) ) );
		} else {
			cerr << "grabbing new timer" << endl << endl;
			eventTimer.reset( new cTimer() );
			eventTimer->SetFlags( tfActive );
		timer = eventTimer.get();
	if (timer == 0)
	   timer = new cTimer();

	if ( timer != 0 ) {
		active = timer->Flags() & tfActive;
		channel = timer->Channel()->GetChannelID();
		title = timer->File() ? timer->File() : "";
		if ( LiveFeatures< features::epgsearch >().Recent() ) {
		   vector< string > directories = StringSplit( title, '~' );
		   if (directories.size() > 1)
		      directory = directories[0];
		      title = title.substr(directory.size()+1);
		// TRANSLATORS: only adjust the ordering and separators, don't translate the m's, d's and y's
		date = timer->Day() ? DatePickerToC(timer->Day(), tr("mm/dd/yyyy")) : "";
		wday_mon = timer->WeekDays() & 0x01;
		wday_tue = timer->WeekDays() & 0x02;
		wday_wed = timer->WeekDays() & 0x04;
		wday_thu = timer->WeekDays() & 0x08;
		wday_fri = timer->WeekDays() & 0x10;
		wday_sat = timer->WeekDays() & 0x20;
		wday_sun = timer->WeekDays() & 0x40;
		start_h = ( timer->Start() / 100 ) % 100;
		start_m = timer->Start() % 100;
		end_h = ( timer->Stop() / 100 ) % 100;
		end_m = timer->Stop() % 100;
		vps = timer->Flags() & tfVps;
		priority = timer->Priority();
		lifetime = timer->Lifetime();
		aux = timer->Aux() ? timer->Aux() : "";
<& pageelems.doc_type &>
		<title>VDR Live - <$ timer ? tr("Edit timer") : tr("New timer") $></title>
	if (!ajaxReq) {
		<& pageelems.stylesheets &>
		<& pageelems.ajax_js &>
	if (!ajaxReq) {
		<& pageelems.logo &>
		<& menu active=("timers") &>
		<div class="inhalt">
			<form method="post" name="edit_timer" id="<$ timerid $>" action="edit_timer.ecpp">
				<input type="hidden" name="timerid" value="<$ timerid $>"/>
				<input type="hidden" name="aux" value="<$ aux $>"/>
				<table class="formular" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<tr class="head">
						<td class="toprow leftcol rightcol" colspan="2"><div class="boxheader"><div><div class="caption"><$ timer ? tr("Edit timer") : tr("New timer") $></div></div></div></td>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ trVDR("Active") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol">
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="active_1" name="active" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( active ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> type="radio"></input>
								<label for="active_1"><$ trVDR("yes") $></label>
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="active_0" name="active" value="0" <{ reply.out() << ( !active ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> type="radio"></input>
								<label for="active_0"><$ trVDR("no") $></label>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ trVDR("Channel") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><div class="withmargin"><& channels_widget name=("channel") channelid=(true) selected=(channel) &></div></td>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ tr("Title" ) $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><input type="text" name="title" value="<$ title $>" size="80" /></td>
					if ( LiveFeatures< features::epgsearch >().Recent() ) {
						RecordingDirs recordingdirs(true);
						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ tr("Directory" ) $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><select name="directory" size="1" id="directory" style="margin-top: 5px">
						for (RecordingDirs::iterator rdir = recordingdirs.begin(); rdir != recordingdirs.end(); ++rdir) {
							std::string dir = *rdir;
							<option value="<$ dir $>"
%							if (*rdir == directory) {
%							}
							><$ dir $></option>
%						}

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ trVDR("Day") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><input id="date" name="date" type="text" class="DatePicker" value="<$ date $>" /></td>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ tr("Weekday") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol">
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="wday_mon" type="checkbox" name="wday_mon" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( wday_mon ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> />
								<label for="wday_mon"><$ tr("Monday") $></label>
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="wday_tue" type="checkbox" name="wday_tue" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( wday_tue ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> />
								<label for="wday_tue"><$ tr("Tuesday") $></label>
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="wday_wed" type="checkbox" name="wday_wed" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( wday_wed ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> />
								<label for="wday_wed"><$ tr("Wednesday") $></label>
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="wday_thu" type="checkbox" name="wday_thu" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( wday_thu ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> />
								<label for="wday_thu"><$ tr("Thursday") $></label>
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id ="wday_fri" type="checkbox" name="wday_fri" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( wday_fri ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> />
								<label for="wday_fri"><$ tr("Friday") $></label>
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="wday_sat" type="checkbox" name="wday_sat" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( wday_sat ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> />
								<label for="wday_sat"><$ tr("Saturday") $></label>
							<div class="dotted">
								<input id="wday_sun" type="checkbox" name="wday_sun" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( wday_sun ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }> />
								<label for="wday_sun"><$ tr("Sunday") $></label>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ trVDR("Start") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="start_h" value="<$ ZeroPad(start_h) $>" /> : <input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="start_m" value="<$ ZeroPad(start_m) $>" /></td>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ trVDR("Stop") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="end_h" value="<$ ZeroPad(end_h) $>" /> : <input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="end_m" value="<$ ZeroPad(end_m) $>" /></td>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ tr("Use VPS") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><input type="checkbox" name="vps" value="1" <{ reply.out() << ( vps ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ); }>/></td>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ trVDR("Priority") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="priority" value="<$ priority $>" /></td>

						<td class="label leftcol"><div class="withmargin"><$ trVDR("Lifetime") $>:</div></td>
						<td class="rightcol"><input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="lifetime" value="<$ lifetime $>" /></td>

						<td class="buttonpanel leftcol rightcol bottomrow" colspan="2">
							<div class="withmargin">
							<button class="green" type="submit"><$ tr("Save") $></button>
							<button type="button" class="red" onclick="history.back()"><$ tr("Cancel") $></button>
			<div style="color: red; margin: 0 auto;">
				<$ message $>