#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <vdr/tools.h>

#include "stdext.h"
#include "exception.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "epg_events.h"
#include "recman.h"

namespace vdrlive {
	class SchedulesLock
			SchedulesLock() : m_schedulesLock() {}

			operator cSchedulesLock& () { return m_schedulesLock; }

			SchedulesLock(SchedulesLock const &schedulesLock) {}

			cSchedulesLock m_schedulesLock;

	typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<SchedulesLock> SchedulesLockPtr;

using namespace vdrlive;
using namespace std;

	string epgid;
	string async;
<%session scope="global">
	bool logged_in(false);
<%request scope="page">
	EpgInfoPtr epgEvent;
	if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");

	pageTitle = tr("Electronic program guide information");

	bool ajaxReq = !async.empty() && (lexical_cast<int>(async) != 0);

	bool aboutBox = false;

	// One of these get initialized when needed. When freed by getting
	// out of scope they will release (if initialized) important
	// Semaphores/Locks.
	SchedulesLockPtr schedulesLockPtr;
	RecordingsManagerPtr recordings;

	if (!epgid.empty()) {

		const string recording("recording_");
		const string event("event_");
		const string aboutbox("aboutBox");

		// check for recording:
		if (epgid.compare(0, recording.length(), recording) == 0) {
			recordings = LiveRecordingsManager();
			const cRecording* recording = recordings->GetByMd5Hash(epgid);
			if (recording == 0) {
				throw HtmlError(tr("Couldn't find recording or no recordings available"));
			epgEvent = EpgEvents::CreateEpgInfo(epgid, recording);
		// check for event:
		else if (epgid.compare(0, event.length(), event) == 0) {
			schedulesLockPtr = SchedulesLockPtr(new SchedulesLock);
			if (!schedulesLockPtr) {
				throw HtmlError(tr("Error aquiring schedules lock"));
			const cSchedules* schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(*schedulesLockPtr);
			if (!schedules) {
				throw HtmlError(tr("Error aquiring schedules"));
			epgEvent = EpgEvents::CreateEpgInfo(epgid, schedules);
		// check for aboutbox:
		else if (epgid.compare(0, aboutbox.length(), aboutbox) == 0) {
			aboutBox = true;
<& pageelems.doc_type &>
		<title>VDR-Live - <$ pageTitle $></title>
	if (!ajaxReq) {
		<& pageelems.stylesheets &>
		<& pageelems.ajax_js &>
	if (!ajaxReq) {
		<& pageelems.logo &>
		<& menu &>
		<div class="inhalt">
	if (epgEvent) {
		string start(epgEvent->StartTime("%a,") + string(" ")
				+ epgEvent->StartTime(tr("%b %d %y")) + string(" ")
				+ epgEvent->StartTime(tr("%I:%M %p")));
		string tools_component;
		if (recordings) {
			tools_component = epgEvent->Archived().empty() ? "recordings.rec_tools" : "recordings.archived_disc" ;
		if (schedulesLockPtr) {
			tools_component = "epginfo.epgTools";
		<& pageelems.epg_tt_box boxId=(epgEvent->Id()) caption=(epgEvent->Caption()) tools_comp=(tools_component) time=(start) title=(epgEvent->Title()) short_descr=(epgEvent->ShortDescr()) long_descr=(epgEvent->LongDescr()) archived=(epgEvent->Archived()) elapsed=(epgEvent->Elapsed()) &>
	if (aboutBox) {
		<& pageelems.about_tt_box &>


<# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #>

<%def epgTools>
string id;
string title;
int detail;
<& pageelems.epg_tool_box detail=(detail) epgid=(id) title=(title) startTime=(epgEvent->GetStartTime()) endTime=(epgEvent->GetEndTime()) &>