# VDR plugin language source file.
# Copyright (C) 2007 Klaus Schmidinger <kls@cadsoft.de>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the VDR-LIVE package.
# Hannu Savolainen <hannu@opensound.com>, 2002
# Jaakko Hyv�tti <jaakko@hyvatti.iki.fi>, 2002
# Niko Tarnanen <niko.tarnanen@hut.fi>, 2003
# Rolf Ahrenberg <rahrenbe@cc.hut.fi>, 2003
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: VDR-LIVE 0.2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <cwieninger@gmx.de>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 20:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-19 20:15+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Rolf Ahrenberg <rahrenbe@cc.hut.fi>\n"
"Language-Team: <vdr@linuxtv.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: channels.ecpp:12
msgid "channels"
msgstr "kanavat"

#: channels_widget.ecpp:25 schedule.ecpp:38
msgid "Couldn't aquire access to channels, please try again later."
msgstr "Kanavien k�ytt�minen ep�onnistui! Yrit� my�hemmin uudelleen."

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:112 edit_searchtimer.ecpp:229
msgid "Couldn't find searchtimer. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Hakuajastimia ei l�ydet�! Onko pyynt� oikein kirjoitettu?"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:174 edit_searchtimer.ecpp:175
#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:293 edit_searchtimer.ecpp:294 pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "mm/dd/yyyy"
msgstr "mm/dd/yyyy"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:224 edit_searchtimer.ecpp:356
#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:497 searchtimers.ecpp:72
msgid "Edit search timer"
msgstr "Muokkaa hakuajastinta"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:224 edit_searchtimer.ecpp:356
#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:497 searchtimers.ecpp:88
msgid "New search timer"
msgstr "Luo uusi hakuajastin"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:381 searchepg.ecpp:173
msgid "Search text too short - use anyway?"
msgstr "Liian suppea hakuehto - etsit��nk� silti?"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:502 searchepg.ecpp:263
msgid "Search term"
msgstr "Hakuehto"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:508 searchepg.ecpp:274
msgid "Search mode"
msgstr "Hakutapa"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:512 searchepg.ecpp:278
msgid "phrase"
msgstr "fraasi"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:513 searchepg.ecpp:279
msgid "all words"
msgstr "kaikki sanat"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:514 searchepg.ecpp:280
msgid "at least one word"
msgstr "yksi sana"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:515 searchepg.ecpp:281
msgid "match exactly"
msgstr "t�sm�llinen"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:516 searchepg.ecpp:282
msgid "regular expression"
msgstr "s��nn�llinen lauseke"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:517 searchepg.ecpp:283
msgid "fuzzy"
msgstr "sumea"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:521 searchepg.ecpp:287
msgid "Tolerance"
msgstr "Toleranssi"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:529 searchepg.ecpp:295
msgid "Match case"
msgstr "Huomioi kirjainkoko"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:535 searchepg.ecpp:301
msgid "Search in"
msgstr "Hae kentist�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:539 edit_timer.ecpp:166 searchepg.ecpp:305
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Otsikko"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:543 searchepg.ecpp:310
msgid "Episode"
msgstr "Jakson nimi"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:547 searchepg.ecpp:315
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Kuvaus"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:555 searchepg.ecpp:323
msgid "Use extended EPG info"
msgstr "K�yt� laajennettua ohjelmaopasta"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:588 searchepg.ecpp:358
msgid "Use channel"
msgstr "K�yt� kanavaa"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:591 edit_searchtimer.ecpp:691
#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:719 searchepg.ecpp:362 searchepg.ecpp:462
msgid "no"
msgstr "ei"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:592 searchepg.ecpp:363
msgid "interval"
msgstr "kyll�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:593 searchepg.ecpp:364
msgid "channel group"
msgstr "kanavaryhm�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:594 searchepg.ecpp:365
msgid "only FTA"
msgstr "vapaat kanavat"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:600 searchepg.ecpp:371
msgid "from channel"
msgstr "Kanavasta"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:604 searchepg.ecpp:375
msgid "to channel"
msgstr "Kanavaan"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:624 searchepg.ecpp:395
msgid "Use time"
msgstr "K�yt� aloitusaikaa"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:630 searchepg.ecpp:401
msgid "Start after"
msgstr "Aloitusaika aikaisintaan"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:633 searchepg.ecpp:404
msgid "The time the show may start at the earliest"
msgstr "L�hetyksen aloitusaika aikaisintaan"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:637 searchepg.ecpp:408
msgid "Start before"
msgstr "Aloitusaika viimeist��n"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:640 searchepg.ecpp:411
msgid "The time the show may start at the latest"
msgstr "L�hetyksen aloitusaika viimeist��n"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:650 searchepg.ecpp:421
msgid "Use duration"
msgstr "K�yt� kestoaikaa"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:656 searchepg.ecpp:427
msgid "Min. duration"
msgstr "Kestoaika v�hint��n"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:660 searchepg.ecpp:431
msgid "Max. duration"
msgstr "Kestoaika enint��n"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:670 searchepg.ecpp:441
msgid "Use day of week"
msgstr "K�yt� viikonp�iv��"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:674 edit_timer.ecpp:180 pageelems.ecpp:163
#: searchepg.ecpp:445 themedev.ecpp:106
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Maanantai"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:675 edit_timer.ecpp:184 pageelems.ecpp:163
#: searchepg.ecpp:446 themedev.ecpp:110
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Tiistai"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:676 edit_timer.ecpp:188 pageelems.ecpp:163
#: searchepg.ecpp:447 themedev.ecpp:114
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Keskiviikko"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:677 edit_timer.ecpp:192 pageelems.ecpp:163
#: searchepg.ecpp:448 themedev.ecpp:118
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Torstai"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:678 edit_timer.ecpp:196 pageelems.ecpp:163
#: searchepg.ecpp:449 themedev.ecpp:122
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Perjantai"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:679 edit_timer.ecpp:200 pageelems.ecpp:163
#: searchepg.ecpp:450 themedev.ecpp:126
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Lauantai"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:680 edit_timer.ecpp:204 pageelems.ecpp:163
#: searchepg.ecpp:451 themedev.ecpp:130
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Sunnuntai"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:688 searchepg.ecpp:459
msgid "Use blacklists"
msgstr "K�yt� mustia listoja"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:692 searchepg.ecpp:463
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "valittu"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:693 searchepg.ecpp:464
msgid "all"
msgstr "kaikki"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:709
msgid "Use in favorites menu"
msgstr "K�yt� suosikkina"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:715
msgid "Use as search timer"
msgstr "K�yt� hakuajastimena"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:720
msgid "yes"
msgstr "kyll�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:721
msgid "user defined"
msgstr "k�ytt�j�n m��rittelem�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:727
msgid "from date"
msgstr "alkaen"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:731
msgid "to date"
msgstr "p��ttyen"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:738
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Tallenna"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:739
msgid "Announce only"
msgstr "Muistutus"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:740
msgid "Switch only"
msgstr "Kanavanvaihto"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:746
msgid "Series recording"
msgstr "Sarjatallennus"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:751
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Hakemisto"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:763
msgid "Delete recordings after ... days"
msgstr "Poista tallenteet ... p�iv�n j�lkeen"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:766
msgid "Keep ... recordings"
msgstr "S�ilyt� ... tallennetta"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:772
msgid "Pause when ... recordings exist"
msgstr "Keskeyt� ... tallenteen j�lkeen"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:777
msgid "Avoid repeats"
msgstr "Est� uusinnat"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:782
msgid "Allowed repeats"
msgstr "Sallittujen uusintojen lukum��r�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:784
msgid "Only repeats within ... days"
msgstr "Vain uusinnat ... p�iv�n sis�ll�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:789
msgid "Compare title"
msgstr "Vertaa nime�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:794
msgid "Compare subtitle"
msgstr "Vertaa jakson nime�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:799
msgid "Compare summary"
msgstr "Vertaa kuvausta"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:806
msgid "Compare"
msgstr "Vertaa"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:817 edit_timer.ecpp:225
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Prioriteetti"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:822 edit_timer.ecpp:230
msgid "Lifetime"
msgstr "Elinik�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:827
msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)"
msgstr "Aloitusmarginaali (min)"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:832
msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)"
msgstr "Lopetusmarginaali (min)"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:837 edit_timer.ecpp:220
msgid "Use VPS"
msgstr "K�yt� VPS-toimintoa"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:841
msgid "Auto-delete search timer"
msgstr "Poista automaattisesti hakuajastimet"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:846
msgid "after ... recordings"
msgstr "... tallenteen j�lkeen"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:852
msgid "after ... days after first rec."
msgstr "... p�iv�n j�lkeen ensimm�isest�"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:867
msgid "Switch ... minutes before start"
msgstr "Vaihda ... minuuttia ennen alkua"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:878
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Testaa"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:879 edit_timer.ecpp:237 setup.ecpp:216
#: themedev.ecpp:151
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Tallenna"

#: edit_searchtimer.ecpp:880 edit_timer.ecpp:238
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Peru"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:64 timers.ecpp:36
msgid "Couldn't find timer. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Ajastinta ei l�ydy. Kirjoititko varmasti oikein?"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:76
msgid "Please set a title for the timer!"
msgstr "Aseta nimi ajastimelle!"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:130 edit_timer.ecpp:143 timers.ecpp:114
msgid "Edit timer"
msgstr "Muokkaa ajastinta"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:130 edit_timer.ecpp:143 timers.ecpp:128
msgid "New timer"
msgstr "Luo uusi ajastin"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:147
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktiivinen"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:151 setup.cpp:254 themedev.ecpp:71
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "kyll�"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:155 setup.cpp:254 themedev.ecpp:75
msgid "No"
msgstr "ei"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:161 searchtimers.ecpp:56 timers.ecpp:91
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanava"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:171
msgid "Day"
msgstr "P�iv�"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:176
msgid "Weekday"
msgstr "Viikonp�iv�"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:210 timers.ecpp:92
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Aloitus"

#: edit_timer.ecpp:215 timers.ecpp:93
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Lopetus"

#: epg_events.cpp:243
msgid "Epg error"
msgstr "Ohjelmaoppaan virhe"

#: epg_events.cpp:252
msgid "Wrong channel id"
msgstr "V��r� kanavan tunniste"

#: epg_events.cpp:256
msgid "Channel has no schedule"
msgstr "Kanavalla ei ole ohjelmatietoja"

#: epg_events.cpp:260
msgid "Wrong event id"
msgstr "V��r� tapahtuman tunniste"

#: epginfo.ecpp:47
msgid "Electronic program guide information"
msgstr "Ohjelmaoppaan tiedot"

#: epginfo.ecpp:70
msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available"
msgstr "Tallennetta ei l�ydy tai yht��n tallennetta ei ole saatavilla."

#: epginfo.ecpp:78
msgid "Error aquiring schedules lock"
msgstr "Ohjelmatietojen lukitus ep�onnistui!"

#: epginfo.ecpp:82
msgid "Error aquiring schedules"
msgstr "Ohjelmatietojen haku ep�onnistui!"

#: epginfo.ecpp:118 recordings.ecpp:162
msgid "%b %d %y"
msgstr "%d.%m.%y"

#: epginfo.ecpp:119 epgsearch.cpp:311 epgsearch.cpp:317 ibox.ecpp:113
#: ibox.ecpp:118 ibox.ecpp:123 ibox.ecpp:128 recordings.ecpp:163
#: schedule.ecpp:92 schedule.ecpp:93 searchresults.ecpp:66
#: searchresults.ecpp:67 timers.ecpp:110 timers.ecpp:111 whats_on.ecpp:58
#: whats_on.ecpp:71 whats_on.ecpp:148 whats_on.ecpp:171
msgid "%I:%M %p"
msgstr "%H:%M"

#: epgsearch.cpp:33
msgid "Required minimum version of epgsearch: "
msgstr "Vaadittava versio EPGSearch-laajennoksesta: "

#: epgsearch.cpp:272
msgid "All"
msgstr "Kaikki"

#: epgsearch.cpp:275
msgid "FTA"
msgstr "Vapaat"

#: epgsearch.cpp:377 epgsearch.cpp:390 epgsearch.cpp:430 epgsearch.cpp:442
#: epgsearch.cpp:499 epgsearch.cpp:523 epgsearch.cpp:548 epgsearch.cpp:586
#: epgsearch.cpp:597 epgsearch.cpp:633 epgsearch.cpp:642 epgsearch.cpp:651
msgid "EPGSearch version outdated! Please update."
msgstr "EPGSearch-laajennos pit�isi p�ivitt��!"

#: error.ecpp:72
msgid "Page error"
msgstr "Sivuvirhe"

#: grab.cpp:49
msgid "Couldn't aquire primary device"
msgstr "Ensisijaisen DVB-sovittimen k�ytt�minen ep�onnistui!"

#: grab.cpp:56
msgid "Couldn't grab image from primary device"
msgstr "Kuvan kaappaus ensisijaiselta DVB-sovittimelta ep�onnistui!"

#: ibox.ecpp:50
msgid "playing recording"
msgstr "Toistetaan tallennetta"

#: ibox.ecpp:81
msgid "no epg info for current event!"
msgstr "L�hetyksell� ei ole ohjelmatietoja!"

#: ibox.ecpp:88
msgid "no epg info for current channel!"
msgstr "Kanavalla ei ole ohjelmatietoja!"

#: ibox.ecpp:95 ibox.ecpp:104
msgid "no current channel!"
msgstr "Kanavaa ei l�ydy!"

#: ibox.ecpp:103
msgid "error retrieving status info!"
msgstr "Virhe: tilannetietoja ei saatavilla!"

#: ibox.ecpp:113 ibox.ecpp:118 ibox.ecpp:123 ibox.ecpp:128
msgid "%I:%M:%S %p"
msgstr "%H:%M:%S"

#: ibox_status.ecpp:19 vdr_status.ecpp:19
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Tilanne"

#: ibox_status.ecpp:50
msgid "Stop updates"
msgstr "Lopeta p�ivitys"

#: ibox_status.ecpp:51 pageelems.ecpp:85
msgid "previous channel"
msgstr "Edellinen kanava"

#: ibox_status.ecpp:52 pageelems.ecpp:86
msgid "next channel"
msgstr "Seuraava kanava"

#: login.ecpp:25
msgid "Wrong username or password"
msgstr "V��r� k�ytt�j�tunnus tai salasana"

#: login.ecpp:39 login.ecpp:59
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Kirjaudu sis��n"

#: login.ecpp:45
msgid "VDR Live Login"
msgstr "VDR Live - sis��nkirjautuminen"

#: login.ecpp:52
msgid "User"
msgstr "K�ytt�j�"

#: login.ecpp:57
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Salasana"

#: menu.ecpp:35
msgid "What's on?"
msgstr "Menossa?"

#: menu.ecpp:36 schedule.ecpp:31 setup.ecpp:176
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Ohjelmisto"

#: menu.ecpp:37 setup.ecpp:178 timers.ecpp:27
msgid "Timers"
msgstr "Ajastimet"

#: menu.ecpp:39 searchepg.ecpp:142 searchepg.ecpp:153 searchepg.ecpp:484
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Etsi"

#: menu.ecpp:40 searchtimers.ecpp:25
msgid "Searchtimers"
msgstr "Hakuajastimet"

#: menu.ecpp:42 recordings.ecpp:28 setup.ecpp:177
msgid "Recordings"
msgstr "Tallenteet"

#: menu.ecpp:43 remote.ecpp:21
msgid "Remote Control"
msgstr "Kauko-ohjain"

#: menu.ecpp:44 setup.ecpp:63 setup.ecpp:118
msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Asetukset"

#: menu.ecpp:49
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Kirjaudu ulos"

#: pageelems.ecpp:66
msgid "retrieving status ..."
msgstr "Haetaan tietoja ..."

#: pageelems.ecpp:75
msgid "Toggle updates on/off."
msgstr "Aseta tilannekysely p��lle/pois"

#: pageelems.ecpp:78
msgid "stop playback"
msgstr "Lopeta toisto"

#: pageelems.ecpp:79
msgid "resume playback"
msgstr "Jatka toistoa"

#: pageelems.ecpp:80
msgid "pause playback"
msgstr "Pys�yt� toisto"

#: pageelems.ecpp:81
msgid "fast rewind"
msgstr "Pikakelaus taaksep�in"

#: pageelems.ecpp:82
msgid "fast forward"
msgstr "Pikakelaus eteenp�in"

#: pageelems.ecpp:94
msgid "No server response!"
msgstr "Palvelin ei vastaa!"

#: pageelems.ecpp:95
msgid "Failed to update infobox!"
msgstr "Infolaatikon p�ivitys ep�onnistui!"

#: pageelems.ecpp:133
msgid "Edit this"
msgstr "Muokkaa ajastinta"

#: pageelems.ecpp:136
msgid "Record this"
msgstr "Tallenna ohjelma"

#: pageelems.ecpp:156
msgid "loading data"
msgstr "ladataan tietoja"

#: pageelems.ecpp:157
msgid "an error occured!"
msgstr "virhe havaittu!"

#: pageelems.ecpp:160
msgid "Request succeeded!"
msgstr "Pyynto onnistui!"

#: pageelems.ecpp:161
msgid "Request failed!"
msgstr "Pyynt� ep�onnistui!"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "April"
msgstr "Huhtikuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "August"
msgstr "Elokuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "December"
msgstr "Joulukuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "February"
msgstr "Helmikuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "January"
msgstr "Tammikuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "July"
msgstr "Hein�kuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "June"
msgstr "Kes�kuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "March"
msgstr "Maaliskuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "May"
msgstr "Toukokuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "November"
msgstr "Marraskuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "October"
msgstr "Lokakuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:163
msgid "September"
msgstr "Syyskuu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:224 pageelems.ecpp:239
msgid "Switch to this channel."
msgstr "Vaihda kanavalle"

#: pageelems.ecpp:229 pageelems.ecpp:240 schedule.ecpp:129
msgid "Search for repeats."
msgstr "Etsi toistuvat"

#: pageelems.ecpp:233 pageelems.ecpp:241 schedule.ecpp:130
msgid "Find more at the Internet Movie Database."
msgstr "Hae IMDB:st�"

#: pageelems.ecpp:305
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Tekij�t"

#: pageelems.ecpp:306
msgid "Project leader"
msgstr "Projektip��llikk�"

#: pageelems.ecpp:308
msgid "Webserver"
msgstr "HTTP-palvelin"

#: pageelems.ecpp:310 pageelems.ecpp:312
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Sis�lt�"

#: pageelems.ecpp:314
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Grafiikka"

#: pageelems.ecpp:316
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Tietoja"

#: pageelems.ecpp:317
msgid "LIVE version"
msgstr "LIVE-versio"

#: pageelems.ecpp:319
msgid "VDR version"
msgstr "VDR-versio"

#: pageelems.ecpp:321
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Tuetut laajennokset"

#: pageelems.ecpp:328
msgid "active"
msgstr "k�yt�ss�"

#: pageelems.ecpp:330
msgid "required"
msgstr "vaadittava"

#: pageelems.ecpp:332
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "Kotisivu"

#: pageelems.ecpp:334
msgid "Bugs and suggestions"
msgstr "Virheraportoinnit ja parannusehdotukset"

#: pageelems.ecpp:335
msgid "If you encounter any bugs or would like to suggest new features, please use our bugtracker"
msgstr "Voit raportoida sek� virheet ett� parannusehdotukset suoraan havaintotietokantaan"

#: recordings.cpp:85
msgid "On archive DVD No."
msgstr "Arkistointi-DVD:ll� numero"

#: recordings.ecpp:42
msgid "List of recordings"
msgstr "Tallennelistaus"

#: recordings.ecpp:44
msgid "No recordings found"
msgstr "Tallenteita ei l�ydy"

#: recordings.ecpp:97 schedule.ecpp:132 searchresults.ecpp:99
#: whats_on.ecpp:134
msgid "Click to view details."
msgstr "Napsauta katsoaksesi lis�tietoja."

#: recordings.ecpp:114 recordings.ecpp:170
msgid "play this recording."
msgstr "Toista tallenne"

#: remote.ecpp:130
msgid "Interval"
msgstr "P�ivitysv�li"

#: schedule.ecpp:53
msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Kanavaa ei l�ydy. Kirjoititko varmasti oikein?"

#: schedule.ecpp:71
msgid "No schedules available for this channel"
msgstr "T�lle kanavalle ei ole saatavilla ohjelmistoa"

#: schedule.ecpp:94 schedule.ecpp:106 searchresults.ecpp:68
#: searchresults.ecpp:79
msgid "%A, %b %d %Y"
msgstr "%A, %d.%m.%Y"

#: schedule.ecpp:147
msgid "Show schedule of channel"
msgstr "N�yt� kanavan ohjelmisto"

#: searchepg.ecpp:258
msgid "Search settings"
msgstr "Hakuasetukset"

#: searchepg.ecpp:267
msgid "Extended search"
msgstr "Laajennettu haku"

#: searchresults.ecpp:27
msgid "Search results"
msgstr "Hakutulokset"

#: searchresults.ecpp:57
msgid "No search results"
msgstr "Ei hakutuloksia"

#: searchtimers.ecpp:55
msgid "Expression"
msgstr "Hakutermi"

#: searchtimers.ecpp:57
msgid "Starts between"
msgstr "Alkaa v�lill�"

#: searchtimers.ecpp:70
msgid "Toggle search timer actions (in)active"
msgstr "Aseta hakuajastin p��lle/pois"

#: searchtimers.ecpp:71
msgid "Browse search timer results"
msgstr "Selaa hakutuloksia"

#: searchtimers.ecpp:73
msgid "Delete search timer"
msgstr "Poista hakuajastin"

#: searchtimers.ecpp:73
msgid "Delete this search timer?"
msgstr "Poistetaanko t�m� hakuajastin?"

#: searchtimers.ecpp:90
msgid "Trigger search timer update"
msgstr "P�ivit� hakuajastimet"

#: setup.cpp:252 setup.ecpp:121
msgid "Last channel to display"
msgstr "N�yt� viimeisen� kanava"

#: setup.cpp:252
msgid "No limit"
msgstr "ei rajoitusta"

#: setup.cpp:254 setup.ecpp:125
msgid "Use authentication"
msgstr "K�yt� autentikointia"

#: setup.cpp:255 setup.ecpp:131 themedev.ecpp:88
msgid "Admin login"
msgstr "Yll�pidon k�ytt�j�tunnus"

#: setup.cpp:256 setup.cpp:290 setup.cpp:291 setup.cpp:297 setup.cpp:298
#: setup.ecpp:135 themedev.ecpp:92
msgid "Admin password"
msgstr "Yll�pidon salasana"

#: setup.ecpp:39
msgid "Please set login and password!"
msgstr "Aseta k�ytt�j�tunnus sek� salasana!"

#: setup.ecpp:60
msgid "Setup saved."
msgstr "Asetukset tallennettu."

#: setup.ecpp:139
msgid "Local net (no login required)"
msgstr "Paikallinen verkko (ei autentikointia)"

#: setup.ecpp:147
msgid "Show live logo image"
msgstr "N�yt� Live-logo"

#: setup.ecpp:153
msgid "Use ajax technology"
msgstr "K�yt� AJAX-tekniikkaa"

#: setup.ecpp:159
msgid "Show dynamic VDR information box"
msgstr "N�yt� dynaaminen VDR:n infolaatikko"

#: setup.ecpp:167
msgid "additional fixed times in 'What's on?'"
msgstr "Lis�ajankohdat 'Menossa?'-sivulle"

#: setup.ecpp:169
msgid "Format is HH:MM. Separate multiple times with a semicolon"
msgstr "K�yt� HH:MM formaattia ja erota ajankohdat puolipisteell�"

#: setup.ecpp:172
msgid "Start page"
msgstr "Aloitussivu"

#: setup.ecpp:174
msgid "What's on now?"
msgstr "Menossa nyt?"

#: setup.ecpp:175 whats_on.ecpp:60
msgid "What's on next?"
msgstr "Tulossa seuraavaksi?"

#: setup.ecpp:182
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Ulkoasu"

#: tasks.cpp:42
msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available."
msgstr "Kanavaa ei l�ydy tai yht��n kanavaa ei ole saatavilla."

#: tasks.cpp:47
msgid "Couldn't switch to channel."
msgstr "Kanavan valinta ep�onnistui."

#: tasks.cpp:55 tasks.cpp:83 tasks.cpp:113 tasks.cpp:132 tasks.cpp:162
msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available."
msgstr "Tallennetta ei l�ydy tai yht��n tallennetta ei ole saatavilla."

#: tasks.cpp:70 tasks.cpp:101 tasks.cpp:150 tasks.cpp:180
msgid "Cannot control playback!"
msgstr "Toiston hallinta ep�onnistui!"

#: tasks.cpp:89 tasks.cpp:119 tasks.cpp:138 tasks.cpp:168
msgid "Not playing a recording."
msgstr "Tallennetta ei toisteta."

#: tasks.cpp:95 tasks.cpp:144 tasks.cpp:174
msgid "Not playing the same recording as from request."
msgstr "Pyydetty� tallennetta ei toisteta."

#: themedev.ecpp:30 themedev.ecpp:57
msgid "Theme development"
msgstr "Teeman rakentaminen"

#: themedev.ecpp:61
msgid "An input field"
msgstr "Sy�tekentt�"

#: themedev.ecpp:62
msgid "Example value"
msgstr "Esimerkkiarvo"

#: themedev.ecpp:67
msgid "A radio box"
msgstr "Radiolaatikko"

#: themedev.ecpp:82
msgid "A check box"
msgstr "Valintalaatikko"

#: themedev.ecpp:89
msgid "not valid"
msgstr "ep�kelpo"

#: themedev.ecpp:102
msgid "Multiple check boxes"
msgstr "Moniosaiset valintalaatikot"

#: themedev.ecpp:137
msgid "A dropdown box"
msgstr "Alasvetolaatikko"

#: themedev.ecpp:139
msgid "blue"
msgstr "sininen"

#: themedev.ecpp:140
msgid "red"
msgstr "punainen"

#: themedev.ecpp:141
msgid "green"
msgstr "vihre�"

#: themedev.ecpp:142
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "keltainen"

#: themedev.ecpp:143
msgid "black"
msgstr "musta"

#: themedev.ecpp:144
msgid "white"
msgstr "valkoinen"

#: timers.cpp:86
#, c-format
msgid "%A, %x"
msgstr "%A, %x"

#: timers.cpp:180 timers.cpp:211
msgid "Error in timer settings"
msgstr "Ajastimen asetukset virheelliset"

#: timers.cpp:186
msgid "Timer already defined"
msgstr "Ajastin jo m��ritelty"

#: timers.cpp:199 timers.cpp:223 timers.cpp:246
msgid "Timers are being edited - try again later"
msgstr "Ajastimia muokataan - yrit� uudelleen my�hemmin"

#: timers.cpp:205 timers.cpp:229 timers.cpp:252
msgid "Timer not defined"
msgstr "Ajastinta ei ole m��ritelty"

#: timers.ecpp:57
msgid "No timer defined"
msgstr "Ajastinta ei ole m��ritelty"

#: timers.ecpp:94
msgid "File"
msgstr "Tiedosto"

#: timers.ecpp:113
msgid "Toggle timer active/inactive"
msgstr "Aseta ajastin p��lle/pois"

#: timers.ecpp:115
msgid "Delete timer"
msgstr "Poista ajastin"

#: whats_on.ecpp:58 whats_on.ecpp:71
msgid "What's running at"
msgstr "Menossa kello"

#: whats_on.ecpp:71
msgid "%a, %b %d"
msgstr "%a, %d.%m."

#: whats_on.ecpp:141 whats_on.ecpp:184
msgid "View the schedule of this channel"
msgstr "N�yt� ohjelmisto kanavalta"

#: whats_on.ecpp:156
msgid "more"
msgstr "lis�tietoja"

#: whats_on.ecpp:202
msgid "Now"
msgstr "Nyt"

#: whats_on.ecpp:204
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Seuraavaksi"

#: whats_on.ecpp:206
msgid "What's on"
msgstr "Menossa"

#: whats_on.ecpp:214 whats_on.ecpp:220
msgid "at"
msgstr "kello"

#: whats_on.ecpp:224
msgid "Details view"
msgstr "Ruudukkon�kym�"

#: whats_on.ecpp:226
msgid "List view"
msgstr "Listan�kym�"