# VDR LIVE plugin language source file. # Copyright (C) 2007 LIVE Development team. See http://live.vdr-developer.org # This file is distributed under the same license as the VDR-LIVE package. # Jean-Claude Repetto <jc@repetto.org>, 2001 # Olivier Jacques <jacquesolivier@hotmail.com>, 2003 # Gregoire Favre <greg@magma.unil.ch>, 2003 # Nicolas Huillard <nhuillard@e-dition.fr>, 2005 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR-LIVE 0.2.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <cwieninger@gmx.de>\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-19 20:15+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Nicolas Huillard <nhuillard@e-dition.fr>\n" "Language-Team: see developers in README\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" msgid "Last channel to display" msgstr "Derni�re cha�ne affich�e" msgid "No limit" msgstr "Afficher tout" msgid "Use authentication" msgstr "Utiliser l'authentification" msgid "No" msgstr "Non" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Oui" msgid "Admin login" msgstr "Ouverture Admin" msgid "Admin password" msgstr "Mot de passe de l'Admin" #, c-format msgid "%A, %x" msgstr "%A, %x" msgid "Searchtimer" msgstr "Recherche de programmation" msgid "Error in timer settings" msgstr "Erreur dans la configuration de programmation" msgid "Timer already defined" msgstr "Programmation d�j� d�finit" msgid "Timers are being edited - try again later" msgstr "Programmation sont en cours d'�dition - essayer plus tard" msgid "Timer not defined" msgstr "Programmation non d�finit" msgid "On archive DVD No." msgstr "Sur le DVD archive no�" msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available." msgstr "Impossible de trouver la cha�ne ou pas de cha�nes disponibles." msgid "Couldn't switch to channel." msgstr "Impossible de passer � la cha�ne." msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available." msgstr "Impossible de trouver l'enregistrement ou aucun enregistrements disponibles." msgid "Cannot control playback!" msgstr "Ne peut pas contr�ler la lecture!" msgid "Not playing a recording." msgstr "Ne joue pas l'enregistrement." msgid "Not playing the same recording as from request." msgstr "" msgid "Attempt to delete recording currently in playback." msgstr "Tentative d'effacer l'enregistrement en cours de lecture." msgid "Epg error" msgstr "Erreur EPG" msgid "Wrong channel id" msgstr "Faux ID de cha�ne" msgid "Channel has no schedule" msgstr "La cha�ne n'a pas de programmation" msgid "Wrong event id" msgstr "Faux ID d'�v�nement" msgid "Required minimum version of epgsearch: " msgstr "Version minimum requise d'epgsearch: " msgid "All" msgstr "Tout" msgid "FTA" msgstr "FTA" msgid "%I:%M %p" msgstr "%H:%M" msgid "EPGSearch version outdated! Please update." msgstr "Version EPGSearch p�rim�e! Mettre � jour Svp." msgid "Couldn't aquire primary device" msgstr "Impossible d'acqu�rir p�riph�rique primaire" msgid "Couldn't grab image from primary device" msgstr "Impossible de r�cup�rer l'image du p�riph�rique primaire" #, fuzzy msgid "Timer conflict check detected " msgstr "Programmation est active." #, fuzzy msgid "conflict" msgstr "Programmation est active." #, fuzzy msgid "conflicts" msgstr "Programmation est active." msgid "Couldn't aquire access to channels, please try again later." msgstr "Impossible d'avoir acc�s � des cha�nes, r�essayer ult�rieurement." msgid "Couldn't find searchtimer. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "Impossible de trouver la programmation de recherche. Peut-�tre que votre demande de fautes de frappe?" #. TRANSLATORS: only adjust the ordering and separators, don't translate the m's, d's and y's msgid "mm/dd/yyyy" msgstr "mm/dd/yyyy" msgid "Edit search timer" msgstr "Editer l'expression de recherche" msgid "New search timer" msgstr "Cr�er nouvelle programmation de recherche" msgid "Search text too short - use anyway?" msgstr "Texte de recherche est trop court - l'utiliser quand m�me?" msgid "Search term" msgstr "Mot cl�" msgid "Search mode" msgstr "Mode de recherche" msgid "phrase" msgstr "Phrase" msgid "all words" msgstr "tout les mots" msgid "at least one word" msgstr "un mot" msgid "match exactly" msgstr "correspond exactement" msgid "regular expression" msgstr "expression r�guliere" msgid "fuzzy" msgstr "impr�cis" msgid "Tolerance" msgstr "Tol�rance" msgid "Match case" msgstr "Maj/Minuscule" msgid "Search in" msgstr "Recherche dans" msgid "Title" msgstr "Titre" msgid "Episode" msgstr "�pisode" msgid "Description" msgstr "Description" msgid "Use extended EPG info" msgstr "Utiliser les infos EPG avanc�es" msgid "Ignore missing EPG info" msgstr "Ignorez EPG info manquante" msgid "When active this can cause very many timers. So please always first test this search before using it as search timer!" msgstr "Lorsqu'elle est active, cela peut provoquer de tr�s nombreuses programmations. Donc s�il vous pla�t toujours d'abord tester cette recherche avant de l'utiliser comme progammation de recherche!" msgid "Use channel" msgstr "Utiliser la cha�ne" msgid "interval" msgstr "intervalle" msgid "channel group" msgstr "Groupe de cha�nes" msgid "only FTA" msgstr "sans TV-Payante" msgid "from channel" msgstr "de la cha�ne" msgid "to channel" msgstr "� la cha�ne" msgid "Use time" msgstr "Utiliser l'heure" msgid "Start after" msgstr "D�part apr�s" msgid "The time the show may start at the earliest" msgstr "L'heure lorsque l'�mission doit commencer au plus t�t" msgid "Start before" msgstr "D�part avant" msgid "The time the show may start at the latest" msgstr "L'heure lorsque l'�mission doit commencer au plus tard" msgid "Use duration" msgstr "Dur�e d'utilisation" msgid "Min. duration" msgstr "Dur�e min." msgid "Max. duration" msgstr "Dur�e max." msgid "Use day of week" msgstr "Utiliser les jours de la semaine" msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lundi" msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Mardi" msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mercredi" msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Jeudi" msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vendredi" msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samedi" msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Dimanche" msgid "Use blacklists" msgstr "Utiliser la liste des exclus" msgid "Selection" msgstr "Selection" msgid "all" msgstr "tous" msgid "Use in favorites menu" msgstr "Utiliser dans le menu favoris" msgid "Use as search timer" msgstr "Utiliser la recherche" msgid "user defined" msgstr "D�finis par l'utilisateur" msgid "from date" msgstr "� partir de la date" msgid "to date" msgstr "� ce jour" msgid "Record" msgstr "Enregistre" msgid "Announce only" msgstr "Annoncer seulement le d�but de l'�mission" msgid "Switch only" msgstr "Seulement changer de chaine" msgid "Series recording" msgstr "Enregistrement de s�rie" msgid "Directory" msgstr "Dossier" msgid "Delete recordings after ... days" msgstr "Effacer l'enregistrement apr�s ... jours" msgid "Keep ... recordings" msgstr "Garder .... les enregistrements" msgid "Pause when ... recordings exist" msgstr "Pause, lorsque ... l'enregistrement existe." msgid "Avoid repeats" msgstr "Eviter les r�p�titions" msgid "Allowed repeats" msgstr "R�p�titions autoris�es" msgid "Only repeats within ... days" msgstr "Que r�p�tition, pendant ... jours" msgid "Compare title" msgstr "Comparer titres" msgid "Compare subtitle" msgstr "Comparer les sous-titres" msgid "if present" msgstr "" msgid "Compare summary" msgstr "Comparer les descriptions" msgid "Compare" msgstr "Comparer" msgid "Use VPS" msgstr "Utiliser VPS" msgid "Auto-delete search timer" msgstr "Auto-suppression de programmation de recherche" msgid "after ... recordings" msgstr "apr�s ... enregistrements" msgid "after ... days after first rec." msgstr "apr�s ... jours apr�s le premier enregistrement" msgid "Switch ... minutes before start" msgstr "Changer ... minutes avant le d�but" msgid "Test" msgstr "Tester" msgid "Save" msgstr "Sauvegarde" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Interrompre" msgid "Couldn't find timer. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "N'a pas pu trouver la programmation. Peut-�tre vous avez une erreur dans votre requ�te?" msgid "Please set a title for the timer!" msgstr "Veuillez indiquer un titre pour la programmation!" msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Editer la programmation" msgid "New timer" msgstr "Nouvelle programmation" msgid "Weekday" msgstr "Jour de la semaine" msgid "Electronic program guide information" msgstr "Guide �lectronique d'information des programmes EPG" msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available" msgstr "Impossible de trouver un enregistrement ou aucun enregistrements disponibles" msgid "Error aquiring schedules lock" msgstr "Erreur lors de l'acquisition du verrouillage de programmation de recherche" msgid "Error aquiring schedules" msgstr "Erreur lors de l'acquisition de programmation" msgid "%b %d %y" msgstr "%d.%m.%y" msgid "Page error" msgstr "Erreur de paging" msgid "playing recording" msgstr "Lire l'enregistrement" msgid "no epg info for current event!" msgstr "Pas d'infos pour l'�mission!" msgid "no epg info for current channel!" msgstr "Cette cha�ne n'a pas d'EPG!" msgid "no current channel!" msgstr "pas de cha�ne trouv�!" msgid "error retrieving status info!" msgstr "erreur de r�cup�ration du statut d'info!" msgid "%I:%M:%S %p" msgstr "%H:%M:%S" msgid "Wrong username or password" msgstr "Nom de l'utilisateur ou mot de passei sont erron�" msgid "Login" msgstr "Session" msgid "VDR Live Login" msgstr "Session VDR Live" msgid "User" msgstr "Utilisateur" msgid "Password" msgstr "Mot de passe" msgid "What's on?" msgstr "Actuellement?" msgid "Search" msgstr "Recherche" msgid "Searchtimers" msgstr "Recherche de programmation" msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Enregistrements" msgid "Remote Control" msgstr "T�l�commande du VDR" msgid "Logout" msgstr "Fin de session" msgid "Your attention is required" msgstr "" msgid "React" msgstr "" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "" msgid "Find more at the Internet Movie Database." msgstr "Trouver plus d'information du film dans la base de donn�es film IMDB." msgid "Stream this channel into browser." msgstr "Diffusez cette cha�ne vers le navigateur." #, fuzzy msgid "Stream this recording into browser." msgstr "Diffusez cette cha�ne vers le navigateur." msgid "Record this" msgstr "Enregistrer cette �mission" msgid "loading data" msgstr "Chargement des donn�es" msgid "an error occured!" msgstr "Une erreur s'est produite!" msgid "Request succeeded!" msgstr "Demande r�ussi!" msgid "Request failed!" msgstr "�chec de la requ�te!" msgid "January" msgstr "Janvier" msgid "February" msgstr "F�vrier" msgid "March" msgstr "Mars" msgid "April" msgstr "Avril" msgid "May" msgstr "Mai" msgid "June" msgstr "Juin" msgid "July" msgstr "Juillet" msgid "August" msgstr "Ao�t" msgid "September" msgstr "Septembre" msgid "October" msgstr "Octobre" msgid "November" msgstr "Novembre" msgid "December" msgstr "D�cembre" msgid "retrieving status ..." msgstr "mise � jours de l'�tat" msgid "Toggle updates on/off." msgstr "Activer/D�sactiver l'update du status" msgid "stop playback" msgstr "arr�ter la lecture" msgid "resume playback" msgstr "continuer" msgid "pause playback" msgstr "pause" msgid "fast rewind" msgstr "retour rapide" msgid "fast forward" msgstr "avance rapide" msgid "previous channel" msgstr "cha�ne pr�c�dent" msgid "next channel" msgstr "Cha�ne suivante" msgid "No server response!" msgstr "Pas de r�ponse du serveur!" msgid "Failed to update infobox!" msgstr "�chec de la mise � jour infobox!" msgid "Switch to this channel." msgstr "Changer vers cette cha�ne. " msgid "Search for repeats." msgstr "Recherche de r�p�titions." msgid "Authors" msgstr "Auteur" #, fuzzy msgid "Project Idea" msgstr "Chef de projet" msgid "Webserver" msgstr "Serveur Web" msgid "Project leader" msgstr "Chef de projet" msgid "Content" msgstr "Contenu" msgid "Graphics" msgstr "Graphiques" msgid "Information" msgstr "Information" msgid "LIVE version" msgstr "Version LIVE" msgid "VDR version" msgstr "Version VDR" msgid "Features" msgstr "Soutien des plugins" msgid "active" msgstr "actif" msgid "required" msgstr "requis" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Page d'accueil" msgid "Bugs and suggestions" msgstr "Bogues et suggestions" msgid "If you encounter any bugs or would like to suggest new features, please use our bugtracker" msgstr "Si vous rencontrez n'importe quels bogue ou voudriez sugg�rer de nouveaux dispositifs, employer notre bugtracker svp" msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ERREUR:" msgid "Deleted recording:" msgstr "" msgid "List of recordings" msgstr "Liste des enregistrements" msgid "No recordings found" msgstr "Pas d'enregistrement" msgid "Click to view details." msgstr "Clic pour voire les d�tails." msgid "Delete this recording from hard disc!" msgstr "" msgid "play this recording." msgstr "lire cette enregistrement." msgid "Interval" msgstr "Intervalle" msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "N'a pas pu trouver la cha�ne. Votre requ�te est t'elle corr�te? " msgid "No schedules available for this channel" msgstr "Aucune programmation disponible pour cette cha�ne" msgid "%A, %b %d %Y" msgstr "%A, %d.%m.%Y" msgid "Show schedule of channel" msgstr "Montrer le programme de la cha�ne" msgid "Search settings" msgstr "R�glages de recherche" msgid "Extended search" msgstr "Recherche �tendue" msgid "no" msgstr "non" msgid "Search results" msgstr "R�sultats" msgid "No search results" msgstr "pas de r�sultat de recherche" msgid "Expression" msgstr "Expression de recherche" msgid "Channel" msgstr "Cha�ne" msgid "Starts between" msgstr "D�part entre" msgid "Toggle search timer actions (in)active" msgstr "Actions de la programmation de recherche (in)actives" msgid "Browse search timer results" msgstr "Passer en revue les r�sultats de programmation de recherche" msgid "Delete this search timer?" msgstr "Effacer cette programmation de recherche?" msgid "Delete search timer" msgstr "Effacer la programmation de recherche" msgid "Trigger search timer update" msgstr "Mise � jour des recherches de programmation maintenant" msgid "Please set login and password!" msgstr "Entr�e le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe svp!" msgid "Setup saved." msgstr "Param�tre sauvegard�" msgid "Setup" msgstr "Configuration" msgid "Local net (no login required)" msgstr "R�seau local (non requis)" msgid "Show live logo image" msgstr "Afficher l'image du logo de live" msgid "Use ajax technology" msgstr "Utilisez la technologie Ajax" msgid "Show dynamic VDR information box" msgstr "Voir la bo�te d'information dynamique VDR" msgid "Allow video streaming" msgstr "Permettez-streaming vid�o" msgid "Streamdev server port" msgstr "Port du serveur streamdev" msgid "Streamdev stream type" msgstr "Type du serveur streamdev" msgid "Add links to IMDb" msgstr "Ajouter des liens vers IMDb" msgid "additional fixed times in 'What's on?'" msgstr "p�riodes fixes additionnelles dans 'actuellement?'" msgid "Format is HH:MM. Separate multiple times with a semicolon" msgstr "Le format est HH:MM . Plusieurs p�riodes s�par�es avec un point-virgule" msgid "Show channels without EPG" msgstr "" msgid "Start page" msgstr "Page de d�part" msgid "Theme" msgstr "Th�me" #, fuzzy msgid "Timer conflicts" msgstr "Programmation est active." #, fuzzy msgid "No timer conflicts" msgstr "Programmation est active." #, fuzzy msgid "Timer has a conflict." msgstr "Programmation est active." msgid "Timer is active." msgstr "Programmation est active." msgid "Toggle timer active/inactive" msgstr "Programmation basculer actif/inactif" msgid "Delete timer" msgstr "Effacer la programmation" msgid "No timer defined" msgstr "Aucune programmation d�finie" msgid "Timer is recording." msgstr "Enregistrement de s�rie" msgid "VLC: live video stream" msgstr "VLC: live vid�o stream" #, fuzzy msgid "VLC: play recording" msgstr "Lire l'enregistrement" msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stop" msgid "Play" msgstr "Lecture" msgid "Sound on" msgstr "Son" msgid "Sound off" msgstr "Coupure du son" msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "Plein �cran" msgid "Close" msgstr "fermer" msgid "VLC media URL" msgstr "VLC lien m�dia " #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%a, %x" msgstr "%A, %x" #, fuzzy msgid "What's running on" msgstr "Qu'y a t'il au programme vers" msgid "at" msgstr "�" msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Quoi faire ensuite?" msgid "Favorites" msgstr "Favoris" msgid "View the schedule of this channel" msgstr "Regarder le programme de cette cha�ne" msgid "more" msgstr "plus" msgid "Now" msgstr "maintenant" msgid "Next" msgstr "prochainement" msgid "What's on" msgstr "Actuellement" msgid "Details view" msgstr "Vue d�tail�e" msgid "List view" msgstr "Vue en liste" msgid "Live Interactive VDR Environment" msgstr "" msgid "No EPG information available" msgstr "" #~ msgid "%a, %b %d" #~ msgstr "%a, %d.%m." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Stream into browser" #~ msgstr "Diffusez cette cha�ne vers le navigateur." #~ msgid "Edit this" #~ msgstr "Changer cette programmation" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Start" #~ msgstr "Page de d�part" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "File" #~ msgstr "Titre" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%A, %B %d %Y" #~ msgstr "%A, %d.%m.%Y"