# VDR LIVE plugin language source file. # Copyright (C) 2007 LIVE Development team. See http://live.vdr-developer.org # This file is distributed under the same license as the VDR-LIVE package. # Michael Rakowski <mrak@gmx.de>, 2002 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR-LIVE 0.2.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <cwieninger@gmx.de>\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-19 20:15+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Michael Rakowski <mrak@gmx.de>\n" "Language-Team: see developers in README\n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" msgid "Last channel to display" msgstr "Ostatni kana� na li�cie" msgid "No limit" msgstr "Bez limitu" msgid "Use authentication" msgstr "U�yj autoryzacji" msgid "No" msgstr "Nie" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Tak" msgid "Admin login" msgstr "Login Admina" msgid "Admin password" msgstr "Has�o Admina" #, c-format msgid "%A, %x" msgstr "" msgid "Searchtimer" msgstr "Timer wyszukiwania" msgid "Error in timer settings" msgstr "B��d w ustawieniach timera" msgid "Timer already defined" msgstr "Timer zosta� ju� zdefiniowany" msgid "Timers are being edited - try again later" msgstr "Timery s� edytowane - spr�buj ponownie p�niej" msgid "Timer not defined" msgstr "Timer nie zdefiniowany" msgid "On archive DVD No." msgstr "W archiwum DVD nr" msgid "On archive HDD No." msgstr "W archiwum HDD nr" msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available." msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� kana�u lub kana�y nie s� dost�pne." msgid "Couldn't switch to channel." msgstr "Nie mo�na prze��czy� kana�u." msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available." msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� nagrania lub nagranie nie jest dost�pne." msgid "Cannot control playback!" msgstr "Nie mo�na kontrolowa� odtwarzania!" msgid "Not playing a recording." msgstr "Nie mo�na odtworzy� nagrania." msgid "Not playing the same recording as from request." msgstr "Nie mo�na odtworzy� ��danego nagrania." msgid "Attempt to delete recording currently in playback." msgstr "Pr�ba usuni�cia aktualnie odtwarzanego nagrania." msgid "Epg error" msgstr "B��d EPG" msgid "Wrong channel id" msgstr "B��dny id kana�u" msgid "Channel has no schedule" msgstr "Brak programu dla wybranego kana�u" msgid "Wrong event id" msgstr "B��dny id audycji" msgid "Required minimum version of epgsearch: " msgstr "Wymagana wersja epgsearch (minimum):" msgid "All" msgstr "Wszystkie" msgid "FTA" msgstr "Niekodowane - FTA" msgid "%I:%M %p" msgstr "%H:%M" msgid "EPGSearch version outdated! Please update." msgstr "Plugin EPGSearch jest nieaktualny! Prosz� zaktualizowa�." msgid "Couldn't aquire primary device" msgstr "Nie mozna uzyska� dost�pu do pierwszego interfejsu DVB" msgid "Couldn't grab image from primary device" msgstr "Nie mo�na pobra� obrazu z pierwszego interfejsu DVB" msgid "Timer conflict check detected " msgstr "Wykryto kolizje timer�w " msgid "conflict" msgstr "kolizj�" msgid "conflicts" msgstr "kolizje" msgid "Couldn't aquire access to channels, please try again later." msgstr "Nie mo�na uzyska� dost�pu do kana��w, spr�b�j p�niej." msgid "Sorry, no permission. Please contact your administrator!" msgstr "Brak uprawenie�. Skontaktuj si� ze swoim administratorem!" msgid "Couldn't find recording. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� nagrania." msgid "Please set a name for the recording!" msgstr "Prosz� poda� nazw� nagrania!" msgid "Cannot copy, rename or move the recording." msgstr "Nie mo�na skopiowa�, przenie�� ani zmieni� nazwy nagrania." msgid "Edit recording" msgstr "Edycja nagrania" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nazwa" msgid "Directory" msgstr "Katalog" msgid "Delete resume information" msgstr "Usu� informacj� o wznowieniu" msgid "Delete marks information" msgstr "Usu� informacj� o znacznikach" msgid "Copy only" msgstr "Skopiuj do katalogu" msgid "Short description" msgstr "Kr�tki opis" msgid "Description" msgstr "Opis" msgid "Auxiliary info" msgstr "Dodatkowe informacje" msgid "Save" msgstr "Zapisz" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Anuluj" msgid "Couldn't find searchtimer. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� timera wyszukiwania." #. TRANSLATORS: only adjust the ordering and separators, don't translate the m's, d's and y's msgid "mm/dd/yyyy" msgstr "dd/mm/yyyy" msgid "Edit search timer" msgstr "Edycja timera wyszukiwania" msgid "New search timer" msgstr "Nowy timer wyszukiwania" msgid "Search text too short - use anyway?" msgstr "Wyszukiwany tekst jest za kr�tki - czy napewno kontynuowa�?" msgid "Search term" msgstr "Szukany tekst" msgid "Search mode" msgstr "Tryb wyszukiwania" msgid "phrase" msgstr "wyra�enie" msgid "all words" msgstr "wszystkie s�owa" msgid "at least one word" msgstr "dowolne s�owo" msgid "match exactly" msgstr "dok�adnie ca�e wyra�enie" msgid "regular expression" msgstr "wyra�enie regularne" msgid "fuzzy" msgstr "niedoprecyzowane" msgid "Tolerance" msgstr "Tolerancja" msgid "Match case" msgstr "Uwzgl�dnij wielko�� liter" msgid "Search in" msgstr "Szukaj w" msgid "Title" msgstr "Tytu�" msgid "Episode" msgstr "Epizod" msgid "Use extended EPG info" msgstr "U�yj rozszerzonej informacji EPG" msgid "Ignore missing EPG info" msgstr "Ignoruj brakuj�ce informacje EPG" msgid "When active this can cause very many timers. So please always first test this search before using it as search timer!" msgstr "Aktywacja timera wyszukiwania mo�e spowodowa� dodanie wielu niepotrzebnych timer�w, wi�c przed zapisem najpiew przetestuj dzia�anie wyszukiwania!" msgid "Use channel" msgstr "Kana�" msgid "interval" msgstr "zakres" msgid "channel group" msgstr "grupa kana��w" msgid "only FTA" msgstr "tylko niekodowane" msgid "from channel" msgstr "od kana�u" msgid "to channel" msgstr "do kana�u" msgid "Use time" msgstr "Czas" msgid "Start after" msgstr "Rozpocz�cie po" msgid "The time the show may start at the earliest" msgstr "Wyszukiwana audycja mo�e rozpocz�� si� najwcze�niej o ..." msgid "Start before" msgstr "Rozpocz�cie przed" msgid "The time the show may start at the latest" msgstr "Wyszukiwana audycja mo�e rozpocz�� si� najp�niej o ..." msgid "Use duration" msgstr "Czas trwania" msgid "Min. duration" msgstr "Min. czas trwania" msgid "Max. duration" msgstr "Max. czas trwania" msgid "Use day of week" msgstr "Dzie�" msgid "Monday" msgstr "Poniedzia�ek" msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Wtorek" msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "�roda" msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Czwartek" msgid "Friday" msgstr "Pi�tek" msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sobota" msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Niedziela" msgid "Use blacklists" msgstr "Czarna lista" msgid "Selection" msgstr "wybrane" msgid "all" msgstr "wszystkie" msgid "Use in favorites menu" msgstr "U�yj ulubionych" msgid "Use as search timer" msgstr "Aktywuj timer" msgid "user defined" msgstr "w wybranym okersie" msgid "from date" msgstr "od dnia" msgid "to date" msgstr "do dnia" msgid "Record" msgstr "Nagraj" msgid "Announce only" msgstr "Tylko powiadomienie" msgid "Switch only" msgstr "Tylko prze��cz" msgid "Series recording" msgstr "Nagrywanie serii" msgid "Delete recordings after ... days" msgstr "Usu� nagranie po ... dniach:" msgid "Keep ... recordings" msgstr "Zatrzymaj ... nagra�:" msgid "Pause when ... recordings exist" msgstr "Zatrzymaj gdy istnieje ... nagra�" msgid "Avoid repeats" msgstr "Opcje powt�rek" msgid "Allowed repeats" msgstr "Liczba powt�rek" msgid "Only repeats within ... days" msgstr "Nagrywaj powt�rki przez ... dni" msgid "Compare title" msgstr "Por�wnaj tytu�y" msgid "Compare subtitle" msgstr "Por�wnaj podtytu�y" msgid "if present" msgstr "je�eli isteniej�" msgid "Compare summary" msgstr "Podsumowanie por�wnania" msgid "Compare" msgstr "Por�wnaj" msgid "Use VPS" msgstr "U�yj VPS" msgid "Auto-delete search timer" msgstr "Automatycznie usu� timer" msgid "after ... recordings" msgstr "po ... nagraniach" msgid "after ... days after first rec." msgstr "po ... dniach nagrywania" msgid "Switch ... minutes before start" msgstr "Prze��cz na ... minut przed rozpocz�cziem" msgid "Test" msgstr "Testuj" msgid "Couldn't find timer. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� timera." msgid "Please set a title for the timer!" msgstr "Prosz� poda� tytu� dla timera!" msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Edycja timera" msgid "New timer" msgstr "Nowy timer" msgid "Weekday" msgstr "Dzie�" msgid "Couldn't find user. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� u�ytkownika." msgid "This user name is already in use!" msgstr "Nazwa u�ytkownika jest ju� u�ywana!" msgid "Edit user" msgstr "Edycja u�ytkownia" msgid "New user" msgstr "Nowy u�ytkownik" msgid "Password" msgstr "Has�o" msgid "User rights" msgstr "Uprawnienia" msgid "Edit setup" msgstr "Edycja ustawie�" msgid "Add or edit timers" msgstr "Dodawanie i edycja timer�w" msgid "Delete timers" msgstr "Usuwanie timer�w" msgid "Delete recordings" msgstr "Usuwanie niagra�" msgid "Use remote menu" msgstr "U�ywanie pilota" msgid "Start replay" msgstr "Startowane odtwarzania" msgid "Switch channel" msgstr "Prze��czanie kana��w" msgid "Add or edit search timers" msgstr "Dodawanie i edycja timer�w wyszukiwania" msgid "Delete search timers" msgstr "Usuwanie timer�w wyszukiwania" msgid "Edit recordings" msgstr "Edycja nagra�" msgid "Electronic program guide information" msgstr "Informacje EPG" msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available" msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� nagrania" msgid "Error aquiring schedules lock" msgstr "B��d podczas pr�by blokady programu" msgid "Error aquiring schedules" msgstr "B��d podczas �ci�gania programu" msgid "%b %d %y" msgstr "" msgid "Page error" msgstr "B��d strony" msgid "playing recording" msgstr "Odtwarzanie nagrania" msgid "no epg info for current event!" msgstr "brak informacji o audycji!" msgid "no epg info for current channel!" msgstr "brak informacji epg dla kana�u!" msgid "no current channel!" msgstr "brak informacji o kanale!" msgid "error retrieving status info!" msgstr "b��d podczas odczytu stanu" msgid "%I:%M:%S %p" msgstr "%H:%M:%S" msgid "Wrong username or password" msgstr "B��dna nazwa lub has�o u�ytkownika" msgid "Login" msgstr "Nazwa" msgid "VDR Live Login" msgstr "Login VDR Live" msgid "User" msgstr "U�ytkownik" msgid "What's on?" msgstr "Teraz w TV" msgid "MultiSchedule" msgstr "Multiprzewodnik" msgid "Search" msgstr "Szukaj" msgid "Searchtimers" msgstr "Timery wyszukiwania" msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Nagrania" msgid "Remote Control" msgstr "Pilot" msgid "Logout" msgstr "Wyloguj" msgid "Your attention is required" msgstr "Uwaga, co� nie gra " msgid "React" msgstr "Sprawd�" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "Anuluj" msgid "Now" msgstr "Teraz" msgid "%A, %b %d %Y" msgstr "" msgid "Time" msgstr "Czas" msgid "Switch to this channel." msgstr "Prze��cz na ten kana�" msgid "Search for repeats." msgstr "Szukaj powt�rek" msgid "Click to view details." msgstr "Kliknij aby zobaczy� szczeg�y" msgid "more" msgstr "wi�cej" msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kana�" msgid "Find more at the Internet Movie Database." msgstr "Szukaj w IMDb.com" msgid "Stream this channel into browser." msgstr "Ogl�daj kana� w przegl�darce" msgid "Stream this recording into browser." msgstr "Ogl�daj nagranie w przegl�darce" msgid "Record this" msgstr "Nagraj" msgid "loading data" msgstr "�aduj� ..." msgid "an error occured!" msgstr "wyst�pi� b��d!" msgid "Request succeeded!" msgstr "Zako�czono powodzeniem!" msgid "Request failed!" msgstr "Zako�czono niepowodzeniem!" msgid "January" msgstr "Stycze�" msgid "February" msgstr "Luty" msgid "March" msgstr "Marzec" msgid "April" msgstr "Kwiecie�" msgid "May" msgstr "Maj" msgid "June" msgstr "Czerwiec" msgid "July" msgstr "Lipiec" msgid "August" msgstr "Sierpie�" msgid "September" msgstr "Wrzesie�" msgid "October" msgstr "Pa�dziernik" msgid "November" msgstr "Listopad" msgid "December" msgstr "Grudzie�" msgid "retrieving status ..." msgstr "odczytywanie stanu ..." msgid "Toggle updates on/off." msgstr "W��cz/wy��cz aktualizacj� stanu." msgid "stop playback" msgstr "zatrzymaj odtwarzanie" msgid "resume playback" msgstr "wzn�w odtwarzanie" msgid "pause playback" msgstr "pauzuj odtwarzanie" msgid "fast rewind" msgstr "przewi� do ty�u" msgid "fast forward" msgstr "przewi� do przodu" msgid "previous channel" msgstr "poprzeni kana�" msgid "next channel" msgstr "nast�pny kana�" msgid "No server response!" msgstr "Serwer nie odpowiada!" msgid "Failed to update infobox!" msgstr "B��d poczas aktualizacji panela!" msgid "Authors" msgstr "Autorzy" msgid "Project Idea" msgstr "" msgid "Webserver" msgstr "" msgid "Project leader" msgstr "" msgid "Content" msgstr "" msgid "Graphics" msgstr "" msgid "Information" msgstr "Informacje" msgid "LIVE version" msgstr "Wersja LIVE" msgid "VDR version" msgstr "Wersja VDR" msgid "Features" msgstr "Dodatki" msgid "active" msgstr "aktywny" msgid "required" msgstr "wymagany" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Strona domowa" msgid "Bugs and suggestions" msgstr "B��dy i sugestie" msgid "If you encounter any bugs or would like to suggest new features, please use our bugtracker" msgstr "Je�li znajdziesz jakie� b��dy lub chcia�by� zasugerowa� nowe funkcje, skorzystaj z naszego bugtrackera" msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "B��D:" msgid "Deleted recording:" msgstr "Usuni�to nagranie:" msgid "List of recordings" msgstr "Lista nagra�" msgid "No recordings found" msgstr "Nie znaleziono nagra�" msgid "Delete selected" msgstr "Usu� zaznaczone" #, no-c-format msgid "%a," msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: recording duration format HH:MM #, c-format msgid "(%d:%02d)" msgstr "" msgid "Sort by name" msgstr "Sortuj wed�ug nazwy" msgid "Sort by date" msgstr "Sortuj wed�ug daty" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtr" msgid "Look in recordings titles and subtitles for the given string and display only the matching ones. You may also use perl compatible regular expressions (PCRE)." msgstr "Poka� nagrania zgodne z wpisanym wyra�eniem (mo�na u�ywa� tak�e wyra�e� regularnych typu PERL)." msgid "Expand all folders" msgstr "" msgid "Collapse all folders" msgstr "" msgid "Delete this recording from hard disc!" msgstr "Usu� to nagranie z twardego dysku!" msgid "play this recording." msgstr "Odtw�rz nagranie" msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available. Maybe you mistyped your request?" msgstr "Nie mo�na odnale�� kana�u lub kana�y nie s� dost�pne." msgid "Snapshot interval" msgstr "Okres pomi�dzy migawkami" msgid "No schedules available for this channel" msgstr "Brak listy audycji dla tego kana�u" msgid "Search settings" msgstr "Ustawienia wyszukiwania" msgid "Extended search" msgstr "Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane" msgid "no" msgstr "nie" msgid "Search results" msgstr "Wyniki wyszykiwania" msgid "No search results" msgstr "Nic nie znaleziono" msgid "Expression" msgstr "Wyra�enie" msgid "Starts between" msgstr "Pocz�tek mi�dzy" msgid "Toggle search timer actions (in)active" msgstr "Aktywuj/deaktywuj timer wyszukiwania" msgid "Browse search timer results" msgstr "Przegl�daj wyniki timera wyszukiwania" msgid "Delete this search timer?" msgstr "Usun�� ten timer wyszukiwania?" msgid "Delete search timer" msgstr "Usu� timer wyszukiwania" msgid "Trigger search timer update" msgstr "Zaprogramuj aktywne timery wyszukiwania" msgid "Please set login and password!" msgstr "Prosz� wpisa� login i has�o!" msgid "Setup saved." msgstr "Zapisano ustawienia." msgid "Setup" msgstr "Ustawienia" msgid "User management" msgstr "Zarz�dzanie u�ytkownikami" msgid "Local net (no login required)" msgstr "Sie� lokalna (logowanie nie wymagane)" msgid "Show live logo image" msgstr "Pokazuj logo VDR-Live" msgid "Use ajax technology" msgstr "U�ywaj technologii ajax" msgid "Show dynamic VDR information box" msgstr "Pokazuj panel informacyjny" msgid "Allow video streaming" msgstr "Zezw�l na streamowanie strumienia video" msgid "Streamdev server port" msgstr "Port serwera Streamdev" msgid "Streamdev stream type" msgstr "Typ strumienia Streamdev" msgid "Add links to IMDb" msgstr "Pokazuj odno�niki do IMDb" msgid "Additional fixed times in 'What's on?'" msgstr "Lista wyboru godzin w zak�adce 'Teraz w TV'" msgid "Format is HH:MM. Separate multiple times with a semicolon" msgstr "Wpisz czasy, kt�re maj� by� wy�wietlane na li�cie wyboru w formacie GG:MM. Oddzielaj poszczeg�lne wpisy �rednikiem." msgid "Channel groups for MultiSchedule" msgstr "Grypy kana��w w 'Multipzewodniku'" msgid "Separate channels with a comma ',', separate groups with a semi-colon ';'" msgstr "Kana�y oddzielaj przecinkiem, grypu kana��w oddzielaj �rednikiem (np. 1,2,7,3,11;4,5,6;21,22,23,40" msgid "Duration of MultiSchedule in hours" msgstr "Czas jaki ma obejmowa� Multiprzewodnik (w godzinach) " msgid "Show channels without EPG" msgstr "Pokazuj kana�y bez EPG" msgid "Start page" msgstr "Strona startowa" msgid "Theme" msgstr "Sk�rka" msgid "Timer conflicts" msgstr "Kolizje timer�w" msgid "No timer conflicts" msgstr "Brak kolizji timer�w" msgid "Timer has a conflict." msgstr "Timer jest w kolizji." msgid "Timer is active." msgstr "Timer jest aktywny." msgid "Toggle timer active/inactive" msgstr "Aktywuj/deaktywuj timer." msgid "Delete timer" msgstr "Usu� timer" msgid "No timer defined" msgstr "Brak zdefiniowanych timer�w." msgid "Timer is recording." msgstr "Trwa nagranie timera." msgid "Users" msgstr "U�ytkownicy" msgid "Delete user" msgstr "Usu� u�ytkownika" msgid "VLC: live video stream" msgstr "VLC: streamuj video" msgid "VLC: play recording" msgstr "VLC: odtwarzaj nagranie" msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stop" msgid "Play" msgstr "Play" msgid "Sound on" msgstr "W��cz g�os" msgid "Sound off" msgstr "Wycisz g�os" msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "Pe�ny ekran" msgid "Close" msgstr "Zamknij" msgid "VLC media URL" msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "%a, %x" msgstr "" msgid "What's running on" msgstr "Teraz w TV:" msgid "at" msgstr "o godz." msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Nastepnie" msgid "Favorites" msgstr "Ulubione" msgid "View the schedule of this channel" msgstr "Wy�wietl program dla tego kana�u" msgid " - " msgstr "" msgid "Next" msgstr "Nast�pnie" msgid "What's on" msgstr "Audycje" msgid "Details view" msgstr "Widek szczeg�owy" msgid "List view" msgstr "Widok listy" msgid "Live Interactive VDR Environment" msgstr "" msgid "No EPG information available" msgstr "Brak informacji EPG" #~ msgid "Show duration in 'Recordings'" #~ msgstr "Pokazuj czas trwania nagra�"