# VDR LIVE plugin language source file.
# Copyright (C) 2007 LIVE Development team. See http://live.vdr-developer.org
# This file is distributed under the same license as the VDR-LIVE package.
# Vladim�r B�rta <vladimir.barta@k2atmitec.cz>, 2006
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: VDR-LIVE 0.2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <cwieninger@gmx.de>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-02 20:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Milan Hrala <hrala.milan@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <hrala.milan@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "Last channel to display"
msgstr "Posledn� zobrazen� kan�l na obrazovke"

msgid "No limit"
msgstr "Bez obmedzenia"

msgid "Use authentication"
msgstr "Pou�i� overenie toto�nosti"

msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"

msgid "Yes"
msgstr "�no"

msgid "Admin login"
msgstr "Prihlasovacie meno admina"

msgid "Admin password"
msgstr "Heslo admina"

#, c-format
msgid "%A, %x"
msgstr "%A, %x"

msgid "Searchtimer"
msgstr "Vyh�ad�va� vysielacieho �asu"

msgid "Error in timer settings"
msgstr "Chyba v nastaven� pl�nu"

msgid "Timer already defined"
msgstr "Pl�n nahr�vania nie je stanoven�."

msgid "Timers are being edited - try again later"
msgstr "Pl�ny sa upravuj� - sk�ste to znova nesk�r"

msgid "Timer not defined"
msgstr "Pl�n nahr�vania nie je stanoven�."

msgid "On archive DVD No."
msgstr "Na arch�vne DVD."

msgid "On archive HDD No."
msgstr "Na arch�vne HDD."

msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available."
msgstr "Nena�iel �iadny kan�l alebo kan�ly nie s� k dispoz�cii."

msgid "Couldn't switch to channel."
msgstr "Ned� sa prepn�� na kan�l."

msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available."
msgstr "Nena�li sa �iadne z�znamy alebo nahr�vky nie s� k dispoz�cii."

msgid "Cannot control playback!"
msgstr "Nemo�no ovl�da� prehr�vanie!"

msgid "Not playing a recording."
msgstr "Z�znam sa neprehr�va."

msgid "Not playing the same recording as from request."
msgstr "Ak sa vy�iada rovnak� nahr�vka, tak ju neprehraje."

msgid "Attempt to delete recording currently in playback."
msgstr "Pokus o vymazanie nahr�vky, ktor� je v s��asnosti v prehr�van�."

msgid "Epg error"
msgstr "Epg chyba"

msgid "Wrong channel id"
msgstr "�patn� id kan�lu"

msgid "Channel has no schedule"
msgstr "Kan�l nem� sprievodcu telev�znym programom"

msgid "Wrong event id"
msgstr "Nespr�vne ID udalosti"

msgid "Required minimum version of epgsearch: "
msgstr "Povinn� minim�lna verzia epgsearch:"

msgid "All"
msgstr "V�etky"

msgid "FTA"
msgstr "Vo�n�"

msgid "%I:%M %p"
msgstr "%I:%M %p"

msgid "EPGSearch version outdated! Please update."
msgstr "Zastaral� verzia EPGSearch! Pros�m aktualizujte ju."

msgid "Couldn't aquire primary device"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa z�ska� hlavn� zariadenie"

msgid "Couldn't grab image from primary device"
msgstr "Nemo�no stiahnu� obraz z hlavn�ho zariadenia"

msgid "Timer conflict check detected "
msgstr "Konflikt pl�nu nahr�vania "

msgid "conflict"
msgstr "konflikt "

msgid "conflicts"
msgstr "konflikty "

msgid "Couldn't aquire access to channels, please try again later."
msgstr "Ned� sa z�ska� pr�stup ku kan�lom, pros�m sk�ste to znova nesk�r."

msgid "Sorry, no permission. Please contact your administrator!"
msgstr "Prep��te, nem�te opr�vnenie. Pros�m kontaktujte va�eho administr�tora!"

msgid "Couldn't find recording. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Nena�la sa nahr�vka. Mo�no ste zle nap�sali va�u po�iadavku?"

msgid "Please set a name for the recording!"
msgstr "Pros�m zvolte meno pre nahr�vku!"

msgid "Cannot copy, rename or move the recording."
msgstr "Nemo�no kop�rova�, premenova� alebo presun�� nahr�vku."

msgid "Edit recording"
msgstr "Upravi� nahr�vku"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Meno"

msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Adres�r"

msgid "Delete resume information"
msgstr "Znovu zmaza� inform�cie"

msgid "Delete marks information"
msgstr "Vymaza� informa�n� zna�ky"

msgid "Copy only"
msgstr "Iba kop�rova�"

msgid "Short description"
msgstr "Stru�n� opis"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "v popise"

msgid "Auxiliary info"
msgstr "Pomocn� info"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Ulo�i�"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zru�i�"

msgid "Couldn't find searchtimer. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Nena�iel sa vyh�ad�van� �as. Mo�no ste zle nap�sali va�u po�iadavku?"

#. TRANSLATORS: only adjust the ordering and separators, don't translate the m's, d's and y's
msgid "mm/dd/yyyy"
msgstr "mm/dd/yyyy"

msgid "Edit search timer"
msgstr "�prava vyh�ad�va�a vysielacieho �asu"

msgid "New search timer"
msgstr "Nov� vyh�ad�va� vysielacieho �asu"

msgid "Search text too short - use anyway?"
msgstr "H�adan� text je pr�li� kr�tky - pou�i� aj tak?"

msgid "Search term"
msgstr "H�adan� pojem"

msgid "Search mode"
msgstr "Sp�sob h�adania"

msgid "phrase"
msgstr "v�raz"

msgid "all words"
msgstr "v�etky slov�"

msgid "at least one word"
msgstr "aspo� jedno slovo"

msgid "match exactly"
msgstr "porovna� presne"

msgid "regular expression"
msgstr "regul�rny v�raz"

msgid "fuzzy"
msgstr "nejasn�"

msgid "Tolerance"
msgstr "tolerancia"

msgid "Match case"
msgstr "Pr�padne porovna�"

msgid "Search in"
msgstr "H�ada� v"

msgid "Title"
msgstr "V n�zve"

msgid "Episode"
msgstr "v epiz�de"

msgid "Use extended EPG info"
msgstr "Pou�i� roz��ren� EPG inform�cie"

msgid "Ignore missing EPG info"
msgstr "Ignorova� ch�baj�ce EPG inform�cie"

msgid "When active this can cause very many timers. So please always first test this search before using it as search timer!"
msgstr "Akt�vny m��e sp�sobi� ve�mi ve�a pl�nov nahr�vania. Tak�e, pros�m, v�dy najprv testujte vyh�ad�vanie pred pou�it�m!"

msgid "Use channel"
msgstr "Ur�i� kan�l"

msgid "interval"
msgstr "rozmedzie"

msgid "channel group"
msgstr "skupina kan�lov"

msgid "only FTA"
msgstr "iba volne ��rite�n�"

msgid "from channel"
msgstr "od kan�lu"

msgid "to channel"
msgstr "po kan�l"

msgid "Use time"
msgstr "Ur�i� �as"

msgid "Start after"
msgstr "�tart po"

msgid "The time the show may start at the earliest"
msgstr "�as, ke� show m��e za�a� �o najsk�r"

msgid "Start before"
msgstr "�tart pred"

msgid "The time the show may start at the latest"
msgstr "V �ase, ke� show m��e za�a� najnesk�r"

msgid "Use duration"
msgstr "Ur�i� d�ku"

msgid "Min. duration"
msgstr "Minim�lna d�ka"

msgid "Max. duration"
msgstr "Maxim�lna d�ka"

msgid "Use day of week"
msgstr "Ur�i� de� v t��dni"

msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Pondelok"

msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Utorok"

msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Streda"

msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "�tvrtok"

msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Piatok"

msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sobota"

msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Nede�a"

msgid "Use blacklists"
msgstr "Pou�i� �iernu listinu"

msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Vybran�"

msgid "all"
msgstr "v�etky"

msgid "Use in favorites menu"
msgstr "Pou�ite v menu ob��ben�ch"

msgid "Use as search timer"
msgstr "Pou�i� ako vyh�ad�va� pl�nu"

msgid "user defined"
msgstr "pou��vate�om definovan�"

msgid "from date"
msgstr "od d�tumu"

msgid "to date"
msgstr "do d�tumu"

msgid "Record"
msgstr "Nahra�"

msgid "Announce only"
msgstr "Len oznamova�"

msgid "Switch only"
msgstr "Iba prep�na�"

msgid "Series recording"
msgstr "S�riov� nahr�vky"

msgid "Delete recordings after ... days"
msgstr "Odstr�nenie nahr�vok po ... d�och"

msgid "Keep ... recordings"
msgstr "Uchova� ... nahr�vok"

msgid "Pause when ... recordings exist"
msgstr "Pauza, ke� ... nahr�vky existuj�"

msgid "Avoid repeats"
msgstr "Vyhn�� sa repr�zam"

msgid "Allowed repeats"
msgstr "Povolen� repr�zy"

msgid "Only repeats within ... days"
msgstr "Opakova� iba do ... dn�"

msgid "Compare title"
msgstr "Porovna� titul"

msgid "Compare subtitle"
msgstr "Porovna� titulky"

msgid "if present"
msgstr "ak je pr�tomn�"

msgid "Compare summary"
msgstr "Porovna� celkovo"

msgid "Compare"
msgstr "Porovnanie"

msgid "Use VPS"
msgstr "Pou�i� VPS"

msgid "Auto-delete search timer"
msgstr "Samo zmazanie vyh�adan�ho pl�nu"

msgid "after ... recordings"
msgstr "po ... nahr�vkach"

msgid "after ... days after first rec."
msgstr "po ... d�och po prvom nahrat�."

msgid "Switch ... minutes before start"
msgstr "Prepn�� ... min�t pred za�iatkom"

msgid "Test"
msgstr "Testova�"

msgid "Couldn't find timer. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Nena�iel sa pl�n nahr�vania. Je mo�n�, �e ste zle nap�sali va�u po�iadavku."

msgid "Please set a title for the timer!"
msgstr "Pros�m nastavte titul pre pl�n nahr�vania!"

msgid "Edit timer"
msgstr "Upravi� pl�n"

msgid "New timer"
msgstr "Nov� pl�n"

msgid "Weekday"
msgstr "Pracovn� de�"

msgid "Couldn't find user. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa n�js� u��vate�a. Mo�no ste preklepli va�u po�iadavku?"

msgid "This user name is already in use!"
msgstr "To to u��vate�sk� meno sa u� pou��va"

msgid "Edit user"
msgstr "Upravi� U��vate�a"

msgid "New user"
msgstr "Nov� u��vate�"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"

msgid "User rights"
msgstr "U��vate�sk� pr�va"

msgid "Edit setup"
msgstr "Upravi� nastavenie"

msgid "Add or edit timers"
msgstr "Prida� a upravi� pl�ny"

msgid "Delete timers"
msgstr "Vymaza� pl�ny"

msgid "Delete recordings"
msgstr "Vymaza� nahr�vky"

msgid "Use remote menu"
msgstr "Pou�i vzdialen� menu"

msgid "Start replay"
msgstr "Spusti� prehr�vanie"

msgid "Switch channel"
msgstr "Prepn�� kan�l"

msgid "Add or edit search timers"
msgstr "Prida� alebo upravi� vyh�ad�vanie pl�nov"

msgid "Delete search timers"
msgstr "Vymaza� vyh�ad�va� pl�nov"

msgid "Edit recordings"
msgstr "Upravi� nahr�vky"

msgid "Electronic program guide information"
msgstr "Elektronick� sprievodca telev�znym programom"

msgid "Couldn't find recording or no recordings available"
msgstr "Nena�iel sa z�znam alebo nahr�vky nie s� k dispoz�cii"

msgid "Error aquiring schedules lock"
msgstr "Uzamknut� z�skavanie telev�zneho programu"

msgid "Error aquiring schedules"
msgstr "Chyba pri z�skavan� telev�zneho programu"

msgid "%b %d %y"
msgstr "%b %d %y"

msgid "Page error"
msgstr "Chyba str�nky"

msgid "playing recording"
msgstr "Prehr�vanie z�znamu"

msgid "no epg info for current event!"
msgstr "�iadne EPG inform�cie na aktu�lnu udalos�!"

msgid "no epg info for current channel!"
msgstr "�iadne epg pre vybran� kan�l!"

msgid "no current channel!"
msgstr "�iadny vybran� kan�l!"

msgid "error retrieving status info!"
msgstr "Chyba pri na��tan� inform�ci� o stave!"

msgid "%I:%M:%S %p"
msgstr "%I:%M:%S %p"

msgid "Wrong username or password"
msgstr "Chybn� u��vate�sk� meno alebo heslo"

msgid "Login"
msgstr "Meno"

msgid "VDR Live Login"
msgstr "VDR Live meno"

msgid "User"
msgstr "U��vate�"

msgid "What's on?"
msgstr "�o pr�ve ide?"

msgid "MultiSchedule"
msgstr "TV program v st�pcoch"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "H�ada�"

msgid "Searchtimers"
msgstr "Vyh�ad�va� vysielacieho �asu"

msgid "Recordings"
msgstr "Nahr�vky"

msgid "Remote Control"
msgstr "Dia�kov� ovl�danie"

msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Odhl�si�"

msgid "Your attention is required"
msgstr "Upozornenie! "

msgid "React"
msgstr "Reagova�"

msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Zru�"

msgid "Now"
msgstr "Teraz ide"

msgid "%A, %b %d %Y"
msgstr "%A, %b %d %Y"

msgid "Time"
msgstr "�as"

msgid "Switch to this channel."
msgstr "Prepn�� na tento kan�l."

msgid "Search for repeats."
msgstr "Vyh�ada� repr�zy."

msgid "Click to view details."
msgstr "Podrobnosti z�skate kliknut�m."

msgid "more"
msgstr "viac"

msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kan�l"

msgid "Find more at the Internet Movie Database."
msgstr "Viac na Internet Movie Database."

msgid "Stream this channel into browser."
msgstr "Prezera� tento kan�l v prehliada�i."

msgid "Stream this recording into browser."
msgstr "Prezera� t�to nahr�vku v prehliada�i."

msgid "Record this"
msgstr "Nahra�"

msgid "loading data"
msgstr "na��tanie d�t"

msgid "an error occured!"
msgstr "do�lo k chybe!"

msgid "Request succeeded!"
msgstr "Vyhovelo �iadosti!"

msgid "Request failed!"
msgstr "Chyba �iadosti!"

msgid "January"
msgstr "Janu�r"

msgid "February"
msgstr "febru�r"

msgid "March"
msgstr "Marec"

msgid "April"
msgstr "Apr�l"

msgid "May"
msgstr "M�j"

msgid "June"
msgstr "J�n"

msgid "July"
msgstr "J�l"

msgid "August"
msgstr "August"

msgid "September"
msgstr "September"

msgid "October"
msgstr "Okt�ber"

msgid "November"
msgstr "November"

msgid "December"
msgstr "December"

msgid "retrieving status ..."
msgstr "na��tavanie stavu"

msgid "Toggle updates on/off."
msgstr "Prep�na� aktualiz�cii zapn��/vypn��."

msgid "stop playback"
msgstr "zastavenie prehr�vania"

msgid "resume playback"
msgstr "obnovi� prehr�vanie"

msgid "pause playback"
msgstr "pozastavenie prehr�vania"

msgid "fast rewind"
msgstr "r�chlo preto�i�"

msgid "fast forward"
msgstr "r�chlo vpred"

msgid "previous channel"
msgstr "predch�dzaj�ci kan�l"

msgid "next channel"
msgstr "�al�� kan�l"

msgid "No server response!"
msgstr "Server neodpoved�!"

msgid "Failed to update infobox!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa aktualizova� infobox!"

msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autori"

msgid "Project Idea"
msgstr "My�lienka projektu"

msgid "Webserver"
msgstr "Webov� server"

msgid "Project leader"
msgstr "Ved�ci projektu"

msgid "Content"
msgstr "Obsah"

msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Grafika"

msgid "Information"
msgstr "Inform�cie"

msgid "LIVE version"
msgstr "LIVE verzia"

msgid "VDR version"
msgstr "VDR verzia"

msgid "Features"
msgstr "Charakteristika"

msgid "active"
msgstr "akt�vny"

msgid "required"
msgstr "po�adovan�"

msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "Domovsk� str�nka"

msgid "Bugs and suggestions"
msgstr "Chyby a podnety"

msgid "If you encounter any bugs or would like to suggest new features, please use our bugtracker"
msgstr "Ak naraz�te na ak�ko�vek chybu, alebo ak chcete navrhn�� nov� funkcie, pou�ite pros�m n� BUGTRACKER."

msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "CHYBA:"

msgid "Deleted recording:"
msgstr "Vymazan� nahr�vka:"

msgid "List of recordings"
msgstr "Zoznam nahr�vok"

msgid "No recordings found"
msgstr "Nena�la sa nahr�vka"

msgid "Delete selected"
msgstr "Vymaza� vybran�"

#, no-c-format
msgid "%a,"
msgstr "%a,"

#. TRANSLATORS: recording duration format
#, c-format
msgid "(%d')"
msgstr "(%d')"

msgid "Sort by name"
msgstr "Zotriedi� podla mena"

msgid "Sort by date"
msgstr "Zotriedi� podla d�tumu"

msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filter"

msgid "Look in recordings titles and subtitles for the given string and display only the matching ones. You may also use perl compatible regular expressions (PCRE)."
msgstr "Pozrite sa na nahr�vky titulov a titulky pre dan� re�azec a zobrazi� iba tie vyhovuj�ce. M��ete  pou�i� kompatibiln� perl regul�rne v�razy (PCRE)."

msgid "Expand all folders"
msgstr ""

msgid "Collapse all folders"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delete this recording from hard disc!"
msgstr "Vymaza� nahr�vku z HDD"

msgid "play this recording."
msgstr "Prehra� z�znam."

msgid "Couldn't find channel or no channels available. Maybe you mistyped your request?"
msgstr "Nena�iel sa �iadny kan�l alebo kan�ly nie s� k dispoz�cii. Mo�no ste zle nap�sali va�u po�iadavku?"

msgid "Snapshot interval"
msgstr "Interval sn�mkovania"

msgid "No schedules available for this channel"
msgstr "Pre tento kan�l sa nena�iel �iadny telev�zny program."

msgid "Search settings"
msgstr "Nastavenie h�adania"

msgid "Extended search"
msgstr "Roz��ren� vyh�ad�vanie"

msgid "no"
msgstr "nie"

msgid "Search results"
msgstr "V�sledky vyh�ad�vania"

msgid "No search results"
msgstr "H�adanie bez v�sledku"

msgid "Expression"
msgstr "Pripomienky"

msgid "Starts between"
msgstr "Za��na medzi"

msgid "Toggle search timer actions (in)active"
msgstr "Vyp�na� vyh�ad�vania. Zapn��/Vypn��"

msgid "Browse search timer results"
msgstr "Zobrazi� v�sledky vyh�ad�vania"

msgid "Delete this search timer?"
msgstr "Vymaza� tento vyh�adan� pl�n?"

msgid "Delete search timer"
msgstr "Vymaza� vyh�ad�va�"

msgid "Trigger search timer update"
msgstr "Spusti� obnovenie vyh�ad�vania �asu"

msgid "Please set login and password!"
msgstr "Pros�m nastavte u��vate�sk� meno a heslo!"

msgid "Setup saved."
msgstr "Nastavenie ulo�en�."

msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Nastavenie"

msgid "User management"
msgstr "U��vate�sk� mana�ment"

msgid "Local net (no login required)"
msgstr "Miestna sie� (nevy�aduje prihl�senie)"

msgid "Show live logo image"
msgstr "Zobrazi� obr�zok live loga"

msgid "Show duration in 'Recordings'"
msgstr "Zobrazi� d�ku v  'Nahr�vkach'"

msgid "Use ajax technology"
msgstr "Pou�i� ajax technol�giu"

msgid "Show dynamic VDR information box"
msgstr "Zobrazi� dynamicky VDR informa�n� box"

msgid "Allow video streaming"
msgstr "Povoli� pr�dov� video"

msgid "Streamdev server port"
msgstr "Streamdev port servera"

msgid "Streamdev stream type"
msgstr "Typ pr�dov�ho videa"

msgid "Add links to IMDb"
msgstr "Prida� odkazy na IMDB"

msgid "Additional fixed times in 'What's on?'"
msgstr "Dodato�n� �as v ponuke '�o pr�ve ide?'"

msgid "Format is HH:MM. Separate multiple times with a semicolon"
msgstr "Vo form�te HH:MM. Oddelen� nieko�kokr�t bodko�iarkou"

msgid "Channel groups for MultiSchedule"
msgstr "Skupiny kan�lov pre telev�zny program v st�pcoch"

msgid "Separate channels with a comma ',', separate groups with a semi-colon ';'"
msgstr "Kan�ly oddeli� s �iarkou ',', skupiny kan�lov odde�ova� bodko�iarkou ';'"

msgid "Duration of MultiSchedule in hours"
msgstr "D�ka st�pcovit�ho telev�zneho programu v hodin�ch"

msgid "Show channels without EPG"
msgstr "Zobrazi� kan�ly s EPG"

msgid "Start page"
msgstr "�tartovacia str�nka"

msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Vzh�ad"

msgid "Timer conflicts"
msgstr "Konflikty pl�nu"

msgid "No timer conflicts"
msgstr "�iadne konflikty"

msgid "Timer has a conflict."
msgstr "Pl�n m� konflikt."

msgid "Timer is active."
msgstr "Pl�n je akt�vny."

msgid "Toggle timer active/inactive"
msgstr "Vyp�na� pl�nu Zapn��/vypn��"

msgid "Delete timer"
msgstr "Vymaza� pl�n"

msgid "No timer defined"
msgstr "�iadny pl�n nahr�vania nie je stanoven�"

msgid "Timer is recording."
msgstr "Nahr�va sa pod�a pl�nu."

msgid "Users"
msgstr "U��vatelia"

msgid "Delete user"
msgstr "Vymaza� u��vate�a"

msgid "VLC: live video stream"
msgstr "VLC: �iv� vysielanie"

msgid "VLC: play recording"
msgstr "VLC: Prehr�van� z�znam"

msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Zastavi�"

msgid "Play"
msgstr "Prehra�"

msgid "Sound on"
msgstr "Zapn�� zvuk"

msgid "Sound off"
msgstr "Vypn�� zvuk"

msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "<Obrazovka>"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavrie�"

msgid "VLC media URL"
msgstr "VLC m�dia URL"

#, c-format
msgid "%a, %x"
msgstr "%a, %x"

msgid "What's running on"
msgstr "�o pr�ve ide?"

msgid "at"
msgstr "o"

msgid "What's on next?"
msgstr "�o nasleduje?"

msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "Ob��ben�"

msgid "View the schedule of this channel"
msgstr "Zobrazi� telev�zny program pre tento kan�l"

msgid " - "
msgstr " - "

msgid "Next"
msgstr "Nasleduje"

msgid "What's on"
msgstr "�o bude"

msgid "Details view"
msgstr "Zobrazi� podrobnosti"

msgid "List view"
msgstr "Zobrazi� ako zoznam"

msgid "Live Interactive VDR Environment"
msgstr "�iv� interakt�vne VDR prostredie"

msgid "No EPG information available"
msgstr "EPG inform�cie s� nedostupn�"