#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "setup.h" namespace vdrlive { using namespace std; Setup::Setup(): m_serverPort( 8001 ), m_lastChannel( 0 ), m_screenshotInterval( 1000 ), m_useAuth( 1 ), m_adminLogin("admin"), m_adminPassword("live") { } bool Setup::ParseCommandLine( int argc, char* argv[] ) { static struct option opts[] = { { "port", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "ip", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { 0 } }; int optchar, optind = 0; while ( ( optchar = getopt_long( argc, argv, "p:i:", opts, &optind ) ) != -1 ) { switch ( optchar ) { case 'p': m_serverPort = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'i': m_serverIps.push_back( optarg ); break; default: return false; } } return CheckServerPort() && CheckServerIps(); } char const* Setup::CommandLineHelp() const { if ( m_helpString.empty() ) { ostringstream builder; builder << " -p PORT, --port=PORT use PORT to listen for incoming connections\n" " (default: " << m_serverPort << ")\n" << " -i IP, --ip=IP bind server only to specified IP, may appear\n" " multiple times\n" " (default:\n"; m_helpString = builder.str(); } return m_helpString.c_str(); } bool Setup::ParseSetupEntry( char const* name, char const* value ) { if ( strcmp( name, "LastChannel" ) == 0 ) m_lastChannel = atoi( value ); else if ( strcmp( name, "ScreenshotInterval" ) == 0 ) m_screenshotInterval = atoi( value ); else if ( strcmp( name, "UseAuth" ) == 0 ) m_useAuth = atoi( value ); else if ( strcmp( name, "AdminLogin" ) == 0 ) m_adminLogin = value; else if ( strcmp( name, "AdminPassword" ) == 0 ) m_adminPassword = value; else return false; return true; } bool Setup::CheckServerPort() { if ( m_serverPort <= 0 || m_serverPort > numeric_limits< uint16_t >::max() ) { esyslog( "ERROR: live server port %d is not a valid port number", m_serverPort ); cerr << "ERROR: live server port " << m_serverPort << " is not a valid port number" << endl; return false; } return true; } bool Setup::CheckServerIps() { if ( m_serverIps.empty() ) { m_serverIps.push_back( "" ); return true; } for ( IpList::const_iterator ip = m_serverIps.begin(); ip != m_serverIps.end(); ++ip ) { if ( inet_addr( ip->c_str() ) == static_cast< in_addr_t >( -1 ) ) { esyslog( "ERROR: live server ip %s is not a valid ip address", ip->c_str() ); cerr << "ERROR: live server ip " << *ip << " is not a valid ip address" << endl; return false; } } return true; } bool Setup::HaveEPGSearch(void) { return cPluginManager::GetPlugin("epgsearch") != NULL; } Setup& LiveSetup() { static Setup instance; return instance; } cMenuSetupLive::cMenuSetupLive(): cMenuSetupPage() { m_lastChannel = vdrlive::LiveSetup().GetLastChannel(); m_useAuth = vdrlive::LiveSetup().UseAuth(); strcpy(m_adminLogin, vdrlive::LiveSetup().GetAdminLogin().c_str()); strcpy(m_adminPassword, vdrlive::LiveSetup().GetAdminPassword().c_str()); string strHidden(strlen(m_adminPassword), '*'); strcpy(m_tmpPassword, strHidden.c_str()); Set(); } void cMenuSetupLive::Set(void) { int current = Current(); Clear(); //Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Last channel to display"), &m_lastChannel, 0, 65536)); Add(new cMenuEditChanItem(tr("Last channel to display"), &m_lastChannel, tr("No limit"))); //Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Screenshot interval"), &m_lastChannel, 0, 65536)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Use authentication"), &m_useAuth, tr("No"), tr("Yes"))); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("Admin login"), m_adminLogin, 12, tr(FileNameChars))); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("Admin password"), m_tmpPassword, 12, tr(FileNameChars))); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); } void cMenuSetupLive::Store(void) { vdrlive::LiveSetup().SetLastChannel(m_lastChannel); SetupStore("LastChannel", m_lastChannel); vdrlive::LiveSetup().SetUseAuth(m_useAuth); SetupStore("UseAuth", m_useAuth); vdrlive::LiveSetup().SetAdminLogin(m_adminLogin); SetupStore("AdminLogin", m_adminLogin); vdrlive::LiveSetup().SetAdminPassword(m_adminPassword); SetupStore("AdminPassword", m_adminPassword); } bool cMenuSetupLive::InEditMode(const char* ItemText, const char* ItemName, const char* ItemValue) { bool bEditMode = true; // ugly solution to detect, if in edit mode char* value = strdup(ItemText); strreplace(value, ItemName, ""); strreplace(value, ":\t", ""); // for bigpatch strreplace(value, "\t", ""); if (strlen(value) == strlen(ItemValue)) bEditMode = false; free(value); return bEditMode; } eOSState cMenuSetupLive::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { const char* ItemText = Get(Current())->Text(); bool bPassWasInEditMode = false; if (ItemText && strlen(ItemText) > 0 && strstr(ItemText, tr("Admin password")) == ItemText) bPassWasInEditMode = InEditMode(ItemText, tr("Admin password"), m_tmpPassword); eOSState state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key); ItemText = Get(Current())->Text(); bool bPassIsInEditMode = false; if (ItemText && strlen(ItemText) > 0 && strstr(ItemText, tr("Admin password")) == ItemText) bPassIsInEditMode = InEditMode(ItemText, tr("Admin password"), m_tmpPassword); if (bPassWasInEditMode && !bPassIsInEditMode) { strcpy(m_adminPassword, m_tmpPassword); string strHidden(strlen(m_adminPassword), '*'); strcpy(m_tmpPassword, strHidden.c_str()); Set(); Display(); } if (!bPassWasInEditMode && bPassIsInEditMode) { strcpy(m_tmpPassword, ""); Set(); Display(); state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key); } return state; } } // namespace vdrlive