#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "i18n.h" #include "live.h" #include "setup.h" #include "tntconfig.h" namespace vdrlive { using namespace std; TntConfig::TntConfig() { #if TNTVERSION < 1606 WriteConfig(); #endif } #if TNTVERSION < 1606 void TntConfig::WriteConfig() { WriteProperties(); string const configDir(Plugin::GetConfigDirectory()); ostringstream builder; builder << configDir << "/httpd.config"; m_configPath = builder.str(); ofstream file( m_configPath.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc ); if ( !file ) { ostringstream builder; builder << "Can't open " << m_configPath << " for writing: " << strerror( errno ); throw runtime_error( builder.str() ); } // +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // These MapUrl statements are very security sensitive! // A wrong mapping to content@ may allow retrieval of arbitrary files // from your VDR system via live. // Two meassures are taken against this in our implementation: // 1. The MapUrls need to be checked regulary against possible exploits // One tool to do this can be found here: // http://www.lumadis.be/regex/test_regex.php // Newly inserted MapUrls should be marked with author and confirmed // by a second party. (use source code comments for this) // 2. content.ecpp checks the given path to be // a. an absolute path starting at / // b. not containing ../ paths components // In order to do so, the MapUrl statements must create absolute // path arguments to content@ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ file << "MapUrl ^/$ login@" << endl; // the following redirects vdr_request URL to the component // specified by the action parameter. // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/vdr_request/([^.]+) $1@" << endl; // the following selects the theme specific 'theme.css' file // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/themes/([^/]*)/css.*/(.+\\.css) content@ " << configDir << "/themes/$1/css/$2 text/css" << endl; // the following rules provide a search scheme for images. The first // rule where a image is found, terminates the search. // 1. /themes//img/. // 2. /img/. // deprecated: 3. . (builtin images) // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/themes/([^/]*)/img.*/(.+)\\.(.+) content@ " << configDir << "/themes/$1/img/$2.$3 image/$3" << endl; file << "MapUrl ^/themes/([^/]*)/img.*/(.+)\\.(.+) content@ " << configDir << "/img/$2.$3 image/$3" << endl; // deprecated: file << "MapUrl ^/themes/([^/]*)/img.*/(.+)\\.(.+) $2@" << endl; // Epg images string const epgImgPath(LiveSetup().GetEpgImageDir()); if (!epgImgPath.empty()) { // inserted by 'winni' -- EXPLOITABLE! (checked by tadi) // file << "MapUrl ^/epgimages/(.*)\\.(.+) content@ " << epgImgPath << "/$1.$2 image/$2" << endl; // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/epgimages/([^/]*)\\.([^./]+) content@ " << epgImgPath << "/$1.$2 image/$2" << endl; } // select additional (not build in) javascript. // WARNING: no path components with '.' in the name are allowed. Only // the basename may contain dots and must end with '.js' // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/js(/[^.]*)([^/]*\\.js) content@ " << configDir << "/js$1$2 text/javascript" << endl; // map to 'css/basename(uri)' // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/css.*/(.+) content@ " << configDir << "/css/$1 text/css" << endl; // map to 'img/basename(uri)' // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/img.*/(.+)\\.([^.]+) content@ " << configDir << "/img/$1.$2 image/$2" << endl; // Map favicon.ico into img directory file << "MapUrl ^/favicon.ico$ content@ " << configDir << "/img/favicon.ico image/x-icon" << endl; // insecure by default: DO NOT UNKOMMENT!!! // file << "MapUrl /([^/]+/.+) content@ $1" << endl; // takes first path components without 'extension' when it does not // contain '.' // modified by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! file << "MapUrl ^/([^./]+)(.*)? $1@" << endl; file << "PropertyFile " << m_propertiesPath << endl; file << "SessionTimeout 86400" << endl; file << "DefaultContentType \"text/html; charset=" << LiveI18n().CharacterEncoding() << "\"" << endl; Setup::IpList const& ips = LiveSetup().GetServerIps(); int port = LiveSetup().GetServerPort(); for ( Setup::IpList::const_iterator ip = ips.begin(); ip != ips.end(); ++ip ) { file << "Listen " << *ip << " " << port << endl; } } #endif #if TNTVERSION < 1606 void TntConfig::WriteProperties() { ostringstream builder; builder << Plugin::GetConfigDirectory() << "/httpd.properties"; m_propertiesPath = builder.str(); ofstream file( m_propertiesPath.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc ); if ( !file ) { ostringstream builder; builder << "Can't open " << m_propertiesPath << " for writing: " << strerror( errno ); throw runtime_error( builder.str() ); } // XXX modularize file << "rootLogger=" << LiveSetup().GetTntnetLogLevel() << endl; file << "logger.tntnet=" << LiveSetup().GetTntnetLogLevel() << endl; } #endif #if TNTVERSION >= 1606 void TntConfig::Configure(tnt::Tntnet& app) const { string const configDir(Plugin::GetConfigDirectory()); // +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // These mapUrl statements are very security sensitive! // A wrong mapping to content may allow retrieval of arbitrary files // from your VDR system via live. // Two meassures are taken against this in our implementation: // 1. The MapUrls need to be checked regulary against possible exploits // One tool to do this can be found here: // http://www.lumadis.be/regex/test_regex.php // Newly inserted MapUrls should be marked with author and confirmed // by a second party. (use source code comments for this) // 2. content.ecpp checks the given path to be // a. an absolute path starting at / // b. not containing ../ paths components // In order to do so, the MapUrl statements must create absolute // path arguments to content@ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ CAUTION +++ app.mapUrl("^/$", "login"); // the following redirects vdr_request URL to the component // specified by the action parameter. // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/vdr_request/([^.]+)", "$1"); // the following redirects play_video URL to the content component. // inserted by 'tadi' -- not verified, not counterchecked yet! //app.mapUrl("^/vlc/(.+)", "static@tntnet") // .setPathInfo("/$1") // .pushArg(string("DocumentRoot=") + VideoDirectory); // the following selects the theme specific 'theme.css' file // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/themes/([^/]*)/css.*/(.+\\.css)", "content") .setPathInfo(configDir + "/themes/$1/css/$2") .pushArg("text/css"); // the following rules provide a search scheme for images. The first // rule where a image is found, terminates the search. // 1. /themes//img/. // 2. /img/. // deprecated: 3. . (builtin images) // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/themes/([^/]*)/img.*/(.+)\\.(.+)", "content") .setPathInfo(configDir + "/themes/$1/img/$2.$3") .pushArg("image/$3"); app.mapUrl("^/themes/([^/]*)/img.*/(.+)\\.(.+)", "content") .setPathInfo(configDir + "/img/$2.$3") .pushArg("image/$3"); // deprecated: file << "MapUrl ^/themes/([^/]*)/img.*/(.+)\\.(.+) $2@" << endl; // Epg images string const epgImgPath(LiveSetup().GetEpgImageDir()); if (!epgImgPath.empty()) { // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/epgimages/([^/]*)\\.([^./]+)", "content") .setPathInfo(epgImgPath + "/$1.$2") .pushArg("image/$2"); } // select additional (not build in) javascript. // WARNING: no path components with '.' in the name are allowed. Only // the basename may contain dots and must end with '.js' // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/js(/[^.]*)([^/]*\\.js)", "content") .setPathInfo(configDir + "/js$1$2") .pushArg("text/javascript"); // map to 'css/basename(uri)' // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/css.*/(.+)", "content") .setPathInfo(configDir + "/css/$1") .pushArg("text/css"); // map to 'img/basename(uri)' // inserted by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/img.*/(.+)\\.([^.]+)", "content") .setPathInfo(configDir + "/img/$1.$2") .pushArg("image/$2"); // Map favicon.ico into img directory app.mapUrl("^/favicon.ico$", "content") .setPathInfo(configDir + "/img/favicon.ico") .pushArg("image/x-icon"); // takes first path components without 'extension' when it does not // contain '.' // modified by 'tadi' -- verified with above, but not counterchecked yet! app.mapUrl("^/([^./]+)(.*)?", "$1"); tnt::Sessionscope::setDefaultTimeout(86400); tnt::HttpReply::setDefaultContentType(string("text/html; charset=") + LiveI18n().CharacterEncoding()); Setup::IpList const& ips = LiveSetup().GetServerIps(); int port = LiveSetup().GetServerPort(); for ( Setup::IpList::const_iterator ip = ips.begin(); ip != ips.end(); ++ip ) { app.listen(*ip, port); } #if TNTSSLSUPPORT int s_port = LiveSetup().GetServerSslPort(); string s_cert = LiveSetup().GetServerSslCert(); string s_key = LiveSetup().GetServerSslKey(); if (s_cert.empty()) { s_cert = configDir + "/live.pem"; } if (s_key.empty()) { s_key = configDir + "/live-key.pem"; } if ( ifstream( s_cert.c_str() ) && ifstream( s_key.c_str() ) ) { for ( Setup::IpList::const_iterator ip = ips.begin(); ip != ips.end(); ++ip ) { app.sslListen(s_cert, s_key, *ip, s_port); } } else { esyslog( "ERROR: Unable to load cert/key (%s/%s): %s", s_cert.c_str(), s_key.c_str(), strerror( errno ) ); } #endif // TNTSSLSUPPORT std::istringstream logConf( "rootLogger=" + LiveSetup().GetTntnetLogLevel() + "\n" // "logger.tntnet.static=DEBUG\n" // "logger.cxxtools.net.tcp=DEBUG\n" ); log_init(logConf); } #endif TntConfig const& TntConfig::Get() { static TntConfig instance; return instance; } } // namespace vdrlive