#ifndef VDR_LIVE_TOOLS_H #define VDR_LIVE_TOOLS_H // STL headers need to be before VDR tools.h (included by ) #include #include #include #include #ifndef __STL_CONFIG_H // To get rid of the swap definition in vdr/tools.h # define __STL_CONFIG_H #endif #include std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& is, tChannelID& ret ); inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, tChannelID const& id ) { return os << *id.ToString(); } namespace vdrlive { std::string FormatDuration( char const* format, int hours, int minutes ); std::string FormatDateTime( char const* format, time_t time ); std::string StringReplace( std::string const& text, std::string const& substring, std::string const& replacement ); std::vector< std::string > StringSplit( std::string const& text, char delimiter ); int StringToInt( std::string const& string, int base = 10 ); std::string StringRepeat(int times, const std::string& input); std::string StringWordTruncate(const std::string& input, size_t maxLen, bool& truncated); inline std::string StringWordTruncate(const std::string& input, size_t maxLen) { bool dummy; return StringWordTruncate(input, maxLen, dummy); } std::string StringEscapeAndBreak( std::string const& input ); std::string StringFormatBreak(std::string const& input); std::string StringTrim(const std::string& str); std::string ZeroPad(int number); std::string MD5Hash(std::string const& str); time_t GetTimeT(std::string timestring); std::string ExpandTimeString(std::string timestring); std::string StringUrlEncode( std::string const& input ); std::string GetXMLValue( std::string const& xml, std::string const& element ); time_t GetDateFromDatePicker(std::string const& datestring, std::string const& format); std::string DatePickerToC(time_t date, std::string const& format); std::string EncodeDomId(std::string const & toEncode, char const * from = ".-:", char const * to = "pmc"); std::string DecodeDomId(std::string const & toDecode, char const * from = "pmc", char const * to = ".-:"); std::string FileSystemExchangeChars(std::string const & s, bool ToFileSystem); bool MoveDirectory(std::string const & sourceDir, std::string const & targetDir, bool copy = false); struct bad_lexical_cast: std::runtime_error { bad_lexical_cast(): std::runtime_error( "bad lexical cast" ) {} }; template< typename To, typename From > To lexical_cast( From const& from ) { std::stringstream parser; parser << from; To result; parser >> result; if ( !parser ) throw bad_lexical_cast(); return result; } template< typename From > std::string ConvertToString( From const& from, std::locale const& loc = std::locale() ) { std::ostringstream parser; parser.imbue( loc ); parser << from; return parser.str(); } class ReadLock { private: typedef void (ReadLock::*safe_bool)() const; public: ReadLock(cRwLock& lock, int timeout = 100) : m_lock(lock) , m_locked(false) { if (m_lock.Lock( false, timeout )) m_locked = true; } ~ReadLock() { if (m_locked) m_lock.Unlock(); } operator safe_bool() const { return m_locked ? &ReadLock::safe_bool_idiom : 0; } private: ReadLock(ReadLock const&); cRwLock& m_lock; bool m_locked; void safe_bool_idiom() const {} }; } // namespace vdrlive #endif // VDR_LIVE_TOOLS_H