/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009; Author: Tobias Bratfisch * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "cam_menu.h" #include "filter.h" #include "device.h" #include #include #define TMP_PATH "/tmp" #define TMP_FILE TMP_PATH"/netceiver.conf" class cCamMtd : public cMenuEditIntItem { friend class cNCUpdate; public: cCamMtd(const char *uuid, int slot, const char *info, nc_ca_caps_t flags) : cMenuEditIntItem((const char *)cString::sprintf(" %s", tr("Multi-Transponder")), &m_flags, 1, 2, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")) { m_oflags = m_flags = flags; if(uuid) strcpy (m_uuid, uuid); else m_uuid[0]=0; if(info) strcpy (m_info, info); else m_info[0]=0; m_slot = slot; Set(); }; // cCamMtd virtual bool MtdModified() { return m_flags != m_oflags; }; virtual void MtdSaved() { m_oflags = m_flags; } protected: char m_uuid[UUID_SIZE]; int m_slot; char m_info[MMI_TEXT_LENGTH]; int m_flags; int m_oflags; }; // cCamMtd class cCamInfo : public cOsdItem { public: cCamInfo(const char *uuid, int slot, const char *info) { SetText(cString::sprintf (" %s:\t%s", slot == 0 ? trVDR ("lower slot") : trVDR ("upper slot"), info ? info[0] ? info : trVDR ("Error") : trVDR ("No CI-Module"))); if(uuid) strcpy (m_uuid, uuid); else m_uuid[0]=0; if(info) strcpy (m_info, info); else m_info[0]=0; m_hascam = (info!=NULL); m_slot = slot; }; // cCamInfo int CamMenuOpen (char *iface) { isyslog("Opening CAM Menu at NetCeiver %s Slot %d info %s\n", m_uuid, m_slot, m_info); int mmi_session = 0; if(m_slot != -1 && strlen(m_info)) { mmi_session = mmi_open_menu_session (m_uuid, iface, 0, m_slot); if (mmi_session > 0) { sleep (1); const char *c = "00000000000000\n"; mmi_send_menu_answer (mmi_session, (char *) c, strlen (c)); } else { esyslog("Could not open mcli menu session for %s/%d(%s): %d", m_uuid, m_slot, m_info, mmi_session); mmi_session = -1; } // if } // if return mmi_session; }; // CamMenuOpen virtual void CamReset (char *iface) { if(CanCamReset()) mmi_cam_reset(m_uuid, iface, 0, m_slot); }; // CamMenuOpen virtual bool CanCamReset() { return (m_slot != -1) && m_hascam; }; // CanCamReset virtual bool MtdPossible() { return MtdPossible(m_info); }; // MtdPossible static bool MtdPossible(const char *info) { if(info && strlen(info)) if (strncmp(info, "Alpha", 5) == 0 || strncmp(info, "easy.TV", 7) == 0 || strncmp(info, "Power", 5) == 0 ) return true; return false; }; // MtdPossible protected: bool m_hascam; char m_uuid[UUID_SIZE]; int m_slot; char m_info[MMI_TEXT_LENGTH]; }; // cCamInfo class cNCUpdate : public cThread { public: cNCUpdate(cCamMenu *menu, const char *iface) { m_menu = menu; m_iface = iface; if(m_iface && !strlen(m_iface)) m_iface = NULL; m_state=1; Start(); }; // cNCUpdate virtual bool Done() { return !m_state; }; virtual const char *GetStateStr() { return m_statestr; }; // GetStateStr protected: virtual void Action() { char uuid[UUID_SIZE]; while(Running() && m_menu && m_state) { switch(m_state) { case 1: { m_statestr=tr("Updating configuration..."); m_state = 0; for(cOsdItem *i=m_menu->First(); i; i=m_menu->Next(i)) { cCamMtd *m = dynamic_cast(i); if(m && m->MtdModified()) { strcpy(uuid, m->m_uuid); m_state = 2; break; } // if } // for if(!m_state) m_statestr=tr("Configuration is up to date..."); break; } // case 1 case 2: { m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Getting configuration from Netceiver %s"), uuid); cString c = cString::sprintf("rm -f %s; cd %s; netcvupdate -i %s%s%s -D", TMP_FILE, TMP_PATH, uuid, m_iface ? " -d " : "", m_iface ? m_iface : ""); //isyslog("EXEC1 %s", (const char *)c); if(SystemExec(c)) { m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Failed to get configuration from Netceiver %s"), uuid); m_state = 0; continue; } // if m_state = 3; break; } // case 2 case 3: { m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Changing configuration for Netceiver %s"), uuid); xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(TMP_FILE, NULL, 0); if(doc == NULL) { m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Failed to parse configuration from Netceiver %s"), uuid); m_state = 0; continue; } // if if(!PatchAllCamFlags(doc, uuid)) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Failed to set configuration for Netceiver %s"), uuid); m_state = 0; continue; } // if if(xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(TMP_FILE, doc, "UTF-8", 1)==-1) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Failed to save configuration for Netceiver %s"), uuid); m_state = 0; continue; } // if xmlFreeDoc(doc); m_state=4; break; } // case 3 case 4: { m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Saving configuration for Netceiver %s"), uuid); cString c = cString::sprintf("netcvupdate -i %s%s%s -U %s -K", uuid, m_iface ? " -d " : "", m_iface ? m_iface : "", TMP_FILE); //isyslog("EXEC2 %s", (const char *)c); if(SystemExec(c)) { m_statestr = cString::sprintf(tr("Failed to save configuration for Netceiver %s"), uuid); m_state = 0; continue; } // if m_state=1; break; } // case 4 } // switch } // while m_state = 0; }; // Action virtual bool PatchAllCamFlags(xmlDocPtr doc, const char *uuid) { for(cOsdItem *i=m_menu->First(); i; i=m_menu->Next(i)) { cCamMtd *m = dynamic_cast(i); if(m && !strcmp(m->m_uuid, uuid)) { if(!PatchCamFlags(doc, uuid, itoa(m->m_slot), itoa(m->m_flags))) return false; m->MtdSaved(); } // if } // for return true; }; // PatchAllCamFlags virtual bool PatchCamFlags(xmlDocPtr doc, const char *uuid, const char *slot, const char *flags) { bool uuid_match=false; bool flags_set =false; xmlNode *node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); node = node ? node->children : NULL; while(node && xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar *)"Description")) node=node->next; node = node ? node->children : NULL; while(node) { if(node && !xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar *)"component")) { xmlNode *item = node->children; while(item && xmlStrcmp(item->name, (const xmlChar *)"Description")) { item = item->next; } // while xmlChar *about = item ? xmlGetProp(item, (const xmlChar *)"about") : NULL; if(about) { if (!xmlStrcmp(about, (const xmlChar *)"Platform")) { xmlNode *sub = item->children; while(sub) { if(!xmlStrcmp(sub->name, (const xmlChar *)"UUID")) { xmlChar *value=xmlNodeListGetString(doc, sub->children, 1); if(value) { uuid_match=!xmlStrcmp(value, (const xmlChar *)uuid); xmlFree(value); } // if } // if sub = sub->next; } // while } else if(!xmlStrcmp(about, (const xmlChar *)"CAM")) { xmlNode *sub = item->children; while(sub) { if(!xmlStrcmp(sub->name, (const xmlChar *)"Slot")) { xmlChar *value=xmlNodeListGetString(doc, sub->children, 1); if(value) { if (!xmlStrcmp(value, (const xmlChar *)slot)) { xmlNode *tst = item->children; while(tst) { if(!xmlStrcmp(tst->name, (const xmlChar *)"Flags")) { xmlReplaceNode(tst, xmlNewChild(item, xmlSearchNs(doc, tst, (const xmlChar *)"prf"), (const xmlChar *)"Flags", (const xmlChar *)flags)); xmlFreeNode(tst); flags_set=true; tst = NULL; continue; } // if tst = tst->next; } // while } // if xmlFree(value); } // if } // if sub = sub->next; } // while } // if xmlFree(about); } // if } // if node = node->next; } // while return uuid_match && flags_set; }; // PatchCamFlags cCamMenu *m_menu; const char *m_iface; unsigned int m_state; cString m_statestr; }; // cNCUpdate cCamMenu::cCamMenu (cmdline_t * cmd) #if APIVERSNUM < 10700 : cOsdMenu (trVDR ("Common Interface"), 18) #else : cOsdMenu (trVDR ("Common Interface"), 23) #endif { NCUpdate=NULL; m_cmd = cmd; inCamMenu = false; inMMIBroadcastMenu = false; inputRequested = eInputNone; end = false; currentSelected = -1; pinCounter = 0; alreadyReceived = false; mmi_session = -1; SetNeedsFastResponse (true); CamFind (); } cCamMenu::cCamMenu (cmdline_t * cmd, mmi_info_t * mmi_info):cOsdMenu (trVDR ("Common Interface"), 18) { NCUpdate=NULL; m_cmd = cmd; inCamMenu = false; inMMIBroadcastMenu = false; inputRequested = eInputNone; end = false; currentSelected = -1; pinCounter = 0; alreadyReceived = false; mmi_session = -1; SetNeedsFastResponse (true); mmi_session = CamMenuOpen (mmi_info); } cCamMenu::~cCamMenu () { CamMenuClose (mmi_session); } void cCamMenu::OpenCamMenu () { bool timeout = true; cCamInfo *item = dynamic_cast(Get(currentSelected)); mmi_session = item ? item->CamMenuOpen (m_cmd->iface) : 0; char buf2[MMI_TEXT_LENGTH * 2]; printf ("mmi_session: %d\n", mmi_session); if (mmi_session > 0) { Clear (); Skins.Message(mtWarning, trVDR("Opening CAM menu...")); inCamMenu = true; time_t t = time (NULL); while ((time (NULL) - t) < CAMMENU_TIMEOUT) { memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); // receive the CAM MENU if (CamMenuReceive (mmi_session, buf, MMI_TEXT_LENGTH) > 0) { cCharSetConv conv = cCharSetConv ("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); conv.Convert (buf, buf2, MMI_TEXT_LENGTH * 2); char *saveptr = NULL; char *ret = strtok_r (buf2, "\n", &saveptr); if (ret) { Add (new cOsdItem (ret)); while (ret != NULL) { ret = strtok_r (NULL, "\n", &saveptr); if (ret) Add (new cOsdItem (ret)); } } timeout = false; break; } } } if (mmi_session && timeout) { printf ("%s: Error\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); Clear (); Add (new cOsdItem (trVDR ("Error"))); } Display (); } void cCamMenu::Receive () { bool timeout = true; if (mmi_session > 0) { char buf2[MMI_TEXT_LENGTH * 2]; time_t t = time (NULL); while ((time (NULL) - t) < CAMMENU_TIMEOUT) { memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); // receive the CAM MENU if (alreadyReceived || CamMenuReceive (mmi_session, buf, MMI_TEXT_LENGTH) > 0) { Clear (); alreadyReceived = false; printf ("MMI: \"%s\"\n", buf); if (!strncmp (buf, "blind = 0", 9)) inputRequested = eInputNotBlind; else if (!strncmp (buf, "blind = 1", 9)) inputRequested = eInputBlind; cCharSetConv conv = cCharSetConv ("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); conv.Convert (inputRequested ? buf + 28 : buf, buf2, MMI_TEXT_LENGTH * 2); printf ("MMI-UTF8: \"%s\"\n", buf2); if (!strcmp (buf, "end")) { /** The Alphacrypt returns "end" when pressing "Back" in it's main menu */ end = true; return; } char *saveptr = NULL; char *ret = strtok_r (buf2, "\n", &saveptr); if (ret) { Add (new cOsdItem (ret)); while (ret != NULL) { ret = strtok_r (NULL, "\n", &saveptr); if (ret) Add (new cOsdItem (ret)); } } timeout = false; break; } } } if (timeout) { printf ("%s: mmi_session: %i\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, mmi_session); Add (new cOsdItem (trVDR ("Error"))); } Display (); } int cCamMenu::CamFind () { Clear (); int n, cnt = 0, i; netceiver_info_list_t *nc_list = nc_get_list (); //printf ("Looking for netceivers out there....\n"); nc_lock_list (); for (n = 0; n < nc_list->nci_num; n++) { netceiver_info_t *nci = nc_list->nci + n; //printf ("\nFound NetCeiver: %s \n", nci->uuid); char buf[128]; Add (new cOsdItem ("Netceiver", osUnknown, false)); snprintf (buf, 128, " %s: %s", "ID", nci->uuid); Add (new cOsdItem (buf, osUnknown, false)); Add (new cOsdItem ("", osUnknown, false)); printf (" CAMS [%d]: \n", nci->cam_num); int nrAlphaCrypts = 0; int nrOtherCams = 0; for (i = nci->cam_num - 1; i >= 0 /*nci->cam_num */ ; i--) { if((2==nci->cam[i].status)&&strlen(nci->cam[i].menu_string)) { if (cCamInfo::MtdPossible(nci->cam[i].menu_string)) nrAlphaCrypts++; else nrOtherCams++; } // if } // for bool mtdImpossible = nrAlphaCrypts > 0 && nrOtherCams > 0; // as in netcvmenu.c for (i = nci->cam_num - 1; i >= 0 /*nci->cam_num */ ; i--) { switch (nci->cam[i].status) { case 2: {//DVBCA_CAMSTATE_READY: cCamInfo *item = new cCamInfo(nci->uuid, nci->cam[i].slot, nci->cam[i].menu_string); Add(item); if(!mtdImpossible && item->MtdPossible()) Add(new cCamMtd(nci->uuid, nci->cam[i].slot, nci->cam[i].menu_string, nci->cam[i].flags)); break; } case 0: // no cam? Add(new cCamInfo(nci->uuid, nci->cam[i].slot, NULL)); break; default: Add(new cCamInfo(nci->uuid, nci->cam[i].slot, nci->cam[i].menu_string)); } Add (new cOsdItem ("", osUnknown, false)); cnt++; } if (mtdImpossible) { Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf(" %s", tr("Multi-Transponder-Decryption is")))); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf(" %s", tr("impossible because of mixed CAMs")))); Add (new cOsdItem ("", osUnknown, false)); } // if } nc_unlock_list (); Display (); return cnt; } int cCamMenu::CamMenuOpen (mmi_info_t * mmi_info) { //printf ("Opening CAM Menu at NetCeiver %s Slot %d\n", mmi_info->uuid, mmi_info->slot); char buf[MMI_TEXT_LENGTH * 2]; inMMIBroadcastMenu = true; inCamMenu = true; cCharSetConv conv = cCharSetConv ("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); conv.Convert (mmi_info->mmi_text, buf, MMI_TEXT_LENGTH * 2); //printf ("MMI-UTF8: \"%s\"\n", buf); char *saveptr = NULL; char *ret = strtok_r (buf, "\n", &saveptr); if (ret) { Add (new cOsdItem (ret)); while (ret != NULL) { ret = strtok_r (NULL, "\n", &saveptr); if (ret) Add (new cOsdItem (ret)); } } int mmi_session = mmi_open_menu_session (mmi_info->uuid, m_cmd->iface, 0, mmi_info->slot); //printf ("CamMenuOpen: mmi_session: %i\n", mmi_session); return mmi_session; } int cCamMenu::CamMenuSend (int mmi_session, const char *c) { return mmi_send_menu_answer (mmi_session, (char *) c, strlen (c)); } int cCamMenu::CamMenuReceive (int mmi_session, char *buf, int bufsize) { return mmi_get_menu_text (mmi_session, buf, bufsize, 50000); } void cCamMenu::CamMenuClose (int mmi_session) { close (mmi_session); } int cCamMenu::CamPollText (mmi_info_t * text) { return mmi_poll_for_menu_text (m_cam_mmi, text, 10); } eOSState cCamMenu::ProcessKey (eKeys Key) { if(NCUpdate) { if(NCUpdate->Done()) { SetStatus(""); Skins.Message(mtWarning, NCUpdate->GetStateStr()); delete NCUpdate; NCUpdate=NULL; return osBack; } else SetStatus(NCUpdate->GetStateStr()); Display(); return osContinue; } // if eOSState ret = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey (Key); currentSelected = Current (); if (end) { end = false; inCamMenu = false; if (inMMIBroadcastMenu) return osEnd; CamMenuClose (mmi_session); CamFind (); return osContinue; } bool MtdModified=false; for(cOsdItem *i=First(); i; i=Next(i)){ cCamMtd *m = dynamic_cast(i); if(m&&m->MtdModified()) MtdModified=true; } // for cCamInfo *info = dynamic_cast(Get(Current())); SetHelp(MtdModified?tr("Save"):NULL, NULL, (info&&info->CanCamReset()) ? trVDR("Reset") : NULL, NULL); switch (Key) { #if 0 case kUp: case kDown: { unsigned int nrInCamList = currentSelected - ((int) currentSelected / 5) * 3 - 3; // minus the empty rows if(strlen(cam_list[nrInCamList].info)) SetHelp(trVDR("Reset"), NULL, NULL, NULL); else SetHelp(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; } #endif case kRed: { // modify mtd settings NCUpdate = new cNCUpdate(this, m_cmd->iface); SetHelp(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); SetStatus(tr("Updating configuration...")); Display(); return osContinue; } case kYellow: { cCamInfo *item = dynamic_cast(Get(currentSelected)); if(item) item->CamReset(m_cmd->iface); break; } case kOk: SetStatus (""); pinCounter = 0; // reset pin if (inCamMenu && inputRequested) { inputRequested = eInputNone; // input was sent //printf ("Sending pin: \"%s\"\n", pin); CamMenuSend (mmi_session, pin); Receive (); } else if (inMMIBroadcastMenu) { //printf ("Sending: \"%s\"\n", Get (Current())->Text()); CamMenuSend (mmi_session, Get (Current ())->Text ()); Receive (); } else if (inCamMenu) { //printf ("Sending: \"%s\"\n", Get (Current ())->Text ()); if (strcmp(Get ( Current ())->Text(), trVDR("Error"))) // never send Error... CamMenuSend (mmi_session, Get (Current ())->Text ()); Receive (); } else OpenCamMenu (); break; case kBack: pinCounter = 0; // reset pin if (!inCamMenu) return osBack; inCamMenu = false; SetStatus (""); CamMenuClose (mmi_session); CamFind (); return osContinue; case k0...k9: if (inputRequested) { pin[pinCounter++] = 48 + Key - k0; pin[pinCounter] = '\0'; printf ("key: %c, pin: \"%s\"\n", 48 + Key - k0, pin); char buf[16]; int i; for (i = 0; i < pinCounter; i++) (inputRequested == eInputBlind) ? buf[i] = '*' : buf[i] = pin[i]; buf[i] = '\0'; SetStatus (buf); } else { pinCounter = 0; // reset pin SetStatus (""); for (int i = 0; Get (i); i++) { const char *txt = Get (i)->Text (); if (txt[0] == 48 + Key - k0 && txt[1] == '.') { CamMenuSend (mmi_session, txt); Receive (); } } } break; default: int bla = 0; if (mmi_session > 0) { bla = CamMenuReceive (mmi_session, buf, MMI_TEXT_LENGTH); if (bla > 0) { alreadyReceived = true; //printf ("bla: %i\n", bla); Receive (); } } break; } return ret; }