#include "dvbipstream.h" typedef struct { int userValue; int driverValue; } tChannelParameterMap; const tChannelParameterMap RolloffValues[] = { {0, 0}, {35, 0}, {25, 0}, {20, 0}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap InversionValues[] = { {0, INVERSION_OFF}, {1, INVERSION_ON}, {999, INVERSION_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap BandwidthValues[] = { {6, BANDWIDTH_6_MHZ}, {7, BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ}, {8, BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ}, {999, BANDWIDTH_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap CoderateValues[] = { {0, FEC_NONE}, {12, FEC_1_2}, {23, FEC_2_3}, {34, FEC_3_4}, {45, FEC_4_5}, {56, FEC_5_6}, {67, FEC_6_7}, {78, FEC_7_8}, {89, FEC_8_9}, {999, FEC_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap CoderateValuesS[] = { {0, FEC_NONE}, {12, FEC_1_2}, {23, FEC_2_3}, {34, FEC_3_4}, {45, FEC_4_5}, {56, FEC_5_6}, {67, FEC_6_7}, {78, FEC_7_8}, {89, FEC_8_9}, {13, FEC_1_3}, //S2 {14, FEC_1_4}, //S2 {25, FEC_2_5}, //S2 {35, FEC_3_5}, //S2 {910, FEC_9_10}, //S2 {999, FEC_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap ModulationValues[] = { {0, QPSK}, {16, QAM_16}, {32, QAM_32}, {64, QAM_64}, {128, QAM_128}, {256, QAM_256}, {999, QAM_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap ModulationValuesS[] = { {2, QPSK}, {4, QPSK}, {5, PSK8}, {42, QPSK_S2}, // S2 {8, PSK8}, {16, QAM_16}, {32, QAM_32}, {64, QAM_64}, {128, QAM_128}, {256, QAM_256}, {999, QAM_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap TransmissionValues[] = { {2, TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K}, {8, TRANSMISSION_MODE_8K}, {999, TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap GuardValues[] = { {4, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_4}, {8, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_8}, {16, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16}, {32, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32}, {999, GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO}, {-1} }; const tChannelParameterMap HierarchyValues[] = { {0, HIERARCHY_NONE}, {1, HIERARCHY_1}, {2, HIERARCHY_2}, {4, HIERARCHY_4}, {999, HIERARCHY_AUTO}, {-1} }; #ifdef WIN32 #define strtok_r mystrtok char *strtok_r(char *s, const char *d, char **m) { char *p; char *q; if (s) *m = s; p = *m; if (!p) return NULL; while (*p && strchr(d,*p)) p++; if (*p == 0) { *m = NULL; return NULL; } q = p; while (*q && !strchr(d,*q)) q++; if (!*q) *m = NULL; else { *q++ = 0; *m = q; } return p; } #endif char *strreplace (char *s, char c1, char c2) { if (s) { char *p = s; while (*p) { if (*p == c1) *p = c2; p++; } } return s; } int UserIndex (int Value, const tChannelParameterMap * Map) { const tChannelParameterMap *map = Map; while (map && map->userValue != -1) { if (map->userValue == Value) return map - Map; map++; } return -1; } int DriverIndex (int Value, const tChannelParameterMap * Map) { const tChannelParameterMap *map = Map; while (map && map->userValue != -1) { if (map->driverValue == Value) return map - Map; map++; } return -1; } int MapToDriver (int Value, const tChannelParameterMap * Map) { int n = UserIndex (Value, Map); if (n >= 0) return Map[n].driverValue; return -1; } static const char *ParseParameter (const char *s, int *Value, const tChannelParameterMap * Map) { if (*++s) { char *p = NULL; int n; errno = 0; n = strtol (s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s) { *Value = MapToDriver (n, Map); if (*Value >= 0) return p; } } printf ("ERROR: invalid value for parameter '%c'\n", *(s - 1)); return NULL; } bool StringToParameters (const char *s, channel_t * ch) { int dummy; bool newformat = false; int deliverysystem = -1; const char * start = s; while (s && *s) { switch (toupper (*s)) { case 'B': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->bandwidth, BandwidthValues); break; case 'C': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->coderateH, CoderateValuesS); break; case 'D': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->coderateL, CoderateValues); break; case 'O': newformat = true; case 'E': s = ParseParameter (s, &dummy, RolloffValues); break; case 'G': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->guard, GuardValues); break; case 'H': ch->polarization = SEC_VOLTAGE_18; s++; break; case 'I': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->inversion, InversionValues); break; case 'L': ch->polarization = SEC_VOLTAGE_18; s++; break; case 'M': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->modulation, ModulationValuesS); break; case 'R': ch->polarization = SEC_VOLTAGE_13; s++; break; case 'S': newformat = true; s++; if (*s == '1') deliverysystem = 1; else if (*s == '0') deliverysystem = 0; s++; break; case 'T': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->transmission, TransmissionValues); break; case 'V': ch->polarization = SEC_VOLTAGE_13; s++; break; case 'Y': s = ParseParameter (s, &ch->hierarchy, HierarchyValues); break; case 'P': s+=2; break; default: printf ("ERROR: unknown parameter key '%c' at pos %d\n", *s, (int)((long)(s-start))); return 0; } } if (newformat) { //printf("Detected VDR-1.7.x parameter string format.\n"); if (deliverysystem == 1 && ch->modulation == QPSK) { ch->modulation = QPSK_S2; } } return 1; } int SourceFromString (char *s) { char t = 0, d = 0; float val = 0; sscanf (s, "%c%f%c", &t, &val, &d); if (t == 'S') { val = val * 10; if (d == 'W') val = 1800 - val; else val = val + 1800; } else if (t == 'T') val = -2; else if (t == 'C') val = -3; return (int) val; } int ParseLine (const char *s, channel_t * ch) { bool ok = 1; memset (ch, 0, sizeof (channel_t)); if (*s == ':') { #if 0 groupSep = true; if (*++s == '@' && *++s) { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol (s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s && n > 0) { ch->number = n; s = p; } } ch->name = strdup (skipspace (s)); strreplace (ch->name, '|', ':'); #endif ok = 0; } else { // groupSep = false; char *namebuf = NULL; char *sourcebuf = NULL; char *parambuf = NULL; char *vpidbuf = NULL; char *apidbuf = NULL; char *caidbuf = NULL; int fields; #if ! (defined WIN32 || defined APPLE) fields = sscanf (s, "%a[^:]:%d :%a[^:]:%a[^:] :%d :%a[^:]:" "%a[^:]:%d :%a[^:]:%d :%d :%d :%d ", &namebuf, &ch->frequency, ¶mbuf, &sourcebuf, &ch->srate, &vpidbuf, &apidbuf, &ch->tpid, &caidbuf, &ch->sid, &ch->nid, &ch->tid, &ch->rid); #else namebuf = (char *) malloc (1024); parambuf = (char *) malloc (1024); sourcebuf = (char *) malloc (1024); vpidbuf = (char *) malloc (1024); apidbuf = (char *) malloc (1024); caidbuf = (char *) malloc (1024); fields = sscanf (s, "%[^:]:%d :%[^:]:%[^:] :%d :%[^:]:%[^:]:" "%d :%[^:]:%d :%d :%d :%d ", namebuf, &ch->frequency, parambuf, sourcebuf, &ch->srate, vpidbuf, apidbuf, &ch->tpid, caidbuf, &ch->sid, &ch->nid, &ch->tid, &ch->rid); #endif if (fields >= 9) { if (fields == 9) { // allow reading of old format ch->sid = atoi (caidbuf); free (caidbuf); caidbuf = NULL; ch->caids[0] = ch->tpid; ch->caids[1] = 0; ch->tpid = 0; } ch->vpid = ch->ppid = 0; ch->apids[0] = 0; ch->dpids[0] = 0; ok = false; if (parambuf && sourcebuf && vpidbuf && apidbuf) { char *p, *dpidbuf, *q, *strtok_next; // int NumApids; ok = StringToParameters (parambuf, ch); ch->source = SourceFromString (sourcebuf); ok = ok && ((ch->source >= 0) || (ch->source == -2)||(ch->source == -3)); p = strchr (vpidbuf, '+'); if (p) *p++ = 0; if (sscanf (vpidbuf, "%d", &ch->vpid) != 1) return false; if (p) { if (sscanf (p, "%d", &ch->ppid) != 1) return false; } else ch->ppid = ch->vpid; dpidbuf = strchr (apidbuf, ';'); if (dpidbuf) *dpidbuf++ = 0; p = apidbuf; ch->NumApids = 0; while ((q = strtok_r (p, ",", &strtok_next))) { if (ch->NumApids < MAXAPIDS) { ch->apids[ch->NumApids++] = strtol (q, NULL, 10); } else // no need to set ok to 'false' printf ("ERROR: too many APIDs!" "\n"); p = NULL; } ch->apids[ch->NumApids] = 0; if (dpidbuf) { char *p = dpidbuf; char *q; int NumDpids = 0; char *strtok_next; while ((q=strtok_r(p, ",", &strtok_next))) { if (NumDpids < MAXDPIDS) { ch->dpids[ch->NumDpids++] = strtol (q, NULL, 10); } else // no need to set ok to 'false' printf ("ERROR: too many DPIDs!" "\n"); p = NULL; } ch->dpids[ch->NumDpids] = 0; } #if 0 if (caidbuf) { char *p = caidbuf; char *q; int NumCaIds = 0; char *strtok_next; while ((q=strtok_r(p, ",", &strtok_next))) { if (NumCaIds < MAXCAIDS) { caids[NumCaIds++] = strtol (q, NULL, 16) & 0xFFFF; if (NumCaIds == 1 && caids[0] <= 0x00FF) break; } else // no need to set ok to 'false' printf ("ERROR: too many CA ids!" \n"); p = NULL; } caids[NumCaIds] = 0; } #endif } strreplace (namebuf, '|', ':'); { char *p = strchr (namebuf, ';'); if (p) { *p++ = 0; ch->provider = strdup (p); if (!ch->provider) { printf ("ERROR: out of memory!\n"); ok = 0; } } p = strchr (namebuf, ','); if (p) { *p++ = 0; ch->shortName = strdup (p); if (!ch->shortName) { printf ("ERROR: out of memory!\n"); ok = 0; } } } ch->name = strdup (namebuf); if (!ch->name) { printf ("ERROR: out of memory!\n"); ok = 0; } } else ok = 0; #if (defined WIN32 || defined APPLE) free (parambuf); free (sourcebuf); free (vpidbuf); free (apidbuf); free (caidbuf); free (namebuf); #endif } return ok; }