# # Makefile for a Video Disk Recorder plugin # # $Id$ # The official name of this plugin. # This name will be used in the '-P...' option of VDR to load the plugin. # By default the main source file also carries this name. PLUGIN = mpv ### Configuration (edit this for your needs) #CONFIG := -DDEBUG # uncomment to build DEBUG # support refresh rate switching XRANDR ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists xrandr && echo 1) LIBMPV ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists mpv && echo 1) LIBCDIO ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists libcdio && echo 1) LIBMOUNT ?= $(shell pkg-config --exists mount && echo 1) ifneq ($(LIBMPV),1) $(error libmpv missing) endif ifeq ($(LIBCDIO),1) ifeq ($(LIBMOUNT),1) CONFIG += -DUSE_DISC LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs libcdio) LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs mount) endif endif ifeq ($(XRANDR),1) CONFIG += -DUSE_XRANDR LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs xrandr) endif LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs mpv) ### The version number of this plugin (taken from the main source file): VERSION = $(shell grep 'static const char \*VERSION *=' $(PLUGIN).c | awk '{ print $$6 }' | sed -e 's/[";]//g') GIT_REV = $(shell git describe --always 2>/dev/null) ### The directory environment: # Use package data if installed...otherwise assume we're under the VDR source directory: PKGCFG = $(if $(VDRDIR),$(shell pkg-config --variable=$(1) $(VDRDIR)/vdr.pc),$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:../../.." pkg-config --variable=$(1) vdr)) LIBDIR = $(call PKGCFG,libdir) LOCDIR = $(call PKGCFG,locdir) PLGCFG = $(call PKGCFG,plgcfg) # TMPDIR ?= /tmp ### The compiler options: export CFLAGS = $(call PKGCFG,cflags) export CXXFLAGS = $(call PKGCFG,cxxflags) export CXXFLAGS += -Wno-switch ### The version number of VDR's plugin API: APIVERSION = $(call PKGCFG,apiversion) ### Allow user defined options to overwrite defaults: -include $(PLGCFG) ### The name of the distribution archive: ARCHIVE = $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION) PACKAGE = vdr-$(ARCHIVE) ### The name of the shared object file: SOFILE = libvdr-$(PLUGIN).so ### Includes and Defines (add further entries here): INCLUDES += DEFINES += -DPLUGIN_NAME_I18N='"$(PLUGIN)"' -D_GNU_SOURCE $(CONFIG) \ $(if $(GIT_REV), -DGIT_REV='"$(GIT_REV)"') ### The object files (add further files here): OBJS = $(PLUGIN).o config.o control.o filebrowser.o menu_options.o osd.o player.o setup.o status.o ### The main target: all: $(SOFILE) i18n ### Implicit rules: %.o: %.c $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $< ### Dependencies: MAKEDEP = $(CXX) -MM -MG DEPFILE = .dependencies $(DEPFILE): Makefile @$(MAKEDEP) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) $(OBJS:%.o=%.c) > $@ -include $(DEPFILE) ### Internationalization (I18N): PODIR = po I18Npo = $(wildcard $(PODIR)/*.po) I18Nmo = $(addsuffix .mo, $(foreach file, $(I18Npo), $(basename $(file)))) I18Nmsgs = $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(LOCDIR)/, $(addsuffix /LC_MESSAGES/vdr-$(PLUGIN).mo, $(notdir $(foreach file, $(I18Npo), $(basename $(file)))))) I18Npot = $(PODIR)/$(PLUGIN).pot %.mo: %.po msgfmt -c -o $@ $< $(I18Npot): $(wildcard *.c) xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap --no-location -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --package-name=vdr-$(PLUGIN) --package-version=$(VERSION) --msgid-bugs-address='' -o $@ `ls $^` %.po: $(I18Npot) msgmerge -U --no-wrap --no-location --backup=none -q -N $@ $< @touch $@ $(I18Nmsgs): $(DESTDIR)$(LOCDIR)/%/LC_MESSAGES/vdr-$(PLUGIN).mo: $(PODIR)/%.mo install -D -m644 $< $@ .PHONY: i18n i18n: $(I18Nmo) $(I18Npot) install-i18n: $(I18Nmsgs) ### Targets: $(SOFILE): $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o $@ install-lib: $(SOFILE) install -D $^ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$^.$(APIVERSION) install: install-lib install-i18n dist: $(I18Npo) clean @-rm -rf $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @mkdir $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @cp -a * $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @tar cjf $(PACKAGE).tar.bz2 -C $(TMPDIR) $(ARCHIVE) @-rm -rf $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @echo Distribution package created as $(PACKAGE).tar.bz2 clean: @-rm -f $(PODIR)/*.mo $(PODIR)/*.pot @-rm -f $(OBJS) $(DEPFILE) *.so *.tar.bz2 core* *~