path: root/setup.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-03-27Improved copyright and license information in the header of all source filesThomas Günther
2008-04-27Release version 0.0.9v0.0.9Andreas Regel
- dropped support for VDR version lower than 1.3.47. - Now using palette replacemen introduced in VDR 1.4.27, so palette setting workaround is not needed any longer. This simplifies code a bit. - added support for VDR 1.6. Now 1.4 and 1.6 are supported (tested with 1.4.7 and 1.6.0) - added gettext localization support introduced with VDR 1.5.7. - Do not decode B frames when dropping them. - Use cCondWait::SleepMs instead of usleep. - Fixed automatic closing of OSD after some minutes. - Fixed showing wrong channel information. - Added missing inclusion of <vdr/device.h>. - Added new colour reduction mode using 256 dithered colours (thanks to Martin Wache). - Added french translations (thanks to micky979)
2005-05-15Release version 0.0.8v0.0.8Andreas Regel
- Added Navigation through channel in a way like with ordinary VDR. Use the Left/Right keys to select channel groups, OK to choose one or the number keys to directly enter a channel number. All this only works with enabled info window. - Extended the info window to contain more information. The amount of information shown can be chosen through the setup menu. This directly affects the height of the info window. - Using the info window to show vdr messages if they occur. - Changed the manner the moving of the PiP window works. Now move mode is enabled or disabled by pressing the green button. In move mode, the cursor keys can be used to move the PiP window. - Added some more predefined PiP window sizes. You have to reset your size in setup menu. - Added support for ffmpeg 0.4.9 (should work with 0.4.8, too) - Updated finnish translations (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg) - Cleaned up, dropped support for vdr versions older than 1.3.8
2004-07-31Release version 0.0.6v0.0.6Andreas Regel
- added channel swapping. It is now possible to swap the currently viewed channel with the pip channel by pressing the red key. (thanks to Sascha Volkenandt) - added support for other aspect ratios than 4:3. Image is now correctly scaled and black border is added when necessary. - added automatic frame dropping that always takes the last frame from the ringbuffer. - added -D_GNU_SOURCE to DEFINES in Makefile - fixed a memory leak: missing deletion of frame ringbuffer - fixed a memory leak: missing frame deletion in case of a full ringbuffer - small speedup through just putting relevant frames to ringbuffer - updated finnish translations (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg)