This is a "plugin" for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR).

Written by:                  Sascha Volkenandt <>
                             Andreas Regel <>

Project's homepage:

Latest version available at:

See the file COPYING for license information.


- libavcodec from ffmpeg ( version 0.4.8


OSD Picture-in-Picture is a PlugIn that displays the current channel in a 
small box on the screen (default upper right corner). You can switch up and 
down now, watching the progress of the previous channel in the box. Quality is 
not too good yet, and only I-Frames are displayed. 
The plugin supports four modes:
 - greyscaled (16 shades of grey)
 - greyscaled (128 shades of grey)
 - 256 colors with fixed palette
 - 128 colors with variable palette
The first mode works with an ordinary vdr installation. If you want to use the
other modes, you'll need to upgrade your VDR to support a 256 color OSD
with the provided patching instruction. The variable palette mode needs more
extensive changes to VDR's source code using the provided patch that gives the
plugin more control over the OSD's palette. You can choose the color depth in 
the setup menu. If you didn't patch VDR appropriately, you'll only be able to
choose greyscaled mode.
The plugin has the possibility to choose the PiP size (in the setup menu from
predefined sizes) and position (by moving it around using number keys) as well
as crop dimensions.

ATTENTION: To have the position saved, you have to enter the plugin's setup menu
and hit the ok button.

From 0.0.3 on the plugin lets you choose the MPEG frames to decode and display
(in the setup menu). For slower machines it is further possible to set an
additional frame dropping.

From 0.0.4 the plugins shows some channel and schedule info in a second window
when switching channels. In setup menu you can change it's position and size.
This works flawlessly in 16 color greyscale mode. If you want to use it in one
of the other provided modes you have to use one of the already mentioned
patches. Otherwise you have to live with wrong colors in this modes.


Let's say osdpip's version is 0.0.1 and vdr's version is 1.2.6. If you 
use anything else please exchange the version numbers appropriately (this
way I don't have to update this section all the times;) ).

cd vdr-1.2.6/PLUGINS/src
tar xvfz vdr-osdpip-0.0.1.tgz
ln -s osdpip-0.0.1 osdpip
cd ../..

If you have ffmpeg installed, make plugins should do just fine now, but if you
have it next to your vdr folder (e.g. as the DXR3 plugin needs it), you have
to compile with make FFMPEG_STATIC=1 plugins. Ffmpeg must then be present in a
folder (or symlink) called "ffmpeg".

NOTE: The next step is not needed if you use the variable color patch provided
below that!

Now, you have to call your favourite editor to open osdbase.h and jump to line
number 16. I don't provide a patch here because some patches already touch that
area. Well this one's easy, though. Just increase the number of colors in this
line to 256. If you don't want 256 color support, you can skip this part.

#define MAXNUMCOLORS 256

If you want variable palette color mode you will have to further modify VDR's
source code using a patch from patches subdirectory. I provide two versions of
the patch: vdr-1.2.6.diff for a plain VDR installation and vdr-1.2.6_256.diff
for a version that already has 256 color support.

To apply this patch call
 patch -p1 < PLUGINS/src/osdpip/patches/vdr-1.2.6.diff
from VDR's source code directory.

Now, you have to re-build VDR and Plugins.

make [options, if necessary] vdr
make [options, if necessary] plugins


Up/Down    Switch Channel up/down
1-4,6-9    Move box around like with cursor keys
0          Switch back to PiP channel and exit PiP
Back       Exit PiP without switching back
Ok         Show/hide channel info window