#include "config.h" int ColorDepths = (MAXNUMCOLORS == 256 ? 2 : 1); #if MAXNUMCOLORS < 256 # warning WARNING: YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE RGB PIP #endif const char *ColorDepthItems[] = { "Greyscale", "256 colors" }; cOsdPipSetup OsdPipSetup; cOsdPipSetup::cOsdPipSetup(void) { XPosition = 20; YPosition = 20; CropLeft = 5; CropRight = 5; CropTop = 5; CropBottom = 5; ZoomFactor = 3; ColorDepth = (MAXNUMCOLORS == 256 ? 1 : 0); } bool cOsdPipSetup::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) { if (strcmp(Name, "XPosition") == 0) XPosition = atoi(Value); else if (strcmp(Name, "YPosition") == 0) YPosition = atoi(Value); else if (strcmp(Name, "CropLeft") == 0) CropLeft = atoi(Value); else if (strcmp(Name, "CropRight") == 0) CropRight = atoi(Value); else if (strcmp(Name, "CropTop") == 0) CropTop = atoi(Value); else if (strcmp(Name, "CropBottom") == 0) CropBottom = atoi(Value); else if (strcmp(Name, "ZoomFactor") == 0) ZoomFactor = atoi(Value); else if (strcmp(Name, "ColorDepth") == 0) ColorDepth = atoi(Value); else return false; return true; } cOsdPipSetupPage::cOsdPipSetupPage(void) { m_NewOsdPipSetup = OsdPipSetup; Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Crop left"), &m_NewOsdPipSetup.CropLeft, 0, 80)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Crop right"), &m_NewOsdPipSetup.CropRight, 0, 80)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Crop at top"), &m_NewOsdPipSetup.CropTop, 0, 80)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Crop at bottom"), &m_NewOsdPipSetup.CropBottom, 0, 80)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Zoom factor"), &m_NewOsdPipSetup.ZoomFactor, 2, 4)); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Colordepth"), &m_NewOsdPipSetup.ColorDepth, ColorDepths, ColorDepthItems)); } cOsdPipSetupPage::~cOsdPipSetupPage() { } void cOsdPipSetupPage::Store(void) { OsdPipSetup = m_NewOsdPipSetup; SetupStore("XPosition", OsdPipSetup.XPosition); SetupStore("YPosition", OsdPipSetup.YPosition); SetupStore("CropLeft", OsdPipSetup.CropLeft); SetupStore("CropRight", OsdPipSetup.CropRight); SetupStore("CropTop", OsdPipSetup.CropTop); SetupStore("CropBottom", OsdPipSetup.CropBottom); SetupStore("ZoomFactor", OsdPipSetup.ZoomFactor); SetupStore("ColorDepth", OsdPipSetup.ColorDepth); }