path: root/displaybase.h
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1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/displaybase.h b/displaybase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..708689f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/displaybase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+ * *
+ * displaybase.h - Base class for rendering a teletext cRenderPage to *
+ * an actual VDR OSD. *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * Changelog: *
+ * 2005-03 initial version (c) Udo Richter *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "txtrender.h"
+#include <vdr/osd.h>
+//#define timingdebug
+// Enables some time measure debugging code
+#ifdef timingdebug
+ #include <sys/timeb.h>
+ class cTime {
+ // Debugging: Simple class to measure time
+ timeb start;
+ public:
+ void Start() {
+ ftime(&start);
+ }
+ void Stop(char *txt) {
+ timeb t;
+ ftime(&t);
+ int s=t.time-start.time;
+ int ms=t.millitm-start.millitm;
+ if (ms<0) {
+ s--;
+ ms+=1000;
+ }
+ printf("%s: %i.%03i\n",txt,s,ms);
+ }
+ };
+class cDisplay : public cRenderPage {
+ // Class that extends the virtual cRenderPage with the capability
+ // to render its contents to an OSD of variable size.
+ // Renders incrementally - just changes
+ // plus adds some more display features like message display.
+ enum enumZoom {
+ // Zoom up upper/lower half of page
+ Zoom_Off,
+ Zoom_Upper,
+ Zoom_Lower
+ } Zoom;
+ bool Concealed;
+ // Hidden text internal state
+ bool Blinked;
+ // Blinking text internal state
+ int FlushLock;
+ // Lock counter for bundeling OSD flushes
+ bool Boxed;
+ // Page is 'boxed mode' transparent
+ int Width;
+ int Height;
+ // OSD pixel dimension
+ tColor Background;
+ // Color to be used for black background
+ // - allow transparency
+ cOsd *osd;
+ // The osd object. If creation fails, may be NULL
+ int ScaleX,ScaleY;
+ int OffsetX,OffsetY;
+ // Virtual coordinate system, see InitScaler
+ const cFont *MessageFont;
+ int MessageX,MessageY,MessageW,MessageH;
+ // Message overlay window, position and font
+ class cBox {
+ // helper class. Represents a character's box in virtual coordinates
+ public:
+ int XMin,YMin,XMax,YMax;
+ inline void SetToCharacter(int x, int y);
+ };
+ friend class cBox;
+ class cVirtualCoordinate {
+ // helper class. Represents a coordinate in virtual display space
+ // and in OSD pixel coordinates.
+ public:
+ int OsdX,OsdY;
+ int VirtX,VirtY;
+ inline void VirtualToPixel(cDisplay *Display, int x, int y);
+ inline void IncPixelX(cDisplay *Display);
+ inline void IncPixelY(cDisplay *Display);
+ };
+ friend class cVirtualCoordinate;
+ cDisplay(int width, int height);
+ virtual ~cDisplay();
+ bool Valid() { return (osd!=NULL); }
+ // After creation, check for Valid(). Destroy, if not valid.
+ void InitScaler();
+ // Initialize transformation for OSD->Virtual coordinates
+ // Some words about scaling:
+ // OSD display is variable width x height, with 3 pixels border
+ // on all sides. There is a virtual coordinate system projected
+ // on this, with (3,3) mapped to (0,0) and (width-3,height-3)
+ // mapped to (480<<16,250<<16).
+ // The idea is, that each font pixel uses a virtual rectangle
+ // of (1<<16,1<<16) size.
+ // ScaleX,ScaleY represent the (virtual) width and height of a
+ // physical OSD pixel.
+ // OffsetX,OffsetY default to 3,3 to represent the border offset,
+ // but may be used differently.
+ bool GetBlink() { return Blinked; }
+ bool SetBlink(bool blink);
+ // Switch blink frequently to get blinking chars
+ // Returns true if there are blinking characters.
+ bool GetConceal() { return Concealed; }
+ bool SetConceal(bool conceal);
+ // Hidden text. Set to true to see hidden text.
+ // Returns true if there are concealed characters.
+ enumZoom GetZoom() { return Zoom; }
+ void SetZoom(enumZoom zoom);
+ // Zoom to upper/lower half of page
+ void SetBackgroundColor(tColor c);
+ tColor GetBackgroundColor() { return Background; }
+ // Set the background color for black. Allows transparent black.
+ // Color mapping interface.
+ virtual tColor GetColorRGB(enumTeletextColor ttc, int Area);
+ // Map a teletext color to an OSD color in #Area.
+ virtual tColor GetColorRGBAlternate(enumTeletextColor ttc, int Area);
+ // For color collision:
+ // Map this teletext color to an OSD color in #Area, but dont
+ // return same as GetColorRGB(). Used to solve conflicts if
+ // foreground and background are mapped to same color.
+ // Defaults to 1:1 identity. Not needed if all colors actually
+ // supported by OSD.
+ int GetColorIndex(enumTeletextColor ttc, int Area) {
+ // Map this teletext color to an OSD color index in #Area.
+ if (!osd) return 0;
+ cBitmap *bm=osd->GetBitmap(Area);
+ if (!bm) return 0;
+ return bm->Index(GetColorRGB(ttc,Area));
+ }
+ int GetColorIndexAlternate(enumTeletextColor ttc, int Area) {
+ // Map this teletext color to an OSD color index in #Area.
+ if (!osd) return 0;
+ cBitmap *bm=osd->GetBitmap(Area);
+ if (!bm) return 0;
+ return bm->Index(GetColorRGBAlternate(ttc,Area));
+ }
+ void InitPalette();
+ // Initialize palette(s) for OSD
+ void DrawDisplay();
+ // Draw all dirty characters from cRenderPage buffer to OSD
+ void CleanDisplay();
+ // Clean OSD completely
+ virtual void DrawChar(int x, int y, cTeletextChar c);
+ // Draw a single character to OSD
+ void HoldFlush() { FlushLock++; }
+ // Hold all OSD flush updates to bundle operations.
+ void ReleaseFlush() { FlushLock--; Flush(); }
+ // Release hold of flush updates. After last release,
+ // the flush will be done
+ void Flush() {
+ // Commit all changes from OSD internal bitmaps to device
+ // All draw operations inside cDisplay should call it,
+ // no one outside should need to call it.
+ if (FlushLock>0) return;
+ if (!osd) return;
+ if (IsDirty()) DrawDisplay();
+ #ifdef timingdebug
+ cTime t;
+ t.Start();
+ #endif
+ osd->Flush();
+ #ifdef timingdebug
+ t.Stop("osd Flush");
+ #endif
+ }
+ void RenderTeletextCode(unsigned char *PageCode);
+ // Interprete teletext code referenced by PageCode
+ // and draw the whole page content into OSD.
+ // PageCode must be a 40*24+12 bytes buffer
+ void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *text, int len);
+ // Draw some characters in teletext page.
+ // Max len chars, fill up with spaces
+ void DrawClock();
+ // Draw current time to OSD
+ void DrawPageId(const char *text)
+ { DrawText(0,0,text,8); }
+ // Draw Page ID string to OSD
+ void DrawMessage(const char *txt);
+ // Draw a framed, centered message box to OSD
+ void ClearMessage();
+ // Remove message box and redraw hidden content
+inline void cDisplay::cBox::SetToCharacter(int x, int y) {
+ // Virtual box area of a character
+ XMin=(x*12)<<16;
+ YMin=(y*10)<<16;
+ XMax=XMin+(12<<16)-1;
+ YMax=YMin+(10<<16)-1;
+inline void cDisplay::cVirtualCoordinate::VirtualToPixel(cDisplay *Display, int x, int y) {
+ // Map virtual coordinate to OSD pixel
+ OsdX=x/Display->ScaleX+Display->OffsetX;
+ OsdY=y/Display->ScaleY+Display->OffsetY;
+ // map OSD pixel back to virtual coordinate, use center of pixel
+ VirtX=(OsdX-Display->OffsetX)*Display->ScaleX+Display->ScaleX/2;
+ VirtY=(OsdY-Display->OffsetY)*Display->ScaleY+Display->ScaleY/2;
+inline void cDisplay::cVirtualCoordinate::IncPixelX(cDisplay *Display) {
+ // Move one OSD pixel
+ OsdX++;
+ VirtX+=Display->ScaleX;
+inline void cDisplay::cVirtualCoordinate::IncPixelY(cDisplay *Display) {
+ // Move one OSD pixel
+ OsdY++;
+ VirtY+=Display->ScaleY;