path: root/osdteletext.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'osdteletext.c')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/osdteletext.c b/osdteletext.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7dfbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osdteletext.c
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003,2004 by Marcel Wiesweg *
+ * (autogenerated code (c) Klaus Schmidinger)
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <vdr/plugin.h>
+#include <vdr/i18n.h>
+#include <vdr/keys.h>
+#include <vdr/config.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+using namespace std;
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "i18n.h"
+#include "txtrecv.h"
+#include "setup.h"
+static const char *VERSION = "0.5.1";
+static const char *DESCRIPTION = "Displays teletext on the OSD";
+static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = "Teletext (OSD)";
+class cPluginTeletextosd : public cPlugin {
+ // Add any member variables or functions you may need here.
+ cTxtStatus *txtStatus;
+ ChannelStatus *channelStatus;
+ bool startReceiver;
+ void initTexts();
+ cPluginTeletextosd(void);
+ virtual ~cPluginTeletextosd();
+ virtual const char *Version(void) { return VERSION; }
+ virtual const char *Description(void) { return tr(DESCRIPTION); }
+ virtual const char *CommandLineHelp(void);
+ virtual bool ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]);
+ virtual bool Start(void);
+ virtual void Housekeeping(void);
+ virtual const char *MainMenuEntry(void) { return tr(MAINMENUENTRY); }
+ virtual cOsdObject *MainMenuAction(void);
+ virtual cMenuSetupPage *SetupMenu(void);
+ virtual bool SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value);
+class cTeletextSetupPage;
+class ActionEdit {
+ public:
+ void Init(cTeletextSetupPage*, int, cMenuEditIntItem *, cMenuEditStraItem *);
+ cMenuEditStraItem *action;
+ cMenuEditIntItem *number;
+ bool visible;
+ };
+struct ActionKeyName {
+ const char *internalName;
+ const char *userName;
+class cTeletextSetupPage : public cMenuSetupPage {
+friend class ActionEdit;
+ TeletextSetup temp;
+ int tempPageNumber[LastActionKey];
+ int tempConfiguredClrBackground; //must be a signed int
+ virtual void Store(void);
+ ActionEdit ActionEdits[LastActionKey];
+ virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+ cTeletextSetupPage(void);
+ static const ActionKeyName *actionKeyNames;
+ static const char **modes;
+ //~cTeletextSetupPage(void);
+ //void SetItemVisible(cOsdItem *Item, bool visible, bool callDisplay=false);
+const ActionKeyName *cTeletextSetupPage::actionKeyNames = 0;
+const char **cTeletextSetupPage::modes = 0;
+/*class MenuEditActionItem : public cMenuEditStraItem {
+ MenuEditActionItem(cTeletextSetupPage *parentMenu, cMenuEditIntItem *pageNumberMenuItem,
+ const char *Name, int *Value, int NumStrings, const char * const *Strings);
+ virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+ cTeletextSetupPage *parent;
+ cMenuEditIntItem *pageNumberItem;
+ // Initialize any member variables here.
+ txtStatus=0;
+ channelStatus=0;
+ startReceiver=true;
+ // Clean up after yourself!
+ if (txtStatus)
+ delete txtStatus;
+ if (channelStatus)
+ delete channelStatus;
+ Storage::instance()->cleanUp();
+const char *cPluginTeletextosd::CommandLineHelp(void)
+ // Return a string that describes all known command line options.
+ return " -d --directory=DIR The directory where the temporary\n"
+ " files will be stored.\n"
+ " (default: /vtx, recommended: /tmp/vtx\n"
+ " or /var/cache/vdr/osdteletext.)\n"
+ " Ensure that the directory exists and is writable.\n"
+ " -n --max-cache=NUM Maximum size in megabytes of cache used\n"
+ " to store the pages on the harddisk.\n"
+ " (default: a calculated value below 50 MB)\n"
+ " -s --cache-system=SYS Set the cache system to be used.\n"
+ " Choose \"legacy\" for the traditional\n"
+ " one-file-per-page system.\n"
+ " Default is \"packed\" for the \n"
+ " one-file-for-a-few-pages system.\n"
+ " -R, --no-receive Do not receive and store teletext\n"
+ " (deprecated - plugin will be useless).\n"
+ " -r, --receive (obsolete)\n";
+bool cPluginTeletextosd::ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[])
+ // Implement command line argument processing here if applicable.
+ static struct option long_options[] = {
+ { "directory", required_argument, NULL, 'd' },
+ { "max-cache", required_argument, NULL, 'n' },
+ { "cache-system", required_argument, NULL, 's' },
+ { "no-receiver", no_argument, NULL, 'R' },
+ { "receive", no_argument, NULL, 'r' },
+ { NULL }
+ };
+ int c;
+ int maxStorage=-1;
+ while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "s:d:n:Rr", long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 's':
+ if (!optarg)
+ break;
+ if (strcasecmp(optarg, "legacy")==0)
+ Storage::setSystem(Storage::StorageSystemLegacy);
+ else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "packed")==0)
+ Storage::setSystem(Storage::StorageSystemPacked);
+ break;
+ case 'd': Storage::setRootDir(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'n': if (isnumber(optarg)) {
+ int n = atoi(optarg);
+ maxStorage=n;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'R': startReceiver=false;
+ break;
+ case 'r': startReceiver=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //do this here because the option -s to change the storage system might be given
+ // after -n, and then -s would have no effect
+ if (maxStorage>=0)
+ Storage::instance()->setMaxStorage(maxStorage);
+ return true;
+bool cPluginTeletextosd::Start(void)
+ // Start any background activities the plugin shall perform.
+ //Clean any files which might be remaining from the last session,
+ //perhaps due to a crash they have not been deleted.
+ Storage::instance()->init();
+ initTexts();
+ if (startReceiver)
+ txtStatus=new cTxtStatus();
+ channelStatus=new ChannelStatus();
+ if (ttSetup.OSDheight<=100) ttSetup.OSDheight=Setup.OSDHeight;
+ if (ttSetup.OSDwidth<=100) ttSetup.OSDwidth=Setup.OSDWidth;
+ return true;
+void cPluginTeletextosd::initTexts() {
+ if (cTeletextSetupPage::actionKeyNames)
+ return;
+ RegisterI18n(Phrases);
+ //TODO: rewrite this in the xy[0].cd="fg"; form
+ static const ActionKeyName st_actionKeyNames[] =
+ {
+ { "Action_kRed", tr("Red key") },
+ { "Action_kGreen", tr("Green key") },
+ { "Action_kYellow", tr("Yellow key") },
+ { "Action_kBlue", tr("Blue key") },
+ { "Action_kPlay", tr(cKey::ToString( kPlay)) },
+ //{ "Action_kPause", tr(cKey::ToString( kPause)) },
+ { "Action_kStop", tr(cKey::ToString( kStop)) },
+ //{ "Action_kRecord", tr(cKey::ToString( kRecord)) },
+ { "Action_kFastFwd", tr(cKey::ToString( kFastFwd)) },
+ { "Action_kFastRew", tr(cKey::ToString( kFastRew)) }
+ };
+ cTeletextSetupPage::actionKeyNames = st_actionKeyNames;
+ static const char *st_modes[] =
+ {
+ tr("Zoom"),
+ tr("Half page"),
+ tr("Change channel"),
+ tr("Switch background"),
+ //tr("Suspend receiving"),
+ tr("Jump to...")
+ };
+ cTeletextSetupPage::modes = st_modes;
+void cPluginTeletextosd::Housekeeping(void)
+ // Perform any cleanup or other regular tasks.
+cOsdObject *cPluginTeletextosd::MainMenuAction(void)
+ // Perform the action when selected from the main VDR menu.
+ return new TeletextBrowser(txtStatus);
+cMenuSetupPage *cPluginTeletextosd::SetupMenu(void)
+ // Return a setup menu in case the plugin supports one.
+ return new cTeletextSetupPage;
+bool cPluginTeletextosd::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value)
+ initTexts();
+ // Parse your own setup parameters and store their values.
+ //Stretch=true;
+ if (!strcasecmp(Name, "configuredClrBackground")) ttSetup.configuredClrBackground=( ((unsigned int)atoi(Value)) << 24);
+ /*else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kRed")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[0]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kGreen")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[1]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kYellow")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[2]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kBlue")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[3]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kPlay")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[4]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kPause")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[5]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kStop")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[6]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kRecord")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[7]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kFastFwd")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[8]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Action_kFastRew")) ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[9]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);*/
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "showClock")) ttSetup.showClock=atoi(Value);
+ //currently not used
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "suspendReceiving")) ttSetup.suspendReceiving=atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "autoUpdatePage")) ttSetup.autoUpdatePage=atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDheight")) ttSetup.OSDheight=atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDwidth")) ttSetup.OSDwidth=atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDHAlign")) ttSetup.OSDHAlign=atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDVAlign")) ttSetup.OSDVAlign=atoi(Value);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "inactivityTimeout")) /*ttSetup.inactivityTimeout=atoi(Value)*/;
+ else {
+ for (int i=0;i<LastActionKey;i++) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(Name, cTeletextSetupPage::actionKeyNames[i].internalName)) {
+ ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i]=(eTeletextAction)atoi(Value);
+ //for migration to 0.4
+ if (ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i]<100 && ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i]>=LastAction)
+ ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i]=LastAction-1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //for migration to 0.4
+ char act[7];
+ strncpy(act, Name, 7);
+ if (!strcasecmp(act, "Action_"))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void cTeletextSetupPage::Store(void) {
+ //copy table
+ for (int i=0;i<LastActionKey;i++) {
+ if (temp.mapKeyToAction[i] >= LastAction) //jump to page selected
+ ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i]=(eTeletextAction)tempPageNumber[i];
+ else //one of the other modes selected
+ ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i]=temp.mapKeyToAction[i];
+ }
+ ttSetup.configuredClrBackground=( ((unsigned int)tempConfiguredClrBackground) << 24);
+ ttSetup.showClock=temp.showClock;
+ ttSetup.suspendReceiving=temp.suspendReceiving;
+ ttSetup.autoUpdatePage=temp.autoUpdatePage;
+ ttSetup.OSDheight=temp.OSDheight;
+ ttSetup.OSDwidth=temp.OSDwidth;
+ ttSetup.OSDHAlign=temp.OSDHAlign;
+ ttSetup.OSDVAlign=temp.OSDVAlign;
+ //ttSetup.inactivityTimeout=temp.inactivityTimeout;
+ for (int i=0;i<LastActionKey;i++) {
+ SetupStore(actionKeyNames[i].internalName, ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i]);
+ }
+ /*SetupStore("Action_kRed", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[0]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kGreen", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[1]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kYellow", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[2]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kBlue", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[3]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kPlay", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[4]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kPause", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[5]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kStop", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[6]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kRecord", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[7]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kFastFwd", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[8]);
+ SetupStore("Action_kFastRew", ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[9]);*/
+ SetupStore("configuredClrBackground", (int)(ttSetup.configuredClrBackground >> 24));
+ SetupStore("showClock", ttSetup.showClock);
+ //currently not used
+ //SetupStore("suspendReceiving", ttSetup.suspendReceiving);
+ SetupStore("autoUpdatePage", ttSetup.autoUpdatePage);
+ SetupStore("OSDheight", ttSetup.OSDheight);
+ SetupStore("OSDwidth", ttSetup.OSDwidth);
+ SetupStore("OSDHAlign", ttSetup.OSDHAlign);
+ SetupStore("OSDVAlign", ttSetup.OSDVAlign);
+ //SetupStore("inactivityTimeout", ttSetup.inactivityTimeout);
+cTeletextSetupPage::cTeletextSetupPage(void) {
+ //init tables
+ for (int i=0;i<LastActionKey;i++) {
+ if (ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i] >= LastAction) {//jump to page selected
+ temp.mapKeyToAction[i]=LastAction; //to display the last string
+ tempPageNumber[i]=ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i];
+ } else { //one of the other modes selected
+ temp.mapKeyToAction[i]=ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[i];
+ tempPageNumber[i]=100;
+ }
+ }
+ tempConfiguredClrBackground=(ttSetup.configuredClrBackground >> 24);
+ temp.showClock=ttSetup.showClock;
+ temp.suspendReceiving=ttSetup.suspendReceiving;
+ temp.autoUpdatePage=ttSetup.autoUpdatePage;
+ temp.OSDheight=ttSetup.OSDheight;
+ temp.OSDwidth=ttSetup.OSDwidth;
+ temp.OSDHAlign=ttSetup.OSDHAlign;
+ temp.OSDVAlign=ttSetup.OSDVAlign;
+ //temp.inactivityTimeout=ttSetup.inactivityTimeout;
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Background transparency"), &tempConfiguredClrBackground, 0, 255));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Show clock"), &temp.showClock ));
+ //Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup$Suspend receiving"), &temp.suspendReceiving ));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Auto-update pages"), &temp.autoUpdatePage ));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("OSD height"), &temp.OSDheight, 250, MAXOSDHEIGHT));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("OSD width"), &temp.OSDwidth, 320, MAXOSDWIDTH));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("OSD horizontal align"), &temp.OSDHAlign, 0, 100));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("OSD vertical align"), &temp.OSDVAlign, 0, 100));
+ //Using same string as VDR's setup menu
+ //Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)"), &temp.inactivityTimeout));
+ for (int i=0;i<LastActionKey;i++) {
+ ActionEdits[i].Init(this, i, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[i], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(actionKeyNames[i].userName, (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[i], LastAction+1, modes) );
+ }
+ /*ActionEdits[0].Init(this, 0, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[0], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Red key"), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[0], LAST_ACTION+2, modes) );
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[1].Init(this, 1, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[1], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Green key"), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[1], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[2].Init(this, 2, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[2], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Yellow key"), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[2], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[3].Init(this, 3, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[3], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Blue key"), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[3], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[4].Init(this, 4, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[4], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr(cKey::ToString( kPlay)), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[4], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[5].Init(this, 5, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[5], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr(cKey::ToString( kPause)), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[5], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[6].Init(this, 6, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[6], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr(cKey::ToString(kStop)), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[6], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[7].Init(this, 7, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[7], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr(cKey::ToString(kRecord)), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[7], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[8].Init(this, 8, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[8], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr(cKey::ToString(kFastFwd)), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[8], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);
+ ActionEdits[9].Init(this, 9, new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Page number"), &tempPageNumber[9], 100, 899),
+ new cMenuEditStraItem(tr(cKey::ToString(kFastRew)), (int*)&temp.mapKeyToAction[9], LAST_ACTION+2, modes));
+ //Add(tempItem);*/
+eOSState cTeletextSetupPage::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ eOSState state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (Key != kRight && Key!=kLeft)
+ return state;
+ cOsdItem *item = Get(Current());
+ for (int i=0;i<LastActionKey;i++) {
+ if (ActionEdits[i].action==item) { //we have a key left/right and one of our items as current
+ //eOSState state = item->ProcessKey(Key);
+ //if (state != osUnknown) { //really should not return osUnknown I think
+ if (temp.mapKeyToAction[i] == LastAction && !ActionEdits[i].visible) {
+ //need to make it visible
+ if (i+1<LastActionKey)
+ //does not work for i==LastAction-1
+ Ins( ActionEdits[i].number, false, ActionEdits[i+1].action);
+ else
+ Add( ActionEdits[i].number, false );
+ ActionEdits[i].visible=true;
+ Display();
+ } else if (temp.mapKeyToAction[i] != LastAction && ActionEdits[i].visible) {
+ //need to hide it
+ cList<cOsdItem>::Del(ActionEdits[i].number, false);
+ ActionEdits[i].visible=false;
+ Display();
+ }
+ break;
+ //return state;
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+ //return cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key);
+void ActionEdit::Init(cTeletextSetupPage* s, int num, cMenuEditIntItem *p, cMenuEditStraItem * a) {
+ action=a;
+ number=p;
+ s->Add(action);
+ if (s->temp.mapKeyToAction[num] == LastAction) {
+ s->Add(number);
+ visible=true;
+ } else
+ visible=false;
+VDRPLUGINCREATOR(cPluginTeletextosd); // Don't touch this!