/* * pin.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * Date: 11.04.05 - 02.02.07, horchi */ //*************************************************************************** // Includes //*************************************************************************** #include "locks.h" #include "def.h" //*************************************************************************** // Statics //*************************************************************************** const char* cLockItem::searchModes[] = { "regular expression", "includes", "exact", "start with", 0 }; //*************************************************************************** // Object //*************************************************************************** cLockItem::cLockItem(int aActive) { name = 0; title = 0; active = aActive; hasRange = yes; start = 0; end = 0; pattern = 0; searchMode = smExact; } cLockItem::cLockItem(const char* aName, int aActive, const char* aTitle) { int res; res = asprintf(&name, "%s", aName); res = asprintf(&pattern, "%s", aName); if (res < 0) ; // memory problems :o active = aActive; hasRange = yes; title = 0; start = DT::hhmm2Int("0000"); end = DT::hhmm2Int("2359"); searchMode = smExact; if (aTitle) res = asprintf(&title, "%s", aTitle); } cLockItem::~cLockItem() { if (name) free(name); if (title) free(title); if (pattern) free(pattern); } //*************************************************************************** // Name //*************************************************************************** void cLockItem::SetName(const char* aName) { int res; if (!aName) return; if (name) free(name); res = asprintf(&name, "%s", aName); if (res < 0) ; // memory problems :o } //*************************************************************************** // Pattern //*************************************************************************** void cLockItem::SetPattern(const char* aPattern) { int res; if (pattern) free(pattern); res = asprintf(&pattern, "%s", aPattern); if (res < 0) ; // memory problems :o } //*************************************************************************** // Title //*************************************************************************** void cLockItem::SetTitle(const char* aTitle) { int res; if (!aTitle) return; if (title) free(title); res = asprintf(&title, "%s", aTitle); if (res < 0) ; // memory problems :o } //*************************************************************************** // Parse //*************************************************************************** bool cLockItem::Parse(char* line) { int fields = 0; char* aName = 0; char* aActive = 0; char* aStart = 0; char* aEnd = 0; char* aPattern = 0; char* aSearchMode = 0; fields = sscanf(line, "%m[^:]:%m[^:]:%m[^:]:%m[^:]:%m[^:]:%m[^\n]", &aName, &aActive, &aStart, &aEnd, &aPattern, &aSearchMode); if (fields >= 4) { if (name) free(name); name = aName; if (aActive) active = strcmp(aActive, "yes") == 0; start = DT::hhmm2Int(aStart); end = DT::hhmm2Int(aEnd); } if (fields == 6) { if (pattern) free(pattern); pattern = aPattern; for (int i = 0; i < smCount; i++) { if (strcmp(searchModes[i], aSearchMode) == 0) { searchMode = i; break; } } } else if (fields == 4) { SetPattern(name); searchMode = smExact; } if (aActive) free(aActive); if (aStart) free(aStart); if (aEnd) free(aEnd); if (aSearchMode) free(aSearchMode); return fields == 4 || fields == 6; } //*************************************************************************** // Save //*************************************************************************** bool cLockItem::Save(FILE* file) { char aStart[sizeHHMM+TB]; char aEnd[sizeHHMM+TB]; DT::int2Hhmm(start, aStart); DT::int2Hhmm(end, aEnd); // Format: ":::::" return fprintf(file, "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n", name, active ? "yes" : "no", aStart, aEnd, pattern, searchModes[searchMode]) > 0; } //*************************************************************************** // Locked //*************************************************************************** int cLockItem::Locked(long startTime) { long sec; char ct[sizeHHMM+TB]; long theTime; if (startTime) theTime = startTime; else theTime = DT::lNow(); // get now in seconds // get seconds from today 00:00 in actual timezone tell(eloDebug, "Checking protection at '%s'", DT::int2Hhmm(theTime, ct)); sec = DT::hhmm2Int(DT::int2Hhmm(theTime, ct)); if (sec >= start && sec <= end && active) return yes; return no; } //*************************************************************************** // Match Pattern //*************************************************************************** bool cLockItem::MatchPattern(const char* aName) { if (searchMode == smRegexp) return rep(aName, pattern) == success; else if (searchMode == smExact) return strcmp(pattern, aName) == 0; else if (searchMode == smInclude) return strstr(aName, pattern) != nullptr; else if (searchMode == smStartWith) return strstr(aName, pattern) == aName; return no; } //*************************************************************************** // Has Name //*************************************************************************** bool cLockItem::HasName(const char* aName) { return strcmp(name, aName) == 0; } //*************************************************************************** // Class cLockItems //*************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************** // Locked //*************************************************************************** int cLockItems::Locked(const char* aName, long startTime) { cLockItem* item; if (!aName) return no; for (item = First(); item; item = Next(item)) { if (item->MatchPattern(aName)) if (item->Locked(startTime)) return yes; } return no; }