/* * A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * File: pin.h * */ #ifndef __PIN_H__ #define __PIN_H__ //*************************************************************************** // Includes //*************************************************************************** #include #include #include "locks.h" #include "def.h" #include "talk.h" //*************************************************************************** // Constants //*************************************************************************** static const char *VERSION = "0.1.16"; static const char *DESCRIPTION = "Childlock plugin"; static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = tr("Childlock"); #define PROTECTION_FILE "protection.fsk" // #define __DEBUG__ //*************************************************************************** // Pin Service //*************************************************************************** class PinService { public: enum Size { sizePinCode = 5 }; enum ListType { ltUnknown = na, ltChannels, ltBroadcasts, ltPlugins, ltMenuItems }; class Translation : public cListObject { public: char in[200+TB]; char out[200+TB]; }; }; class Translations : public cList, PinService { public: void append(const char* in, const char* out); const char* lookup(const char* in); }; //*************************************************************************** // Message Reciver //*************************************************************************** class MessageReceiver : public cThread { public: MessageReceiver(); ~MessageReceiver(); int StartReceiver(); int StopReceiver(); protected: void Action(); int wait(); // data Talk* talk; int pid; bool active; }; //*************************************************************************** // Pin Status Monitor //*************************************************************************** class cPinStatusMonitor : public cStatus { protected: // interface virtual void ChannelSwitch(const cDevice *Device, int ChannelNumber, bool LiveView); virtual bool ChannelProtected(const cDevice *Device, const cChannel* Channel); virtual bool ReplayProtected(const cRecording* Recording, const char* Name, const char* Base, bool isDirectory, int menuView = false); virtual void RecordingFile(const char* FileName); virtual void TimerCreation(cTimer* Timer, const cEvent *Event); virtual bool PluginProtected(cPlugin* Plugin, int menuView = false); virtual bool MenuItemProtected(const char* Name, int menuView = false); #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20301) virtual void UserAction(const eKeys key); #else virtual void UserAction(const eKeys key, const cOsdObject* Interact); #endif // internal stuff const cEvent* GetEventOf(const cSchedules* schedules, const cChannel* Channel); Translations translations; }; //*************************************************************************** // Pin //*************************************************************************** class cPin : public cOsdObject, public PinService { public: cPin(void); virtual ~cPin(); virtual void Show(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); void clear(); private: cOsd* osd; int textWidth; const char* pinTxt; char code[sizePinCode+TB]; cSkinDisplayMessage* display; int pinSetup; }; //*************************************************************************** // Pin Plugin //*************************************************************************** class cPinPlugin : public cPlugin, public PinService { public: enum AutoProtectionMode { apmUnknown = na, apmAlways, apmIntelligent, apmNever, apmCount }; cPinPlugin(void); virtual ~cPinPlugin(); const char* CommandLineHelp(void) { return 0; } bool ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { return true; } bool Start(void); void Stop(void); void Housekeeping(void) {} virtual cMenuSetupPage *SetupMenu(void); virtual bool SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value); const char* Version(void) { return VERSION; } const char* Description(void) { return trNOOP(DESCRIPTION); } virtual bool Initialize(void); virtual const char* MainMenuEntry(void) { return tr(MAINMENUENTRY); } virtual cOsdObject* MainMenuAction(void); void addChannel(); void delChannel(); int channelProtected(const char* name, long startTime = 0); int pluginProtected(const char* name); int menuItemProtected(const char* text); int menuItemAppend(const char* text); int broadcastProtected(const char* title); void checkActivity(); int initPluginList(); void StorePin(); static cPinPlugin* getObject() { return object; } // static config items static char pinCode[sizePinCode+TB]; static bool skipChannelSilent; static bool hideProtectedMenus; static bool hideProtectedPlugins; static bool hideProtectedRecordings; static int pinResetTime; static bool autoMenuOpen; static int autoProtectionMode; // other static stuff static const char* autoProtectionModes[apmCount+1]; protected: // data cLockItems lockedChannels; cLockedBroadcasts lockedBroadcasts; cLockItems lockedPlugins; cLockItems lockedMenuItems; time_t lastAction; cPinStatusMonitor* statusMonitor; MessageReceiver* receiver; static cPinPlugin* object; // the object }; //*************************************************************************** #endif // __PIN_H__