diff options
7 files changed, 214 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/browserGrid.cpp b/browserGrid.cpp
index 81451f7..e181350 100644
--- a/browserGrid.cpp
+++ b/browserGrid.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ cBrowserGrid::cBrowserGrid(skindesignerapi::cOsdView* rootView) : cViewGridNavig
m_pViewHeader = std::shared_ptr<cViewHeader>( new cViewHeader(rootView->GetViewElement(eViewElementsRoot::verHeader)));
m_pfooter = std::shared_ptr<skindesignerapi::cViewElement>(rootView->GetViewElement(eViewElementsRoot::verFooter));
m_pInfopane = std::shared_ptr<skindesignerapi::cViewElement>(rootView->GetViewElement(eViewElementsRoot::verInfopane));
+ m_pWatch = std::shared_ptr<skindesignerapi::cViewElement>(rootView->GetViewElement(eViewElementsRoot::verWatch));
+ m_lastsecond = 0;
m_rows = Config::GetInstance().GridRows;
m_columns = Config::GetInstance().GridColumns;
@@ -248,6 +250,43 @@ void cBrowserGrid::PrevTab()
+bool cBrowserGrid::DrawTime() {
+ time_t t = time(0); // get time now
+ struct tm * now = localtime(&t);
+ int sec = now->tm_sec;
+ if (sec == m_lastsecond)
+ return false;
+ int min = now->tm_min;
+ int hour = now->tm_hour;
+ int hourMinutes = hour%12 * 5 + min / 12;
+ char monthname[20];
+ char monthshort[10];
+ strftime(monthshort, sizeof(monthshort), "%b", now);
+ strftime(monthname, sizeof(monthname), "%B", now);
+ m_pWatch->Clear();
+ m_pWatch->ClearTokens();
+ m_pWatch->AddIntToken("sec", sec);
+ m_pWatch->AddIntToken("min", min);
+ m_pWatch->AddIntToken("hour", hour);
+ m_pWatch->AddIntToken("hmins", hourMinutes);
+ m_pWatch->AddIntToken("year", now->tm_year + 1900);
+ m_pWatch->AddIntToken("day", now->tm_mday);
+ m_pWatch->AddStringToken("time", *TimeString(t));
+ m_pWatch->AddStringToken("monthname", monthname);
+ m_pWatch->AddStringToken("monthnameshort", monthshort);
+ m_pWatch->AddStringToken("month", *cString::sprintf("%02d", now->tm_mon + 1));
+ m_pWatch->AddStringToken("dayleadingzero", *cString::sprintf("%02d", now->tm_mday));
+ m_pWatch->AddStringToken("dayname", *WeekDayNameFull(now->tm_wday));
+ m_pWatch->AddStringToken("daynameshort", *WeekDayName(now->tm_wday));
+ m_pWatch->Display();
+ m_lastsecond = sec;
+ return true;
* cDummyElement
diff --git a/browserGrid.h b/browserGrid.h
index c1cf194..339bdc4 100644
--- a/browserGrid.h
+++ b/browserGrid.h
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ private:
std::shared_ptr<skindesignerapi::cViewElement> m_pfooter;
std::shared_ptr<skindesignerapi::cViewElement> m_pInfopane;
std::shared_ptr<skindesignerapi::cViewElement> m_pScrollbar;
+ std::shared_ptr<skindesignerapi::cViewElement> m_pWatch;
+ int m_lastsecond;
bool m_bServersAreRoot;
std::vector<cServerElement> m_vServerElements;
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ public:
virtual eOSState NavigateBack();
void NextTab();
void PrevTab();
+ bool DrawTime();
virtual void Flush();
diff --git a/plex.cpp b/plex.cpp
index 3cc091d..5ce9bc0 100644
--- a/plex.cpp
+++ b/plex.cpp
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ bool cMyPlugin::Start(void)
reg.SetViewElement(viRootView, verBackground, "background");
reg.SetViewElement(viRootView, verInfopane, "infopane");
reg.SetViewElement(viRootView, verFooter, "footer");
+ reg.SetViewElement(viRootView, verWatch, "time");
reg.SetSubView(viRootView, viDetailView, "detail.xml");
reg.SetViewElement(viDetailView, vedBackground, "background");
diff --git a/plexSdOsd.cpp b/plexSdOsd.cpp
index cfa6a7e..27f841f 100644
--- a/plexSdOsd.cpp
+++ b/plexSdOsd.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ eOSState cPlexSdOsd::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
eOSState state = eOSState::osContinue;
plexclient::Video* vid = dynamic_cast<plexclient::Video*>(m_pBrowserGrid->SelectedObject());
+ if (m_pBrowserGrid->DrawTime())
+ m_pBrowserGrid->Flush();
switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
case kUp:
diff --git a/plexSdOsd.h b/plexSdOsd.h
index f87676e..585e7e2 100644
--- a/plexSdOsd.h
+++ b/plexSdOsd.h
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ enum eViewElementsRoot {
- verInfopane
+ verInfopane,
+ verWatch
enum eViewGrids {
diff --git a/skins/blackhole/xmlfiles/plug-plex-root.xml b/skins/blackhole/xmlfiles/plug-plex-root.xml
index 37ff442..50e302c 100644
--- a/skins/blackhole/xmlfiles/plug-plex-root.xml
+++ b/skins/blackhole/xmlfiles/plug-plex-root.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,25 @@
<!DOCTYPE displayplugin SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayplugin.dtd">
<displayplugin x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0" scaletvx="0" scaletvy="0" scaletvwidth="100%" scaletvheight="100%">
+ <!-- Available Variables time:
+ {time} timestring in hh:mm
+ {sec} current seconds
+ {min} current minutes
+ {hour} current hours
+ {hmins} current "hourminutes" to display an hour hand
+ {day} day in digits
+ {dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
+ {dayname} Full name of the day
+ {daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
+ {month} month in digits with leading 0
+ {monthname} Full name of the month
+ {monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
+ {year} year in yyyy
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="time">
+ </viewelement>
<!-- Tokens available in background
{selecteditembackground} image
@@ -53,28 +72,41 @@
Following tokens are avaliable if the item is a directory or video
- {hasthumb} bool
- {thumb} string, Image/Cover
- {hasart} bool
- {art} string, Fanart
+ {hasthumb} bool
+ {thumb} string, Image/Cover
+ {hasart} bool
+ {art} string, Fanart
If the Item is Directory following tokens are avaliable
The item is a directory if one of the following tokens are set: {isdirectory}, {isshow}, {isseason}
{isdirectory} Condition
- {isshow} Condition
+ {isshow} Condition, Show/Series
+ {summary} Description, plot, summary
{isseason} Condition
+ {summary} Description, plot, summary
If the item is a video following tokens are avaliable
The item is a video if one of the following tokens are set: {ismovie}, {isepisode}
{contentrating} string, star-rating
{viewoffset} int, minutes, last viewed position
{duration} int, minutes, total duration
+ {orginaltitle} original title
+ {summary} Description, plot, summary
+ {studio} Studio
+ {year} Year of production
- {hasbanner}
- {banner}
+ {seriestitle} Title of the series/show
+ {season} int, Season
+ {episode} int, Episode, season based
+ {hasbanner} bool, Bannerstyle?
+ {banner} Image path
+ {hasseriesthumb} bool, seriesthumb (seasoncover, seriescover)
+ {seriesthumb} Image path
diff --git a/templates/plug-plex-root.xml b/templates/plug-plex-root.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba7cd16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/plug-plex-root.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE displayplugin SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayplugin.dtd">
+<displayplugin x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0" scaletvx="0" scaletvy="0" scaletvwidth="100%" scaletvheight="100%">
+ <!-- Available Variables time:
+ {time} timestring in hh:mm
+ {sec} current seconds
+ {min} current minutes
+ {hour} current hours
+ {hmins} current "hourminutes" to display an hour hand
+ {day} day in digits
+ {dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
+ {dayname} Full name of the day
+ {daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
+ {month} month in digits with leading 0
+ {monthname} Full name of the month
+ {monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
+ {year} year in yyyy
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="time">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Tokens available in background
+ {selecteditembackground} image
+ {isdirectory}
+ {currentdirectorybackground} image
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="background">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Tokens available in header and infopane
+ Same as in browser
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="header">
+ </viewelement>
+ <viewelement name="infopane">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Tokens available in browser
+ {current} bool, currently active element
+ {title} string, Name of the element
+ {viewgroup} int: {UNDEF = 0, MOVIE = 1, SHOW = 2, SEASON = 3, EPISODE = 4, MUSIC, PHOTO};
+ A dummy actually only marks a "level up"
+ {isdummy} bool
+ If the item is a server: {isserver}
+ {isserver} bool
+ {serverstartpointname} string
+ {serverip} string
+ {serverport} int
+ {serverversion} string
+ Following tokens are avaliable if the item is a directory or video
+ {hasthumb} bool
+ {thumb} string, Image/Cover
+ {hasart} bool
+ {art} string, Fanart
+ If the Item is Directory following tokens are avaliable
+ The item is a directory if one of the following tokens are set: {isdirectory}, {isshow}, {isseason}
+ {isdirectory} Condition
+ {isshow} Condition, Show/Series
+ {summary} Description, plot, summary
+ {isseason} Condition
+ {summary} Description, plot, summary
+ If the item is a video following tokens are avaliable
+ The item is a video if one of the following tokens are set: {ismovie}, {isepisode}
+ {contentrating} string, star-rating
+ {viewoffset} int, minutes, last viewed position
+ {duration} int, minutes, total duration
+ {orginaltitle} original title
+ {summary} Description, plot, summary
+ {studio} Studio
+ {year} Year of production
+ {ismovie}
+ {isepisode}
+ {seriestitle} Title of the series/show
+ {season} int, Season
+ {episode} int, Episode, season based
+ {hasbanner} bool, Bannerstyle?
+ {banner} Image path
+ {hasseriesthumb} bool, seriesthumb (seasoncover, seriescover)
+ {seriesthumb} Image path
+ -->
+ <grid name="browser">
+ </grid>
+ <!-- Available Variables Footer:
+ {red1} true if red button is button 1
+ {red2} true if red button is button 2
+ {red3} true if red button is button 3
+ {red4} true if red button is button 4
+ {green1} true if green button is button 1
+ {green2} true if green button is button 2
+ {green3} true if green button is button 3
+ {green4} true if green button is button 4
+ {yellow1} true if yellow button is button 1
+ {yellow2} true if yellow button is button 2
+ {yellow3} true if yellow button is button 3
+ {yellow4} true if yellow button is button 4
+ {blue1} true if blue button is button 1
+ {blue2} true if blue button is button 2
+ {blue3} true if blue button is button 3
+ {blue4} true if blue button is button 4
+ {red} label of red button
+ {green} label of green button
+ {yellow} label of yellow button
+ {blue} label of blue button
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="footer">
+ </viewelement>