path: root/plexgdm.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plexgdm.cpp')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/plexgdm.cpp b/plexgdm.cpp
index e274689..c0d2cb0 100644
--- a/plexgdm.cpp
+++ b/plexgdm.cpp
@@ -4,247 +4,239 @@
#include <ctime>
#include "Plexservice.h"
-namespace plexclient
- _discoverMessage = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.0";
- _clientHeader = "* HTTP/1.0";
- _multicastAddress = "";
- _clientUpdatePort = 32412;
- _helloSent = false;
- _discoverInterval = 30 * 1000;
- _discoverTimer.Set(1);
- m_discoverAdress = Poco::Net::SocketAddress(_multicastAddress, 32414);
- m_clientRegisterGroup = Poco::Net::SocketAddress(_multicastAddress, 32413);
- m_discoveryComplete = false;
- m_registrationIsRunning = false;
- m_clientRegistered = false;
- m_discoveryInterval = 120;
- m_discoveryIsRunning = false;
-void plexgdm::clientDetails(std::string c_id,
- std::string c_name,
- std::string c_port,
- std::string c_product,
- std::string c_version)
- _clientData = "Content-Type: plex/media-player\r\n"
- "Resource-Identifier: " + c_id + "\r\n"
- "Device-Class: PC\r\n"
- "Name: " + c_name + "\r\n"
- "Port: " + c_port + "\r\n"
- "Product: " + c_product + "\r\n"
- "Protocol: plex\r\n"
- "Protocol-Capabilities: navigation,playback,timeline\r\n"
- "Protocol-Version: 1\r\n"
- "Version: " + c_version + "\r\n";
- _clientId = c_id;
-std::string plexgdm::getClientDetails()
- if(_clientData.empty())
- throw "client_Data not initialized";
- return _clientData;
-void plexgdm::Action()
- if(Config::GetInstance().UseConfiguredServer) {
- // Adds a Server to vector
- GetServer(Config::GetInstance().s_serverHost, Config::GetInstance().ServerPort);
- if(Config::GetInstance().UsePlexAccount) {
- GetServer(Config::GetInstance().s_serverHost, Config::GetInstance().ServerPort)->SetAuthToken(Plexservice::GetMyPlexToken());
- }
- }
- // Get remote Resources
- Plexservice::UpdateResources();
- char buffer[1024];
- m_registrationIsRunning = true;
- m_discoveryIsRunning = true;
- cMutexLock lock(&m_mutex);
- Poco::Net::MulticastSocket update_sock(Poco::Net::SocketAddress(Poco::Net::IPAddress(), _clientUpdatePort), true);
- update_sock.setLoopback(true);
- update_sock.setReuseAddress(true);
- update_sock.setTimeToLive(255);
- update_sock.setBlocking(false);
- while(Running()) {
- try {
- if(!_helloSent) {
- // Send initial Client Registration
- std::string s = Poco::format("HELLO %s\n%s", _clientHeader, _clientData);
- update_sock.sendTo(s.c_str(), s.length(), m_clientRegisterGroup, 0);
- _helloSent = true;
- }
- if(m_registrationIsRunning) {
- Poco::Net::SocketAddress sender;
- int n = 0;
- try {
- n = update_sock.receiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sender);
- } catch(Poco::TimeoutException& e) {
- n = 0;
- }
- if(n > 0) {
- std::string buf(buffer, n);
- if(buf.find("M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.") != std::string::npos) {
- //dsyslog("[plex]: Detected client discovery request from %s",;
- int t = std::time(0);
- std::string s = Poco::format("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n%sUpdated-At: %d", _clientData, t);
- update_sock.sendTo(s.c_str(), s.length(), sender, 0);
- m_clientRegistered = true;
- }
- }
- }
- } catch(Poco::IOException&) {
- // networkconnection is lost, reset
- _helloSent = false;
- } catch (Poco::Exception&) {
- }
- if(m_discoveryIsRunning && _discoverTimer.TimedOut()) {
- discover();
- _discoverTimer.Set(_discoverInterval);
- }
- m_waitCondition.TimedWait(m_mutex, 500);
- }
- // Client loop stopped
- try {
- // unregister from Server
- std::string s = Poco::format("BYE %s\r\n%s", _clientHeader, _clientData);
- update_sock.sendTo(s.c_str(), s.length(), m_clientRegisterGroup, 0);
- } catch (Poco::Exception) {}
- m_clientRegistered = false;
-void plexgdm::discover()
- try {
- char buffer[1024];
- std::map<std::string, std::string> vBuffer;
- Poco::Net::MulticastSocket socket(Poco::Net::SocketAddress(Poco::Net::IPAddress(), m_discoverAdress.port()), true);
- socket.setLoopback(true);
- socket.setTimeToLive(1);
- socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan(0, 600 * 1000)); // microseconds
- socket.joinGroup(; // Throws a NotFoundException if there is no multicast network device
- socket.sendTo(_discoverMessage.c_str(), _discoverMessage.length(), m_discoverAdress, 0);
- try {
- while(true) {
- Poco::Net::SocketAddress sender;
- int n = socket.receiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sender);
- std::string buf(buffer, n);
- if(buf.find("200 OK") != std::string::npos) {
- vBuffer[] = buf;
- }
- }
- } catch(Poco::TimeoutException) {}
- socket.close();
- m_discoveryComplete = true;
- for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = vBuffer.begin(); it != vBuffer.end(); ++it) {
- std::string host = it->first;
- std::string data = it->second;
- PlexServer newServ(data, host);
- // Set token for local servers
- if(Config::GetInstance().UsePlexAccount) {
- newServ.SetAuthToken(Plexservice::GetMyPlexToken());
- }
- if(AddServer(newServ)) {
- isyslog("[plex] New server found via GDM: %s", host.c_str());
- }
- else if(GetServer(newServ.m_sUuid)) {
- GetServer(newServ.m_sUuid)->ParseData(data, host);
- dsyslog("[plex] Server updated via GDM: %s", host.c_str());
- }
- }
- } catch (Poco::IOException&) {
- // No Networkconnection
- } catch(Poco::NotFoundException&) {
- // there is no multicast network device
- } catch (Poco::Exception&) {}
-void plexgdm::stopRegistration()
- if(m_registrationIsRunning) {
- m_registrationIsRunning = false;
- m_waitCondition.Broadcast();
- Cancel();
- }
-PlexServer* plexgdm::GetServer(std::string ip, int port)
- for(std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
- if(s_it->GetHost() == ip && s_it->GetPort() == port) {
- return &(*s_it);
- }
- }
- m_vServers.push_back(PlexServer(ip, port));
- return &m_vServers[m_vServers.size()-1];
+namespace plexclient {
+ plexgdm::plexgdm() {
+ _discoverMessage = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.0";
+ _clientHeader = "* HTTP/1.0";
+ _multicastAddress = "";
+ _clientUpdatePort = 32412;
+ _helloSent = false;
+ _discoverInterval = 30 * 1000;
+ _discoverTimer.Set(1);
+ m_discoverAdress = Poco::Net::SocketAddress(_multicastAddress, 32414);
+ m_clientRegisterGroup = Poco::Net::SocketAddress(_multicastAddress, 32413);
+ m_discoveryComplete = false;
+ m_registrationIsRunning = false;
+ m_clientRegistered = false;
+ m_discoveryInterval = 120;
+ m_discoveryIsRunning = false;
+ }
+ plexgdm::~plexgdm() {
+ }
+ void plexgdm::clientDetails(std::string c_id,
+ std::string c_name,
+ std::string c_port,
+ std::string c_product,
+ std::string c_version) {
+ _clientData = "Content-Type: plex/media-player\r\n"
+ "Resource-Identifier: " + c_id + "\r\n"
+ "Device-Class: PC\r\n"
+ "Name: " + c_name + "\r\n"
+ "Port: " + c_port + "\r\n"
+ "Product: " + c_product + "\r\n"
+ "Protocol: plex\r\n"
+ "Protocol-Capabilities: navigation,playback,timeline\r\n"
+ "Protocol-Version: 1\r\n"
+ "Version: " + c_version + "\r\n";
+ _clientId = c_id;
+ }
+ std::string plexgdm::getClientDetails() {
+ if (_clientData.empty())
+ throw "client_Data not initialized";
+ return _clientData;
+ }
+ void plexgdm::Action() {
+ if (Config::GetInstance().UseConfiguredServer) {
+ // Adds a Server to vector
+ GetServer(Config::GetInstance().s_serverHost, Config::GetInstance().ServerPort);
+ if (Config::GetInstance().UsePlexAccount) {
+ GetServer(Config::GetInstance().s_serverHost, Config::GetInstance().ServerPort)->SetAuthToken(
+ Plexservice::GetMyPlexToken());
+ }
+ }
+ // Get remote Resources
+ Plexservice::UpdateResources();
+ char buffer[1024];
+ m_registrationIsRunning = true;
+ m_discoveryIsRunning = true;
+ cMutexLock lock(&m_mutex);
+ Poco::Net::MulticastSocket update_sock(Poco::Net::SocketAddress(Poco::Net::IPAddress(), _clientUpdatePort),
+ true);
+ update_sock.setLoopback(true);
+ update_sock.setReuseAddress(true);
+ update_sock.setTimeToLive(255);
+ update_sock.setBlocking(false);
+ while (Running()) {
+ try {
+ if (!_helloSent) {
+ // Send initial Client Registration
+ std::string s = Poco::format("HELLO %s\n%s", _clientHeader, _clientData);
+ update_sock.sendTo(s.c_str(), s.length(), m_clientRegisterGroup, 0);
+ _helloSent = true;
+ }
+ if (m_registrationIsRunning) {
+ Poco::Net::SocketAddress sender;
+ int n = 0;
+ try {
+ n = update_sock.receiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sender);
+ } catch (Poco::TimeoutException &e) {
+ n = 0;
+ }
+ if (n > 0) {
+ std::string buf(buffer, n);
+ if (buf.find("M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.") != std::string::npos) {
+ //dsyslog("[plex]: Detected client discovery request from %s",;
+ int t = std::time(0);
+ std::string s = Poco::format("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n%sUpdated-At: %d", _clientData, t);
+ update_sock.sendTo(s.c_str(), s.length(), sender, 0);
+ m_clientRegistered = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Poco::IOException &) {
+ // networkconnection is lost, reset
+ _helloSent = false;
+ } catch (Poco::Exception &) {
+ }
+ if (m_discoveryIsRunning && _discoverTimer.TimedOut()) {
+ discover();
+ _discoverTimer.Set(_discoverInterval);
+ }
+ m_waitCondition.TimedWait(m_mutex, 500);
+ }
+ // Client loop stopped
+ try {
+ // unregister from Server
+ std::string s = Poco::format("BYE %s\r\n%s", _clientHeader, _clientData);
+ update_sock.sendTo(s.c_str(), s.length(), m_clientRegisterGroup, 0);
+ } catch (Poco::Exception) { }
+ m_clientRegistered = false;
+ }
+ void plexgdm::discover() {
+ try {
+ char buffer[1024];
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> vBuffer;
+ Poco::Net::MulticastSocket socket(Poco::Net::SocketAddress(Poco::Net::IPAddress(), m_discoverAdress.port()),
+ true);
+ socket.setLoopback(true);
+ socket.setTimeToLive(1);
+ socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan(0, 600 * 1000)); // microseconds
+ socket.joinGroup(
+; // Throws a NotFoundException if there is no multicast network device
+ socket.sendTo(_discoverMessage.c_str(), _discoverMessage.length(), m_discoverAdress, 0);
+ try {
+ while (true) {
+ Poco::Net::SocketAddress sender;
+ int n = socket.receiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sender);
+ std::string buf(buffer, n);
+ if (buf.find("200 OK") != std::string::npos) {
+ vBuffer[] = buf;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Poco::TimeoutException) { }
+ socket.close();
+ m_discoveryComplete = true;
+ for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = vBuffer.begin(); it != vBuffer.end(); ++it) {
+ std::string host = it->first;
+ std::string data = it->second;
+ PlexServer newServ(data, host);
+ // Set token for local servers
+ if (Config::GetInstance().UsePlexAccount) {
+ newServ.SetAuthToken(Plexservice::GetMyPlexToken());
+ }
+ if (AddServer(newServ)) {
+ isyslog("[plex] New server found via GDM: %s", host.c_str());
+ }
+ else if (GetServer(newServ.m_sUuid)) {
+ GetServer(newServ.m_sUuid)->ParseData(data, host);
+ dsyslog("[plex] Server updated via GDM: %s", host.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Poco::IOException &) {
+ // No Networkconnection
+ } catch (Poco::NotFoundException &) {
+ // there is no multicast network device
+ } catch (Poco::Exception &) { }
+ }
+ void plexgdm::stopRegistration() {
+ if (m_registrationIsRunning) {
+ m_registrationIsRunning = false;
+ m_waitCondition.Broadcast();
+ Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ PlexServer *plexgdm::GetServer(std::string ip, int port) {
+ for (std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
+ if (s_it->GetHost() == ip && s_it->GetPort() == port) {
+ return &(*s_it);
+ }
+ }
+ m_vServers.push_back(PlexServer(ip, port));
+ return &m_vServers[m_vServers.size() - 1];
+ }
* Returns the first owned online server, if there is no owned server it will return the first remote server, or NULL
-PlexServer* plexgdm::GetFirstServer()
- for(std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
- if(s_it->IsOwned() && !s_it->Offline) {
- return &(*s_it);
- }
- }
- if (m_vServers.size() > 0) return &m_vServers[0];
- return NULL;
-PlexServer* plexgdm::GetServer(std::string uuid)
- for(std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
- if(s_it->GetUuid() == uuid ){
- return &(*s_it);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-bool plexgdm::AddServer(PlexServer server)
- for(std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
- if(s_it->GetUuid() == server.GetUuid() ){
- return false;
- }
- }
- m_vServers.push_back(server);
- isyslog("[plex] New Server Added: %s", server.GetUri().c_str());
- return true;
+ PlexServer *plexgdm::GetFirstServer() {
+ for (std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
+ if (s_it->IsOwned() && !s_it->Offline) {
+ return &(*s_it);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_vServers.size() > 0) return &m_vServers[0];
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ PlexServer *plexgdm::GetServer(std::string uuid) {
+ for (std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
+ if (s_it->GetUuid() == uuid) {
+ return &(*s_it);
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool plexgdm::AddServer(PlexServer server) {
+ for (std::vector<PlexServer>::iterator s_it = m_vServers.begin(); s_it != m_vServers.end(); ++s_it) {
+ if (s_it->GetUuid() == server.GetUuid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ m_vServers.push_back(server);
+ isyslog("[plex] New Server Added: %s", server.GetUri().c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
} // namespace