#include #include "PlexServer.h" #include "Config.h" #include "plex.h" namespace plexclient { PlexServer::PlexServer(std::string ip, int port) { m_httpSession = NULL; Poco::URI uri; uri.setHost(ip); uri.setPort(port); uri.setScheme("http"); m_uri = uri.toString(); Offline = false; } PlexServer::PlexServer(std::string data, std::string ip) { m_httpSession = NULL; ParseData(data, ip); } PlexServer::PlexServer(std::string uri, std::string name, std::string uuid, std::string accessToken, bool owned, bool local) { m_httpSession = NULL; m_sServerName = name; m_sUuid = uuid; m_nOwned = owned; m_bLocal = local; m_authToken = accessToken; Offline = false; m_uri = uri; } PlexServer::~PlexServer() { delete m_httpSession; m_httpSession = NULL; } void PlexServer::ParseData(std::string data, std::string ip) { int port = 0; std::istringstream f(data); std::string s; Offline = false; while(std::getline(f, s)) { int pos = s.find(':'); if(pos > 0) { std::string name = Poco::trim(s.substr(0, pos)); std::string val = Poco::trim(s.substr(pos+1)); if(name == "Content-Type") { m_sContentType = val; } else if (name == "Resource-Identifier") { m_sUuid = val; } else if (name == "Name") { m_sServerName = val; } else if (name == "Port") { port = atoi(val.c_str()); } else if (name == "Updated-At") { m_nUpdated = atol(val.c_str()); } else if (name == "Version") { m_sVersion = val; } } } m_bLocal = true; Poco::URI uri; uri.setHost(ip); uri.setPort(port); uri.setScheme("http"); m_uri = uri.toString(); } std::string PlexServer::GetHost() { Poco::URI uri(m_uri); return uri.getHost(); } int PlexServer::GetPort() { Poco::URI uri(m_uri); return uri.getPort(); } Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession* PlexServer::GetClientSession() { Poco::URI uri(m_uri); if(m_httpSession == NULL) { if(uri.getScheme().find("https") != std::string::npos) { m_httpSession = new Poco::Net::HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); } else { m_httpSession = new Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); } } m_httpSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(5, 0)); // set 5 seconds Timeout return m_httpSession; } std::istream& PlexServer::MakeRequest(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse& response, bool& ok, std::string path, const std::map& queryParameters) { Poco::URI uri(path); // Create a request with an optional query if(queryParameters.size()) { for (auto const& pair : queryParameters) { // addQueryParameter does the encode already uri.addQueryParameter(pair.first, pair.second); } } Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, uri.getPathAndQuery(), Poco::Net::HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); request.add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.52 Safari/537.17"); request.add("X-Plex-Client-Identifier", Config::GetInstance().GetUUID()); request.add("X-Plex-Device", "PC"); request.add("X-Plex-Device-Name", Config::GetInstance().GetHostname()); request.add("X-Plex-Language", Config::GetInstance().GetLanguage()); request.add("X-Plex-Model", "Linux"); request.add("X-Plex-Platform", "VDR"); request.add("X-Plex-Product", "plex for vdr"); request.add("X-Plex-Provides", "player"); request.add("X-Plex-Version", VERSION); if(Config::GetInstance().UsePlexAccount && !GetAuthToken().empty()) { // Add PlexToken to Header request.add("X-Plex-Token", GetAuthToken()); } bool excep = false; try { GetClientSession()->sendRequest(request); } catch (Poco::TimeoutException &exc) { esyslog("[plex] Timeout: %s", path.c_str()); ok = false; excep = true; } catch (Poco::Exception &exc) { esyslog("[plex] Oops Exception: %s", exc.displayText().c_str()); ok = false; excep = true; } if(!excep) { std::istream& stream = GetClientSession()->receiveResponse(response); ok = response.getStatus() == 200; return stream; } static std::stringstream* ss; return *ss; } std::string PlexServer::GetUri() { return m_uri; } }