/* * inetrx.c - part of radio.c, a plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #include "inforx.h" void fill_rtpbuffer(char *text1, char *text2) { if (++rtp_content.rt_Index >= 2*MAX_RTPC) rtp_content.rt_Index = 0; asprintf(&rtp_content.radiotext[rtp_content.rt_Index], "%s", text1); snprintf(RT_Text[RT_Index], RT_MEL, "%s", rtp_content.radiotext[rtp_content.rt_Index]); RT_Index +=1; if (RT_Index >= S_RtOsdRows) RT_Index = 0; if (++rtp_content.rt_Index >= 2*MAX_RTPC) rtp_content.rt_Index = 0; asprintf(&rtp_content.radiotext[rtp_content.rt_Index], "%s", text2); snprintf(RT_Text[RT_Index], RT_MEL, "%s", rtp_content.radiotext[rtp_content.rt_Index]); RT_Index +=1; if (RT_Index >= S_RtOsdRows) RT_Index = 0; if (++rtp_content.item_Index >= MAX_RTPC) rtp_content.item_Index = 0; if (rtp_content.item_Index >= 0) { rtp_content.item_Start[rtp_content.item_Index] = RTP_Starttime; asprintf(&rtp_content.item_Artist[rtp_content.item_Index], "%s", RTP_Artist); asprintf(&rtp_content.item_Title[rtp_content.item_Index], "%s", RTP_Title); } if ((S_Verbose & 0x0f) >= 1) printf("radio-inforx: %s / %s\n", RTP_Artist, RTP_Title); } int info_request(int chantid, int chanapid) { char ident[80]; char artist[RT_MEL], titel[RT_MEL]; struct tm tm_store; static int repeat = 0; char temp[2][2*RT_MEL]; char *command, *tempfile; asprintf(&command, "%s/radioinfo-%d-%d", ConfigDir, chantid, chanapid); asprintf(&tempfile, "%s/%s", DataDir, RadioInfofile); dsyslog("radio: inforxcall '%s'\n", command); DoInfoReq = false; if (file_exists(command)) { if (file_exists(tempfile)) { // delete tempfile char *delcmd; asprintf(&delcmd, "rm -f \"%s\"", tempfile); system(delcmd); free(delcmd); } asprintf(&command, "%s \"%s\"", command, tempfile); if (!system(command)) { // execute script && read tempfile if (file_exists(tempfile)) { std::ifstream infile(tempfile); if (infile.is_open()) { infile.getline(ident, 80); infile.getline(artist, RT_MEL); infile.getline(titel, RT_MEL); } infile.close(); DoInfoReq = true; } else esyslog("radio: ERROR inforx tempfile = %s\n", command); } else esyslog("radio: ERROR inforx command = %s\n", command); } free(command); free(tempfile); if (!DoInfoReq) { dsyslog("radio: inforxcall cancled !\n"); return -1; } // Info empty? if (strcmp(artist, "") == 0 && strcmp(titel, "") == 0) { if (repeat < 700) { // ~ 6x switch off repeat += 120; sprintf(RTP_Artist, "---"); sprintf(RTP_Title, "---"); RTP_Starttime = time(NULL); sprintf(temp[0], "%s Error :-(", ident); struct tm *ts = localtime_r(&RTP_Starttime, &tm_store); sprintf(temp[1], "%02d:%02d no Songinfo received !", ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min); fill_rtpbuffer(temp[0], temp[1]); RT_MsgShow = true; RT_PlusShow = false; (RT_Info > 0) ? : RT_Info = 1; radioStatusMsg(); return 120; } else { RTP_Starttime = time(NULL); sprintf(temp[0], "%s Error :-(", ident); struct tm *ts = localtime_r(&RTP_Starttime, &tm_store); sprintf(temp[1], "%02d:%02d no Songinfo received, switching off !", ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min); asprintf(&rtp_content.info_Url, "%02d:%02d no Songinfo, switched off!", ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min); fill_rtpbuffer(temp[0], temp[1]); RT_MsgShow = true; RT_PlusShow = false; (RT_Info > 0) ? : RT_Info = 1; radioStatusMsg(); DoInfoReq = false; return 60; } } // Info xhtml2text(artist); xhtml2text(titel); if (strcmp(RTP_Artist, artist) != 0 || strcmp(RTP_Title, titel) != 0) { snprintf(RTP_Artist, RT_MEL, "%s", artist); snprintf(RTP_Title, RT_MEL, "%s", titel); RTP_Starttime = time(NULL); sprintf(temp[0], "%s ok :-)", ident); struct tm *ts = localtime_r(&RTP_Starttime, &tm_store); snprintf(temp[1], 2*RT_MEL, "%02d:%02d %s: %s", ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min, RTP_Artist, RTP_Title); fill_rtpbuffer(temp[0], temp[1]); RT_MsgShow = RT_PlusShow = true; (RT_Info > 0) ? : RT_Info = 2; radioStatusMsg(); repeat = 0; return 90; } else { if (repeat < 1200) { // ~20 Min. timeout repeat += 10; return 10; } else { sprintf(RTP_Artist, "---"); sprintf(RTP_Title, "---"); RTP_Starttime = time(NULL); sprintf(temp[0], "%s Error :-(", ident); struct tm *ts = localtime_r(&RTP_Starttime, &tm_store); sprintf(temp[1], "%02d:%02d no more different Songinfo received, switching off !", ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min); asprintf(&rtp_content.info_Url, "%02d:%02d no more Songinfo, switched off!", ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min); fill_rtpbuffer(temp[0], temp[1]); RT_MsgShow = true; RT_PlusShow = false; (RT_Info > 0) ? : RT_Info = 1; radioStatusMsg(); DoInfoReq = false; return 60; } } return 10; } // end