/* * seduthred.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id: config.c,v 1.27 2012/11/28 06:29:24 wendel Exp $ */ #include #include "config.h" #include "common.h" //*************************************************************************** // Global Configuration //*************************************************************************** cSeduConfig cfg; //*************************************************************************** // cConfigData //*************************************************************************** cSeduConfig::cSeduConfig() { // to be configured frequence = 25; threshold = 17; average = 10; adjRed = 57; adjGreen = 100; adjBlue = 70; gamma = 14; xDeep = 2; yDeep = 1; black = 0; detectCineBars = cbBoth; seduMode = smMiniDMX; strcpy(seduRGBOrder, "BGR"); loglevel = 0; showMainmenu = yes; viewMode = vmAtmo; effectSpeed = 500; fixedR = 111; fixedG = 101; fixedB = 0; // calculated leds = 0; ledCount = 0; grabWidth = na; grabHeight = na; } cSeduConfig::~cSeduConfig() { if (leds) delete leds; } //*************************************************************************** // Create Leds from config //*************************************************************************** cSeduConfig::cLed* cSeduConfig::createLeds(cLedConfs* conf) { int seq = 0; delete leds; grabWidth = 0; grabHeight = 0; ledCount = conf->Count(); leds = new cLed[ledCount]; memset(leds, 0, ledCount*sizeof(cLed)); for (cLedConf* l = conf->First(); l; l = conf->Next(l)) { tell(0, "led%d (%d) %d/%d %d/%d", seq, l->Pos(), l->X(), l->Y(), l->ToX(), l->ToY()); if (l->isValid()) { // calc size of led matrix if (grabWidth < l->X()) grabWidth = l->X(); if (grabWidth < l->ToX()) grabWidth = l->ToX(); if (grabHeight < l->Y()) grabHeight = l->Y(); if (grabHeight < l->ToY()) grabHeight = l->ToY(); leds[seq].lp = (LedPosition)l->Pos(); leds[seq].x = l->X(); leds[seq].y = l->Y(); leds[seq].toX = l->ToX(); leds[seq].toY = l->ToY(); seq++; } } ledCount = seq; grabWidth++; grabHeight++; return leds; }