/* * seduthred.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id: seduthread.c,v 1.148 2012/11/28 06:29:24 wendel Exp $ */ #include #include #include "softhdservice.h" #include "seduthread.h" #include "config.h" //*************************************************************************** // Class cSeduThread //*************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************** // Object //*************************************************************************** cSeduThread::cSeduThread() { loopActive = false; pixAverage = 0; image = 0; imageSize = 0; imageWidth = 0; imageHeight = 0; cineBarsHor = 0; cineBarsVer = 0; } cSeduThread::~cSeduThread() { sedu.close(); delete[] pixAverage; } //*************************************************************************** // Stop Thread //*************************************************************************** void cSeduThread::Stop() { loopActive = false; waitCondition.Broadcast(); // wakeup the thread Cancel(3); // wait up to 3 seconds for thread was stopping } //*************************************************************************** // Action //*************************************************************************** void cSeduThread::Action() { MsTime wait = 0; cMutexLock lock(&mutex); tell(0, "atmo Thread started (pid=%d)", getpid()); loopActive = true; pixAverage = new PixQueue[cfg.ledCount]; sedu.setMode(cfg.seduMode, cfg.ledCount); while (loopActive && Running()) { MsTime start = msNow(); // work ... if (cfg.viewMode == vmAtmo) { if (grabImage() == success) { detectCineBars(); putData(); MsTime elapsed = msNow() - start; wait = 1000 / cfg.frequence - elapsed; tell(2, "sleeping %ldms (%d Hz)", wait, cfg.frequence); } else { if (sedu.isOpen()) { error("softhddevice grab failed"); tell(0, "Closing sedu interface to enable others (XBMC/boblight/...) to connect"); sedu.close(); } wait = 10000; // retry softhd grab every 10 seconds } } else { putData(); if (cfg.viewMode != vmRainbow && cfg.viewMode != vmColorWheel) wait = 500; // less load on fixed color or black else wait = 100; // for Rainbow sleep always 100ms } waitCondition.TimedWait(mutex, wait); // wait time in ms } sedu.close(); loopActive = false; delete[] pixAverage; pixAverage = 0; tell(0, "atmo thread ended (pid=%d)", getpid()); } //*************************************************************************** // Grab Image //*************************************************************************** int cSeduThread::grabImage() { SoftHDDevice_AtmoGrabService_v1_1_t req; free(image); image = 0; cPlugin* softHdPlugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("softhddevice"); int softHdGrabService = (softHdPlugin && softHdPlugin->Service(ATMO1_GRAB_SERVICE, 0)); if (!softHdGrabService) return error("Can't find softhddevice %s, aborting grab, retrying in 10 seconds!", softHdPlugin ? "service" : "plugin"); // grab image at sofhddevice req.width = cfg.grabWidth; req.height = cfg.grabHeight; req.img = 0; if (!softHdPlugin->Service(ATMO1_GRAB_SERVICE, &req) || !req.img) return fail; tell(2, "Got image with %dx%d pixel; %d bytes", req.width, req.height, req.size); image = (Pixel*)req.img; imageSize = req.size; imageWidth = req.width; imageHeight = req.height; return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Detect Cine Bars //*************************************************************************** int cSeduThread::detectCineBars() { const int threshold = 3; // threshold for black level of cine bars Pixel* p; int off; // check horizontal bars if (cfg.detectCineBars == cbHorizontal || cfg.detectCineBars == cbBoth) { for (off = 0; off < imageHeight/5; off++) // cinebar height max 1/5 of the screen height { int above = 0; for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++) { p = &image[off*imageWidth + x]; if (p->r > threshold || p->g > threshold || p->b > threshold) above++; p = &image[((imageHeight-1)-off)*imageWidth + x]; if (p->r > threshold || p->g > threshold || p->b > threshold) above++; } if (above > imageWidth/8) // max 1/8 failed pixel break; } if (cineBarsHor != off) { static int last = 0; static int count = 0; if (off != last) { last = off; count = 0; } if (count++ >= cfg.frequence) { count = 0; cineBarsHor = off; tell(0, "Switch horizontal cine bars to %d", cineBarsHor); } } } // check vertical bars if (cfg.detectCineBars == cbVertical || cfg.detectCineBars == cbBoth) { for (off = 0; off < imageWidth/5; off++) // cinebar height max 1/5 of the screen width { int above = 0; for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++) { p = &image[y*imageWidth + off]; if (p->r > threshold || p->g > threshold || p->b > threshold) above++; p = &image[y*imageWidth + ((imageWidth-1)-off)]; if (p->r > threshold || p->g > threshold || p->b > threshold) above++; } if (above > imageHeight/6) // max 1/6 failed pixel break; } if (cineBarsVer != off) { static int last = 0; static int count = 0; if (off != last) { last = off; count = 0; } if (count++ >= cfg.frequence) { count = 0; cineBarsVer = off; tell(0, "Switch vertical cine bars to %d", cineBarsVer); } } } return done; } //*************************************************************************** // Put Data //*************************************************************************** int cSeduThread::putData() { Pixel pFixedCol = {0,0,0,0}; if (!sedu.isOpen()) { if (sedu.open() != success) return fail; } switch (cfg.viewMode) { case vmBlack: case vmFixedCol: { pFixedCol.r = cfg.viewMode == vmFixedCol ? cfg.fixedR : 0; pFixedCol.g = cfg.viewMode == vmFixedCol ? cfg.fixedG : 0; pFixedCol.b = cfg.viewMode == vmFixedCol ? cfg.fixedB : 0; if (cfg.viewMode != vmBlack) { gammaAdj(&pFixedCol); whiteAdj(&pFixedCol); } break; } case vmRainbow: { pFixedCol = getRainbowColor(); break; } default: break; } sedu.writeStartSeq(); // loop over all LEDs for (int led = 0; led < cfg.ledCount; led++) { Pixel pixel = {0,0,0,0}; Pixel* p = &pixel; if (cfg.viewMode == vmAtmo) { getPixel(led, p); pixAverage[led].push(p); pixAverage[led].getPixel(p); threshold(p); gammaAdj(p); whiteAdj(p); } else if (cfg.viewMode == vmColorWheel) { pixel = getColorWheel(1, led); p = &pixel; } else if (cfg.viewMode == vmColorWheelStatic) { pixel = getColorWheel(0, led); p = &pixel; } else { p = &pFixedCol; } sedu.writePix(p); } sedu.writeEndSeq(); sedu.read(); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Get Pixel //*************************************************************************** int cSeduThread::getPixel(int ledIdx, Pixel* pixel) { cLed* led; PixSum sum; // some checks ... if (ledIdx >= cfg.ledCount) { tell(0, "Invalid led index %d, ignoring", ledIdx); return 0; } // get led ... led = &cfg.leds[ledIdx]; // valid ? if (led->x < 0 || led->y < 0) { tell(0, "Invalid position for (%d/%d) led %d, ignoring", led->x, led->y, ledIdx); return 0; } // calc average over pixels in 'deep' sum.clear(); switch (led->lp) { case lpLeft: { for (int x = led->x; x <= led->x + cfg.xDeep; x++) sum.add(&image[led->y*imageWidth + x + cineBarsVer]); break; } case lpRight: { for (int x = led->x; x >= led->x - cfg.xDeep; x--) sum.add(&image[led->y*imageWidth + x - cineBarsVer]); break; } case lpTop: { for (int y = led->y; y <= led->y + cfg.yDeep; y++) sum.add(&image[(y+cineBarsHor)*imageWidth + led->x]); break; } case lpBottom: { for (int y = led->y; y >= led->y - cfg.yDeep; y--) sum.add(&image[(y-cineBarsHor)*imageWidth + led->x]); break; } } if (!sum.getCount()) return error("Fatal missing range for led %d", ledIdx); sum.getAvg(pixel); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Merge Pixel // - merge pixel p2 onto p1 - result stored in p1 //*************************************************************************** void cSeduThread::merge(Pixel* p1, Pixel* p2, int level) { double factor = level / 100.0 / 2.0; if (p1 && p2) { p1->r = p2->r * factor + p1->r * (1.0-factor); p1->g = p2->g * factor + p1->g * (1.0-factor); p1->b = p2->b * factor + p1->b * (1.0-factor); } } //*************************************************************************** // Threshold //*************************************************************************** void cSeduThread::threshold(Pixel* p) { if (p) { if (p->r < cfg.threshold && p->g < cfg.threshold && p->b < cfg.threshold) memset(p, cfg.black, sizeof(Pixel)); } } //*************************************************************************** // White Adjust //*************************************************************************** void cSeduThread::whiteAdj(Pixel* p) { if (p && !isBlack(p)) { p->r = (double)p->r * (0.01 * cfg.adjRed); p->b = (double)p->b * (0.01 * cfg.adjBlue); p->g = (double)p->g * (0.01 * cfg.adjGreen); } } //*************************************************************************** // White Adjust //*************************************************************************** void cSeduThread::gammaAdj(Pixel* p) { if (p && !isBlack(p) && cfg.gamma > 10) { double g = cfg.gamma / 10.0; p->r = (unsigned char)(pow(p->r / 255.0, g) * 255.0); p->g = (unsigned char)(pow(p->g / 255.0, g) * 255.0); p->b = (unsigned char)(pow(p->b / 255.0, g) * 255.0); } } //*************************************************************************** // Get Rainbow Color //*************************************************************************** Pixel cSeduThread::getRainbowColor() { static int rainbowColorTone = 0; static int callCount = 0; Pixel p = hsv2rgb(rainbowColorTone, 1, 1); if (!(callCount++ % (cfg.effectSpeed / 100))) { if (++rainbowColorTone >= 360) rainbowColorTone = 0; } gammaAdj(&p); whiteAdj(&p); return p; } Pixel cSeduThread::getColorWheel(int moving, int led) { static int degrees = 0; static int callCount = 0; int steps = 360 / cfg.ledCount; int color = 0; if (moving && !(callCount++ % (cfg.effectSpeed / 100))) { // calculate spinng wheel with given effect speed if (led == 0) degrees += steps; if (degrees >= 360) degrees = 0; } // calculate color degrees color = led * steps + degrees; if (color >= 360) color -= 360; // convert color from HSV to RGB Pixel p = hsv2rgb(color, 1, 1); // create a single Pixel gammaAdj(&p); whiteAdj(&p); return p; } //*************************************************************************** // Class cSeduLine //*************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************** // Object //*************************************************************************** cSeduLine::cSeduLine() { dataBytesSend = 0; fd = na; bzero(&oldtio, sizeof(oldtio)); deviceName = 0; setMode(smMiniDMX); } //*************************************************************************** // SEDU Mode //*************************************************************************** void cSeduLine::setMode(SeduMode aMode, int channels) { mode = aMode; switch (mode) { case smMiniDMX: { byteStart = 0x5A; byteMode = 0xA2; byteEnd = 0xA5; dataBytes = 512; break; } case smTpm2: { byteStart = 0xC9; byteMode = 0xDA; byteEnd = 0x36; dataBytes = channels*3; break; } } } //*************************************************************************** // Detect //*************************************************************************** int cSeduLine::detect() { const char* pattern = "module:ftdi_sio"; // move to config? FILE* fd; regex_t reg; char line[200]; free(deviceName); deviceName = 0; if (regcomp(®, pattern, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) { tell(0, "Invalid regular expression '%s'for usb device", pattern); regfree(®); return fail; } if (!(fd = fopen("/proc/tty/driver/usbserial", "r"))) { tell(0, "Could not open '/proc/tty/driver/usbserial' '%m'"); regfree(®); return fail; } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd)) { char* p; if (!regexec(®, line, 0, 0, 0) && (p = index(line, ':'))) { *p = 0; asprintf(&deviceName, "/dev/ttyUSB%s", line); break; } } fclose(fd); regfree(®); if (!deviceName) { tell(0, "Could not auto detect a usb device like '%s' in '/proc/tty/driver/usbserial'"); return fail; } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Open/Close //*************************************************************************** int cSeduLine::open() { struct termios newtio; if (detect() != success) { free(deviceName); deviceName = strdup("/dev/ttySEDU"); tell(0, "Falling back to '%s'", deviceName); } if (isOpen()) close(); // open serial line with 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit if ((fd = ::open(deviceName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY)) < 0) { fd = na; tell(0, "Error: Opening '%s' failed", deviceName); return fail; } tell(0, "Opening '%s' succeeded!", deviceName); // configure serial line tcgetattr(fd, &oldtio); bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio)); /* BAUDRATE: Set bps rate. You could also use cfsetispeed and cfsetospeed. CRTSCTS : output hardware flow control (only used if the cable has all necessary lines. See sect. 7 of Serial-HOWTO) CS8 : 8n1 (8bit,no parity,1 stopbit) CLOCAL : local connection, no modem control CREAD : enable receiving characters */ newtio.c_cflag = B500000 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR; newtio.c_oflag = 0; newtio.c_lflag = 0; if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &newtio) != 0) tell(0, "tcsetattr failed!"); tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); return success; } int cSeduLine::close() { if (isOpen()) { tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &oldtio); ::close(fd); fd = na; } free(deviceName); deviceName = 0; return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Read/Write //*************************************************************************** int cSeduLine::read() { fd_set readfs; timeval tv; unsigned char c; MsTime start = msNow(); if (!isOpen()) return fail; // check if something to read ... tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100000; FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_SET(fd, &readfs); select(fd+1, &readfs, 0, 0, &tv); if (FD_ISSET(fd, &readfs)) { tell(2, "Received (after %ldms): ", (msNow()-start)); while (::read(fd, &c, 1) > 0) tell(2, "%02X ", c); } else { tell(3, ".. no data available"); } return 0; } int cSeduLine::write(unsigned char b) { if (!isOpen()) return 0; if (checkLine() != success) return 0; tell(3, "send: 0x%02X", b); return ::write(fd, &b, 1); } int cSeduLine::writeStartSeq() { write(byteStart); write(byteMode); if (mode == smTpm2) { write((dataBytes & 0xFF00) >> 8); write(dataBytes & 0x00FF); } dataBytesSend = 0; return success; } int cSeduLine::writeEndSeq() { while (dataBytesSend < dataBytes) dataBytesSend += write(0); write(byteEnd); tell(2, "Wrote %d RGB Values", dataBytesSend); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Write Pixel //*************************************************************************** int cSeduLine::writePix(Pixel* p) { writeColor(p, 0); writeColor(p, 1); writeColor(p, 2); return success; } int cSeduLine::writeColor(Pixel* p, int index) { switch (cfg.seduRGBOrder[index]) { case 'R': dataBytesSend += write(p ? p->r : 0); break; case 'B': dataBytesSend += write(p ? p->b : 0); break; case 'G': dataBytesSend += write(p ? p->g : 0); break; } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Check Line //*************************************************************************** int cSeduLine::checkLine() { fd_set port; if (!isOpen()) return fail; // check if space to write ... FD_ZERO(&port); FD_SET(fd, &port); if (select(fd+1, 0, &port, 0, 0) == -1) { tell(0, "Error: select() %m"); return fail; } return success; }