VDR Skin 'EnigmaNG' Revision History ------------------------------------------ 2007-06-18: Version 0.0.5rc2 - Added Italian translation (Submitted by Gringo). - Changed logging to only report missing channel logos once. - Use MAXFONTNAME and MAXFONTSIZE as introduced in VDR 1.5.3. - Recognize VDR >=1.5.3 and disable HAVE_FREETYPE. - Fixed font initialization. - Updated MoBuntu theme (Submitted by Morone @vdr-portal.de). - Set correct editable width for OSD text inputs (Reported by Brougs78 @vdr-portal.de). - Fixed calculation of bottom line in channel info (Reported by CKone @vdr-portal.de). - Hide "Set" button in fonts setup if TTF support disabled. - Fixed crash in TTF setup if no TrueType fonts were found (Reported by pat @vdr-portal.de). - Set correct title in setup submenus (Reported by pat @vdr-portal.de). - Minor bugfixes. 2007-06-11: Version 0.0.5rc - Fixed possible crash in recording's details. - Added MoBuntu theme (Submitted by Morone @vdr-portal.de). - Added Blue, Blue2, Blue3 and Coolblue theme (Submitted by Uwe @vdr-portal.de). - Added support for TrueTypeFonts (based on graphtft and text2skin plugins). - Added support for new epgsearch tags. - Updated French translation. (Submitted by pat @vdr-portal.de) - Changed size calculation for scrollbars. - Add setup options to individually set the fonts to use. See README for details. - Set used colors for every area in menu OSD when using multiple areas. - Reworked multiple areas mode in menu OSD. - Do not disable logos/symbols/flags if 4bpp single area is configured in setup. - Replaced setup options "One area (if possible)" and "Bpp in single area" by option "Try 8bpp single areas". - Unified appearance of error/info/status messages in all OSDs. - Added setup option to selectively enable scrolling text. - Added setup option to selectively enable logos in the different OSDs. - Added text effects (e.g. scrolling and blinking) for selected text. - Removed clrMenuHighlight, clrMessageBorder, clrMenuItemCurrentFg, clrMenuEventTitle, clrMenuEventShortText, clrMenuScrollbarTotal and clrMenuScrollbarShown in themes. - Fixed height of title/subtitle box in EPG & recording details. - Recognize mediamanager plugin in mainmenu logos. - Don't cut info line in EPG & recording details at logo area's left edge. - Updated Russian translation (Submitted by neptunvasja @vdr-portal.de). - Added Dutch translation (Submitted by dorpsgek @vdr-portal.de). - Various bugfixes and graphical changes. 2007-04-02: Version 0.0.4 - Changed text color in themes for green and yellow buttons. - Fixed false colors problem after theme changes. - Updated Finnish translation. (Submitted by Rolf Ahrenberg) - Updated French translation. (Submitted by pat @vdr-portal.de) - Do not overwrite status messages in mainmenu with list items. - New setup option that replaces SKINENIGMA_FULL_CHANNELINFO_TITLE define. - Disable logos/symbols/flags if 4bpp single area is configured in setup. (Will eventually replace SKINENIGMA_NO_MENULOGO define) - Added support for mailbox plugin; shows mail symbol in channel info (Based on patch by triple955 @vdr-portal.de). - Introduced new HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK define to enable non-xpm images in event's and recording's details. - Fixed "blinking" date in channel info (Reported by several people). - Changed background for recording symbol in channel info to white (Suggested by gromit @vdr-portal.de). - Long channel group names are no longer drawn at the right side of the date (Reported by several people). - New setup option for displaying a recording's size and use size.vdr (Suggested by vejoun @vdr-portal.de). - Show stop time of running timers in info area in main menu. (Suggested by viking @vdr-portal.de) - Updated Russian translation. (Submitted by neptunvasja @vdr-portal.de) - New defines "ListProgressBarGap" & "ListProgressBarBorder" to customize the progressbar in lists: * "ListProgressBarGap" sets the gap above/below the progressbar (relative to the font's height). * "ListProgressBarBorder" sets the border's width. - Added fallback to "classic" skin if any of the OSD menus fails to open. - Fix possible NULL pointer accesses. - Fixed compiler error with certain gcc versions. - Minor bugfixes and graphical changes. 2007-03-06: Version 0.0.3 - New command line option "-l" to set the logo path. - Added support for epgsearch's timer check auxiliary info in a recording's info. - Reorganized setup menu. - Don't use small font in a recording's replay info. - Show channel name and number in recording's info. - Don't use small font for description in event and recording info. - Added setup options for epgsearch features. - Use location set at "Channel info position" to display channel info. - Fixed transparent group titles in menus. (Reported by several users) - New (temporary) compile time option SKINENIGMA_FULL_CHANNELINFO_TITLE. - Fixed duration and elapsed/remaining time displaying in channel info. - Enhanced setup option "Show remaining/elapsed time". - Enhanced setup option "Show Symbols". - Changed alignment in bottom line of channel info. - New setup option to hide language flags; shows language name in channel info. (Suggested by balta @vdr-portal.de) - Redraw date in main menu and channel info only if time changed. (Based on suggestion by Hanspeter) - Changed detection for main menu; it now must start with "VDR - ". (Based on patch by triple955 @vdr-portal.de) - Fixed problems with floating text. (Patch by triple955 @vdr-portal.de) - Localized full weekday name. - Added new setup option for 8bpp or 4bpp single area. - Added Russian translation (Submitted by SergArb @vdr-portal.de). - Log "LOGO NOT FOUND" errors to syslog (Requested by Der_Pit). - Changed a false 4bpp area to 2bpp. - Corrected brackets (Reported by Sebastian Werner). - Many other fixes and graphical changes. 2007-02-19: Version 0.0.2 - Fixed problems in replay OSD when not using small font (Reported by several people). - Only display reruns of current event in EPG info if there are more than two reruns. - New setup option to enable/disable trying a single 8bpp OSD area. - Completed French translation (Submitted by Patrice Staudt). - Completed Finnish translation (Patch by rofafor @vdr-portal.de). - Changed defines: HAVE_EPGSEARCH to SKINENIGMA_HAVE_EPGSEARCH and NO_MENULOGO to SKINENIGMA_NO_MENULOGO (Patch by rofafor @vdr-portal.de). - Fixed crash if loading channel logos by channel id (Reported by zulu @vdr-portal.de). - Fixed gcc warning (Reported by zulu @vdr-portal.de). - Renamed theme WomansLike to WomenLike. - Some smaller fixes. 2007-02-14: Version 0.0.1 - Initial release.