/* * config.c: 'EnigmaNG' skin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include "common.h" #include "config.h" #include "tools.h" #ifdef USE_PLUGIN_AVARDS #include "../avards/avards_services.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK const char *imageExtensionTexts[NUM_IMAGEEXTENSIONTEXTS] = { "xpm", "jpg", "png" }; #endif cEnigmaConfig EnigmaConfig; #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE # if VDRVERSNUM != 10503 cGraphtftFont FontCache; # endif #endif FontConfig allFontConfig[FONT_NUMFONTS] = { { FONT_OSDTITLE, "FontOsdTitle", "FontOsdTitleName" }, { FONT_MESSAGE, "FontMessage", "FontMessageName" }, { FONT_DATE, "FontDate", "FontDateName" }, { FONT_HELPKEYS, "FontHelpKeys", "FontHelpKeysName" }, { FONT_CITITLE, "FontCiTitle", "FontCiTitleName" }, { FONT_CISUBTITLE, "FontCiSubtitle", "FontCiSubtitleName" }, { FONT_CILANGUAGE, "FontCiLanguage", "FontCiLanguageName" }, { FONT_LISTITEM, "FontListItem", "FontListItemName" }, { FONT_INFOTIMERHEADLINE, "FontInfoTimerHeadline", "FontInfoTimerHeadlineName" }, { FONT_INFOTIMERTEXT, "FontInfoTimerText", "FontInfoTimerTextName" }, { FONT_INFOWARNHEADLINE, "FontInfoWarnHeadline", "FontInfoWarnHeadlineName" }, { FONT_INFOWARNTEXT, "FontInfoWarnText", "FontInfoWarnTextName" }, { FONT_DETAILSTITLE, "FontDetailsTitle", "FontDetailsTitleName" }, { FONT_DETAILSSUBTITLE, "FontDetailsSubtitle", "FontDetailsSubtitleName" }, { FONT_DETAILSDATE, "FontDetailsDate", "FontDetailsDateName" }, { FONT_DETAILSTEXT, "FontDetailsText", "FontDetailsTextName" }, { FONT_REPLAYTIMES, "FontReplayTimes", "FontReplayTimesName" }, { FONT_FIXED, "FontFixed", "FontFixed" } }; cEnigmaConfig::cEnigmaConfig() : showAuxInfo(1), showLogo(1), showVps(1), showSymbols(1), showSymbolsMenu(1), showSymbolsReplay(1), showSymbolsMsgs(1), showSymbolsAudio(1), showListSymbols(1), showProgressbar(1), cacheSize(50), useChannelId(0), showInfo(1), showRemaining(0), showMarker(1), singleArea(1), singleArea8Bpp(1), showFlags(1), numReruns(5), useSubtitleRerun(1), showTimerConflicts(1), showRecSize(2), showImages(0), resizeImages(0), showMailIcon(0), imageWidth(120), imageHeight(80), imageExtension(0), fullTitleWidth(0), useTextEffects(0), scrollDelay(50), scrollPause(1500), scrollMode(0), blinkPause(1000), scrollInfo(1), scrollListItem(1), scrollOther(1), scrollTitle(1), dynOsd(0) { memset(logoDir, 0, sizeof(logoDir)); memset(strImagesDir, 0, sizeof(strImagesDir)); #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE memset(strFontsDir, 0, sizeof(strFontsDir)); #endif for (int id = 0; id < FONT_NUMFONTS; id++) { switch (id) { case FONT_CISUBTITLE: case FONT_CILANGUAGE: case FONT_DETAILSSUBTITLE: allFonts[id].VdrId = fontSml + 1; allFonts[id].Default = fontSml; break; case FONT_FIXED: allFonts[id].VdrId = fontFix + 1; allFonts[id].Default = fontFix; break; default: allFonts[id].VdrId = fontOsd + 1; allFonts[id].Default = fontOsd; } memset(allFonts[id].Name, 0, sizeof(allFonts[id].Name)); allFonts[id].Width = 100; allFonts[id].Size = 26; } } cEnigmaConfig::~cEnigmaConfig() { } void cEnigmaConfig::SetLogoDir(const char *logodirP) { if (logodirP) { debug("cEnigmaConfig::SetLogoDir(%s)", logodirP); strncpy(logoDir, logodirP, sizeof(logoDir)); } } void cEnigmaConfig::SetImagesDir(const char *dir) { if (dir) { debug("cEnigmaConfig::SetImagesDir(%s)", dir); strncpy(strImagesDir, dir, sizeof(strImagesDir)); } } const char *cEnigmaConfig::GetImageExtension(void) { #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK return (0 <= imageExtension && imageExtension < NUM_IMAGEEXTENSIONTEXTS) ? imageExtensionTexts[imageExtension] : imageExtensionTexts[0]; #else return "xpm"; #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE void cEnigmaConfig::SetFontsDir(const char *dir) { if (dir) { debug("cEnigmaConfig::SetFontsDir(%s)", dir); strncpy(strFontsDir, dir, sizeof(strFontsDir)); } } #endif const cFont *cEnigmaConfig::GetFont(int id) { const cFont *res = NULL; if (::Setup.UseSmallFont == 1) { // if "Use small font" == "skin dependent" if (allFonts[id].VdrId == FONT_TRUETYPE) { if (!isempty(allFonts[id].Name)) { #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE char *cachename; asprintf(&cachename, "%s_%d_%d_%d", allFonts[id].Name, allFonts[id].Size, allFonts[id].Width, Setup.OSDLanguage); if (FontCache.Load(string(strFontsDir) + "/" + string(allFonts[id].Name), cachename, allFonts[id].Size, Setup.OSDLanguage, allFonts[id].Width)) { res = FontCache.GetFont(cachename); } else { error("ERROR: EnigmaNG: Couldn't load font %s:%d", allFonts[id].Name, allFonts[id].Size); } free(cachename); #else error("ERROR: EnigmaNG: Font engine not enabled at compile time!"); #endif } } else if (allFonts[id].VdrId > FONT_TRUETYPE) { res = cFont::GetFont((eDvbFont)(allFonts[id].VdrId - 1)); } else { res = cFont::GetFont((eDvbFont)allFonts[id].VdrId); } } if (res == NULL) res = cFont::GetFont((eDvbFont)allFonts[id].Default); if (res) return res; else return cFont::GetFont(fontOsd); } void cEnigmaConfig::SetFont(int id, const char *font) { if (id >= 0 && id < FONT_NUMFONTS && font) { char *tmp = strrchr(font, ':'); if (tmp) { strncpy(allFonts[id].Name, font, std::min((int)sizeof(allFonts[id].Name), tmp - font)); allFonts[id].Size = atoi(tmp + 1); tmp = strchr(tmp + 1, ','); if (tmp) { allFonts[id].Width = atoi(tmp + 1); } } else { strncpy(allFonts[id].Name, font, sizeof(allFonts[id].Name)); } } } void cEnigmaConfig::SetFont(int id, int vdrId) { if (id >= 0 && id < FONT_NUMFONTS && vdrId >= 0) { allFonts[id].VdrId = vdrId; } } void cEnigmaConfig::GetOsdSize(struct EnigmaOsdSize *size) { if (size == NULL) return; size->y = Setup.OSDTop; size->x = Setup.OSDLeft; size->w = Setup.OSDWidth; size->h = Setup.OSDHeight; #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10504 if (dynOsd) { size->y = cOsd::OsdTop(); size->x = cOsd::OsdLeft(); size->w = cOsd::OsdWidth(); size->h = cOsd::OsdHeight(); } #else # ifdef USE_PLUGIN_AVARDS if (dynOsd) { cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("avards"); if (p) { avards_MaxOSDsize_v1_0 OSDsize; if (p->Service(AVARDS_MAXOSDSIZE_SERVICE_STRING_ID, &OSDsize)) { size->y = OSDsize.top; size->x = OSDsize.left; size->w = OSDsize.width; size->h = OSDsize.height; } } } # endif #endif //VDRVERSNUM >= 10504 } // vim:et:sw=2:ts=2: