/* * config.c: 'EnigmaNG' skin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #include "common.h" #include "config.h" cEnigmaConfig EnigmaConfig; cEnigmaConfig::cEnigmaConfig() : showAuxInfo(1), showLogo(1), showVps(1), showSymbols(1), showListSymbols(1), showProgressbar(1), cacheSize(50), useChannelId(0), showInfo(1), showRemaining(0), showMarker(1), singleArea(1), singleArea8Bpp(1), showFlags(1), numReruns(5), useSubtitleRerun(1), showTimerConflicts(1) { memset(logoDir, 0, sizeof(logoDir)); } cEnigmaConfig::~cEnigmaConfig() { } void cEnigmaConfig::SetLogoDir(const char *logodirP) { if (logodirP) { debug("cEnigmaConfig::SetLogoDir(%s)\n", logodirP); strncpy(logoDir, logodirP, sizeof(logoDir)); } }