path: root/web/Server.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/Server.js')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/Server.js b/web/Server.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ab6d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/Server.js
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+var Server = {
+ dataReceivedCallback : null,
+ errorCallback : null,
+ doSort : false,
+ retries : 0,
+ XHRObj : null
+Server.init = function()
+ var success = true;
+ if (this.XHRObj) {
+ this.XHRObj.destroy();
+ this.XHRObj = null;
+ }
+ return success;
+Server.setSort = function (val) {
+ this.doSort = val;
+Server.fetchVideoList = function(url) {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: url,
+ type : "GET",
+ success : function(data, status, XHR ) {
+// Main.log("Server.fetchVideoList Success Response - status= " + status + " mime= " + XHR.responseType + " data= "+ data);
+ $(data).find("item").each(function () {
+ var title = $(this).find('title').text();
+// var link = $(this).find('link').text();
+ var link = $(this).find('enclosure').attr('url');
+ var guid = $(this).find('guid').text();
+ var programme = $(this).find('programme').text();
+ var description = $(this).find('description').text();
+ var startVal = parseInt($(this).find('start').text());
+ var durVal = parseInt($(this).find('duration').text());
+ var fps = parseFloat($(this).find('fps').text());
+ var ispes = $(this).find('ispes').text();
+ var isnew = $(this).find('isnew').text();
+// Main.log("Server.fetchVideoList: title= " + title + " start= " + startVal + " dur= " + durVal + " fps= " + fps);
+/* if (Main.state == Main.eLIVE) {
+ Epg.guidTitle[guid] = title;
+ }
+ var title_list = title.split("~");
+ Data.addItem( title_list, {link : link, prog: programme, desc: description, guid : guid, start: startVal,
+ dur: durVal, ispes : ispes, isnew : isnew, fps : fps});
+ }); // each
+ Data.completed(Server.doSort);
+ if (Server.dataReceivedCallback) {
+ Server.dataReceivedCallback();
+ }
+ },
+ error : function (jqXHR, status, error) {
+// Main.logToServer("Server.fetchVideoList Error Response - status= " + status + " error= "+ error);
+// Display.showPopup("Error with XML File: " + status);
+ Server.retries ++;
+ },
+ parsererror : function () {
+ // Main.logToServer("Server.fetchVideoList parserError " );
+ // Display.showPopup("Error in XML File");
+ Server.retries ++;
+ if (Server.errorCallback != null) {
+ Server.errorCallback("XmlError");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+Server.updateVdrStatus = function (){
+ Main.log ("get VDR Status");
+ $.ajax({
+ url: Config.serverUrl + "/vdrstatus.xml",
+ type : "GET",
+ success : function(data, status, XHR){
+ var free = $(data).find('free').text() / 1024.0;
+ var used = $(data).find('used').text() / 1024.0;
+ var percent = $(data).find('percent').text();
+ var unit = "GB";
+ var free_str = free.toFixed(2);
+ if (free_str.length > 6) {
+ free = free / 1024.0;
+ free_str = free.toFixed(2);
+ unit = "TB";
+ }
+ $("#logoDisk").text("Free: " +free_str + unit);
+ $("#selectDisk").text("Free: " +free_str + unit);
+ },
+ error: function(jqXHR, status, error){
+ Main.log("VdrStatus: Error");
+ }
+ });
+Server.getResume = function (guid) {
+// Main.log ("***** getResume *****");
+ $.ajax({
+ url: Config.serverUrl + "/getResume.xml",
+ type : "POST",
+ data : "filename:" + guid +"\n",
+ success : function(data, status, XHR ) {
+ Main.log("**** Resome Success Response - status= " + status + " mime= " + XHR.responseType + " data= "+ data);
+ var resume_str = $(data).find("resume").text();
+ if (resume_str != "") {
+ var resume_val = parseFloat(resume_str);
+ Main.log("resume val= " + resume_val );
+ Main.logToServer("resume val= " + resume_val );
+ Player.resumePos = resume_val;
+ Player.playVideo( resume_val);
+ }
+ else {
+ Display.hide();
+ Display.showProgress();
+ Player.playVideo(-1);
+ }
+ },
+ error : function (jqXHR, status, error) {
+ Main.log("**** Resome Error Response - status= " + status + " error= "+ error);
+ Display.hide();
+ Display.showProgress();
+ Player.playVideo(-1);
+ }
+ });
+Server.saveResume = function() {
+ var msg = "";
+ msg += "filename:" + Data.getCurrentItem().childs[Main.selectedVideo].payload.guid + "\n";
+ msg += "resume:"+ (Player.curPlayTime/1000) + "\n" ;
+ $.post(Config.serverUrl + "/setResume.xml", msg, function(data, textStatus, XHR) {
+ Main.logToServer("SaveResume Status= " + XHR.status );
+ }, "text");
+Server.deleteRecording = function(guid) {
+ Main.log("Server.deleteRecording guid=" + guid);
+ Main.logToServer("Server.deleteRecording guid=" + guid);
+ Notify.handlerShowNotify("Deleting...", false);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: Config.serverUrl + "/deleteRecording.xml?id=" +guid,
+ type : "POST",
+ success : function(data, status, XHR ) {
+ Notify.showNotify("Deleted", true);
+ Data.deleteElm(Main.selectedVideo);
+ if (Main.selectedVideo >= Data.getVideoCount())
+ Main.selectedVideo = Data.getVideoCount() -1;
+ Server.updateVdrStatus();
+ Display.setVideoList(Main.selectedVideo, (Main.selectedVideo - Display.currentWindow));
+ Main.logToServer("Server.deleteRecording: Success" );
+ },
+ error : function (XHR, status, error) {
+ Main.logToServer("Server.deleteRecording: Error" );
+ // show popup
+ Notify.showNotify("Error", true);
+ }
+ });