/* * httpresource.c: VDR on Smart TV plugin * * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 T. Lohmar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * Or, point your browser to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "httpresource.h" #include "smarttvfactory.h" #include "stvw_cfg.h" #include "mngurls.h" #include "url.h" #ifndef STANDALONE #include #include #include #include #include #else //standalone #include #include #endif #define PROTOCOL "HTTP/1.1" #define RFC1123FMT "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" #define MAXLEN 4096 #define OKAY 0 #define ERROR (-1) #define DEBUG_REGHEADERS #define DEBUGPREFIX "mReqId= " << mReqId << " fd= " << mFd #define DEBUGHDR " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " (" << __LINE__ << ") " #define DEBUG #define SEGMENT_DURATION 10 using namespace std; class cResumeEntry { public: string mFilename; float mResume; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const cResumeEntry& o) { out << "mFilename= " << o.mFilename << " mResume= " << o.mResume << endl; return out; }; cResumeEntry():mFilename(), mResume(-1.0) {}; }; struct sVdrFileEntry { uint64_t sSize; uint64_t sFirstOffset; int sIdx; sVdrFileEntry () {}; sVdrFileEntry (uint64_t s, uint64_t t, int i) : sSize(s), sFirstOffset(t), sIdx(i) {}; }; struct sTimerEntry { string name; time_t startTime; int duration; sTimerEntry(string t, time_t s, int d) : name(t), startTime(s), duration(d) {}; }; // 8 Byte Per Entry struct tIndexPes { uint32_t offset; uint8_t type; // standalone uint8_t number; // standalone uint16_t reserved; }; // 8 Byte per entry struct tIndexTs { uint64_t offset:40; // up to 1TB per file (not using long long int here - must definitely be exactly 64 bit!) int reserved:7; // reserved for future use int independent:1; // marks frames that can be displayed by themselves (for trick modes) uint16_t number:16; // up to 64K files per recording }; //cHttpResource::cHttpResource(int f, int id, int port, SmartTvServer* factory): mFactory(factory), mLog(), // mServerPort(port), mFd(f), mReqId(id), mConnTime(0), mHandleReadCount(0), cHttpResource::cHttpResource(int f, int id, int port, SmartTvServer* factory): cHttpResourceBase(f, id, port, factory), mLog(), mConnTime(0), mHandleReadCount(0), mConnected(true), mConnState(WAITING), mContentType(NYD), mReadBuffer(), mMethod(), mResponseMessagePos(0), mBlkData(NULL), mBlkPos(0), mBlkLen(0), mPath(), mVersion(), protocol(), mReqContentLength(0), mPayload(), mUserAgent(), mAcceptRanges(true), rangeHdr(), mFileSize(-1), mStreamToEnd(false), mRemLength(0), mFile(NULL), mVdrIdx(1), mFileStructure(), mIsRecording(false), mRecProgress(0.0) { mLog = Log::getInstance(); mPath = ""; mConnTime = time(NULL); setNonBlocking(); mBlkData = new char[MAXLEN]; //#ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " cHttpResource created" << endl; //#endif } cHttpResource::~cHttpResource() { //#ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Destructor of cHttpResource called" << endl; //#endif delete[] mBlkData; if (mFile != NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: mFile still open. Closing now..." << endl; fclose(mFile); mFile = NULL; } } int cHttpResource::checkStatus() { time_t now = time(NULL); switch (mConnState) { case WAITING: case READHDR: case READPAYLOAD: if (now - mConnTime > 2) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " checkStatus: no activity for 2sec " << "mConnState= " << getConnStateName() << endl; return ERROR; } break; case TOCLOSE: return ERROR; break; case SERVING: break; } // check for how much time the return OKAY; } void cHttpResource::setNonBlocking() { int oldflags = fcntl(mFd, F_GETFL, 0); oldflags |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(mFd, F_SETFL, oldflags); } int cHttpResource::handleRead() { mHandleReadCount ++; if (mConnState == SERVING) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " handleRead() in wrong state= " << getConnStateName() << endl; return OKAY; } if (mConnState == TOCLOSE) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " handleRead() in wrong state= " << getConnStateName() << endl; return ERROR; } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " handleRead() state= " << getConnStateName() << endl; #endif char buf[MAXLEN]; int buflen = sizeof(buf); int line_count = 0; // bool is_req = true; string rem_hdr = ""; buflen = read(mFd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (buflen == -1) { *(mLog->log())<< " Some Error, no data received" << endl; return ERROR; // Nothing to read } if (( mConnState == WAITING) and (mHandleReadCount > 1000)) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " hmm, handleRead() no data since 1sec -> closing. mHandleReadCount= " << mHandleReadCount << endl; return ERROR; // Nothing to read } if ( ((mConnState == READHDR) or (mConnState == READPAYLOAD)) and (mHandleReadCount > 5000)) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR Still not finished after mHandleReadCount= " << mHandleReadCount << endl; return ERROR; // Nothing to read } if (buflen == 0) { return OKAY; // Nothing to read } if (mConnState == READPAYLOAD) { mPayload += string(buf, buflen); if (mPayload.size() == mReqContentLength) { //Done mConnState = SERVING; return processRequest(); } } if (mConnState == WAITING) { mConnState = READHDR; } string req_line = mReadBuffer + string(buf, buflen); buflen += rem_hdr.size(); size_t last_pos = 0; // Parse http header lines while (true) { line_count ++; size_t pos = req_line.find ("\r\n", last_pos); if ((pos > buflen) or (pos == string::npos)) { mReadBuffer = req_line.substr(last_pos, buflen - last_pos); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " No HdrEnd Found, read more data. rem_hdr= " << mReadBuffer.size() << " buflen= " << buflen << DEBUGHDR << endl; *(mLog->log())<< cUrlEncode::hexDump(mReadBuffer) << endl; #endif return OKAY; } if ((last_pos - pos) == 0) { // Header End #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ---- Header End Found" << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif if (mReqContentLength != 0) { mConnState = READPAYLOAD; mPayload = req_line.substr(pos +2, buflen - (pos +2)); if (mPayload.size() != mReqContentLength) return OKAY; else { mConnState = SERVING; return processRequest(); } } // if(content_length != 0) else { mConnState = SERVING; return processRequest(); } } // if (header end) string line = req_line.substr(last_pos, (pos-last_pos)); #ifdef DEBUG_REQHEADERS *(mLog->log())<< " Line= " << line << endl; #endif last_pos = pos +2; if (mPath.size() == 0) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< " parsing Request Line= " << line << endl; #endif // is_req = false; // Parse the request line if (parseHttpRequestLine(line) != OKAY) { return ERROR; }; } else { parseHttpHeaderLine (line); } } return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::processRequest() { // do stuff based on the request and the query #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " processRequest for mPath= " << mPath << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif struct stat statbuf; bool ok_to_serve = false; if (mMethod.compare("POST")==0) { return handlePost(); } if (!((strcasecmp(mMethod.c_str(), "GET") == 0) or (strcasecmp(mMethod.c_str(), "HEAD") == 0))) { sendError(501, "Not supported", NULL, "Method is not supported."); return OKAY; } #ifndef STANDALONE if (mPath.compare("/recordings.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendRecordingsXml( &statbuf); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/channels.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendChannelsXml( &statbuf); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/epg.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendEpgXml( &statbuf); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/setResume.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; receiveResume(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/getResume.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendResumeXml(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/vdrstatus.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendVdrStatusXml( &statbuf); return OKAY; } #endif if (mPath.compare("/yt-bookmarklet.js") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendYtBookmarkletJs(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/bmlet-inst.html") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendBmlInstHtml(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/media.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendMediaXml( &statbuf); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/clients") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; handleClients(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/widget.conf") == 0) { mPath = mFactory->getConfigDir() + "/widget.conf"; if (stat(mPath.c_str(), &statbuf) < 0) { sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; mFileSize = statbuf.st_size; mContentType = SINGLEFILE; return sendFile(&statbuf); } if (mPath.compare("/favicon.ico") == 0) { mPath = mFactory->getConfigDir() + "/web/favicon.ico"; if (stat(mPath.c_str(), &statbuf) < 0) { sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; mFileSize = statbuf.st_size; mContentType = SINGLEFILE; return sendFile(&statbuf); } if (mPath.compare("/urls.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendUrlsXml(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.size() > 8) { if (mPath.compare(mPath.size() -8, 8, "-seg.mpd") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendManifest( &statbuf, false); return OKAY; } } if (mPath.size() > 9) { if (mPath.compare(mPath.size() -9, 9, "-seg.m3u8") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendManifest( &statbuf, true); return OKAY; } } if (mPath.size() > 7) { if (mPath.compare(mPath.size() -7, 7, "-seg.ts") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; sendMediaSegment( &statbuf); return OKAY; } } if (mPath.find("/web/") == 0) { mPath = mFactory->getConfigDir() + mPath; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found web request. serving " << mPath << endl; ok_to_serve = true; } if (stat(mPath.c_str(), &statbuf) < 0) { // checking, whether the file or directory exists *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " File Not found " << mPath << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { // Do Folder specific checkings #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " processRequest: isDir - mPath: " << mPath.c_str() << endl; #endif if (mPath.size() >4) { if (mPath.compare(mPath.size() - 4, 4, ".rec") == 0) { // Handle any recording directory specifically if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; mContentType = VDRDIR; return sendVdrDir( &statbuf); } } if (!((ok_to_serve) or (mPath.compare(0, (mFactory->getConfig()->getMediaFolder()).size(), mFactory->getConfig()->getMediaFolder()) == 0))) { // No directory access outside of MediaFolder (and also VDRCONG/web) sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; sendDir( &statbuf); return OKAY; } else { // mPath is not a folder, thus it is a file #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " processRequest: file send\n"; #endif // Check, if requested file is in Media Directory if (!((ok_to_serve) or (mPath.compare(0, (mFactory->getConfig()->getMediaFolder()).size(), mFactory->getConfig()->getMediaFolder()) == 0))) { sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; mFileSize = statbuf.st_size; mContentType = SINGLEFILE; return sendFile(&statbuf); } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " processRequest: Not Handled SHOULD not be here\n"; #endif return ERROR; } int cHttpResource::handleWrite() { if (mConnState == TOCLOSE) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " handleWrite() in wrong state= " << getConnStateName() << endl; return ERROR; } if (mConnState != SERVING) { return OKAY; } if (mBlkLen == mBlkPos) { // note the mBlk may be filled with header info first. if (fillDataBlk() != OKAY) { return ERROR; } } int this_write = write(mFd, &mBlkData[mBlkPos], mBlkLen - mBlkPos); if (this_write <=0) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR after write: Stopped (Client terminated Connection)" << " mBlkPos= " << mBlkPos << " mBlkLen= " << mBlkLen << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif mConnState = TOCLOSE; mConnected = false; return ERROR; } mBlkPos += this_write; return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::fillDataBlk() { char pathbuf[4096]; mBlkPos = 0; int to_read = 0; switch(mContentType) { case NYD: break; case VDRDIR: // Range requests are assumed to be all open if (mFile == NULL) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " no open file anymore " << "--> Done " << endl; return ERROR; } if ((mRemLength == 0) && !mStreamToEnd){ #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " mRemLength is zero " << "--> Done " << endl; #endif fclose(mFile); mFile = NULL; return ERROR; } if (!mStreamToEnd) to_read = ((mRemLength > MAXLEN) ? MAXLEN : mRemLength); else to_read = MAXLEN; mBlkLen = fread(mBlkData, 1, to_read, mFile); if (!mStreamToEnd) mRemLength -= mBlkLen; if ((mRemLength == 0) && (!mStreamToEnd)) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " last Block read " << "--> Almost Done " << endl; #endif return OKAY; } // if (mBlkLen != MAXLEN) { // thlo verify if (mBlkLen != to_read) { fclose(mFile); mFile = NULL; mVdrIdx ++; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), mFileStructure.c_str(), mDir.c_str(), mVdrIdx); mPath = pathbuf; if (openFile(pathbuf) != OKAY) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Failed to open file= " << pathbuf << " mRemLength= " << mRemLength<< endl; mFile = NULL; if (mBlkLen == 0) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " mBlkLen is zero --> Done " << endl; return ERROR; } else *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Still data to send mBlkLen= " << mBlkLen <<" --> continue " << endl; return OKAY; } // Error: Open next file failed if (mBlkLen == 0) { if (!mStreamToEnd) to_read = ((mRemLength > MAXLEN) ? MAXLEN : mRemLength); else to_read = MAXLEN; mBlkLen = fread(mBlkData, 1, to_read, mFile); if (!mStreamToEnd) mRemLength -= mBlkLen ; } } break; case SINGLEFILE: to_read = ((mRemLength > MAXLEN) ? MAXLEN : mRemLength); mBlkLen = fread(mBlkData, 1, to_read, mFile); mRemLength -= mBlkLen; if (mBlkLen == 0) { // read until EOF fclose(mFile); mFile = NULL; return ERROR; } break; case MEMBLOCK: int rem_len = mResponseMessage->size() - mResponseMessagePos; if (rem_len == 0) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " fillDataBlock: MEMBLOCK done" << endl; #endif delete mResponseMessage; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mConnState = TOCLOSE; return ERROR; } if (rem_len > MAXLEN) rem_len = MAXLEN; string sub_msg = mResponseMessage->substr(mResponseMessagePos, rem_len); mResponseMessagePos += rem_len; mBlkLen = sub_msg.size(); memcpy(mBlkData, sub_msg.c_str(), rem_len); break; } return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::parseResume(cResumeEntry &entry, string &id) { bool done = false; size_t cur_pos = 0; // The asset_id should the the filename, which is provided by the link element in the xml // the link is url-safe encoded. // bool have_devid = false; bool have_filename = false; bool have_resume = false; while (!done) { size_t pos = mPayload.find('\n', cur_pos); if (pos == string::npos) { done = true; continue; } size_t pos_col = mPayload.find(':', cur_pos); string attr= mPayload.substr(cur_pos, (pos_col- cur_pos)); string val = mPayload.substr(pos_col +1, (pos - pos_col-1)); /* if (attr== "devid") { have_devid = true; id = val; } else */ if (attr == "filename") { have_filename = true; entry.mFilename = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveDecode(val); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " filename= " << entry.mFilename << endl; } else if (attr == "resume") { have_resume = true; entry.mResume = atof(val.c_str()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " mResume= " << entry.mResume << endl; } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " parseResume: ERROR: Unknown attr= " << attr << " with val= " << val << endl; } cur_pos = pos +1; if (cur_pos >= mPayload.size()) done= true; } if (have_resume && have_filename ) return OKAY; else return ERROR; } int cHttpResource::handleHeadRequest() { if (mMethod.compare("HEAD") != 0) { return 0; } *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Handle HEAD Request for Url " << mPath << endl; mConnState = SERVING; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; // sent an empty response message with just the OK header mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, -1, -1); return 1; } int cHttpResource::handlePost() { mConnState = SERVING; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; // sent an empty response message with just the OK header mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; if (mPath.compare("/log") == 0) { *(mLog->log())<< mPayload << endl; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, -1, -1); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/getResume.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; // sendResumeXml( &statbuf); sendResumeXml( ); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/setResume.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; receiveResume(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/setYtUrl") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; receiveYtUrl(); return OKAY; } if (mPath.compare("/deleteRecording.xml") == 0) { if (handleHeadRequest() != 0) return OKAY; deleteRecording(); return OKAY; } // Should not reach the end of the function return ERROR; } void cHttpResource::sendError(int status, const char *title, const char *extra, const char *text) { char f[400]; mConnState = SERVING; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; string hdr = ""; // sendHeaders(status, title, extra, "text/html", -1, -1); sendHeaders(status, title, extra, "text/plain", -1, -1); /* snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d %s\r\n", status, title); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "

%d %s

\r\n", status, title); hdr += f; */ snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\r\n", text); hdr += f; /* snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "\r\n"); hdr += f; */ strcpy(&(mBlkData[mBlkLen]), hdr.c_str()); mBlkLen += hdr.size(); } int cHttpResource::sendDir(struct stat *statbuf) { char pathbuf[4096]; char f[400]; int len; mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendDir: mPath= " << mPath << endl; #endif len = mPath.length(); // int ret = OKAY; if (len == 0 || mPath[len - 1] != '/') { snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "Location: %s/", mPath.c_str()); sendError(302, "Found", pathbuf, "Directories must end with a slash."); return OKAY; } snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "%sindex.html", mPath.c_str()); if (stat(pathbuf, statbuf) >= 0) { mPath = pathbuf; mFileSize = statbuf->st_size; mContentType = SINGLEFILE; return sendFile(statbuf); } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendDir: create index.html " << endl; #endif DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; string hdr = ""; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Index of %s\r\n", mPath.c_str()); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "

Index of %s

\n", mPath.c_str());
  hdr += f;
  snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Name                             Last Modified              Size\r\n");
  hdr += f;
  snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "
\r\n"); hdr += f; *mResponseMessage += hdr; hdr = ""; if (len > 1) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "..\r\n"); hdr += f; } *mResponseMessage += hdr; dir = opendir(mPath.c_str()); while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char timebuf[32]; struct tm *tm; strcpy(pathbuf, mPath.c_str()); // printf (" -Entry: %s\n", de->d_name); strcat(pathbuf, de->d_name); stat(pathbuf, statbuf); tm = gmtime(&(statbuf->st_mtime)); strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", tm); hdr = ""; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "", de->d_name, S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode) ? "/" : ""); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s%s", de->d_name, S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode) ? "/" : " "); hdr += f; if (strlen(de->d_name) < 32) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%*s", 32 - strlen(de->d_name), ""); hdr += f; } if (S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode)) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\r\n", timebuf); hdr += f; } else { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\r\n", timebuf); hdr += f; } *mResponseMessage += hdr; } closedir(dir); snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "
\r\n\r\n", SERVER); *mResponseMessage += f; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/html", mResponseMessage->size(), statbuf->st_mtime); mRemLength = 0; return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::writeXmlItem(string name, string link, string programme, string desc, string guid, int no, time_t start, int dur, double fps, int is_pes, int is_new) { string hdr = ""; char f[400]; hdr += "\n"; // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s - %s", ); hdr += "" + name +"\n"; hdr += "" +link + "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "" + guid + "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", no); hdr += ""; hdr += f; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "" + programme +"\n"; hdr += "" + desc + "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld", start); hdr += ""; hdr += f; hdr += "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", dur); hdr += ""; hdr += f; hdr += "\n"; if (fps != -1) snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%.2f\n", fps); else snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "unknown\n"); hdr += f; switch (is_pes){ case -1: // unknown hdr += "unknown\n"; break; case 0: // true hdr += "true\n"; break; case 1: // false hdr += "false\n"; break; default: break; } switch (is_new){ case -1: // unknown hdr += "unknown\n"; break; case 0: // true hdr += "true\n"; break; case 1: // false hdr += "false\n"; break; default: break; } hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; // return writeToClient(hdr.c_str(), hdr.size()); return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::parseQueryLine (vector *avps) { bool done = false; size_t cur_pos = 0; while (!done) { size_t end_pos = mQuery.find('&', cur_pos); size_t pos_eq = mQuery.find('=', cur_pos); if (pos_eq != cur_pos) { avps->push_back(sQueryAVP(mQuery.substr(cur_pos, (pos_eq -cur_pos)), mQuery.substr(pos_eq+1, (end_pos -pos_eq-1)) )); } if (end_pos == string::npos) done = true; else cur_pos = end_pos +1; } return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::getQueryAttributeValue(vector *avps, string attr, string &val) { int found = ERROR; for (uint i = 0; i < avps->size(); i++) { if ((*avps)[i].attribute == attr) { val = (*avps)[i].value; found = OKAY; } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " a= " << (*avps)[i].attribute << " v= " << (*avps)[i].value << endl; #endif } return found; } int cHttpResource::parseFiles(vector *entries, string prefix, string dir_base, string dir_name, struct stat *statbuf) { char pathbuf[4096]; string link; DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; string dir_comp; dir_comp = dir_base + dir_name + "/"; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " parseFiles: Prefix= " << prefix << " base= " << dir_base << " dir= " << dir_name << " comp= " << dir_comp << endl; #endif dir = opendir(dir_comp.c_str()); if (stat(dir_comp.c_str(), statbuf) < 0) return ERROR; while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if ((strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0) or (strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0)) { continue; } strcpy(pathbuf, dir_comp.c_str()); strcat(pathbuf, de->d_name); stat(pathbuf, statbuf); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode)) { if (strcmp(&(pathbuf[strlen(pathbuf)-4]), ".rec") == 0) { // vdr folder time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm tm_r; struct tm t = *localtime_r(&now, &tm_r); t.tm_isdst = -1; // char [20] rest; int start = -1; sscanf(de->d_name, "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d.%02d", &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min); // sscanf(de->d_name, "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d%.%02d", &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min); t.tm_year -= 1900; t.tm_mon--; t.tm_sec = 0; start = mktime(&t); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Vdr Folder Found: " << pathbuf << " start= " << start << endl; #endif entries->push_back(sFileEntry(dir_name, pathbuf, start)); } else { // regular file parseFiles(entries, prefix + de->d_name + "~", dir_comp, de->d_name, statbuf); } } else { if ((de->d_name)[0] != '.' ) entries->push_back(sFileEntry(prefix+de->d_name, pathbuf, 1)); } } closedir(dir); return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendManifest (struct stat *statbuf, bool is_hls) { #ifndef STANDALONE size_t pos = mPath.find_last_of ("/"); mDir = mPath.substr(0, pos); string mpd_name = mPath.substr(pos+1); float seg_dur = mFactory->getConfig()->getSegmentDuration() *1.0; cRecordings* recordings = &Recordings; cRecording* rec = recordings->GetByName(mDir.c_str()); double duration = rec->NumFrames() / rec->FramesPerSecond(); int bitrate = (int)((getVdrFileSize() *8.0 * mFactory->getConfig()->getHasBitrateCorrection()/ duration) +0.5); time_t now = time(NULL); if (rec->Info() != NULL){ if (rec->Info()->GetEvent() != NULL) { if (rec->Info()->GetEvent()->EndTime() > now) { float corr = (now - rec->Info()->GetEvent()->StartTime()) - duration; duration = rec->Info()->GetEvent()->Duration() -int(corr); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " is Recording: Duration= " << duration << " sec" << " correction: " << int(corr) << endl; } } else *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " WARNING: rec-Info()->GetEvent() is NULL " << endl; } else *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " WARNING: rec-Info() is NULL " << endl; // duration is now either the actual duration of the asset or the target duration of the asset int end_seg = int (duration / seg_dur) +1; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Manifest for mDir= " << mDir << " duration= " << duration << " seg_dur= " << seg_dur << " end_seg= " << end_seg << endl; if (is_hls) { writeM3U8(duration, bitrate, seg_dur, end_seg); } else { writeMPD(duration, bitrate, seg_dur, end_seg); } #endif return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::receiveYtUrl() { vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string line; string store_str; bool store = true; /* *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveYtUrl: Query= " << mQuery << endl; */ if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "store", store_str) == OKAY){ if (store_str.compare("false")==0) { store = false; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveYtUrl: set store to false " << endl; } } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "line", line) == OKAY){ if (line.compare ("") == 0) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveYtUrl: Nothing to push " << endl; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); return OKAY; } mFactory->pushYtVideoId(line, store); if (store) mFactory->storeYtVideoId(line); sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); return OKAY; } sendError(400, "Bad Reqiest", NULL, "Mandatory Line attribute not present."); return OKAY; } void cHttpResource::writeM3U8(double duration, int bitrate, float seg_dur, int end_seg) { mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; char buf[30]; string hdr = ""; *mResponseMessage += "#EXTM3U\n"; // snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d\n", (seg_dur-1)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d\n", int(seg_dur)); hdr = buf; *mResponseMessage += hdr; *mResponseMessage += "#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:1\n"; *mResponseMessage += "#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=NONE\n"; for (int i = 1; i < end_seg; i++){ // snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXTINF:%.1f,\n", (seg_dur-0.5)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXTINF:%.2f,\n", seg_dur); hdr = buf; *mResponseMessage += hdr; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-seg.ts\n", i); hdr = buf; *mResponseMessage += hdr; } *mResponseMessage += "#EXT-X-ENDLIST\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/x-mpegURL", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); } void cHttpResource::writeMPD(double duration, int bitrate, float seg_dur, int end_seg) { mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; char buf[30]; char line[400]; string hdr = ""; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "getConfig()->getHasMinBufferTime(), duration); *mResponseMessage = *mResponseMessage + line; *mResponseMessage += " xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns=\"urn:mpeg:mpegB:schema:DASH:MPD:DIS2011\" "; *mResponseMessage += "xsi:schemaLocation=\"urn:mpeg:mpegB:schema:DASH:MPD:DIS2011\">\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; // SD: 720x 576 // HD: 1280x 720 // snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "\n", mFactory->getConfig()->getHasBitrate()); snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "\n", bitrate, ((bitrate < 10000000)? "width=\"720\" height=\"576\"" : "width=\"1280\" height=\"720\"")); *mResponseMessage = *mResponseMessage + line; hdr = "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%d\"", end_seg); *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += ""; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/x-mpegURL", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); } int cHttpResource::sendMediaSegment (struct stat *statbuf) { #ifndef STANDALONE *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendMediaSegment " << mPath << endl; size_t pos = mPath.find_last_of ("/"); mDir = mPath.substr(0, pos); string seg_name = mPath.substr(pos+1); int seg_number; int seg_dur = mFactory->getConfig()->getSegmentDuration(); int frames_per_seg = 0; sscanf(seg_name.c_str(), "%d-seg.ts", &seg_number); //FIXME: Do some consistency checks on the seg_number //* Does the segment exist cRecordings* recordings = &Recordings; cRecording* rec = recordings->GetByName(mDir.c_str()); if (rec != NULL) { frames_per_seg = seg_dur * rec->FramesPerSecond(); } else { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Ooops, rec is NULL, assuming 25 fps " << endl; frames_per_seg = seg_dur * 25; } //FIXME: HD Fix // frames_per_seg = seg_dur * 25; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " mDir= " << mDir << " seg_name= " << seg_name << " seg_number= "<< seg_number << " fps= " << rec->FramesPerSecond() << " frames_per_seg= " << frames_per_seg << endl; int start_frame_count = (seg_number -1) * frames_per_seg; FILE* idx_file = fopen((mDir +"/index").c_str(), "r"); if (idx_file == NULL){ *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " failed to open idx file = "<< (mDir +"/index").c_str() << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "Failed to open Index file"); return OKAY; } char *index_buf = new char[(frames_per_seg +3) *8]; // fseek to start_frame_count * sizeof(in_read) fseek(idx_file, start_frame_count * 8, SEEK_SET); // read to (seg_number * frames_per_seg +1) * sizeof(in_read) // buffersize is frames_per_seg * seg_number * sizeof(in_read) int buffered_indexes = fread(index_buf, 8, (frames_per_seg +2), idx_file); fclose(idx_file); if(buffered_indexes <= 0 ) { *(mLog->log())<log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " GenSegment: start (no/idx)= " << start_idx << " / " << start_offset << " to (no/idx)= " << end_idx << " / " << end_offset << endl; /*#endif*/ delete[] index_buf; int rem_len = 0; bool error = false; if (start_idx == end_idx){ mRemLength = (end_offset - start_offset); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " start_idx == end_idx: mRemLength= " <log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " start_idx < end_idx " << endl; #endif snprintf(seg_fn, sizeof(seg_fn), mFileStructure.c_str(), mDir.c_str(), mVdrIdx); if (stat(seg_fn, statbuf) < 0) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " file= " <st_size - start_offset; // remaining length of the first segment // loop over all idx files between start_idx and end_idx for (int idx = (start_idx+1); idx < end_idx; idx ++) { snprintf(seg_fn, sizeof(seg_fn), mFileStructure.c_str(), mDir.c_str(), idx); if (stat(seg_fn, statbuf) < 0) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " for loop file= " <st_size; // remaining length of the first segment } rem_len += end_offset; // mRemLength = rem_len; snprintf(seg_fn, sizeof(seg_fn), mFileStructure.c_str(), mDir.c_str(), mVdrIdx); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " start_idx= " << start_idx << " != end_idx= "<< end_idx <<": mRemLength= " <log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Failed to open file= " << seg_fn << " mRemLength= " << mRemLength<< endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } fseek(mFile, start_offset, SEEK_SET); sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "video/mpeg", mRemLength, -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendUrlsXml () { // read urls file and generate XML string type; string value; string line; mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; cManageUrls* urls = mFactory->getUrlsObj(); // ifstream myfile ((mFactory->getConfigDir() +"/urls.txt").c_str()); // An empty xml is provided, if the file does not exist. //thlo: here to continue *mResponseMessage = "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; for (uint i = 0; i < urls->size(); i++) { *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += (urls->getEntry(i))->mEntry; *mResponseMessage += "\n\n"; } /* while ( myfile.good() ) { getline (myfile, line); if ((line == "") or (line[0] == '#')) continue; size_t pos = line.find('|'); type = line.substr(0, pos); value = line.substr(pos+1); if (type.compare("YT")==0) { *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += value; *mResponseMessage += "\n\n"; continue; } *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "Unknown: " + line + " type=" + type; *mResponseMessage += "\n\n"; } myfile.close(); */ *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendMediaXml (struct stat *statbuf) { char pathbuf[4096]; string link; string media_folder = mFactory->getConfig()->getMediaFolder(); mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendMedia " << endl; #endif string own_ip = getOwnIp(mFd); *(mLog->log()) << " OwnIP= " << own_ip << endl; vector entries; if (parseFiles(&entries, "", media_folder, "", statbuf) == ERROR) { sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "Media Folder likely not configured."); return OKAY; } string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; hdr = ""; for (uint i=0; i < entries.size(); i++) { // snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "http://%s:%d%s", mServerAddr.c_str(), mServerPort, snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "http://%s:%d%s", own_ip.c_str(), mServerPort, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(entries[i].sPath).c_str()); if (writeXmlItem(cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(entries[i].sName), pathbuf, "NA", "NA", "-", -1, entries[i].sStart, -1, -1, -1, -1) == ERROR) return ERROR; } hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), statbuf->st_mtime); return OKAY; } void cHttpResource::handleClients() { vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string mac = ""; string ip = ""; string state = ""; getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mac", mac) ; getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "ip", ip); getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "state", state); /* if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mac", mac) == OKAY){ } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "ip", ip) == OKAY){ } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "state", state) == OKAY){ } */ // state: started, running, stopped *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " handleClients mac= " << mac << " ip= " << ip << " state= " << state << endl; if (mac.compare ("") == 0) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " mac is empty. Ignoring" << endl; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); return; } if (state.compare("stopped") == 0) { mFactory->removeTvClient(ip, mac, time(NULL)); } else { mFactory->updateTvClient(ip, mac, time(NULL)); } sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); } int cHttpResource::sendVdrStatusXml (struct stat *statbuf) { #ifndef STANDALONE char f[400]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; int free; int used; int percent; percent = VideoDiskSpace(&free, &used); *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", free); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", used); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", percent); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendYtBookmarkletJs() { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendYtBookmarkletJs" << endl; vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string store_str = ""; bool store= true; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "store", store_str) == OKAY) { if (store_str.compare("false") == 0) { store= false; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " store= false " << endl; } } mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; stringstream own_host ; own_host << "http://" << getOwnIp(mFd) << ":" << mServerPort; // string own_host = "http://"+getOwnIp(mFd)+ ":" + str; *(mLog->log()) << " Ownhost= " << own_host.str() << endl; *mResponseMessage = "function get_query_var (querystring, name) { " "var filter = new RegExp( name + \"=([^&]+)\" ); " "var res = null;" "if (querystring != null)" " res = querystring.match(filter);" " if (res != null) return unescape( res[1] );" " else return \"\";" "}" "var vid_id= get_query_var(document.URL, \"v\");" "var iframe = document.createElement(\"iframe\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"name\",\"myiframe\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"frameborder\",\"0\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"scrolling\",\"no\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"src\",\"about:blank\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"width\",\"1\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"height\",\"1\");" "document.body.appendChild(iframe);" "var form = document.createElement(\"form\");" "form.setAttribute(\"method\", \"POST\");" "form.setAttribute(\"target\", \"myiframe\");" "form.setAttribute(\"action\", \"" + own_host.str() + "/setYtUrl?line=\"+vid_id"+((!store)?"+\"&store=false\"":"")+");" "var hiddenField = document.createElement(\"input\");" "form.appendChild(hiddenField);" "hiddenField.setAttribute(\"type\", \"hidden\");" "hiddenField.setAttribute(\"name\", \"line\");" "hiddenField.setAttribute(\"value\", vid_id);" "document.body.appendChild(form);" "form.submit();" ; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/javascript", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendBmlInstHtml() { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendBmlInstHtml" << endl; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; stringstream own_host ; own_host << "http://" << getOwnIp(mFd) << ":" << mServerPort; *(mLog->log()) << " Ownhost= " << own_host << endl; *mResponseMessage = "" "SmartTVWeb Bookmarklets" "" "
" "

Bookmarklet for collecting YouTube Pages

" "
" "
" "


" "Drag the link below to your Bookmarks toolbar" "


" "

Right click and select “Bookmark This Link”

" "

YT SaveNPlay: Save the video and also Play it.

" "

YT Play: Play the video without saving.

" "
" "
" "


" "

Browse to your favorite YouTube page and click the bookmark to the bookmarklet (link above). The YouTube video is then provided to the VDR smarttvweb plugin, stored there and pushed to the TV screen for immediate playback. Tested with Firefox.

" "
" "
" "

Have fun...

" ""; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/html", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendEpgXml (struct stat *statbuf) { #ifndef STANDALONE char f[400]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " generating /epg.xml" << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string id = "S19.2E-1-1107-17500"; string mode = ""; bool add_desc = true; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "id", id) == ERROR){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: id not found" << DEBUGHDR << endl; delete mResponseMessage; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "no id in query line"); return OKAY; } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mode", mode) == OKAY){ if (mode == "nodesc") { add_desc = false; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " **** Mode: No Description ****" << endl; } } /* for (int i = 0; i < avps.size(); i++) { if (avps[i].attribute == "id") id = avps[i].value; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " a= " << avps[i].attribute << " v= " << avps[i].value << endl; }*/ tChannelID chan_id = tChannelID::FromString (id.c_str()); if ( chan_id == tChannelID::InvalidID) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Not possible to get the ChannelId from the string" << DEBUGHDR << endl; delete mResponseMessage; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "Invalid Channel ID."); return OKAY; } cSchedulesLock * lock = new cSchedulesLock(false, 500); const cSchedules *schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(*lock); const cSchedule *schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(chan_id); if (schedule == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << "ERROR: Schedule is zero for guid= " << id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "Schedule is zero."); return OKAY; } time_t now = time(NULL); const cEvent *ev = NULL; for(cEvent* e = schedule->Events()->First(); e; e = schedule->Events()->Next(e)) { if ( (e->StartTime() <= now) && (e->EndTime() > now)) { ev = e; } else if (e->StartTime() > now + 3600) { break; } } // const cEvent * ev = schedule->GetPresentEvent(); if (ev == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << "ERROR: Event is zero for guid= " << id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "Event is zero."); return OKAY; } string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; // Payload here hdr = ""; if (ev->Title() != NULL) { string title = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Title()); hdr += "" + title +"\n"; } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: title is zero for guid= " << id << endl; hdr += "Empty\n"; delete mResponseMessage; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "Title is zero."); return OKAY; } hdr += "" + id + "\n"; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " guid= " << id << " title= " << ev->Title() << " start= " << ev->StartTime() << " end= " << ev->EndTime() << " now= " << now << endl; if (add_desc) { hdr += ""; if (ev->Description() != NULL) { hdr += cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Description()); } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: description is zero for guid= " << id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "Description is zero."); return OKAY; } hdr += "\n"; } else { hdr += "No Description Available\n"; } snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", ev->StartTime()); hdr += f ; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", ev->EndTime()); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d\n", ev->Duration()); hdr += f; *mResponseMessage += hdr; hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; delete lock; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendChannelsXml (struct stat *statbuf) { #ifndef STANDALONE char f[400]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " generating /channels.xml" << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif string own_ip = getOwnIp(mFd); *(mLog->log()) << " OwnIP= " << own_ip << endl; vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string mode = ""; bool add_desc = true; string no_channels_str = ""; int no_channels = -1; string group_sep = ""; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mode", mode) == OKAY){ if (mode == "nodesc") { add_desc = false; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Mode: No Description" << endl; } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Mode: Unknown" << endl; } } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "channels", no_channels_str) == OKAY){ no_channels = atoi(no_channels_str.c_str()) ; } string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; hdr+= "VDR Channels List\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; int count = mFactory->getConfig()->getLiveChannels(); if (no_channels > 0) count = no_channels +1; cSchedulesLock * lock = new cSchedulesLock(false, 500); const cSchedules *schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(*lock); for (cChannel *channel = Channels.First(); channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) { if (channel->GroupSep()) { if (mFactory->getConfig()->getGroupSep() != IGNORE) { // if emtpyFolderDown, always. // otherwise, only when not empty if (!((strcmp(channel->Name(), "") == 0) && (mFactory->getConfig()->getGroupSep() == EMPTYIGNORE))) group_sep = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(channel->Name()); } continue; } if (--count == 0) { break; } // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:3000/%s.ts", mServerAddr.c_str(), *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString()); snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:3000/%s.ts", own_ip.c_str(), *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString()); string link = f; const cSchedule *schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(channel->GetChannelID()); string desc = "No description available"; string title = "Not available"; time_t start_time = 0; int duration = 0; if (schedule != NULL) { const cEvent *ev = schedule->GetPresentEvent(); if (ev != NULL) { if ((ev->Description() != NULL) && add_desc) desc = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Description()); if ((ev->Title() != NULL) && add_desc) title = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Title()); start_time = ev->StartTime(); duration = ev->Duration(); } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Event Info is Zero for Count= " << count << " Name= " << channel->Name() << endl; } } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Schedule is Zero for Count= " << count << " Name= " << channel->Name() << endl; } string c_name = (group_sep != "") ? (group_sep + "~" + cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(channel->Name())) : cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(channel->Name()); // if (writeXmlItem(channel->Name(), link, title, desc, *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString(), start_time, duration) == ERROR) if (writeXmlItem(c_name, link, title, desc, *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString(), channel->Number(), start_time, duration, -1, -1, -1) == ERROR) return ERROR; } hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; delete lock; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), statbuf->st_mtime); #endif return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::receiveResume() { string dev_id; cResumeEntry entry; if (parseResume(entry, dev_id) == ERROR) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR parsing resume" << endl; } *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Resume: id= " << dev_id << " resume= " << entry << endl; vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string guid; string resume_str; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", guid) == OKAY){ // entry.mFilename = guid; entry.mFilename = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(guid); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a id Parameter: " << guid << endl; } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "resume", resume_str) == OKAY){ entry.mResume = atof(resume_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a resume Parameter: " << entry.mResume << endl; } #ifndef STANDALONE cRecording *rec = Recordings.GetByName(entry.mFilename.c_str()); if (rec == NULL) { //Error 404 sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "Failed to find recording."); return OKAY; } cResumeFile resume(entry.mFilename.c_str(), rec->IsPesRecording()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Resume: " << entry.mFilename << " saving Index= " << int(entry.mResume * rec->FramesPerSecond() ) << " mResume= " < avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string guid; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", guid) == OKAY){ // entry.mFilename = guid; entry.mFilename = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(guid); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a id Parameter: " << guid << endl; } cRecording *rec = Recordings.GetByName(entry.mFilename.c_str()); if (rec == NULL) { //Error 404 *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " sendResume: File Not Found filename= " << entry.mFilename << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "Failed to find recording."); return OKAY; } if (rec->IsNew()) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " sendResume: file is new " << endl; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "File is new."); return OKAY; } cResumeFile resume(entry.mFilename.c_str(), rec->IsPesRecording()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " resume request for " << entry.mFilename << " resume= " << resume.Read() << " (" << resume.Read() *1.0 / rec->FramesPerSecond() << "sec)" << endl; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += ""; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%.02f", resume.Read() *1.0 / rec->FramesPerSecond()); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::deleteRecording() { #ifndef STANDALONE vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string id = ""; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "id", id) == ERROR){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: id not found in query." << DEBUGHDR << endl; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "no id in query line"); return OKAY; } mPath = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(id); cRecording* rec = Recordings.GetByName(mPath.c_str()); if (rec == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Recording not found. Deletion failed: mPath= " << mPath << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found.", NULL, "Recording not found. Deletion failed!"); return OKAY; } if ( rec->Delete() ) { Recordings.DelByName(rec->FileName()); // Recordings.DelByName(mPath.c_str()); } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: rec->Delete() returns false. mPath= " << mPath << endl; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "deletion failed!"); return OKAY; } *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Deleted." << endl; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, -1, -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::sendRecordingsXml(struct stat *statbuf) { #ifndef STANDALONE mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mConnState = SERVING; string own_ip = getOwnIp(mFd); *(mLog->log()) << " OwnIP= " << own_ip << endl; vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string model = ""; string link_ext = ""; string type = ""; string has_4_hd_str = ""; bool has_4_hd = true; string mode = ""; bool add_desc = true; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "model", model) == OKAY){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a Model Parameter: " << model << endl; } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "type", type) == OKAY){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a Type Parameter: " << type << endl; if (type == "hls") { if (model == "samsung") link_ext = "/manifest-seg.m3u8|COMPONENT=HLS"; else link_ext = "/manifest-seg.m3u8"; } if (type == "has") { if (model == "samsung") link_ext = "/manifest-seg.mpd|COMPONENT=HAS"; else link_ext = "/manifest-seg.mpd"; } } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mode", mode) == OKAY){ if (mode == "nodesc") { add_desc = false; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Mode: No Description" << endl; } } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "has4hd", has_4_hd_str) == OKAY){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a Has4Hd Parameter: " << has_4_hd_str << endl; if (has_4_hd_str == "false") has_4_hd = false; } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " generating /recordings.xml" << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", -1, statbuf->st_mtime); string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; hdr+= "VDR Recordings List\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; /* if (writeXmlItem("HAS - Big Bugs Bunny", "|COMPONENT=HAS", "NA", "Big Bucks Bunny - HAS", "-", 0, 0) == ERROR) return ERROR; if (writeXmlItem("HLS - Big Bugs Bunny", "|COMPONENT=HLS", "NA", "Big Bucks Bunny - HLS", "-", 0, 0) == ERROR) return ERROR; if (writeXmlItem("HAS - Big Bugs Bunny", "|COMPONENT=HAS", "NA", "Big Bucks Bunny - HAS from own Server", "-", 0, 0) == ERROR) return ERROR; */ //-------------------- cRecordings* recordings = &Recordings; char f[600]; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " recordings->Count()= " << recordings->Count() << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif // List of recording timer time_t now = time(NULL); vector act_rec; /*#ifndef DEBUG*/ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " checking avtive timer" << endl; /*#endif*/ for (cTimer * ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = Timers.Next(ti)){ ti->Matches(); /* *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Active Timer: " << ti->File() << " EvStart= " << ti->Event()->StartTime() << " EvDuration= " << ti->Event()->Duration() << endl;*/ /* *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " TiStart= " << ti->StartTime() << " TiDuration= " << (ti->StopTime() - ti->StartTime()) << endl; */ if (ti->HasFlags(tfRecording) ) { /* if (ti->Event() == NULL) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " WARNING: Active recording for " << ti->File() << " is skipped (No Event()" << endl; continue; } */ /* *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Active Timer: " << ti->File() << " Start= " << ti->Event()->StartTime() << " Duration= " << ti->Event()->Duration() << endl; */ *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Active Timer: " << ti->File() << " Start= " << ti->StartTime() << " Duration= " << (ti->StopTime() - ti->StartTime()) << endl; // act_rec.push_back(sTimerEntry(ti->File(), ti->Event()->StartTime(), ti->Event()->Duration())); act_rec.push_back(sTimerEntry(ti->File(), ti->StartTime(), (ti->StopTime() - ti->StartTime()))); } } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found " << act_rec.size() << " running timers" << endl; #endif int rec_dur = 0; for (cRecording *recording = recordings->First(); recording; recording = recordings->Next(recording)) { hdr = ""; if (recording->IsPesRecording() or ((recording->FramesPerSecond() > 30.0) and !has_4_hd )) // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:%d%s", mServerAddr.c_str(), mServerPort, snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:%d%s", own_ip.c_str(), mServerPort, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(recording->FileName()).c_str()); else // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:%d%s%s", mServerAddr.c_str(), mServerPort, snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:%d%s%s", own_ip.c_str(), mServerPort, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(recording->FileName()).c_str(), link_ext.c_str()); string link = f; string desc = "No description available"; rec_dur = recording->LengthInSeconds(); string name = recording->Name(); for (uint x = 0; x < act_rec.size(); x++) { if (act_rec[x].name == name) { /* *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " !!!!! Found active Recording !!! " << endl; */ rec_dur += (act_rec[x].startTime + act_rec[x].duration - now); } } // for if (recording->Info() != NULL) { if ((recording->Info()->Description() != NULL) && add_desc) { desc = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(recording->Info()->Description()); } } if (writeXmlItem(cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(recording->Name()), link, "NA", desc, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(recording->FileName()).c_str(), -1, recording->Start(), rec_dur, recording->FramesPerSecond(), (recording->IsPesRecording() ? 0: 1), (recording->IsNew() ? 0: 1)) == ERROR) // Better Internal Server Error return ERROR; } hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; #endif return OKAY; } bool cHttpResource::isTimeRequest(struct stat *statbuf) { #ifndef STANDALONE vector avps; parseQueryLine(&avps); string time_str = ""; string mode = ""; float time = 0.0; if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "time", time_str) != OKAY){ return false; } if (getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mode", mode) == OKAY){ if (mode.compare ("streamtoend") ==0) { mStreamToEnd = true; } } if (mIsRecording) mStreamToEnd = true; time = atof(time_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a Time Parameter: " << time << " streamToEnd= " << ((mStreamToEnd) ? "true" : "false") << endl; mDir = mPath; cRecording *rec = Recordings.GetByName(mPath.c_str()); if (rec == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Error: Did not find recording= " << mPath << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return true; } double fps = rec->FramesPerSecond(); double dur = rec->NumFrames() * fps; bool is_pes = rec->IsPesRecording(); if (dur < time) { sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "Time to large."); return true; } int start_frame = int(time * fps) -25; FILE* idx_file= NULL; if (is_pes){ idx_file = fopen((mDir +"/index.vdr").c_str(), "r"); // sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "PES not yet supported."); // return true; } else { idx_file = fopen((mDir +"/index").c_str(), "r"); } if (idx_file == NULL){ *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " failed to open idx file = "<< (mDir +"/index").c_str() << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "Failed to open Index file"); return OKAY; } int buffered_frames = 50; char *index_buf = new char[8 *buffered_frames]; // 50 indexes *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " seeking to start_frame= " << start_frame << " fps= " << fps << endl; fseek(idx_file, start_frame * 8, SEEK_SET); int buffered_indexes = fread(index_buf, 8, (buffered_frames), idx_file); fclose(idx_file); if(buffered_indexes <= 0 ) { *(mLog->log())<log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Finding I-Frame now" << endl; bool found_it = false; int i = 0; uint32_t offset = 0; int idx =0; int type =0; for (i= 0; i < buffered_indexes; i++){ if (is_pes) { tIndexPes in_read_pes; memcpy (&in_read_pes, &(index_buf[i*8]), 8); type = in_read_pes.type == 1; idx = in_read_pes.number; offset = in_read_pes.offset; } else{ tIndexTs in_read_ts; memcpy (&in_read_ts, &(index_buf[i*8]), 8); type = in_read_ts.independent; idx = in_read_ts.number; offset = in_read_ts.offset; } *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Frame= " << i << " idx= "<< idx << " offset= " << offset << " type= " << type << endl; if (type){ found_it = true; break; } } if (!found_it) { delete[] index_buf; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "Failed to read Index file"); return OKAY; } mVdrIdx = idx; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " idx= "<< mVdrIdx << " offset= " << offset << endl; delete[] index_buf; char pathbuf[4096]; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), mFileStructure.c_str(), mPath.c_str(), mVdrIdx); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Opening Path= " << pathbuf << endl; if (openFile(pathbuf) != OKAY) { sendError(403, "Forbidden", NULL, "Access denied."); return true; } fseek(mFile, offset, SEEK_SET); if (mStreamToEnd) { sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "video/mpeg", -1, -1); return true; } uint64_t file_size = 0; bool more_to_go = true; int vdr_idx = mVdrIdx; while (more_to_go) { snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), mFileStructure.c_str(), mPath.c_str(), vdr_idx); if (stat(pathbuf, statbuf) >= 0) { *(mLog->log())<< " found for " << pathbuf << endl; file_size += statbuf->st_size; } else { more_to_go = false; } vdr_idx ++; } mRemLength = file_size - offset; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Done. Start Streaming " << endl; if (rangeHdr.isRangeRequest) { snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "Content-Range: bytes 0-%lld/%lld", (mRemLength -1), mRemLength); sendHeaders(206, "Partial Content", pathbuf, "video/mpeg", mRemLength, statbuf->st_mtime); } else { sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "video/mpeg", mRemLength, -1); } return true; #else return false; #endif } int cHttpResource::sendVdrDir(struct stat *statbuf) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " *** sendVdrDir mPath= " << mPath << endl; #endif char pathbuf[4096]; char f[400]; int vdr_idx = 0; uint64_t total_file_size = 0; // int ret = OKAY; string vdr_dir = mPath; vector file_sizes; bool more_to_go = true; checkRecording(); mVdrIdx = 1; mFileStructure = "%s/%03d.vdr"; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), mFileStructure.c_str(), mPath.c_str(), 1); if (stat(pathbuf, statbuf) < 0) { mFileStructure = "%s/%05d.ts"; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " using dir format: " << mFileStructure.c_str() << endl; #endif } // The range request functions are activated, when a time header is detected if (isTimeRequest(statbuf)) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " isTimeRequest is true" << endl; return OKAY; } // --- looup all vdr files in the dir --- while (more_to_go) { vdr_idx ++; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), mFileStructure.c_str(), mPath.c_str(), vdr_idx); if (stat(pathbuf, statbuf) >= 0) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< " found for " << pathbuf << endl; #endif file_sizes.push_back(sVdrFileEntry(statbuf->st_size, total_file_size, vdr_idx)); total_file_size += statbuf->st_size; } else { more_to_go = false; } } if (file_sizes.size() < 1) { // There seems to be vdr video file in the directory *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " No video file in the directory" << DEBUGHDR << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " vdr filesize list " << DEBUGHDR << endl; for (uint i = 0; i < file_sizes.size(); i++) *(mLog->log())<< " i= " << i << " size= " << file_sizes[i].sSize << " firstOffset= " << file_sizes[i].sFirstOffset << endl; *(mLog->log())<< " total_file_size= " << total_file_size << endl << endl; #endif // total_file_size (on disk) // ---------------- file sizes --------------------- uint cur_idx = 0; #ifndef DEBUG if (mIsRecording) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), " CurFileSize= %lld mRecProgress= %f ExtFileSize= %lld", total_file_size, mRecProgress, (long long int)(mRecProgress * total_file_size)); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << endl << " isRecording: " << f << endl; } #endif if (!rangeHdr.isRangeRequest) { snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), mFileStructure.c_str(), mPath.c_str(), file_sizes[cur_idx].sIdx); if (openFile(pathbuf) != OKAY) { sendError(403, "Forbidden", NULL, "Access denied."); return OKAY; } mRemLength = total_file_size; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "video/mpeg", ((mIsRecording) ? (mRecProgress * total_file_size): total_file_size ), statbuf->st_mtime); } else { // Range request // idenify the first file #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << endl <<" --- Range Request Handling ---" << DEBUGHDR << endl; #endif if (mIsRecording && (rangeHdr.begin > total_file_size)) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Not yet available" << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } cur_idx = file_sizes.size() -1; for (uint i = 1; i < file_sizes.size(); i++) { if (rangeHdr.begin < file_sizes[i].sFirstOffset ) { cur_idx = i -1; break; } } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< " Identified Record i= " << cur_idx << " file_sizes[i].sFirstOffset= " << file_sizes[cur_idx].sFirstOffset << " rangeHdr.begin= " << rangeHdr.begin << " vdr_no= " << file_sizes[cur_idx].sIdx << endl; #endif mVdrIdx = file_sizes[cur_idx].sIdx; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), mFileStructure.c_str(), mPath.c_str(), file_sizes[cur_idx].sIdx); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< " file identified= " << pathbuf << endl; #endif if (openFile(pathbuf) != OKAY) { *(mLog->log())<< "----- fopen failed dump ----------" << endl; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " vdr filesize list " << DEBUGHDR << endl; for (uint i = 0; i < file_sizes.size(); i++) *(mLog->log())<< " i= " << i << " size= " << file_sizes[i].sSize << " firstOffset= " << file_sizes[i].sFirstOffset << endl; *(mLog->log())<< " total_file_size= " << total_file_size << endl << endl; *(mLog->log())<< " Identified Record i= " << cur_idx << " file_sizes[i].sFirstOffset= " << file_sizes[cur_idx].sFirstOffset << " rangeHdr.begin= " << rangeHdr.begin << " vdr_no= " << file_sizes[cur_idx].sIdx << endl; *(mLog->log())<< "---------------" << endl; sendError(403, "Forbidden", NULL, "Access denied."); return OKAY; } mDir = mPath; mPath = pathbuf; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< " Seeking into file= " << (rangeHdr.begin - file_sizes[cur_idx].sFirstOffset) << " cur_idx= " << cur_idx << " file_sizes[cur_idx].sFirstOffset= " << file_sizes[cur_idx].sFirstOffset << endl; #endif fseek(mFile, (rangeHdr.begin - file_sizes[cur_idx].sFirstOffset), SEEK_SET); if (rangeHdr.end == 0) rangeHdr.end = ((mIsRecording) ? (mRecProgress * total_file_size): total_file_size); mRemLength = (rangeHdr.end-rangeHdr.begin); snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Content-Range: bytes %lld-%lld/%lld", rangeHdr.begin, (rangeHdr.end -1), ((mIsRecording) ? (long long int)(mRecProgress * total_file_size): total_file_size)); sendHeaders(206, "Partial Content", f, "video/mpeg", (rangeHdr.end-rangeHdr.begin), statbuf->st_mtime); } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< " ***** Yes, vdr dir found ***** mPath= " << mPath<< endl; #endif return OKAY; // handleRead() done } void cHttpResource::sendHeaders(int status, const char *title, const char *extra, const char *mime, long long int length, time_t date) { time_t now; char timebuf[128]; char f[400]; string hdr = ""; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s %d %s\r\n", PROTOCOL, status, title); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Server: %s\r\n", SERVER); hdr += f; now = time(NULL); strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), RFC1123FMT, gmtime(&now)); snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Date: %s\r\n", timebuf); hdr += f; if (extra) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\r\n", extra); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " " << f; hdr += f; } if (mime) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Content-Type: %s\r\n", mime); hdr += f; } if (length >= 0) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Content-Length: %lld\r\n", length); // *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " " << f << endl; hdr += f; } if (date != -1) { strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), RFC1123FMT, gmtime(&date)); snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Last-Modified: %s\r\n", timebuf); hdr += f; } if (mAcceptRanges) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"); hdr += f; } snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Connection: close\r\n"); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "\r\n"); hdr += f; if (mBlkLen != 0) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR in SendHeader: mBlkLen != 0!!! --> Overwriting" << endl; } mBlkLen = hdr.size(); strcpy(mBlkData, hdr.c_str()); } int cHttpResource::sendFile(struct stat *statbuf32) { // Send the First Datachunk, incl all headers struct stat64 statbuf; if (stat64(mPath.c_str(), &statbuf) < 0) { sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); return OKAY; } *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << mReqId << " SendFile mPath= " << mPath << endl; char f[400]; if (openFile(mPath.c_str()) == ERROR) { sendError(403, "Forbidden", NULL, "Access denied."); return OKAY; } mFile = fopen(mPath.c_str(), "r"); // int ret = OKAY; if (!mFile) { sendError(403, "Forbidden", NULL, "Access denied."); return OKAY; } mFileSize = S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) ? statbuf.st_size : -1; *(mLog->log())<< "fd= " << mFd << " mReqId= "<< mReqId << " mFileSize= " <log())<< "fd= " << mFd << " mReqId= "<< mReqId << " rangeHdr.begin= " <log())<< "fd= " << mFd << " mReqId= "<< mReqId << ": Done mRemLength= "<< mRemLength << " mContentType= " << mContentType << endl; #endif mConnState = SERVING; return OKAY; } const char *cHttpResource::getMimeType(const char *name) { char *ext = strrchr((char*)name, '.'); if (!ext) return NULL; // if (ext.compare(".html") || ext.compare(".htm")) return "text/html"; if (strcmp(ext, ".html") == 0 || strcmp(ext, ".htm") == 0) return "text/html"; if (strcmp(ext, ".jpg") == 0 || strcmp(ext, ".jpeg") == 0) return "image/jpeg"; if (strcmp(ext, ".gif") == 0) return "image/gif"; if (strcmp(ext, ".png") == 0) return "image/png"; if (strcmp(ext, ".xml") == 0) return "application/xml"; if (strcmp(ext, ".css") == 0) return "text/css"; if (strcmp(ext, ".js") == 0) return "text/javascript"; if (strcmp(ext, ".au") == 0) return "audio/basic"; if (strcmp(ext, ".wav") == 0) return "audio/wav"; if (strcmp(ext, ".avi") == 0) return "video/x-msvideo"; if (strcmp(ext, ".mp4") == 0) return "video/mp4"; if (strcmp(ext, ".vdr") == 0) return "video/mpeg"; if (strcmp(ext, ".ts") == 0) return "video/mpeg"; if (strcmp(ext, ".mpeg") == 0 || strcmp(ext, ".mpg") == 0) return "video/mpeg"; if (strcmp(ext, ".mp3") == 0) return "audio/mpeg"; if (strcmp(ext, ".mpd") == 0) return "application/dash+xml"; if (strcmp(ext, ".m3u8") == 0) return "application/x-mpegURL"; return NULL; } string cHttpResource::getConnStateName() { string state_string; switch (mConnState) { case WAITING: state_string = "WAITING"; break; case READHDR: state_string = "READ Req HDR"; break; case READPAYLOAD: state_string = "READ Req Payload"; break; case SERVING: state_string = "SERVING"; break; case TOCLOSE: state_string = "TOCLOSE"; break; default: state_string = "UNKNOWN"; break; } return state_string; } string cHttpResource::getOwnIp(int fd) { struct sockaddr_in sock; socklen_t len_inet = sizeof(sock); int ret = getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sock, &len_inet); if ( ret == -1 ) { *(mLog->log()) << "Error: Cannot obtain own ip address" << endl; return string(""); // exit(1); /* Failed */ } return string (inet_ntoa(sock.sin_addr)); } uint64_t cHttpResource::getVdrFileSize() { // iter over all vdr files and get file size struct stat statbuf; string file_structure = "%s/%05d.ts"; // Only ts supported for HLS and HAS char pathbuf[4096]; int vdr_idx = 0; uint64_t total_file_size = 0; bool more_to_go = true; while (more_to_go) { vdr_idx ++; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), file_structure.c_str(), mDir.c_str(), vdr_idx); if (stat(pathbuf, &statbuf) >= 0) { total_file_size += statbuf.st_size; } else { more_to_go = false; } } return total_file_size; } int cHttpResource::parseHttpRequestLine(string line) { mMethod = line.substr(0, line.find_first_of(" ")); mRequest = line.substr(line.find_first_of(" ") +1, (line.find_last_of(" ") - line.find_first_of(" ") -1)); mVersion = line.substr(line.find_last_of(" ") +1); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ReqLine= " << line << endl; #endif if (mVersion.compare(0, 4, "HTTP") != 0) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: No HTTP request -> Closing Connection" << line << endl; #endif return ERROR; } size_t pos = mRequest.find('?'); if (pos != string::npos) mQuery = mRequest.substr (pos+1, string::npos); mPath = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(mRequest.substr(0, mRequest.find('?'))); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " mMethod= " << mMethod << " mPath= " << mPath << " mVer= " << mVersion << " mQuery= " << mQuery // << " HexDump= " << endl << cUrlEncode::hexDump(mPath) << endl << endl; return OKAY; } int cHttpResource::parseHttpHeaderLine (string line) { string hdr_name = line.substr(0, line.find_first_of(":")); string hdr_val = line.substr(line.find_first_of(":") +2); if (hdr_name.compare("Range") == 0) { parseRangeHeaderValue(hdr_val); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Range: Begin= " << rangeHdr.begin << " End= " << rangeHdr.end << endl; } if (hdr_name.compare("User-Agent") == 0) { mUserAgent = hdr_val; *(mLog->log())<< " User-Agent: " << hdr_val << endl; } if (hdr_name.compare("Content-Length") == 0) { mReqContentLength = atoll(hdr_val.c_str()); //#ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< " Content-Length: " << mReqContentLength << endl; //#endif } return 0; } void cHttpResource::checkRecording() { // sets mIsRecording to true when the recording is still on-going mIsRecording = false; #ifndef STANDALONE time_t now = time(NULL); // cRecordings* recordings = mFactory->getRecordings(); cRecordings* recordings = &Recordings; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " GetByName(" <GetByName(mPath.c_str()); if (rec != NULL) { const cEvent *ev = rec->Info()->GetEvent(); if (ev != NULL) { if (now < ev->EndTime()) { // still recording mIsRecording = true; // mRecProgress * curFileSize = estimated File Size mRecProgress = (ev->EndTime() - ev->StartTime()) *1.1 / (rec->NumFrames() / rec->FramesPerSecond()); // mRecProgress = (ev->EndTime() - ev->StartTime()) *1.0/ (now - ev->StartTime()); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " **** is still recording for mIsRecording= " << mIsRecording << " mRecProgress= " << mRecProgress << endl; #endif } } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " checking, whether recording is on-going" << " now= " << now << " start= " << rec->Start() << " curDur= " << rec->LengthInSeconds() << endl; #endif } #ifndef DEBUG else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " **** Recording Entry Not found **** " << endl; } #endif #endif } int cHttpResource::parseRangeHeaderValue(string val) { rangeHdr.isRangeRequest = true; size_t pos_equal = val.find_first_of('='); size_t pos_minus = val.find_first_of('-'); string range_type = val.substr(0, pos_equal); string first_val= val.substr(pos_equal+1, pos_minus -(pos_equal+1)); rangeHdr.begin = atoll(first_val.c_str()); string sec_val = ""; if ((pos_minus +1)< val.size()){ sec_val = val.substr(pos_minus+1); rangeHdr.end = atoll(sec_val.c_str()); } return 0; } int cHttpResource::openFile(const char *name) { mFile = fopen(name, "r"); if (!mFile) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " fopen failed pathbuf= " << name << endl; // sendError(403, "Forbidden", NULL, "Access denied."); return ERROR; } return OKAY; }