/* * responsememblk.c: VDR on Smart TV plugin * * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 T. Lohmar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * Or, point your browser to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * */ #include "responsememblk.h" #include "httpresource.h" #include "url.h" #include "smarttvfactory.h" #include #ifndef STANDALONE #include #include #include #include #include #else //standalone #include #include #include //#include //#include #include #endif //#define MAXLEN 32768 #define DEBUGPREFIX "mReqId= " << mRequest->mReqId << " fd= " << mRequest->mFd #define OKAY 0 #define ERROR (-1) #define DEBUG class cResumeEntry { public: string mFilename; float mResume; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const cResumeEntry& o) { out << "mFilename= " << o.mFilename << " mResume= " << o.mResume << endl; return out; }; cResumeEntry():mFilename(), mResume(-1.0) {}; }; struct sTimerEntry { string name; time_t startTime; int duration; sTimerEntry(string t, time_t s, int d) : name(t), startTime(s), duration(d) {}; }; cResponseMemBlk::cResponseMemBlk(cHttpResource* req) : cResponseBase(req), mResponseMessage(NULL), mResponseMessagePos(0) { gettimeofday(&mResponseStart,0); } cResponseMemBlk::~cResponseMemBlk() { timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); // long diff; // in ms // diff = (now.tv_sec - mResponseStart.tv_sec) *1000; // diff += (now.tv_usec - mResponseStart.tv_usec) /1000; long long diff; // in us diff = (now.tv_sec - mResponseStart.tv_sec) *1000000; diff += (now.tv_usec - mResponseStart.tv_usec) ; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " cResponseMemBlk: Response duration= " << diff/1000.0 << " ms" << endl; } int cResponseMemBlk::receiveYtUrl() { vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string line; string store_str; bool store = true; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "store", store_str) == OKAY){ if (store_str.compare("false")==0) { store = false; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveYtUrl: set store to false " << endl; } } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "line", line) == OKAY){ if (line.compare ("") == 0) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveYtUrl: Nothing to push " << endl; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); return OKAY; } mRequest->mFactory->pushYtVideoId(line, store); if (store) mRequest->mFactory->storeYtVideoId(line); sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); return OKAY; } sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "001 Mandatory Line attribute not present."); return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::receiveDelYtUrl() { if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string id = ""; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", id) == ERROR){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR in cResponseMemBlk::receiveDelYtUrl: guid not found in query." << endl; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "002 No guid in query line"); return OKAY; } if (mRequest->mFactory->deleteYtVideoId(id)) { sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, -1, -1); } else { sendError(400, "Bad Request.", NULL, "003 Entry not found. Deletion failed!"); } return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::receiveCfgServerAddrs() { vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string addr; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "addr", addr) == OKAY){ if (addr.compare ("") == 0) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveCfgServerAddrs: no server address" << endl; sendHeaders(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "004 TV address field empty", 0, -1); return OKAY; } // mRequest->mFactory->pushYtVideoId(line, store); sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); return OKAY; } sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "005 Mandatory TV address attribute not present."); return OKAY; } void cResponseMemBlk::receiveClientInfo() { vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string mac = ""; string ip = ""; string state = ""; if (isHeadRequest()) return; mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mac", mac) ; mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "ip", ip); mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "state", state); // state: started, running, stopped *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveClientInfo mac= " << mac << " ip= " << ip << " state= " << state << endl; if (mac.compare ("") == 0) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " mac is empty. Ignoring" << endl; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); return; } if (state.compare("stopped") == 0) { mRequest->mFactory->removeTvClient(ip, mac, time(NULL)); } else { mRequest->mFactory->updateTvClient(ip, mac, time(NULL)); } sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " receiveClientInfo -done " << endl; #endif } int cResponseMemBlk::parseResume(cResumeEntry &entry, string &id) { bool done = false; size_t cur_pos = 0; bool have_filename = false; bool have_resume = false; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; while (!done) { size_t pos = mRequest->mPayload.find('\n', cur_pos); if (pos == string::npos) { done = true; continue; } size_t pos_col = mRequest->mPayload.find(':', cur_pos); string attr= mRequest->mPayload.substr(cur_pos, (pos_col- cur_pos)); string val = mRequest->mPayload.substr(pos_col +1, (pos - pos_col-1)); if (attr == "filename") { have_filename = true; entry.mFilename = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(val); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " filename= " << entry.mFilename << endl; } else if (attr == "resume") { have_resume = true; entry.mResume = atof(val.c_str()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " mResume= " << entry.mResume << endl; } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " parseResume: ERROR: Unknown attr= " << attr << " with val= " << val << endl; } cur_pos = pos +1; if (cur_pos >= mRequest->mPayload.size()) done= true; } if (have_resume && have_filename ) return OKAY; else return ERROR; } int cResponseMemBlk::receiveResume() { string dev_id; cResumeEntry entry; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; if (parseResume(entry, dev_id) == ERROR) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR parsing resume" << endl; } *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Resume:" // << " id= " << dev_id << " resume= " << entry << endl; vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string guid; string resume_str; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", guid) == OKAY){ entry.mFilename = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(guid); /* *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a id Parameter: " << guid << endl; */ } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "resume", resume_str) == OKAY){ entry.mResume = atof(resume_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a resume Parameter: " << entry.mResume << endl; } #ifndef STANDALONE cRecording *rec = Recordings.GetByName(entry.mFilename.c_str()); if (rec == NULL) { //Error 400 *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR in receiveResume: recording not found - filename= " << entry.mFilename << " resume= " << entry.mResume << endl; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "006 Failed to find the recording."); return OKAY; } cResumeFile resume(entry.mFilename.c_str(), rec->IsPesRecording()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Resume: " << entry.mFilename << " saving Index= " << int(entry.mResume * rec->FramesPerSecond() ) << " mResume= " <mConnState = SERVING; char f[400]; cResumeEntry entry; string id; parseResume(entry, id); vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string guid; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", guid) == OKAY){ entry.mFilename = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(guid); *(mLog->log() )<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found guid: " << guid << " filename: " << entry.mFilename << endl; } cRecording *rec = Recordings.GetByName(entry.mFilename.c_str()); if (rec == NULL) { //Error 404 *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR in sendResume: recording not found - filename= " << entry.mFilename << endl; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "007 Failed to find the recording."); return OKAY; } if (rec->IsNew()) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " sendResume: file is new " << endl; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "008 File is new."); return OKAY; } cResumeFile resume(entry.mFilename.c_str(), rec->IsPesRecording()); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " resume request for " << entry.mFilename << " resume= " << resume.Read() << " (" << resume.Read() *1.0 / rec->FramesPerSecond() << "sec)" << endl; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += ""; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%.02f", resume.Read() *1.0 / rec->FramesPerSecond()); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::receiveDelRecReq() { if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; #ifndef STANDALONE vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string id = ""; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "id", id) == ERROR){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: id not found in query." << endl; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "009 No id in query line"); return OKAY; } mRequest->mPath = cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveDecode(id); cRecording* rec = Recordings.GetByName(mRequest->mPath.c_str()); if (rec == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Recording not found. Deletion failed: mPath= " << mRequest->mPath << endl; sendError(404, "Not Found.", NULL, "001 Recording not found. Deletion failed!"); return OKAY; } if ( rec->Delete() ) { Recordings.DelByName(rec->FileName()); // Recordings.DelByName(mPath.c_str()); } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: rec->Delete() returns false. mPath= " << mRequest->mPath << endl; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "006 deletion failed!"); return OKAY; } *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Deleted." << endl; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, -1, -1); #endif return OKAY; } //*************************** //**** Creade index.html **** //*************************** int cResponseMemBlk::sendDir(struct stat *statbuf) { char pathbuf[4096]; char f[400]; int len; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendDir: mPath= " << mRequest->mPath << endl; #endif len = mRequest->mPath.length(); // int ret = OKAY; if (len == 0 || mRequest->mPath[len - 1] != '/') { snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "Location: %s/", mRequest->mPath.c_str()); sendError(302, "Found", pathbuf, "001 Directories must end with a slash."); return OKAY; } /* thlo: TODO snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "%sindex.html", mRequest->mPath.c_str()); if (stat(pathbuf, statbuf) >= 0) { mRequest->mPath = pathbuf; // mFileSize = statbuf->st_size; mRemLength = statbuf->st_size; mRequest->mContentType = SINGLEFILE; return sendFile(statbuf); } */ #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendDir: create index.html " << endl; #endif DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; string hdr = ""; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Index of %s\r\n", mRequest->mPath.c_str()); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "

Index of %s

\n", mRequest->mPath.c_str());
  hdr += f;
  snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "Name                             Last Modified              Size\r\n");
  hdr += f;
  snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "
\r\n"); hdr += f; *mResponseMessage += hdr; hdr = ""; if (len > 1) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "..\r\n"); hdr += f; } *mResponseMessage += hdr; dir = opendir(mRequest->mPath.c_str()); while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char timebuf[32]; struct tm *tm; strcpy(pathbuf, mRequest->mPath.c_str()); // printf (" -Entry: %s\n", de->d_name); strcat(pathbuf, de->d_name); stat(pathbuf, statbuf); tm = gmtime(&(statbuf->st_mtime)); strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", tm); hdr = ""; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "", de->d_name, S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode) ? "/" : ""); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s%s", de->d_name, S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode) ? "/" : " "); hdr += f; if (strlen(de->d_name) < 32) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%*s", 32 - strlen(de->d_name), ""); hdr += f; } if (S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode)) { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\r\n", timebuf); hdr += f; } else { snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\r\n", timebuf); hdr += f; } *mResponseMessage += hdr; } closedir(dir); snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "
\r\n\r\n", SERVER); *mResponseMessage += f; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/html", mResponseMessage->size(), statbuf->st_mtime); mRemLength = 0; return OKAY; } // ------------------------------------------- // Manifest // ------------------------------------------- int cResponseMemBlk::sendManifest (struct stat *statbuf, bool is_hls) { if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; #ifndef STANDALONE size_t pos = mRequest->mPath.find_last_of ("/"); mRequest->mDir = mRequest->mPath.substr(0, pos); string mpd_name = mRequest->mPath.substr(pos+1); float seg_dur = mRequest->mFactory->getConfig()->getSegmentDuration() *1.0; cRecordings* recordings = &Recordings; cRecording* rec = recordings->GetByName(mRequest->mDir.c_str()); double duration = rec->NumFrames() / rec->FramesPerSecond(); int bitrate = (int)((getVdrFileSize() *8.0 * mRequest->mFactory->getConfig()->getHasBitrateCorrection()/ duration) +0.5); time_t now = time(NULL); if (rec->Info() != NULL){ if (rec->Info()->GetEvent() != NULL) { if (rec->Info()->GetEvent()->EndTime() > now) { float corr = (now - rec->Info()->GetEvent()->StartTime()) - duration; duration = rec->Info()->GetEvent()->Duration() -int(corr); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " is Recording: Duration= " << duration << " sec" << " correction: " << int(corr) << endl; } } else *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " WARNING: rec-Info()->GetEvent() is NULL " << endl; } else *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " WARNING: rec-Info() is NULL " << endl; // duration is now either the actual duration of the asset or the target duration of the asset int end_seg = int (duration / seg_dur) +1; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Manifest for mRequest->mDir= " << mRequest->mDir << " duration= " << duration << " seg_dur= " << seg_dur << " end_seg= " << end_seg << endl; if (is_hls) { writeM3U8(duration, bitrate, seg_dur, end_seg); } else { writeMPD(duration, bitrate, seg_dur, end_seg); } #endif return OKAY; } void cResponseMemBlk::writeM3U8(double duration, int bitrate, float seg_dur, int end_seg) { mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; char buf[30]; string hdr = ""; *mResponseMessage += "#EXTM3U\n"; // snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d\n", (seg_dur-1)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d\n", int(seg_dur)); hdr = buf; *mResponseMessage += hdr; *mResponseMessage += "#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:1\n"; *mResponseMessage += "#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=NONE\n"; for (int i = 1; i < end_seg; i++){ // snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXTINF:%.1f,\n", (seg_dur-0.5)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXTINF:%.2f,\n", seg_dur); hdr = buf; *mResponseMessage += hdr; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-seg.ts\n", i); hdr = buf; *mResponseMessage += hdr; } *mResponseMessage += "#EXT-X-ENDLIST\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/x-mpegURL", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); } void cResponseMemBlk::writeMPD(double duration, int bitrate, float seg_dur, int end_seg) { mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; char buf[30]; char line[400]; string hdr = ""; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "mFactory->getConfig()->getHasMinBufferTime(), duration); *mResponseMessage = *mResponseMessage + line; *mResponseMessage += " xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns=\"urn:mpeg:mpegB:schema:DASH:MPD:DIS2011\" "; *mResponseMessage += "xsi:schemaLocation=\"urn:mpeg:mpegB:schema:DASH:MPD:DIS2011\">\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; // SD: 720x 576 // HD: 1280x 720 // snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "\n", mRequest->mFactory->getConfig()->getHasBitrate()); snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "\n", bitrate, ((bitrate < 10000000)? "width=\"720\" height=\"576\"" : "width=\"1280\" height=\"720\"")); *mResponseMessage = *mResponseMessage + line; hdr = "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%d\"", end_seg); *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += ""; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/x-mpegURL", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); } void cResponseMemBlk::receiveAddTimerReq() { if (isHeadRequest()) return ; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " cResponseMemBlk::receiveAddTimerReq" << endl; vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); //guid=&evid= // evid is optional. If not present, the plugin looks up the current event id for the channel // later //guid=&wd=&dy=&st=&sp=&f= string guid = ""; string ev_id_str = ""; tEventID ev_id = 0; string wd_str; int weekday = 0; string dy_str; time_t day = 0; string st_str; int start = 0; string sp_str; int stop =0; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", guid) == OKAY) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " guid= " << guid << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "evid", ev_id_str) == OKAY) { ev_id = atol(ev_id_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " ev_id= " << ev_id << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "wd", wd_str) == OKAY) { weekday = atoi(wd_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " wd= " << weekday << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "dy", dy_str) == OKAY) { day = atol(dy_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " dy= " << day << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "st", st_str) == OKAY) { start = atoi(st_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " st= " << start << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "sp", sp_str) == OKAY) { stop = atoi(sp_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sp= " << stop << endl; } if (Timers.BeingEdited()) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " cResponseMemBlk::receiveAddTimerReq: Timers are being edited. returning " << endl; sendError(503, "Service Unavailable", NULL, "001 Timers are being edited."); return; } // create the timer... // Issue: find the event object. // if ev_id is not "", then lookup the event_id tChannelID chan_id = tChannelID::FromString (guid.c_str()); if ( chan_id == tChannelID::InvalidID) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Not possible to get the ChannelId from the string" << endl; delete mResponseMessage; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "012 Invalid Channel ID."); return; } const cEvent *ev = NULL; cSchedulesLock * lock = new cSchedulesLock(false, 500); const cSchedules *schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(*lock); const cSchedule *schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(chan_id); if (schedule == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << "ERROR: Schedule is zero for guid= " << guid << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "001 Schedule is zero."); return; } if (ev_id == 0) { // no event id: Use the current running event time_t now = time(NULL); for(cEvent* e = schedule->Events()->First(); e; e = schedule->Events()->Next(e)) { if ( (e->StartTime() <= now) && (e->EndTime() > now)) { ev = e; } else if (e->StartTime() > now + 3600) { break; } } if (ev == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << "ERROR: Event is zero for guid= " << guid << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "002 Event is zero."); return; } } else { // have an event id ev = schedule->GetEvent(ev_id); if (ev == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Event not found for guid= " << guid << " and ev_id= " << ev_id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "002 Event is zero."); return; } } if (Timers.GetMatch(ev) != NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " WARING: Timer already created guid= " << guid << " and ev_id= " << ev_id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "014 Timer already defined."); return; } // now, create a new timer if (ev->Title() == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Title not set for guid= " << guid << " and ev_id= " << ev_id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "007 Title is zero."); return; } delete lock; //now cTimer *t = new cTimer(ev); Timers.Add(t); Timers.SetModified(); *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " timer created for guid= " << guid << " and ev_id= " << ev_id << " filename= " << t->File() << endl; char f[200]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(t->File()).c_str()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", t->StartTime()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", t->StopTime()); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); return; } void cResponseMemBlk::receiveDelTimerReq() { if (isHeadRequest()) return ; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " cResponseMemBlk::receiveDelTimerReq" << endl; vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); //guid=&wd=&dy=&st=&sp= string guid = ""; string wd_str; int weekdays = 0; string dy_str; time_t day = 0; string st_str; int start = 0; string sp_str; int stop =0; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", guid) == OKAY) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " guid= " << guid << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "wd", wd_str) == OKAY) { weekdays = atoi(wd_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " wd= " << weekdays << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "dy", dy_str) == OKAY) { day = atol(dy_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " dy= " << day << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "st", st_str) == OKAY) { start = atoi(st_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " st= " << start << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "sp", sp_str) == OKAY) { stop = atoi(sp_str.c_str()); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sp= " << stop << endl; } if (Timers.BeingEdited()) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " cResponseMemBlk::receiveDelTimerReq: Timers are being edited. returning " << endl; sendError(503, "Service Unavailable", NULL, "001 Timers are being edited."); return; } cTimer *to_del = NULL; for (cTimer * ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = Timers.Next(ti)){ ti->Matches(); if ((guid.compare(*(ti->Channel()->GetChannelID()).ToString()) == 0) && ((ti->WeekDays() && (ti->WeekDays() == weekdays)) || (!ti->WeekDays() && (ti->Day() == day))) && (ti->Start() == start) && (ti->Stop() == stop)) { to_del = ti; break; } } if (to_del != NULL) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " found a timer to delete" << endl; Timers.Del(to_del, true); sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); } else { sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "010 No Timer found."); } } void cResponseMemBlk::sendTimersXml() { char f[200]; if (isHeadRequest()) return; #ifndef STANDALONE mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; for (cTimer * ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = Timers.Next(ti)){ ti->Matches(); *mResponseMessage += "\n"; // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(*(ti->ToText(true))).c_str()); // *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ti->File()).c_str()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", ti->Channel()->Name()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", ((ti->IsSingleEvent()) ? "true" : "false" )); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", *cTimer::PrintDay(ti->Day(), ti->WeekDays(), true)); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d\n", ti->WeekDays()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", ti->Day()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d\n", ti->Start()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d\n", ti->Stop()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", ti->StartTime()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", ti->StopTime()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", *(ti->Channel()->GetChannelID()).ToString()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d\n", ti->Flags()); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", ((ti->HasFlags(tfRecording) )? "true":"false")); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; } *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); // sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/plain", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); #endif } void cResponseMemBlk::sendRecCmds() { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " --------------- sendRecCmds ---------------" << endl; string msg = writeCommands("Recording Commands", &RecordingCommands, " "); *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " --------------- sendRecCmds ---------------" << endl; if (isHeadRequest()) return; /* mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; */ sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/plain", 0, -1); } string cResponseMemBlk::writeCommands(const char *title, cList *commands, string pref) { // *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " title" << endl; string res = "-\n"; for (cNestedItem *Cmd = commands->First(); Cmd; Cmd = commands->Next(Cmd)) { const char *s = Cmd->Text(); if (Cmd->SubItems()) res += writeCommands(s, Cmd->SubItems(), (pref + "+")); else *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << pref << "title= " << s << endl; } return res; } uint64_t cResponseMemBlk::getVdrFileSize() { // iter over all vdr files and get file size struct stat statbuf; string file_structure = "%s/%05d.ts"; // Only ts supported for HLS and HAS char pathbuf[4096]; int vdr_idx = 0; uint64_t total_file_size = 0; bool more_to_go = true; while (more_to_go) { vdr_idx ++; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), file_structure.c_str(), mRequest->mDir.c_str(), vdr_idx); if (stat(pathbuf, &statbuf) >= 0) { total_file_size += statbuf.st_size; } else { more_to_go = false; } } return total_file_size; } // - Manifest End // -------------------- // GET Resources // -------------------- // common for all create xml file modules int cResponseMemBlk::writeXmlItem(string name, string link, string programme, string desc, string guid, int no, time_t start, int dur, double fps, int is_pes, int is_new) { string hdr = ""; char f[400]; hdr += "\n"; // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s - %s", ); hdr += "" + name +"\n"; hdr += "" +link + "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "" + guid + "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", no); hdr += ""; hdr += f; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "" + programme +"\n"; hdr += "" + desc + "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld", start); hdr += ""; hdr += f; hdr += "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", dur); hdr += ""; hdr += f; hdr += "\n"; if (fps != -1) snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%.2f\n", fps); else snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "unknown\n"); hdr += f; switch (is_pes){ case -1: // unknown hdr += "unknown\n"; break; case 0: // true hdr += "true\n"; break; case 1: // false hdr += "false\n"; break; default: break; } switch (is_new){ case -1: // unknown hdr += "unknown\n"; break; case 0: // true hdr += "true\n"; break; case 1: // false hdr += "false\n"; break; default: break; } hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; // return writeToClient(hdr.c_str(), hdr.size()); return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::sendUrlsXml () { // read urls file and generate XML string type; string value; string line; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; cManageUrls* urls = mRequest->mFactory->getUrlsObj(); // ifstream myfile ((mRequest->mFactory->getConfigDir() +"/urls.txt").c_str()); // An empty xml is provided, if the file does not exist. //thlo: here to continue *mResponseMessage = "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; for (uint i = 0; i < urls->size(); i++) { *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += (urls->getEntry(i))->mEntry; *mResponseMessage += "\n\n"; } /* while ( myfile.good() ) { getline (myfile, line); if ((line == "") or (line[0] == '#')) continue; size_t pos = line.find('|'); type = line.substr(0, pos); value = line.substr(pos+1); if (type.compare("YT")==0) { *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += value; *mResponseMessage += "\n\n"; continue; } *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "Unknown: " + line + " type=" + type; *mResponseMessage += "\n\n"; } myfile.close(); */ *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); return OKAY; } // mediaXML int cResponseMemBlk::parseFiles(vector *entries, string prefix, string dir_base, string dir_name, struct stat *statbuf) { char pathbuf[4096]; string link; DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; string dir_comp; dir_comp = dir_base + dir_name + "/"; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " parseFiles: Prefix= " << prefix << " base= " << dir_base << " dir= " << dir_name << " comp= " << dir_comp << endl; #endif dir = opendir(dir_comp.c_str()); if (stat(dir_comp.c_str(), statbuf) < 0) return ERROR; while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if ((strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0) or (strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0)) { continue; } strcpy(pathbuf, dir_comp.c_str()); strcat(pathbuf, de->d_name); stat(pathbuf, statbuf); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode)) { if (strcmp(&(pathbuf[strlen(pathbuf)-4]), ".rec") == 0) { // vdr folder time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm tm_r; struct tm t = *localtime_r(&now, &tm_r); t.tm_isdst = -1; // char [20] rest; int start = -1; sscanf(de->d_name, "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d.%02d", &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min); // sscanf(de->d_name, "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d%.%02d", &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min); t.tm_year -= 1900; t.tm_mon--; t.tm_sec = 0; start = mktime(&t); #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Vdr Folder Found: " << pathbuf << " start= " << start << endl; #endif entries->push_back(sFileEntry(dir_name, pathbuf, start)); } else { // regular file parseFiles(entries, prefix + de->d_name + "~", dir_comp, de->d_name, statbuf); } } else { if ((de->d_name)[0] != '.' ) entries->push_back(sFileEntry(prefix+de->d_name, pathbuf, 1)); } } closedir(dir); return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::sendMediaXml (struct stat *statbuf) { char pathbuf[4096]; string link; string media_folder = mRequest->mFactory->getConfig()->getMediaFolder(); if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; mResponseMessage = new string(); mResponseMessagePos = 0; *mResponseMessage = ""; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendMedia " << endl; #endif string own_ip = mRequest->getOwnIp(); *(mLog->log()) << " OwnIP= " << own_ip << endl; vector entries; if (parseFiles(&entries, "", media_folder, "", statbuf) == ERROR) { sendError(404, "Not Found", NULL, "002 Media Folder likely not configured."); return OKAY; } string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; hdr = ""; for (uint i=0; i < entries.size(); i++) { snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "http://%s:%d%s", own_ip.c_str(), mRequest->mServerPort, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(entries[i].sPath).c_str()); if (writeXmlItem(cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(entries[i].sName), pathbuf, "NA", "NA", "-", -1, entries[i].sStart, -1, -1, -1, -1) == ERROR) return ERROR; } hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), statbuf->st_mtime); return OKAY; } void cResponseMemBlk::sendServerNameXml () { if (isHeadRequest()) return ; char f[400]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; stringstream own_host ; own_host << mRequest->getOwnIp() << ":" << mRequest->mServerPort; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += ""; gethostname(f, sizeof(f)); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "" + own_host.str() +"\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); } int cResponseMemBlk::sendVdrStatusXml (struct stat *statbuf) { if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; #ifndef STANDALONE char f[400]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; int free; int used; int percent; char timebuf[128]; time_t now; percent = VideoDiskSpace(&free, &used); *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; now = time(NULL); strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", localtime(&now)); // ISO 8601 snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%s\n", timebuf); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", free); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", used); *mResponseMessage += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d", percent); *mResponseMessage += f; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += "\n"; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); #else sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, NULL, 0, -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::sendYtBookmarkletJs() { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendYtBookmarkletJs" << endl; vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string store_str = ""; bool store= true; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "store", store_str) == OKAY) { if (store_str.compare("false") == 0) { store= false; *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " store= false " << endl; } } mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; stringstream own_host ; own_host << "http://" << mRequest->getOwnIp() << ":" << mRequest->mServerPort; // string own_host = "http://"+mRequest->getOwnIp()+ ":" + str; *(mLog->log()) << " Ownhost= " << own_host.str() << endl; *mResponseMessage = "function get_query_var (querystring, name) { " "var filter = new RegExp( name + \"=([^&]+)\" ); " "var res = null;" "if (querystring != null)" " res = querystring.match(filter);" " if (res != null) return unescape( res[1] );" " else return \"\";" "}" "var vid_id= get_query_var(document.URL, \"v\");" "var iframe = document.createElement(\"iframe\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"name\",\"myiframe\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"frameborder\",\"0\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"scrolling\",\"no\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"src\",\"about:blank\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"width\",\"1\");" "iframe.setAttribute(\"height\",\"1\");" "document.body.appendChild(iframe);" "var form = document.createElement(\"form\");" "form.setAttribute(\"method\", \"POST\");" "form.setAttribute(\"target\", \"myiframe\");" "form.setAttribute(\"action\", \"" + own_host.str() + "/setYtUrl?line=\"+vid_id"+((!store)?"+\"&store=false\"":"")+");" "var hiddenField = document.createElement(\"input\");" "form.appendChild(hiddenField);" "hiddenField.setAttribute(\"type\", \"hidden\");" "hiddenField.setAttribute(\"name\", \"line\");" "hiddenField.setAttribute(\"value\", vid_id);" "document.body.appendChild(form);" "form.submit();" ; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/javascript", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::sendBmlInstHtml() { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " sendBmlInstHtml" << endl; if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; stringstream own_host ; own_host << "http://" << mRequest->getOwnIp() << ":" << mRequest->mServerPort; *(mLog->log()) << " Ownhost= " << own_host << endl; *mResponseMessage = "" "SmartTVWeb Bookmarklets" "" "
" "

Bookmarklet for collecting YouTube Pages

" "
" "
" "


" "Drag the link below to your Bookmarks toolbar" "


" "

Right click and select “Bookmark This Link”

" "

YT SaveNPlay: Save the video and also Play it.

" "

YT Play: Play the video without saving.

" "
" "
" "


" "

Browse to your favorite YouTube page and click the bookmark to the bookmarklet (link above). The YouTube video is then provided to the VDR smarttvweb plugin, stored there and pushed to the TV screen for immediate playback. Tested with Firefox.

" "
" "
" "

Have fun...

" ""; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "text/html", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::sendChannelsXml (struct stat *statbuf) { if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; #ifndef STANDALONE char f[400]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " generating /channels.xml" << endl; #endif string own_ip = mRequest->getOwnIp(); *(mLog->log()) << " OwnIP= " << own_ip << endl; vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string mode = ""; bool add_desc = true; string no_channels_str = ""; int no_channels = -1; string group_sep = ""; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mode", mode) == OKAY){ if (mode == "nodesc") { add_desc = false; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Mode: No Description" << endl; } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Mode: Unknown" << endl; } } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "channels", no_channels_str) == OKAY){ no_channels = atoi(no_channels_str.c_str()) ; } string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; hdr+= "VDR Channels List\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; int count = mRequest->mFactory->getConfig()->getLiveChannels(); if (no_channels > 0) count = no_channels +1; cSchedulesLock * lock = new cSchedulesLock(false, 500); const cSchedules *schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(*lock); for (cChannel *channel = Channels.First(); channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) { if (channel->GroupSep()) { if (mRequest->mFactory->getConfig()->getGroupSep() != IGNORE) { // if emtpyFolderDown, always. // otherwise, only when not empty if (!((strcmp(channel->Name(), "") == 0) && (mRequest->mFactory->getConfig()->getGroupSep() == EMPTYIGNORE))) group_sep = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(channel->Name()); } continue; } if (--count == 0) { break; } // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:3000/%s.ts", mServerAddr.c_str(), *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString()); snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:3000/%s.ts", own_ip.c_str(), *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString()); string link = f; const cSchedule *schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(channel->GetChannelID()); string desc = "No description available"; string title = "Not available"; time_t start_time = 0; int duration = 0; if (schedule != NULL) { const cEvent *ev = schedule->GetPresentEvent(); if (ev != NULL) { if ((ev->Description() != NULL) && add_desc) desc = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Description()); if ((ev->Title() != NULL) && add_desc) title = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Title()); start_time = ev->StartTime(); duration = ev->Duration(); } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Event Info is Zero for Count= " << count << " Name= " << channel->Name() << endl; } } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Schedule is Zero for Count= " << count << " Name= " << channel->Name() << endl; } string c_name = (group_sep != "") ? (group_sep + "~" + cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(channel->Name())) : cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(channel->Name()); // if (writeXmlItem(channel->Name(), link, title, desc, *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString(), start_time, duration) == ERROR) if (writeXmlItem(c_name, link, title, desc, *(channel->GetChannelID()).ToString(), channel->Number(), start_time, duration, -1, -1, -1) == ERROR) return ERROR; } hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; delete lock; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), statbuf->st_mtime); #endif return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::sendEpgXml (struct stat *statbuf) { if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; #ifndef STANDALONE char f[400]; mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " generating /epg.xml" << endl; #endif vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string id = "S19.2E-1-1107-17500"; string mode = ""; bool add_desc = true; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "id", id) == ERROR){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: id not found" << endl; delete mResponseMessage; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "011 No id in query line"); return OKAY; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mode", mode) == OKAY){ if (mode == "nodesc") { add_desc = false; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " **** Mode: No Description ****" << endl; } } tChannelID chan_id = tChannelID::FromString (id.c_str()); if ( chan_id == tChannelID::InvalidID) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: Not possible to get the ChannelId from the string" << endl; delete mResponseMessage; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "012 Invalid Channel ID."); return OKAY; } cSchedulesLock * lock = new cSchedulesLock(false, 500); const cSchedules *schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(*lock); const cSchedule *schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(chan_id); if (schedule == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << "ERROR: Schedule is zero for guid= " << id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "001 Schedule is zero."); return OKAY; } time_t now = time(NULL); const cEvent *ev = NULL; for(cEvent* e = schedule->Events()->First(); e; e = schedule->Events()->Next(e)) { if ( (e->StartTime() <= now) && (e->EndTime() > now)) { ev = e; } else if (e->StartTime() > now + 3600) { break; } } // const cEvent * ev = schedule->GetPresentEvent(); if (ev == NULL) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << "ERROR: Event is zero for guid= " << id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "002 Event is zero."); return OKAY; } string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; // Payload here hdr = ""; if (ev->Title() != NULL) { string title = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Title()); hdr += "" + title +"\n"; } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: title is zero for guid= " << id << endl; hdr += "Empty\n"; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "003 Title is zero."); return OKAY; } hdr += "" + id + "\n"; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%u\n", ev->EventID()); hdr += f ; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " guid= " << id << " title= " << ev->Title() << " start= " << ev->StartTime() << " end= " << ev->EndTime() << " now= " << now << " EvId= " << ev->EventID() << endl; if (add_desc) { hdr += ""; if (ev->Description() != NULL) { hdr += cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(ev->Description()); } else { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " ERROR: description is zero for guid= " << id << endl; delete mResponseMessage; delete lock; mResponseMessage = NULL; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "004 Description is zero."); return OKAY; } hdr += "\n"; } else { hdr += "No Description Available\n"; } snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", ev->StartTime()); hdr += f ; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%ld\n", ev->EndTime()); hdr += f; snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "%d\n", ev->Duration()); hdr += f; *mResponseMessage += hdr; hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; delete lock; sendHeaders(200, "OK", NULL, "application/xml", mResponseMessage->size(), -1); #endif return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::sendRecordingsXml(struct stat *statbuf) { if (isHeadRequest()) return OKAY; #ifndef STANDALONE mResponseMessage = new string(); *mResponseMessage = ""; mResponseMessagePos = 0; // mRequest->mContentType = MEMBLOCK; mRequest->mConnState = SERVING; string own_ip = mRequest->getOwnIp(); *(mLog->log()) << " OwnIP= " << own_ip << endl; vector avps; mRequest->parseQueryLine(&avps); string model = ""; string link_ext = ""; string type = ""; string has_4_hd_str = ""; bool has_4_hd = true; string mode = ""; bool add_desc = true; string guid = ""; bool single_item = false; if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "model", model) == OKAY){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a Model Parameter: " << model << endl; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "guid", guid) == OKAY){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a guid Parameter: " << guid << endl; single_item = true; } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "type", type) == OKAY){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a Type Parameter: " << type << endl; if (type == "hls") { if (model == "samsung") link_ext = "/manifest-seg.m3u8|COMPONENT=HLS"; else link_ext = "/manifest-seg.m3u8"; } if (type == "has") { if (model == "samsung") link_ext = "/manifest-seg.mpd|COMPONENT=HAS"; else link_ext = "/manifest-seg.mpd"; } } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "mode", mode) == OKAY){ if (mode == "nodesc") { add_desc = false; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Mode: No Description" << endl; } } if (mRequest->getQueryAttributeValue(&avps, "has4hd", has_4_hd_str) == OKAY){ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found a Has4Hd Parameter: " << has_4_hd_str << endl; if (has_4_hd_str == "false") has_4_hd = false; } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " generating /recordings.xml" << endl; #endif //-------------------- char f[600]; #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " recordings->Count()= " << recordings->Count() << endl; #endif // List of recording timer time_t now = time(NULL); vector act_rec; /*#ifndef DEBUG*/ *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " checking avtive timer" << endl; /*#endif*/ for (cTimer * ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = Timers.Next(ti)){ ti->Matches(); if (ti->HasFlags(tfRecording) ) { *(mLog->log()) << DEBUGPREFIX << " Active Timer: " << ti->File() << " Start= " << ti->StartTime() << " Duration= " << (ti->StopTime() - ti->StartTime()) << " Now= " << now << endl; act_rec.push_back(sTimerEntry(ti->File(), ti->StartTime(), (ti->StopTime() - ti->StartTime()))); } } #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Found " << act_rec.size() << " running timers" << endl; #endif string hdr = ""; hdr += "\n"; hdr += "\n"; hdr+= "\n"; hdr+= "VDR Recordings List\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; int item_count = 0; int rec_dur = 0; cRecording *recording = NULL; if (single_item) { recording = Recordings.GetByName(guid.c_str()); if (recording == NULL) *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " WARNING in sendRecordingsXml: recording " << guid << " not found" << endl; } else { recording = Recordings.First(); } // for (cRecording *recording = Recordings.First(); recording; recording = Recordings.Next(recording)) { while (recording != NULL) { hdr = ""; if (recording->IsPesRecording() or ((recording->FramesPerSecond() > 30.0) and !has_4_hd )) snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:%d%s", own_ip.c_str(), mRequest->mServerPort, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(recording->FileName()).c_str()); else // snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:%d%s%s", mServerAddr.c_str(), mServerPort, snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "http://%s:%d%s%s", own_ip.c_str(), mRequest->mServerPort, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(recording->FileName()).c_str(), link_ext.c_str()); string link = f; string desc = "No description available"; rec_dur = recording->LengthInSeconds(); string name = recording->Name(); for (uint x = 0; x < act_rec.size(); x++) { if (act_rec[x].name == name) { // *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " !!!!! Found active Recording !!! " << endl; rec_dur += (act_rec[x].startTime + act_rec[x].duration - now); } } // for if (recording->Info() != NULL) { if ((recording->Info()->Description() != NULL) && add_desc) { desc = cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(recording->Info()->Description()); } } if (writeXmlItem(cUrlEncode::doXmlSaveEncode(recording->Name()), link, "NA", desc, cUrlEncode::doUrlSaveEncode(recording->FileName()).c_str(), -1, recording->Start(), rec_dur, recording->FramesPerSecond(), (recording->IsPesRecording() ? 0: 1), (recording->IsNew() ? 0: 1)) == ERROR) { *mResponseMessage = ""; sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", NULL, "005 writeXMLItem returned an error"); return OKAY; } item_count ++; // if (!single_item) // recording = Recordings.Next(recording); recording = (!single_item) ? Recordings.Next(recording) : NULL; } hdr = "\n"; hdr += "\n"; *mResponseMessage += hdr; *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " Recording Count= " <size(), statbuf->st_mtime); return OKAY; } int cResponseMemBlk::fillDataBlk() { mBlkPos = 0; if (mError) { *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " mError == true -> Done" << endl; mRequest->mConnState = TOCLOSE; return ERROR; } if (mResponseMessage == NULL) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " mResponseMessage == NULL -> Done" << endl; #endif mRequest->mConnState = TOCLOSE; return ERROR; } int rem_len = mResponseMessage->size() - mResponseMessagePos; if (rem_len == 0) { #ifndef DEBUG *(mLog->log())<< DEBUGPREFIX << " fillDataBlock: MEMBLOCK done" << endl; #endif delete mResponseMessage; mResponseMessage = NULL; mResponseMessagePos = 0; mRequest->mConnState = TOCLOSE; return ERROR; } if (rem_len > MAXLEN) rem_len = MAXLEN; string sub_msg = mResponseMessage->substr(mResponseMessagePos, rem_len); mResponseMessagePos += rem_len; mBlkLen = sub_msg.size(); memcpy(mBlkData, sub_msg.c_str(), rem_len); return OKAY; }