var Config = { cfgFileName : "", XHRObj : null, xmlDocument : null, vdrServers : null, serverUrl : "", // Will become the main URL for contacting the server. Form "http://:port" serverAddr : "", serverName : "", serverAddrDefault: "", format :"has", tgtBufferBitrate : 6000, // kbps totalBufferDuration : 30, // sec initialBuffer : 10, // in percent pendingBuffer: 40, // in percent initialTimeOut: 3, // sec skipDuration : 30, // sec liveChannels : 30, firstLaunch : false, debug : false, usePdlForRecordings : true, uploadJsFile : "", directAcessTimeout : 1500, infoTimeout : 3000, preferredQuality : 2, widgetVersion : "unknown", tzCorrection : 0, recSortType : 0, playKeyBehavior : 0, haveYouTube : false, verboseStart : false, // Debug Messages during start (before widget.conf is loaded) deviceType : 0 // Used to differentiate between browsers and platforms // 0: Samsung }; /* * Check for First launch * Launch Config Menu * Write File in Confi Menu * Come back here, read the file and continue */ Config.init = function () { /* Main.logToServer ("navigator.appCodeName= " + navigator.appCodeName); Main.logToServer ("navigator.appName= " + navigator.appName); Main.logToServer ("navigator.platform= " + navigator.platform); Main.logToServer ("modelName= " +; Main.logToServer ("productType= " +; */ this.vdrServers = new VdrServers(); this.vdrServers.instanceName = " MyObj"; if (this.serverUrl != "") { // Hardcoded server URL. Done with config Main.log ("Hardcoded server URL. Done with config"); Display.showPopup ("Hardcoded server URL. Done with config"); Config.fetchConfig(); return; } switch (this.deviceType){ case 0: // This is a Samsung Smart TV try { this.cfgFileName = + "/config.dta"; } catch (e) { Main.log(" does not exists. Is that really a Samsung?"); Display.showPopup (" does not exists. Is that really a Samsung?"); return; }; var fileSystemObj = new FileSystem(); // if (fileSystemObj.isValidCommonPath( == 0){ if (fileSystemObj.isValidCommonPath( != 1){ // isValidCommonPath returns: // 0 : JS function failed // 1 : valid // 2 : invalid Main.log("First Launch of the Widget"); if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup ("First Launch of the Widget"); // should switch to the config screen here var res = fileSystemObj.createCommonDir(; if (res == true) { Config.doFirstLaunch(); return; } else { Display.showPopup ("WARNING: Cannot create widget folder. Ignoring and trying to configure"); Config.doFirstLaunch(); // Display.showPopup (Lang[Lang.sel].configInit); // Main.logToServer("ERROR: Cannot create widget folder "; } return; } else { // ok, there should be some config info if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup ("Reading Context Now"); Config.readContext(); // async check of available VDR servers. Will continue from a different place return; //thlo: TODO } break; default: // another TV set. break; } //the function is likely never executed to the end. Check! Server.notifyServer("started"); Config.fetchConfig(); }; Config.doFirstLaunch = function () { if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup("OK: First Launch. Configure now"); Config.firstLaunch = true; Main.changeState(Main.eOPT); }; Config.getWidgetVersion = function () { $.ajax({ url: "config.xml", type : "GET", success : function(data, status, XHR ) { Config.widgetVersion = $(data).find('ver').text(); Main.logToServer("Config.getWidgetVersion= " + Config.widgetVersion) ; Display.updateWidgetVersion(Config.widgetVersion); }, error : function (XHR, status, error) { Main.log("Config.getVersion ERROR" ) ; Main.logToServer("Config.getVersion ERROR" ) ; } }); }; Config.fetchConfig = function () { if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup ("Fetching widget.conf..."); $.ajax({ url: this.serverUrl + "/widget.conf", type : "GET", success : function(data, status, XHR ) { if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup ("Processing widget.conf..."); Main.log ("Parsing config XML now"); Main.logToServer("Parsing config XML now"); Config.format = $(data).find('format').text(); Config.tgtBufferBitrate = parseFloat($(data).find('tgtBufferBitrate').text()); Config.totalBufferDuration = parseFloat($(data).find('totalBufferDuration').text()); Config.initialBuffer = parseFloat($(data).find('initialBuffer').text()); Config.pendingBuffer = parseFloat($(data).find('pendingBuffer').text()); Config.skipDuration = parseFloat($(data).find('skipDuration').text()); Config.initialTimeOut = parseFloat($(data).find('initialTimeOut').text()); Config.liveChannels = parseInt($(data).find('liveChannels').text()); Config.debug = ($(data).find('widgetdebug').text() == "true") ? true : false; Config.usePdlForRecordings = ($(data).find('usePdlForRecordings').text() == "false") ? false : true; Config.uploadJsFile = $(data).find('uploadJsFile').text(); Config.directAcessTimeout = $(data).find('directAcessTimeout').text(); Config.infoTimeout = parseInt( $(data).find('infoTimeout').text()); Config.infoTimeout = isNaN(Config.infoTimeout) ? 3000 : Config.infoTimeout; Config.preferredQuality = $(data).find('preferredQuality').text(); Config.sortType= parseInt($(data).find('sortType').text()); if ((Config.sortType < 0) || (Config.sortType > Data.maxSort) || isNaN(Config.sortType)) { Config.sortType = 0; } Config.playKeyBehavior = parseInt($(data).find('playKeyBehavior').text()); Config.playKeyBehavior = isNaN(Config.playKeyBehavior) ? 0 : Config.playKeyBehavior; Config.haveYouTube = ($(data).find('youtubemenu').text() == "true") ? true : false Player.skipDuration = Config.skipDuration; if (Config.directAcessTimeout != "") { DirectAccess.delay = Config.directAcessTimeout; } Main.log("**** Config ****"); Main.log("serverUrl= " + Config.serverUrl); Main.log("format= " + Config.format); Main.log("tgtBufferBitrate= " + Config.tgtBufferBitrate); Main.log("totalBufferDuration= " + Config.totalBufferDuration); Main.log("initialBuffer= " + Config.initialBuffer); Main.log("pendingBuffer= " + Config.pendingBuffer); Main.log("skipDuration= " + Config.skipDuration); Main.log("initialTimeOut= " + Config.initialTimeOut); Main.log("liveChannels= " + Config.liveChannels); Main.log("debug= " + Config.debug); Main.log("usePdlForRecordings= " + Config.usePdlForRecordings); Main.log("sortType= " + Config.sortType); Main.log("playKeyBehavior= " + Config.playKeyBehavior); Main.log("**** /Config ****"); Main.init(); }, error : function (XHR, status, error) { Main.log ("Config Server Error"); Display.showPopup("ERROR while fetching widget.conf " + XHR.status + " " + status); // Display.showPopup(Lang[Lang.sel].configNoServer + " "+ XHR.status + " " + status); Main.logToServer("Config Server Error " + XHR.status + " " + status); } }); }; Config.deletedFromContext = function(idx) { Main.log("Config.deletedFromContext: idx= " + idx); Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList.splice(idx, 1); Config.writeServerUrlList(); }; Config.updateContext = function (addr) { Main.log("Config.updateContext with ("+addr+")"); Main.logToServer("Config.updateContext with ("+addr+")"); if ((Config.verboseStart == true) && (Config.firstLaunch == true)) Display.showPopup("Config.updateContext with ("+addr+")"); var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList.length; i++) { if (Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList[i] == addr) { found = true; break; } } if (found == true) { // don't overwrite, if the address is already there. Main.log("Config.updateContext: don't overwrite -> return"); Main.logToServer("Config.updateContext: don't overwrite -> return"); Notify.showNotify("Server already included -> Ignoring", true); if ((Config.verboseStart == true) && (Config.firstLaunch == true)) Display.showPopup("Config.updateContext: don't overwrite -> return"); return; } Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList.push(addr); Config.writeServerUrlList(); if (Config.serverAddr == "") { // only change the server, when needed. Config.serverAddr = addr; Config.serverUrl = "http://" + Config.serverAddr; Config.fetchConfig(); } }; Config.writeServerUrlList = function () { var fileSystemObj = new FileSystem(); var fd = fileSystemObj.openCommonFile(Config.cfgFileName,"w"); for (var i = 0; i < Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList.length; i++) { Main.log ("Config.writeServerUrlList itm= " + Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList[i]); Main.logToServer ("Config.writeServerUrlList itm= " + Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList[i]); if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup ("Config.writeServerUrlList: writing VdrServer= " + Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList[i]); fd.writeLine('serverAddr ' + Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList[i]); } fileSystemObj.closeCommonFile(fd); if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup ("Config.writeServerUrlList done "); }; Config.readContext = function () { // readConfig is only called once, at start-up. // an array of server addresses should be read. var fileSystemObj = new FileSystem(); try { var fd = fileSystemObj.openCommonFile(Config.cfgFileName, "r"); var line = ""; while (line = fd.readLine()) { var avp = line.split(" "); if (avp.length > 1) { Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList.push(avp[1]); Main.log("Config.readContext avp[1]= " + avp[1]); if (Config.verboseStart == true) Display.showPopup ("Config.readContext: serverAddr= " + avp[1]); Config.serverAddr = avp[1]; Config.serverUrl = "http://" + Config.serverAddr; } else { Display.showPopup ("ERROR: Error in Config File. Try widget re-install."); // Display.showPopup (Lang[Lang.sel].configRead1); // TODO: I should re-write the config file } } fileSystemObj.closeCommonFile(fd); } catch (e) { Main.log("Config.readContext: Error while reading: e= " +e); Display.showPopup("Config.readContext: Error while reading: e= " +e); Display.showPopup("Trying to create now the local config file" ); var res = fileSystemObj.createCommonDir(; if (res == true) { Main.log("WARNING: ConfigRead Error. Launching Config-Menu from here"); Display.showPopup ("Config Read Error: Try widget restart"); } else { Main.log("Config.readContext: Widget Folder creation failed"); Display.showPopup ("WARNING: ConfigRead Error and WidgetFolder creation failed.
Launching Config-Menu from here"); // Display.showPopup (Lang[Lang.sel].configRead2); } Config.doFirstLaunch(); } // Now, I read at least one VDR server address from Config file this.vdrServers.checkServers(); if (Config.vdrServers.serverUrlList.length > 1) { // Now I should show the popup to select the server. // 1: Check whether more than one server is active // - I need a new plugin method (getServerName) // 2: If more than one server is active, show server menu } }; // This function cleans up after un-installation Config.reset = function () { var fileSystemObj = new FileSystem(); fileSystemObj.deleteCommonFile( + "/config.dta"); }; //************************************************** function VdrServers() { this.serverUrlList = []; this.activeServers = []; this.responses = 0; this.retries = 0; this.instanceName = ""; }; VdrServers.prototype.checkServers = function () { Main.log ("check active VDR servers " ); this.responses = 0; this.activeServers = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.serverUrlList.length; i++) { var obj = new VdrServerChecker(this, i); obj.checkServer(this.serverUrlList[i]); } }; VdrServers.prototype.handleResponse = function () { Main.log ("handle responses: Response " + this.responses + " of " + this.serverUrlList.length); this.responses ++; if (this.responses == this.serverUrlList.length) { Main.log ("handle responses: Done. Active Servers= " + this.activeServers.length); SelectScreen.resetElements(); switch (this.activeServers.length) { case 0: this.retries ++; if (this.retries <2) { this.checkServers(); } else Display.showPopup("Please start your VDR server"); break; case 1: Config.serverAddr = this.activeServers[0].addr; Config.serverUrl = "http://" + Config.serverAddr; Config.serverName = this.activeServers[0].name; Notify.showNotify("Only " + Config.serverName + " found", true); $("#selectTitle").text(Config.serverName ); $("#logoTitle").text(Config.serverName ); Config.fetchConfig(); break; default: = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.activeServers.length; i++) { var self = this; ({title: this.activeServers[i].name, func : function (idx) { self.selectCallback(idx); } }); }; break; } } }; VdrServers.prototype.selectCallback = function (idx) { Config.serverAddr = this.activeServers[idx].addr; Config.serverUrl = "http://" + Config.serverAddr; Config.serverName = this.activeServers[idx].name; Main.log ("vdrServers.selectCallback idx= " + idx + " Config.serverUrl= " + Config.serverUrl); $("#selectTitle").text(Config.serverName ); $("#logoTitle").text(Config.serverName ); Config.fetchConfig(); }; //************************************************** function VdrServerChecker(parent, i) { this.ipaddr = ""; this.idx = i; this.parent = parent; }; VdrServerChecker.prototype.checkServer = function (addr) { this.ipaddr = addr; var url ="http://"+ addr + "/serverName.xml"; $.ajax({ url: url, type : "GET", context : this, timeout : 400, success : function(data, status, XHR ) { var name = $(data).find('hostname').text(); var ip = $(data).find('ipaddress').text(); Main.log ("checkServer Success Inst= " + this.ipaddr + " " + name + " " + ip); this.parent.activeServers.push({name : name, addr : ip}); this.parent.handleResponse(); }, error : function (XHR, status, error) { Main.log ("checkServer Error Inst= " + this.ipaddr +" status: " + ((status != null) ? status : "null")); if (status != null) if (status == "error") { this.parent.activeServers.push({name : "Unnamed " + this.idx, addr : this.ipaddr}); } this.parent.handleResponse(); } }); };