var Display = { pluginTime : null, statusDiv : null, statusPopup : null, bufferingElm : null, FIRSTIDX : 0, LASTIDX : 15, itemHeight : 0, currentWindow : 0, olTitle : "", olStartStop: "", SELECTOR : 0, LIST : 1, // folderPath : new Array(), volOlHandler : null, progOlHandler : null, popupOlHandler : null, videoList : new Array() }; /* * General Functions * */ Display.init = function() { var success = true; // Samsung specific object this.pluginTime = document.getElementById("pluginTime"); this.statusDiv = document.getElementById("status"); this.statusPopup = document.getElementById("statusPopup"); this.bufferingElm = document.getElementById("bufferingBar"); // Main.log("Display.init now=" + this.pluginTime.GetEpochTime()); this.progOlHandler = new OverlayHandler("ProgHndl"); this.volOlHandler = new OverlayHandler("VolHndl"); this.popupOlHandler = new OverlayHandler("PopupHndl"); this.progOlHandler.init(Display.handlerShowProgress, Display.handlerHideProgress); this.volOlHandler.init(Display.handlerShowVolume, Display.handlerHideVolume); this.popupOlHandler.init(Display.handlerShowPopup, Display.handlerHidePopup); if (!this.statusDiv) { success = false; } for (var i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { var elm = $("#video"+i); $(elm).css({"width" : "100%", "text-align": "left", "padding-top": "4px", "padding-bottom": "5px" }); $(elm).append($("
").css({ "display": "inline-block", "width":"20%", "overflow": "hidden", "text-overflow":"ellipsis", "height": "14px"})); $(elm).append($("
").css({ "display": "inline-block", "width":"70%", "overflow": "hidden", "text-overflow":"ellipsis", "white-space": "nowrap", "height": "14px"})); $(elm).append($("
").css({ "display": "inline-block", "width":"5%", "height": "14px"})); } /* for (var i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { var elm = $("#video"+i); $(elm).css({"width" : "100%", "text-align": "left" }); $(elm).append($("
").css({ "display": "inline-block", "padding-top": "4px", "padding-bottom": "6px", "width":"20%", "overflow": "hidden", "text-overflow":"ellipsis"})); $(elm).append($("
").css({ "display": "inline-block", "padding-top": "4px", "padding-bottom": "6px", "width":"70%", "overflow": "hidden", "text-overflow":"ellipsis"})); $(elm).append($("
").css({ "display": "inline-block", "padding-top": "4px", "padding-bottom": "6px", "width":"5%" })); } */ var done = false; var i = 0; while (done != true) { i ++; var elm = document.getElementById("selectItem"+i); if (elm == null) { done = true; Main.log( " only found to selectItem"+ (i-1)); break; } = "3px"; " 5px"; " 5px"; = "center"; } Main.log("Display initialized" ); return success; }; Display.putInnerHTML = function (elm, val) { // alert(Config.deviceType + " " +elm + " " + val); switch (Config.deviceType) { case 0: // Samsung specific handling of innerHtml widgetAPI.putInnerHTML(elm, val); break; default: elm.innerHTML = val; break; } }; Display.GetEpochTime = function() { var res = 0; switch (Config.deviceType) { case 0: // Samsung specific UTC time function res = Display.pluginTime.GetEpochTime(); break; default: var now_millis = ((new Date).getTime()); res = (now_millis /1000.0); break; } return res; }; Display.durationString = function(time) { var timeHour = 0; var timeMinute = 0; var timeSecond = 0; var res = ""; timeHour = Math.floor(time/3600); timeMinute = Math.floor((time%3600)/60); timeSecond = Math.floor(time%60); res = "0:"; if (timeHour != 0) res = timeHour + ":"; if(timeMinute == 0) res += "00:"; else if(timeMinute <10) res += "0" + timeMinute + ":"; else res += timeMinute + ":"; if(timeSecond == 0) res += "00"; else if(timeSecond <10) res += "0" + timeSecond; else res += timeSecond; return res; }; Display.getNumString =function(num, fmt) { var res = ""; if (num < 10) { for (var i = 1; i < fmt; i ++) { res += "0"; }; } else if (num < 100) { for (var i = 2; i < fmt; i ++) { res += "0"; }; } res = res + num; return res; }; Display.selectItem = function (item) { = "black"; = "white"; = "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(246,248,249,1) 0%,rgba(229,235,238,1) 50%,rgba(215,222,227,1) 51%,rgba(245,247,249,1) 100%)"; "3px";["-webkit-box-shadow"] = "2px 2px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)"; // = "white"; }; Display.unselectItem = function (item) { = "white"; = "transparent"; = "transparent";["-webkit-box-shadow"] = ""; }; Display.jqSelectItem = function (item) { //item is a JQ Object item.css( {"color": "black", "background" : "white", "background" : "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(246,248,249,1) 0%,rgba(229,235,238,1) 50%,rgba(215,222,227,1) 51%,rgba(245,247,249,1) 100%)", "border-radius": "3px", "-webkit-box-shadow": "2px 2px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)" }); }; Display.jqUnselectItem = function (item) { item.css ({"color" : "white", "background" : "transparent", "-webkit-box-shadow": ""}); }; /* * Main Select Screen Functions * */ Display.resetSelectItems = function (itm) { var done = false; var i = 0; while (done != true) { i ++; var elm = document.getElementById("selectItem"+i); if (elm == null) { done = true; Main.log( " only found to selectItem"+ (i-1)); break; } Display.unselectItem(elm); } Display.selectItem(document.getElementById("selectItem"+itm)); }; /* * Video Select Screen Functions * */ Display.hide = function() { // document.getElementById("main").style.display="none"; $("#main").hide(); }; = function() { // cancel ongoing overlays first this.volOlHandler.cancel(); this.progOlHandler.cancel(); this.popupOlHandler.cancel(); // document.getElementById("main").style.display="block"; $("#main").show(); this.itemHeight = Math.round(parseInt($("#videoList").height()) / (this.LASTIDX +1) ); }; Display.tuneLeftSide = function() { var res = {}; res.w1 = "20%"; res.w2 = "70%"; res.w3 = "5%"; switch (Main.state) { case Main.eLIVE: case Main.eMED: res.w1 = "5%"; res.w2 = "85%"; res.w3 = "5%"; break; case Main.eREC: res.w1 = "20%"; res.w2 = "70%"; res.w3 = "5%"; break; default: Main.logToServer("ERROR in Display.tuneLeftSide. Should not be here"); break; } Main.log("Display.tuneLeftSide: w1= " + res.w1 +" w2= " + res.w2 + " w3= " + res.w3 ); return res; }; Display.setVideoList = function(selected, first) { // var listHTML = ""; var res = {}; // var first_item = selected; var first_item = first; //thlo // var first_item = selected - ( selected % (Display.LASTIDX +1)) tab_style = Display.tuneLeftSide(); var i=0; Main.log("Display.setVideoList title= " +Data.getCurrentItem().childs[selected].title + " selected= " + selected + " first_item= " + first_item); this.handleDescription(selected); for (i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { if ((first_item+i) >= Data.getVideoCount()) { res = {c1: "", c2: "", c3: ""}; } else { res = Display.getDisplayTitle (Data.getCurrentItem().childs[first_item+i]); } this.videoList[i] = document.getElementById("video"+i); Display.setVideoItem(this.videoList[i], res, tab_style); this.unselectItem(this.videoList[i]); } this.currentWindow = (selected - first_item); this.selectItem(this.videoList[this.currentWindow]); listHTML = (selected +1) + " / " + Data.getVideoCount(); $("#videoCount").text(listHTML); // Display.putInnerHTML(document.getElementById("videoCount"), listHTML); }; Display.setVideoItem = function (elm, cnt, style) { // cnt $(elm).children("div").eq(0).text (cnt.c1); $(elm).children("div").eq(1).text (cnt.c2); $(elm).children("div").eq(2).text (cnt.c3); if (typeof(style) != "undefined") { // Main.log ("Display.setVideoItem: change style w1= " + style.w1 + " w2= " + style.w2 + " w3= " + style.w3); $(elm).children("div").eq(0).css("width", style.w1 ); $(elm).children("div").eq(1).css("width", style.w2 ); $(elm).children("div").eq(2).css("width", style.w3 ); } /* var itm = $(elm).children("div").eq(1); if (itm.outerHeight() > this.itemHeight) { var temp = cnt.c2; while(itm.outerHeight() > this.itemHeight) { temp = temp.substr(0, temp.length-1); itm.text(temp + '...'); } } */ }; //Video Select Screen Display.resetVideoList = function () { var done = false; var i = 0; while (done != true) { var elm = document.getElementById("video"+i); if (elm == null) { done = true; break; } Display.unselectItem(elm); Display.setVideoItem(elm, {c1: "", c2: "", c3: ""}, {w1: "20%", w2:"70%", w3:"5%"}); i ++; } }; //Video Select Screen Display.handleDescription =function (selected) { Main.log("Display.handleDescription "); if (Data.getCurrentItem().childs[selected].isFolder == true) { Display.setDescription( "Dir: " +Data.getCurrentItem().childs[selected].title ); } else { var itm = Data.getCurrentItem().childs[selected]; var title = itm.title; var prog = itm.payload.prog; var desc = itm.payload.desc; var length = itm.payload.dur; var digi = new Date(parseInt(itm.payload.start*1000)); var mon = Display.getNumString ((digi.getMonth()+1), 2); var day = Display.getNumString (digi.getDate(), 2); var hour = Display.getNumString (digi.getHours(), 2); var min = Display.getNumString (digi.getMinutes(), 2); var d_str =""; var msg = ""; switch (Main.state) { case Main.eLIVE: var now = Display.GetEpochTime(); d_str = hour + ":" + min; msg += title + "
"; msg += ""+ prog + "
"; msg += "
Start: " + d_str + "
"; msg += "Duration: " + Display.durationString(length) + "h
"; // Main.log("itm.payload.start= " + itm.payload.start + " length= " + length + " now= " +now); msg += "Remaining: " + Display.durationString((itm.payload.start + length - now)); msg += "

"+ desc; break; case Main.eREC: d_str = mon + "/" + day + " " + hour + ":" + min; msg += "" + title + ""; msg += "

" + d_str; msg += " Duration: " + Display.durationString(length) + "h"; msg += "

"+ desc; break; case Main.eMED: msg += "" + title + ""; break; default: Main.logToServer("ERROR in Display.handleDescription: Should not be here"); break; } Display.setDescription(msg); } }; /* * this.currentWindow: Cursor (selected item) */ Display.setVideoListPosition = function(position, move) { var listHTML = ""; // var res = {}; //thlo: unused? Main.log ("Display.setVideoListPosition title= " +Data.getCurrentItem().childs[position].title + " move= " +move); this.handleDescription(position); // listHTML = (position + 1) + " / " + Data.getVideoCount(); // Display.putInnerHTML(document.getElementById("videoCount"), listHTML); $("#videoCount").text((position + 1) + " / " + Data.getVideoCount()); if(Data.getVideoCount() < this.LASTIDX) { for (var i = 0; i < Data.getVideoCount(); i++) { if(i == position) this.selectItem(this.videoList[i]); else this.unselectItem(this.videoList[i]); } } else if((this.currentWindow!=this.LASTIDX && move==Main.DOWN) || (this.currentWindow!=this.FIRSTIDX && move==Main.UP)) { // Just move cursor if(move == Main.DOWN) this.currentWindow ++; else this.currentWindow --; for (var i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { if(i == this.currentWindow) this.selectItem(this.videoList[i]); else this.unselectItem(this.videoList[i]); } } else if(this.currentWindow == this.LASTIDX && move == Main.DOWN) { // Next Page if(position == this.FIRSTIDX) { // very top element selected this.currentWindow = this.FIRSTIDX; for(i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { Display.setVideoItem(this.videoList[i], Display.getDisplayTitle (Data.getCurrentItem().childs[i])); if(i == this.currentWindow) this.selectItem(this.videoList[i]); else this.unselectItem(this.videoList[i]); } } else { for(i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { Display.setVideoItem(this.videoList[i], Display.getDisplayTitle (Data.getCurrentItem().childs[i + position - this.currentWindow])); } } } else if(this.currentWindow == this.FIRSTIDX && move == Main.UP) { // Previous Page if(position == Data.getVideoCount()-1) { // very bottom element selected this.currentWindow = this.LASTIDX; for(i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { Display.setVideoItem(this.videoList[i], Display.getDisplayTitle (Data.getCurrentItem().childs[i + position - this.currentWindow])); if(i == this.currentWindow) this.selectItem(this.videoList[i]); else this.unselectItem(this.videoList[i]); } } else { for(i = 0; i <= this.LASTIDX; i++) { Display.setVideoItem(this.videoList[i], Display.getDisplayTitle (Data.getCurrentItem().childs[i + position])); } } } }; Display.setDescription = function(description) { var descriptionElement = document.getElementById("description"); Display.putInnerHTML(descriptionElement, description); }; Display.getDisplayTitle = function(item) { var res = {c1:"", c2:"", c3:""}; switch (Main.state) { case Main.eLIVE: // Live if (item.isFolder == true) { res.c2 = item.title; res.c3 = "<" + Display.getNumString(item.childs.length, 2) +">"; } else { res.c2 = item.title; } break; case Main.eREC: // Recordings if (item.isFolder == true) { res.c1 = "<" + Display.getNumString(item.childs.length, 3) + ">"; res.c2 = item.title; } else { var digi = new Date(parseInt(item.payload.start*1000)); var mon = Display.getNumString ((digi.getMonth()+1), 2); var day = Display.getNumString (digi.getDate(), 2); var hour = Display.getNumString (digi.getHours(), 2); var min = Display.getNumString (digi.getMinutes(), 2); var d_str = mon + "/" + day + " " + hour + ":" + min; res.c1 = d_str; res.c2 = item.title; } break; case Main.eMED: if (item.isFolder == true) { res.c3 = "<" + Display.getNumString(item.childs.length, 3) + ">"; res.c2 = item.title; } else { res.c2 = item.title; } break; default: Main.logToServer("ERROR in Display.getDisplayTitle: Shall be in state 1, 2 or 3. State= " + Main.state); break; } return res; }; /* * Overlay Functions * */ /* * Progress Overlay * */ Display.showOlStartStop = function () { $("#olTitle").css("width", "50%"); $("#olStartStop").show(); }; Display.hideOlStartStop = function () { $("#olStartStop").hide(); $("#olTitle").css("width", "75%"); }; Display.updateOlForLive = function (start_time, duration, now) { Display.setOlTitle(Data.getCurrentItem().childs[Main.selectedVideo].title + " - " +Data.getCurrentItem().childs[Main.selectedVideo].payload.prog); Display.setStartStop (start_time, (start_time + duration)); Player.totalTime = Data.getCurrentItem().childs[Main.selectedVideo].payload.dur * 1000; Player.totalTimeStr =Display.durationString(Player.totalTime / 1000.0); // Display.updateTotalTime(Player.totalTime); var digi = new Date((Data.getCurrentItem().childs[Main.selectedVideo].payload.start*1000)); Main.log (" Date(): StartTime= " + digi.getHours() + ":" + digi.getMinutes() + ":" + digi.getSeconds()); // Player.cptOffset = (now - Data.getCurrentItem().childs[Main.selectedVideo].payload.start) * 1000; Player.setCurrentPlayTimeOffset((now - Data.getCurrentItem().childs[Main.selectedVideo].payload.start) * 1000); Player.OnCurrentPlayTime(0); // updates the HTML elements of the Progressbar }; Display.setOlTitle = function (title) { this.olTitle = title; $("#olTitle").text(this.olTitle); // Main.log("Display.setOlTitle: font-size=" + $("#olTitle").css("font-size")); // Main.log("Display.setOlTitle: height=" + $("#olTitle").css("height")); // Main.log("Display.setOlTitle: outerHeight=" + $("#olTitle").outerHeight()); // var elm = document.getElementById("olTitle"); // Display.putInnerHTML(elm, Display.olTitle); }; Display.resetStartStop = function () { Display.olStartStop = ""; Display.hideOlStartStop(); $("#olStartStop").text(""); /* var elm = document.getElementById("olStartStop"); Display.putInnerHTML(elm, Display.olStartStop); */ }; Display.setStartStop = function(start, stop) { this.olStartStop = ""; Display.showOlStartStop(); var digi =new Date(start * 1000); var hours=digi.getHours(); var minutes=digi.getMinutes(); if (minutes<=9) minutes='0'+minutes; this.olStartStop = hours + ":" + minutes + " - "; digi =new Date(stop * 1000); hours=digi.getHours(); minutes=digi.getMinutes(); if (minutes<=9) minutes='0'+minutes; this.olStartStop = this.olStartStop + hours + ":" + minutes; $("#olStartStop").text(Display.olStartStop); /* var elm = document.getElementById("olStartStop"); Display.putInnerHTML(elm, Display.olStartStop); */ }; Display.setSkipDuration = function(duration) { this.olStartStop = ""; Display.showOlStartStop(); this.olStartStop = duration; $("#olStartStop").text("Next Skip: " + Display.olStartStop+"sec"); /* var elm = document.getElementById("olStartStop"); Display.putInnerHTML(elm, "Next Skip: " + Display.olStartStop+"sec"); */ }; // Player.OnCurrentPlayTime Display.updatePlayTime = function() { // Player.curPlayTimeStr = Display.getHumanTimeRepresentation(Player.curPlayTime); var timeElement = document.getElementById("olTimeInfo"); Display.putInnerHTML(timeElement, Player.curPlayTimeStr + " / " + Player.totalTimeStr); }; Display.updateProgressBar = function () { var timePercent = (Player.curPlayTime *100)/ Player.totalTime; document.getElementById("olProgressBar").style.width = Math.round(timePercent) + "%"; }; Display.updateRecBar = function (start_time, duration){ var now = Display.GetEpochTime(); var remaining = Math.round(((start_time + duration) - now) * 100/ duration); // Main.log (" remaining= " + remaining + " start= " + start_time + " dur= " + duration); var elm = document.getElementById("olRecProgressBar");"block"; = remaining + "%"; = (100 - remaining) + "%"; }; Display.status = function(status) { Main.log("Display.status: " +status); Display.putInnerHTML(this.statusDiv, status); Display.putInnerHTML(this.statusPopup, status); }; Display.showStatus = function() {"block"; }; Display.hideStatus = function() {"none"; }; Display.progress = function(status) { Display.putInnerHTML(this.statusDiv, status); }; //-------------------------------------------------------- Display.bufferUpdate = function() { // Player.bufferState // find buffering element and show status Player.bufferState+ "%"; }; //-------------------------------------------------------- /* * Volume Control Handlers (obsolete) */ //--------------------------------------------------------- Display.setVolume = function(level) { document.getElementById("volumeBar").style.width = level + "%"; var volumeElement = document.getElementById("volumeInfo"); Display.putInnerHTML(volumeElement, "     " + Audio.getVolume()); }; // Called by main Display.showVolume = function() {; }; //called by handle Display.handlerShowVolume = function() { document.getElementById("volume").style.display="block"; }; //Called by handler Display.handlerHideVolume = function() { document.getElementById("volume").style.display="none"; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- /* * Popup handlers */ Display.showPopup = function(text) { var oldHTML = document.getElementById("popup").innerHTML; Display.putInnerHTML(document.getElementById("popup"), oldHTML + "
" + text);; }; Display.handlerShowPopup = function() { document.getElementById("popup").style.display="block"; }; Display.handlerHidePopup = function() { document.getElementById("popup").style.display="none"; Display.putInnerHTML(document.getElementById("popup"), ""); }; /* --------------------------------------------------------- * Progress Bar Handlers * --------------------------------------------------------- */ Display.isProgressOlShown = function () { return; }; Display.showProgress = function() {; }; Display.handlerHideProgress = function() { document.getElementById("overlay").style.display="none"; }; Display.handlerShowProgress = function() { document.getElementById("overlay").style.display="block"; if (Player.isRecording == true) { document.getElementById("olRecProgressBar").style.display="block"; var now = Display.GetEpochTime(); var remaining = Math.round(((Player.startTime + Player.duration) - now) * 100/ Player.duration); Main.log (" remaining= " + remaining); var elm = document.getElementById("olRecProgressBar");"block"; = remaining + "%"; = (100 - remaining) + "%"; } else document.getElementById("olRecProgressBar").style.display="none"; var timePercent = (Player.curPlayTime *100)/ Player.totalTime; Main.log("show OL Progress timePercent= " + timePercent); document.getElementById("olProgressBar").style.width = timePercent + "%"; $("#olTimeInfo").text(Player.curPlayTimeStr + " / " + Player.totalTimeStr); // var timeElement = document.getElementById("olTimeInfo"); // Display.putInnerHTML(timeElement, Player.curPlayTimeStr + " / " + Player.totalTimeStr); var Digital=new Date(); var hours=Digital.getHours(); var minutes=Digital.getMinutes(); if (minutes<=9) minutes='0'+minutes; $("#olNow").text(hours + ':' + minutes); // var nowElement = document.getElementById("olNow"); // Display.putInnerHTML(nowElement, hours + ':' + minutes); }; var ClockHandler = { timeoutObj : null, isActive : false, elm : "" }; ClockHandler.start = function(elm){ if (this.isActive ==true) window.clearTimeout(this.timeoutObj); this.isActive = true; this.elm = elm; ClockHandler.update(); }; ClockHandler.update = function() { var date = new Date(); var hours= date.getHours(); var minutes= date.getMinutes(); if (minutes<=9) minutes='0'+minutes; $(this.elm).text(hours + ':' + minutes); this.timeoutObj = window.setTimeout(function() {ClockHandler.update(); }, (10*1000)); }; ClockHandler.stop = function(){ if (this.isActive == false ) return; window.clearTimeout(this.timeoutObj); this.isActive = false; }; /* * OverlayHandler Class * */ function OverlayHandler (n) { // this.pluginTime = null; = false; this.startTime = 0; this.hideTime = 0; this.olDelay = 3000; // in millis this.timeoutObj = null; this.handlerName = n; // readable name for debugging this.showCallback = null; // callback, which shows the element this.hideCallback = null; // callback, which hides the element }; OverlayHandler.prototype.init = function(showcb, hidecb) { var success = true; this.showCallback = showcb; this.hideCallback = hidecb; /* this.pluginTime = document.getElementById("pluginTime"); if (!this.pluginTime) { Main.log(this.handlerName + " cannot aquire time plugin : " + success); success = false; } */ // Main.log(this.handlerName + " is initialized"); return success; }; OverlayHandler.prototype.checkHideCallback = function () { var now = Display.GetEpochTime(); if (now >= this.hideTime) { this.olDelay = 3000; if (this.hideCallback) { this.hideCallback(); } else Main.log(this.handlerName + ": No hideCallback defined - ignoring " ); = false; return; } var delay = (this.hideTime - now) * 1000; // pass an anonymous function to keep the context var self = this; this.timeoutObj = window.setTimeout(function() {self.checkHideCallback(); }, delay); }; = function() { if (! ) { // this.startTime = this.pluginTime.GetEpochTime(); this.startTime = Display.GetEpochTime(); this.hideTime = this.startTime + (this.olDelay / 1000); // Main.log(this.handlerName + " showing " + this.handlerName + " from= " + this.startTime + " to at least= " + this.hideTime); if (this.showCallback) { this.showCallback(); var self = this; this.timeoutObj = window.setTimeout(function() {self.checkHideCallback();}, this.olDelay); = true; } else Main.log(this.handlerName + ": No showCallback defined - ignoring " ); } else { this.hideTime = Display.GetEpochTime() + (this.olDelay /1000); } }; OverlayHandler.prototype.cancel = function () { if (! return; // Main.log("cancel for handler " + this.handlerName); if (this.hideCallback) { this.hideCallback(); } else Main.log(this.handlerName + ": No hideCallback defined - ignoring " ); = false; window.clearTimeout(this.timeoutObj); };