/* * stvw_cfg.h: VDR on Smart TV plugin * * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 T. Lohmar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * Or, point your browser to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * */ #include "stvw_cfg.h" #ifndef STANDALONE #include #endif #include #include #include #include cSmartTvConfig::cSmartTvConfig(string d): mConfigDir(d), mLog(NULL), mCfgFile(NULL), mLogFile(), mMediaFolder(), mSegmentDuration(), mHasMinBufferTime(), mHasBitrateCorrection(), mLiveChannels(), mGroupSep(IGNORE), mServerAddress(""), mServerPort(8000), mCmds(false) { #ifndef STANDALONE mLogFile= ""; #else mLogFile= "./smartvvweblog-standalone.txt"; #endif // Defaults mMediaFolder= "/hd2/mpeg"; mSegmentDuration = 10; mHasMinBufferTime = 40; mHasBitrateCorrection = 1.1; mLiveChannels = 30; readConfig(); } cSmartTvConfig::~cSmartTvConfig() { } void cSmartTvConfig::printConfig() { mLog = Log::getInstance(); *(mLog->log()) << "printConfig: " << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " ConfigDir: " << mConfigDir << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " LogFile: " << mLogFile << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " MediaFolder:" << mMediaFolder << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " SegmentDuration: " << mSegmentDuration << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " HasMinBufferTime: " << mHasMinBufferTime << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " HasBitrateCorrection: " << mHasBitrateCorrection << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " LiveChannels: " << mLiveChannels << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " GroupSeparators: " << ((mGroupSep==IGNORE)? "Ignore" : ((mGroupSep==EMPTYIGNORE)? "EmptyIgnore": "EmptyFolderDown")) << endl; *(mLog->log()) << " ServerAddress: " << mServerAddress << endl; } void cSmartTvConfig::readConfig() { string line; char attr[200]; char value[200]; ifstream myfile ((mConfigDir +"/smarttvweb.conf").c_str()); if (!myfile.is_open()) { #ifndef STANDALONE esyslog ("ERROR in SmartTvWeb: Cannot open config file. Expecting %s", (mConfigDir +"/smarttvweb.conf").c_str() ); #else cout << "ERROR: Cannot open config file. Expecting "<< (mConfigDir +"/smarttvweb.conf") << endl; #endif return; } while ( myfile.good() ) { getline (myfile, line); if ((line == "") or (line[0] == '#')) continue; sscanf(line.c_str(), "%s %s", attr, value); if (strcmp(attr, "LogFile")==0) { mLogFile = string(value); // cout << " Found mLogFile= " << mLogFile << endl; continue; } if (strcmp(attr, "MediaFolder") == 0) { mMediaFolder = string (value); // cout << " Found mMediaFolder= " << mMediaFolder << endl; continue; } if (strcmp(attr, "SegmentDuration") == 0) { mSegmentDuration = atoi(value); // cout << " Found mSegmentDuration= " << mSegmentDuration << endl; continue; } if (strcmp(attr, "HasMinBufferTime") == 0) { mHasMinBufferTime = atoi(value); // cout << " Found mHasMinBufferTime= " << mHasMinBufferTime << endl; continue; } if (strcmp(attr, "HasBitrateCorrection") == 0) { mHasBitrateCorrection = atof(value); // cout << " Found mHasBitrate= " <log()) << " readConfig: " << line << endl; if (line == "") continue; string t; time_t st; int r; time_t lv; int count = scanf (line.c_str(), "%s %lld %d %lld", &t, &st, &r, &lv); if (count == 4) { *(mLog->log()) << " read: " << t << " st= " << st << " r= " << r << " lv= " << lv << endl; } // first title } myfile.close(); } else { *(mLog->log()) << " readConfig: Cannot open file " << f << endl; return NULL; } // open the file // read the lines return NULL; } */