/* * httpresource.h: VDR on Smart TV plugin * * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 T. Lohmar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * Or, point your browser to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * */ #ifndef __HTTPREQUEST_H__ #define __HTTPREQUEST_H__ #include #include #include #include "log.h" using namespace std; struct cRange { cRange(): isRangeRequest(false), begin(0), end(0) {}; bool isRangeRequest; unsigned long long begin; unsigned long long end; }; struct sQueryAVP { string attribute; string value; sQueryAVP(string a, string v) : attribute (a), value(v) {}; }; enum eConnState { WAITING, READHDR, READPAYLOAD, SERVING, TOCLOSE }; enum eContentType { NYD, // Not Yet Defined VDRDIR, SINGLEFILE, MEMBLOCK }; struct sFileEntry { string sName; string sPath; int sStart; sFileEntry(string n, string l, int s) : sName(n), sPath(l), sStart(s) { }; }; class SmartTvServer; class cResumeEntry; class cHttpResource { public: cHttpResource(int, int, string, int, SmartTvServer*); virtual ~cHttpResource(); int handleRead(); int handleWrite(); int checkStatus(); int readFromClient(); void threadLoop(); int run(); private: SmartTvServer* mFactory; Log* mLog; string mServerAddr; int mServerPort; int mFd; int mReqId; time_t mConnTime; int mHandleReadCount; bool mConnected; eConnState mConnState; eContentType mContentType; string mReadBuffer; string mMethod; string *mResponseMessage; int mResponseMessagePos; char* mBlkData; int mBlkPos; int mBlkLen; string mRequest; string mQuery; string mPath; string mDir; string mVersion; string protocol; unsigned long long mReqContentLength; string mPayload; string mUserAgent; bool mAcceptRanges; cRange rangeHdr; unsigned long long mFileSize; bool mStreamToEnd; uint64_t mRemLength; FILE *mFile; int mVdrIdx; string mFileStructure; bool mIsRecording; float mRecProgress; void setNonBlocking(); int fillDataBlk(); int handlePost(); int handleHeadRequest(); int processRequest(); int processHttpHeaderNew(); int readRequestPayload(); void sendError(int status, const char *title, const char *extra, const char *text); int sendDir(struct stat64 *statbuf); int sendVdrDir(struct stat64 *statbuf); int sendRecordingsXml (struct stat64 *statbuf); int sendChannelsXml (struct stat64 *statbuf); int sendResumeXml (); int sendVdrStatusXml (struct stat64 *statbuf); // int sendResumeXml (struct stat64 *statbuf); int sendEpgXml (struct stat64 *statbuf); int sendMediaXml (struct stat64 *statbuf); int sendManifest (struct stat64 *statbuf, bool is_hls = true); int receiveResume(); int deleteRecording(); void writeM3U8(double duration, float seg_dur, int end_seg); void writeMPD(double duration, float seg_dur, int end_seg); int sendMediaSegment (struct stat64 *statbuf); void sendHeaders(int status, const char *title, const char *extra, const char *mime, long long int length, time_t date); int sendFile(struct stat64 *statbuf); // Helper Functions const char *getMimeType(const char *name); string getConnStateName(); void checkRecording(); bool isTimeRequest(struct stat64 *statbuf); int parseRangeHeaderValue(string); int parseHttpRequestLine(string); int parseHttpHeaderLine (string); int parseQueryLine (vector *avps); int parseResume(cResumeEntry &entry, string &id); int parseFiles(vector *entries, string prefix, string dir_base, string dir_name, struct stat64 *statbuf); int getQueryAttributeValue(vector *avps, string id, string &val); int openFile(const char *name); int writeXmlItem(string title, string link, string programme, string desc, string guid, time_t start, int dur, double fps, int is_pes, int is_new); }; #endif