AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-12-30Name threads for easier debugging.Johns
2011-12-29Prepared vdpau noise reduction support.Johns
2011-12-29Vpdau displays black, when no video available.Johns
2011-12-29Fix bug: CodecVideoDecode destroys avpkt.Johns
2011-12-29Add missing VdpauDecoderDestroy.0.1.3Johns
2011-12-26Cleanup video packet ringbuffer.Johns
2011-12-26Allow build without VDPAU.Johns
2011-12-25Fix bug: swapped end and start.Johns
2011-12-25Support other than "PCM" alsa mixer channels.Johns
2011-12-25Show time used for VdpDecoderRender.Johns
2011-12-25Use only one thread for hw decoding.Johns
2011-12-25Fix bug: wrong aspect video size calculation.Johns
2011-12-24Cleanups + Version 0.1.2 released.0.1.2Johns
2011-12-23Libav needs buggy ffmpeg workaround.Johns
2011-12-23Fix libav compatibility.Johns
2011-12-23Wrong decoder->SurfaceField again.Johns
2011-12-23Remove interlaced_frame debug, it can't be used.Johns
2011-12-23New video stream never reset, if buffer full.Johns
2011-12-23Initial vdpau hw decoder support.Johns
2011-12-23Fix uninitialized 'filled'.Johns
2011-12-23Fix vdpau hangup when switching none/interlaced.Johns
2011-12-22Cleanup on destroy decoder.Johns
2011-12-22Add video/audio sync to vdpau.Johns
2011-12-22Initial vdpau osd support.Johns
2011-12-22Initial vdpau support.Johns
2011-12-20Reorder pts.Johns
2011-12-19libav 0.7.2 has no avcodec_open2.Johns
2011-12-19Audio/video sync improvements.Johns
2011-12-17Store config values, when menu leaves.Johns
2011-12-16Adds setup.conf documentation.Johns
2011-12-16Support xcb_set_wm_protocols for xcb-util <0.3.8.Johns
2011-12-15New video/audio sync code.Johns
2011-12-15Use current configuration for setup menu.Johns
2011-12-14Initial support of replay.Johns
2011-12-14Adds missing "po" directory.Johns
2011-12-13Add vaSyncSurface for new surface displayed.Johns
2011-12-13Workaround for 1080i with intel driver 1.0.15.Johns
2011-12-12Add deinterlace/scaling modes to setup.Johns
2011-12-12DisplayFrame displays now only a single frame.Johns
2011-12-11Add guards against cleanup errors.Johns
2011-12-11Fix: indent broke VERSION extraction.Johns
2011-12-11Thread init/exit moved into own functions.Johns
2011-12-10Video enhancements.Johns
2011-12-08Pass audio PTS to codec.Johns
2011-12-08Audio improvement (missing headerfile).Johns
2011-12-08Audio improvement.Johns
2011-12-08Use old aspect-ratio, make thread joinable.Johns
2011-12-07Reduce program exit crashes, due ...Johns
2011-12-07Close codec written.Johns
2011-12-07Makefile and private make script.Johns