/* * Spider-Arachnid: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id: game.c 85 2007-06-20 16:14:45Z tom $ */ #include "game.h" #include "deck.h" #include "tableau.h" #include "heap.h" #include "setup.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "i18n.h" #include <vdr/config.h> #include <vdr/osdbase.h> #include <vdr/osd.h> // Defintions for bitmaps const int cursorWidth = 16; const int cursorHeight = 22; const int cardWidth = 71; const int cardHeight = 96; const char* cursorName = "cursor"; const char* coverName = "cover"; const char* suitNames[] = { "herz", "karo", "pik", "kreuz" }; const char* rankNames[] = { "ace", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "jack", "queen", "king" }; const int suitCount = sizeof(suitNames) / sizeof(*suitNames); const int rankCount = sizeof(rankNames) / sizeof(*rankNames); Bitmap* cursor = NULL; Bitmap* back = NULL; Bitmap* frame = NULL; Bitmap* cards[suitCount][rankCount]; /** --- class SpiderGame --------------------------------------------------- **/ /** Constructor */ SpiderGame::SpiderGame(const SpiderSetup& setup, const char* confdir) : cOsdObject(true), setup(setup), confdir(confdir) { width = 504; height = 360; xPos = (720 - width) / 2; yPos = (576 - height) / 2; xDist = 1; yDist = cardHeight / 6; osd = NULL; deck = NULL; tableau = NULL; currentPile = 0; status = cursorOnPile; info = new Bitmap(width * 2 / 3, 60); infoText = NULL; } /** Destructor */ SpiderGame::~SpiderGame() { delete deck; delete tableau; delete info; delete osd; for (int s = 0; s < suitCount; ++s) for (int r = 0; r < rankCount; ++r) delete cards[s][r]; delete frame; delete back; delete cursor; frame = back = cursor = NULL; } /** Display the game on the OSD */ void SpiderGame::Show() { osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(0, 0); if (osd) { tArea area = { xPos, yPos, xPos + width - 1, yPos + height - 1, 4 }; osd->SetAreas(&area, 1); start(); paint(); } } /** Process user events */ eOSState SpiderGame::ProcessKey(eKeys key) { eOSState state = cOsdObject::ProcessKey(key); if (state == osUnknown) { if (key == kBack) return osEnd; if (key == kBlue || (status == gameOver && key == kOk)) { start(); status = cursorOnPile; currentPile = 0; } else if (status == cursorOnPile) { switch (key) { case kLeft: case kLeft|k_Repeat: if (currentPile > 0) --currentPile; break; case kRight: case kRight|k_Repeat: if (currentPile < tableau->piles.size() - 1) ++currentPile; break; case kUp: status = cursorOnPack; break; case kOk: if (!tableau->piles[currentPile]->empty()) { tableau->select(currentPile); status = selectedPile; } break; case kGreen: tableau->backward(); break; case kYellow: tableau->forward(); break; default: return osContinue; } } else if (status == selectedPile) { int selected = tableau->selected->selected(); int destination; switch (key) { case kLeft: destination = tableau->autoMoveLeft(currentPile); if (destination >= 0) { currentPile = destination; tableau->select(currentPile, selected); } break; case kRight: destination = tableau->autoMoveRight(currentPile); if (destination >= 0) { currentPile = destination; tableau->select(currentPile, selected); } break; case kUp: case kUp|k_Repeat: tableau->selected->select(selected + 1); if (key == kUp) { if (selected == deck->cardsInSuit) { tableau->remove(); status = cursorOnPile; } else if (selected == tableau->selected->selected()) infoText = tr("Only complete suits are allowed to remove"); } break; case kDown: case kDown|k_Repeat: if (selected > 1) tableau->selected->select(selected - 1); break; case kOk: tableau->unselect(); status = cursorOnPile; break; default: return osContinue; } } else if (status == cursorOnPack) { switch (key) { case kDown: status = cursorOnPile; currentPile = 0; break; case kOk: if (tableau->pack->empty()) infoText = tr("No cards left"); else if (!tableau->noPileEmpty()) infoText = tr("Deal not allowed with empty piles"); else tableau->deal(); break; default: return osContinue; } } if (tableau->gameOver()) { status = gameOver; infoText = tr("Congratulations!\nPress OK to start a new game"); } paint(); state = osContinue; } return state; } /** Start a new game */ void SpiderGame::start() { // Load bitmaps if (cursor == NULL) { cursor = new Bitmap(cursorWidth, cursorHeight, confdir, cursorName); back = new Bitmap(cardWidth, cardHeight, confdir, coverName); frame = new Bitmap(cardWidth, cardHeight, clrWhite, clrGray50); for (int s = 0; s < suitCount; ++s) for (int r = 0; r < rankCount; ++r) cards[s][r] = new Bitmap(cardWidth, cardHeight, confdir, suitNames[s], rankNames[r]); } delete deck; delete tableau; deck = NULL; tableau = NULL; int deckCount, dealCount, pileCount; if (setup.variation == SpiderSetup::Mini) { deckCount = 1; dealCount = 4; pileCount = 7; } else // normal variation { deckCount = 2; dealCount = 5; pileCount = 10; xDist = -23; } if (pileCount > rankCount * suitCount * deckCount) pileCount = rankCount * suitCount * deckCount; int finalCount = suitCount * deckCount; deck = new Deck(rankCount, suitCount, deckCount); tableau = new Tableau(*deck, pileCount, finalCount, dealCount); } /** Paint all pieces of the game */ void SpiderGame::paint() { int x1 = xPos; int x2 = xPos + width - 1; int y1 = yPos; int y2 = yPos + height - 1; // Save and restore palette to reduce flickering cPalette savePalette(*osd->GetBitmap(0)); osd->DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, clrGray50); osd->SetPalette(savePalette, 0); // Paint red frame osd->DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y1 + 1, clrRed); osd->DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x1 + 1, y2, clrRed); osd->DrawRectangle(x1, y2 - 1, x2, y2, clrRed); osd->DrawRectangle(x2 - 1, y1, x2, y2, clrRed); paintPack(); unsigned int f; for (f = 0; f < tableau->finals.size(); ++f) if (tableau->finals[f]->empty()) break; unsigned int count = f; for (f = tableau->finals.size(); f-- > count;) paintFinal(f); for (f = 0; f < count; ++f) paintFinal(f); unsigned int p; for (p = tableau->piles.size(); p-- > currentPile + 1;) paintPile(p); for (p = 0; p <= currentPile; ++p) paintPile(p); if (infoText) { info->text(infoText); osd->DrawBitmap(xPos + (width - info->Width()) / 2, yPos + 10, *info); infoText = NULL; } osd->Flush(); } /** Paint the pack */ void SpiderGame::paintPack() { int packX = xPos + 1; int packY = yPos + 1; if (tableau->pack->empty()) paintFrame(packX, packY); else paintBack(packX, packY); if (status == cursorOnPack) paintCursor(packX, packY); } /** Paint a final heap */ void SpiderGame::paintFinal(unsigned int f) { int offset = tableau->piles.size() - tableau->finals.size(); int finalX = xPos + 1 + (f + offset) * (cardWidth + xDist); int finalY = yPos + 1; if (tableau->finals[f]->empty()) paintFrame(finalX, finalY); else paintCard(finalX, finalY, tableau->finals[f]->top()); } /** Paint a pile */ void SpiderGame::paintPile(unsigned int p) { int pileX = xPos + 1 + p * (cardWidth + xDist); int pileY = yPos + 1 + cardHeight + 1; paintFrame(pileX, pileY); int count = tableau->piles[p]->count(); int closed = count - tableau->piles[p]->open(); int unselected = count - tableau->piles[p]->selected(); int dist = yDist; if (pileY + (count + 1) * dist > yPos + height) dist = (yPos + height - pileY) / (count + 1); for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c, pileY += dist) { if (c == unselected) pileY += dist; if (c < closed) paintBack(pileX, pileY); else paintCard(pileX, pileY, tableau->piles[p]->card(c)); } if (count > 0) pileY -= dist; if ((status == cursorOnPile || status == selectedPile) && p == currentPile) paintCursor(pileX, pileY); } /** Paint the cursor onto a card */ void SpiderGame::paintCursor(int x, int y) { int x0 = x + (cardWidth - cursorWidth) / 2; int y0 = y + (cardHeight - cursorHeight) / 2; tColor color = clrBlue; if (status == selectedPile) color = clrYellow; for (x = 0; x < cursorWidth; ++x) for (y = 0; y < cursorHeight; ++y) if (cursor->Color(*cursor->Data(x, y)) != clrTransparent) osd->DrawRectangle(x0 + x, y0 + y, x0 + x, y0 + y, color); } /** Paint an empty card frame */ void SpiderGame::paintFrame(int x, int y) { osd->DrawBitmap(x, y, *frame); } /** Paint a card back */ void SpiderGame::paintBack(int x, int y) { osd->DrawBitmap(x, y, *back); } /** Paint a card */ void SpiderGame::paintCard(int x, int y, const Card& card) { osd->DrawBitmap(x, y, *cards[card.suit][card.rank]); }