Index: vdr-1.6.0-nocamdevices/device.c
--- vdr-1.6.0-nocamdevices/device.c
+++ vdr-1.6.0-nocamdevices/device.c	2008-04-27 18:55:37.000000000 +0300
@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@
   int NumCamSlots = CamSlots.Count();
   int SlotPriority[NumCamSlots];
   int NumUsableSlots = 0;
+  bool InternalCamNeeded = false;
   if (Channel->Ca() >= CA_ENCRYPTED_MIN) {
      for (cCamSlot *CamSlot = CamSlots.First(); CamSlot; CamSlot = CamSlots.Next(CamSlot)) {
          SlotPriority[CamSlot->Index()] = MAXPRIORITY + 1; // assumes it can't be used
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@
      if (!NumUsableSlots)
-        return NULL; // no CAM is able to decrypt this channel
+        InternalCamNeeded = true; // no CAM is able to decrypt this channel
   bool NeedsDetachReceivers = false;
@@ -392,11 +393,13 @@
              continue; // this device shall be temporarily avoided
           if (Channel->Ca() && Channel->Ca() <= CA_DVB_MAX && Channel->Ca() != device[i]->CardIndex() + 1)
              continue; // a specific card was requested, but not this one
-          if (NumUsableSlots && !CamSlots.Get(j)->Assign(device[i], true))
+          if (InternalCamNeeded && !device[i]->HasInternalCam())
+             continue; // no CAM is able to decrypt this channel and the device uses vdr handled CAMs
+          if (NumUsableSlots && !device[i]->HasInternalCam() && !CamSlots.Get(j)->Assign(device[i], true))
              continue; // CAM slot can't be used with this device
           bool ndr;
           if (device[i]->ProvidesChannel(Channel, Priority, &ndr)) { // this device is basicly able to do the job
-             if (NumUsableSlots && device[i]->CamSlot() && device[i]->CamSlot() != CamSlots.Get(j))
+             if (NumUsableSlots && !device[i]->HasInternalCam() && device[i]->CamSlot() && device[i]->CamSlot() != CamSlots.Get(j))
                 ndr = true; // using a different CAM slot requires detaching receivers
              // Put together an integer number that reflects the "impact" using
              // this device would have on the overall system. Each condition is represented
@@ -410,18 +413,18 @@
              imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->Receiving();                                                               // avoid devices that are receiving
              imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i] == cTransferControl::ReceiverDevice();                                      // avoid the Transfer Mode receiver device
              imp <<= 8; imp |= min(max(device[i]->Priority() + MAXPRIORITY, 0), 0xFF);                               // use the device with the lowest priority (+MAXPRIORITY to assure that values -99..99 can be used)
-             imp <<= 8; imp |= min(max((NumUsableSlots ? SlotPriority[j] : 0) + MAXPRIORITY, 0), 0xFF);              // use the CAM slot with the lowest priority (+MAXPRIORITY to assure that values -99..99 can be used)
+             imp <<= 8; imp |= min(max(((NumUsableSlots && !device[i]->HasInternalCam()) ? SlotPriority[j] : 0) + MAXPRIORITY, 0), 0xFF);              // use the CAM slot with the lowest priority (+MAXPRIORITY to assure that values -99..99 can be used)
              imp <<= 1; imp |= ndr;                                                                                  // avoid devices if we need to detach existing receivers
              imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->IsPrimaryDevice();                                                         // avoid the primary device
-             imp <<= 1; imp |= NumUsableSlots ? 0 : device[i]->HasCi();                                              // avoid cards with Common Interface for FTA channels
+             imp <<= 1; imp |= (NumUsableSlots || InternalCamNeeded) ? 0 : device[i]->HasCi();                       // avoid cards with Common Interface for FTA channels
              imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->HasDecoder();                                                              // avoid full featured cards
-             imp <<= 1; imp |= NumUsableSlots ? !ChannelCamRelations.CamDecrypt(Channel->GetChannelID(), j + 1) : 0; // prefer CAMs that are known to decrypt this channel
+             imp <<= 1; imp |= (NumUsableSlots && !device[i]->HasInternalCam()) ? !ChannelCamRelations.CamDecrypt(Channel->GetChannelID(), j + 1) : 0; // prefer CAMs that are known to decrypt this channel
              if (imp < Impact) {
                 // This device has less impact than any previous one, so we take it.
                 Impact = imp;
                 d = device[i];
                 NeedsDetachReceivers = ndr;
-                if (NumUsableSlots)
+                if (NumUsableSlots && !device[i]->HasInternalCam())
                    s = CamSlots.Get(j);
Index: vdr-1.6.0-nocamdevices/device.h
--- vdr-1.6.0-nocamdevices/device.h
+++ vdr-1.6.0-nocamdevices/device.h	2008-04-27 18:55:49.000000000 +0300
@@ -335,6 +335,12 @@
   virtual bool HasCi(void);
          ///< Returns true if this device has a Common Interface.
+  virtual bool HasInternalCam(void) { return false; }
+         ///< Returns true if this device handles encrypted channels itself
+         ///< without VDR assistance. This can be e.g. when the device is a
+         ///< client that gets the stream from another VDR instance that has
+         ///< already decrypted the stream. In this case ProvidesChannel()
+         ///< shall check whether the channel can be decrypted.
   void SetCamSlot(cCamSlot *CamSlot);
          ///< Sets the given CamSlot to be used with this device.
   cCamSlot *CamSlot(void) const { return camSlot; }