#include "remux/extern.h" #include "server/server.h" #include "server/connection.h" #include "server/streamer.h" #include <vdr/channels.h> #include <vdr/tools.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> namespace Streamdev { #define MAXENV 63 class cTSExt: public cThread { private: cRingBufferLinear *m_ResultBuffer; bool m_Active; int m_Process; int m_Inpipe, m_Outpipe; protected: virtual void Action(void); public: cTSExt(cRingBufferLinear *ResultBuffer, const cServerConnection *Connection, const cChannel *Channel, const int *Apids, const int *Dpids); virtual ~cTSExt(); void Put(const uchar *Data, int Count); }; } // namespace Streamdev using namespace Streamdev; cTSExt::cTSExt(cRingBufferLinear *ResultBuffer, const cServerConnection *Connection, const cChannel *Channel, const int *Apids, const int *Dpids): m_ResultBuffer(ResultBuffer), m_Active(false), m_Process(-1), m_Inpipe(0), m_Outpipe(0) { int inpipe[2]; int outpipe[2]; if (pipe(inpipe) == -1) { LOG_ERROR_STR("pipe failed"); return; } if (pipe(outpipe) == -1) { LOG_ERROR_STR("pipe failed"); close(inpipe[0]); close(inpipe[1]); return; } if ((m_Process = fork()) == -1) { LOG_ERROR_STR("fork failed"); close(inpipe[0]); close(inpipe[1]); close(outpipe[0]); close(outpipe[1]); return; } if (m_Process == 0) { // child process char *env[MAXENV + 1]; int i = 0; #define ADDENV(x...) if (asprintf(&env[i++], x) < 0) i-- // add channel ID, name and pids to environment ADDENV("REMUX_CHANNEL_ID=%s", *Channel->GetChannelID().ToString()); ADDENV("REMUX_CHANNEL_NAME=%s", Channel->Name()); #if APIVERSNUM >= 10701 ADDENV("REMUX_VTYPE=%d", Channel->Vtype()); #endif if (Channel->Vpid()) ADDENV("REMUX_VPID=%d", Channel->Vpid()); if (Channel->Ppid() != Channel->Vpid()) ADDENV("REMUX_PPID=%d", Channel->Ppid()); if (Channel->Tpid()) ADDENV("REMUX_TPID=%d", Channel->Tpid()); std::string buffer; if (Apids && *Apids) { for (const int *pid = Apids; *pid; pid++) (buffer += (const char *) itoa(*pid)) += (*(pid + 1) ? " " : ""); ADDENV("REMUX_APID=%s", buffer.c_str()); buffer.clear(); for (const int *pid = Apids; *pid; pid++) { int j; for (j = 0; Channel->Apid(j) && Channel->Apid(j) != *pid; j++) ; (buffer += Channel->Alang(j)) += (*(pid + 1) ? " " : ""); } ADDENV("REMUX_ALANG=%s", buffer.c_str()); } if (Dpids && *Dpids) { buffer.clear(); for (const int *pid = Dpids; *pid; pid++) (buffer += (const char *) itoa(*pid)) += (*(pid + 1) ? " " : ""); ADDENV("REMUX_DPID=%s", buffer.c_str()); buffer.clear(); for (const int *pid = Dpids; *pid; pid++) { int j; for (j = 0; Channel->Dpid(j) && Channel->Dpid(j) != *pid; j++) ; (buffer += Channel->Dlang(j)) += (*(pid + 1) ? " " : ""); } ADDENV("REMUX_DLANG=%s", buffer.c_str()); } if (Channel->Spid(0)) { buffer.clear(); for (const int *pid = Channel->Spids(); *pid; pid++) (buffer += (const char *) itoa(*pid)) += (*(pid + 1) ? " " : ""); ADDENV("REMUX_SPID=%s", buffer.c_str()); buffer.clear(); for (int j = 0; Channel->Spid(j); j++) (buffer += Channel->Slang(j)) += (Channel->Spid(j + 1) ? " " : ""); ADDENV("REMUX_SLANG=%s", buffer.c_str()); } if (Connection) { // add vars for a CGI like interface // the following vars are not implemented: // REMOTE_HOST, REMOTE_IDENT, REMOTE_USER // CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_LENGTH, // SCRIPT_NAME, PATH_TRANSLATED, GATEWAY_INTERFACE ADDENV("REMOTE_ADDR=%s", Connection->RemoteIp().c_str()); ADDENV("SERVER_NAME=%s", Connection->LocalIp().c_str()); ADDENV("SERVER_PORT=%d", Connection->LocalPort()); ADDENV("SERVER_PROTOCOL=%s", Connection->Protocol()); ADDENV("SERVER_SOFTWARE=%s", VERSION); for (tStrStrMap::const_iterator it = Connection->Headers().begin(); it != Connection->Headers().end(); it++) { if (i >= MAXENV) { esyslog("streamdev-server: Too many headers for externremux.sh"); break; } ADDENV("%s=%s", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } // look for section parameters: /path;param1=value1;param2=value2/ std::string::size_type begin, end; const static std::string PATH_INFO("PATH_INFO"); tStrStrMap::const_iterator it_pathinfo = Connection->Headers().find(PATH_INFO); const std::string& path = it_pathinfo == Connection->Headers().end() ? "/" : it_pathinfo->second; begin = path.find(';', 0); begin = path.find_first_not_of(';', begin); end = path.find_first_of(";/", begin); while (begin != std::string::npos && path[begin] != '/') { std::string param = path.substr(begin, end - begin); std::string::size_type e = param.find('='); if (i >= MAXENV) { esyslog("streamdev-server: Too many parameters for externremux.sh"); break; } else if (e > 0 && e != std::string::npos) { ADDENV("REMUX_PARAM_%s", param.c_str()); } else esyslog("streamdev-server: Invalid externremux.sh parameter %s", param.c_str()); begin = path.find_first_not_of(';', end); end = path.find_first_of(";/", begin); } } env[i] = NULL; dup2(inpipe[0], STDIN_FILENO); close(inpipe[1]); dup2(outpipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(outpipe[0]); int MaxPossibleFileDescriptors = getdtablesize(); for (int i = STDERR_FILENO + 1; i < MaxPossibleFileDescriptors; i++) close(i); //close all dup'ed filedescriptors if (setpgid(0, 0) == -1) esyslog("streamdev-server: externremux setpgid failed: %m"); if (access(opt_remux, X_OK) == -1) { esyslog("streamdev-server %s: %m", opt_remux); _exit(-1); } if (execle("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", opt_remux, NULL, env) == -1) { esyslog("streamdev-server: externremux script '%s' execution failed: %m", opt_remux); _exit(-1); } // should never be reached _exit(0); } close(inpipe[0]); close(outpipe[1]); m_Inpipe = inpipe[1]; m_Outpipe = outpipe[0]; Start(); } cTSExt::~cTSExt() { m_Active = false; Cancel(3); if (m_Process > 0) { // close pipes close(m_Outpipe); close(m_Inpipe); // signal and wait for termination if (kill(m_Process, SIGINT) < 0) { esyslog("streamdev-server: externremux SIGINT failed: %m"); } else { int i = 0; int retval; while ((retval = waitpid(m_Process, NULL, WNOHANG)) == 0) { if ((++i % 20) == 0) { esyslog("streamdev-server: externremux process won't stop - killing it"); kill(m_Process, SIGKILL); } cCondWait::SleepMs(100); } if (retval < 0) esyslog("streamdev-server: externremux process waitpid failed: %m"); else Dprintf("streamdev-server: externremux child (%d) exited as expected\n", m_Process); } m_Process = -1; } } void cTSExt::Action(void) { m_Active = true; while (m_Active) { fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(m_Outpipe, &rfds); while (FD_ISSET(m_Outpipe, &rfds)) { tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(m_Outpipe + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == -1) { LOG_ERROR_STR("poll failed"); break;; } if (FD_ISSET(m_Outpipe, &rfds)) { int result; //Read returns 0 if buffer full or EOF bool bufferFull = m_ResultBuffer->Free() <= 0; //Free may be < 0 while ((result = m_ResultBuffer->Read(m_Outpipe)) == 0 && bufferFull) dsyslog("streamdev-server: buffer full while reading from externremux"); if (result == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) { LOG_ERROR_STR("read failed"); m_Active = false; } break; } else if (result == 0) { esyslog("streamdev-server: EOF reading from externremux"); m_Active = false; break; } } } } m_Active = false; } void cTSExt::Put(const uchar *Data, int Count) { if (safe_write(m_Inpipe, Data, Count) == -1) { LOG_ERROR_STR("write failed"); return; } } cExternRemux::cExternRemux(const cServerConnection *Connection, const cChannel *Channel, const int *Apids, const int *Dpids): m_ResultBuffer(new cRingBufferLinear(WRITERBUFSIZE, TS_SIZE * 2)), m_Remux(new cTSExt(m_ResultBuffer, Connection, Channel, Apids, Dpids)) { m_ResultBuffer->SetTimeouts(500, 100); } cExternRemux::~cExternRemux() { delete m_Remux; delete m_ResultBuffer; } int cExternRemux::Put(const uchar *Data, int Count) { m_Remux->Put(Data, Count); return Count; }