/* * $Id: connection.c,v 1.16 2010/08/03 10:51:53 schmirl Exp $ */ #include "server/connection.h" #include "server/setup.h" #include "server/suspend.h" #include "common.h" #include <vdr/tools.h> #include <vdr/thread.h> #include <vdr/transfer.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <errno.h> class cSwitchLive { private: cMutex mutex; cCondWait switched; cDevice *device; const cChannel *channel; public: cDevice* Switch(cDevice *Device, const cChannel *Channel); void Switch(void); cSwitchLive(void); }; cSwitchLive::cSwitchLive(): device(NULL), channel(NULL) { } cDevice* cSwitchLive::Switch(cDevice *Device, const cChannel *Channel) { mutex.Lock(); device = Device; channel = Channel; mutex.Unlock(); switched.Wait(); return device; } void cSwitchLive::Switch(void) { mutex.Lock(); if (channel && device) { cDevice::SetAvoidDevice(device); if (!Channels.SwitchTo(cDevice::CurrentChannel())) { if (StreamdevServerSetup.SuspendMode == smAlways) { Channels.SwitchTo(channel->Number()); Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Streaming active")); } else { esyslog("streamdev: Can't receive channel %d (%s) from device %d. Moving live TV to other device failed (PrimaryDevice=%d, ActualDevice=%d)", channel->Number(), channel->Name(), device->CardIndex(), cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->CardIndex(), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); device = NULL; } } // make sure we don't come in here next time channel = NULL; switched.Signal(); } mutex.Unlock(); } cServerConnection::cServerConnection(const char *Protocol, int Type): cTBSocket(Type), m_Protocol(Protocol), m_DeferClose(false), m_Pending(false), m_ReadBytes(0), m_WriteBytes(0), m_WriteIndex(0) { m_SwitchLive = new cSwitchLive(); } cServerConnection::~cServerConnection() { delete m_SwitchLive; } const cChannel* cServerConnection::ChannelFromString(const char *String, int *Apid, int *Dpid) { const cChannel *channel = NULL; char *string = strdup(String); char *ptr, *end; int apididx = 0; if ((ptr = strrchr(string, '+')) != NULL) { *(ptr++) = '\0'; apididx = strtoul(ptr, &end, 10); Dprintf("found apididx: %d\n", apididx); } if (isnumber(string)) { int temp = strtol(String, NULL, 10); if (temp >= 1 && temp <= Channels.MaxNumber()) channel = Channels.GetByNumber(temp); } else { channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(tChannelID::FromString(string)); if (channel == NULL) { int i = 1; while ((channel = Channels.GetByNumber(i, 1)) != NULL) { if (String == channel->Name()) break; i = channel->Number() + 1; } } } if (channel != NULL && apididx > 0) { int apid = 0, dpid = 0; int index = 1; for (int i = 0; channel->Apid(i) != 0; ++i, ++index) { if (index == apididx) { apid = channel->Apid(i); break; } } if (apid == 0) { for (int i = 0; channel->Dpid(i) != 0; ++i, ++index) { if (index == apididx) { dpid = channel->Dpid(i); break; } } } if (Apid != NULL) *Apid = apid; if (Dpid != NULL) *Dpid = dpid; } free(string); return channel; } bool cServerConnection::Read(void) { int b; if ((b = cTBSocket::Read(m_ReadBuffer + m_ReadBytes, sizeof(m_ReadBuffer) - m_ReadBytes - 1)) < 0) { esyslog("ERROR: read from client (%s) %s:%d failed: %m", m_Protocol, RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort()); return false; } if (b == 0) { isyslog("client (%s) %s:%d has closed connection", m_Protocol, RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort()); return false; } m_ReadBytes += b; m_ReadBuffer[m_ReadBytes] = '\0'; char *end; bool result = true; while ((end = strchr(m_ReadBuffer, '\012')) != NULL) { *end = '\0'; if (end > m_ReadBuffer && *(end - 1) == '\015') *(end - 1) = '\0'; if (!Command(m_ReadBuffer)) return false; m_ReadBytes -= ++end - m_ReadBuffer; if (m_ReadBytes > 0) memmove(m_ReadBuffer, end, m_ReadBytes); } if (m_ReadBytes == sizeof(m_ReadBuffer) - 1) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev: input buffer overflow (%s) for %s:%d", m_Protocol, RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort()); return false; } return result; } bool cServerConnection::Write(void) { int b; if ((b = cTBSocket::Write(m_WriteBuffer + m_WriteIndex, m_WriteBytes - m_WriteIndex)) < 0) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev: write to client (%s) %s:%d failed: %m", m_Protocol, RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort()); return false; } m_WriteIndex += b; if (m_WriteIndex == m_WriteBytes) { m_WriteIndex = 0; m_WriteBytes = 0; if (m_Pending) Command(NULL); if (m_DeferClose) return false; Flushed(); } return true; } bool cServerConnection::Respond(const char *Message, bool Last, ...) { char *buffer; int length; va_list ap; va_start(ap, Last); length = vasprintf(&buffer, Message, ap); va_end(ap); if (length < 0) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev: buffer allocation failed (%s) for %s:%d", m_Protocol, RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort()); return false; } if (m_WriteBytes + length + 2 > sizeof(m_WriteBuffer)) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev: output buffer overflow (%s) for %s:%d", m_Protocol, RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort()); free(buffer); return false; } Dprintf("OUT: |%s|\n", buffer); memcpy(m_WriteBuffer + m_WriteBytes, buffer, length); free(buffer); m_WriteBytes += length; m_WriteBuffer[m_WriteBytes++] = '\015'; m_WriteBuffer[m_WriteBytes++] = '\012'; m_Pending = !Last; return true; } #if APIVERSNUM >= 10700 static int GetClippedNumProvidedSystems(int AvailableBits, cDevice *Device) { int MaxNumProvidedSystems = (1 << AvailableBits) - 1; int NumProvidedSystems = Device->NumProvidedSystems(); if (NumProvidedSystems > MaxNumProvidedSystems) { esyslog("ERROR: device %d supports %d modulation systems but cDevice::GetDevice() currently only supports %d delivery systems which should be fixed", Device->CardIndex() + 1, NumProvidedSystems, MaxNumProvidedSystems); NumProvidedSystems = MaxNumProvidedSystems; } else if (NumProvidedSystems <= 0) { esyslog("ERROR: device %d reported an invalid number (%d) of supported delivery systems - assuming 1", Device->CardIndex() + 1, NumProvidedSystems); NumProvidedSystems = 1; } return NumProvidedSystems; } #endif /* * copy of cDevice::GetDevice(...) but without side effects (not detaching receivers) */ cDevice* cServerConnection::CheckDevice(const cChannel *Channel, int Priority, bool LiveView, const cDevice *AvoidDevice) { //cDevice *AvoidDevice = avoidDevice; //avoidDevice = NULL; // Collect the current priorities of all CAM slots that can decrypt the channel: int NumCamSlots = CamSlots.Count(); int SlotPriority[NumCamSlots]; int NumUsableSlots = 0; if (Channel->Ca() >= CA_ENCRYPTED_MIN) { for (cCamSlot *CamSlot = CamSlots.First(); CamSlot; CamSlot = CamSlots.Next(CamSlot)) { SlotPriority[CamSlot->Index()] = MAXPRIORITY + 1; // assumes it can't be used if (CamSlot->ModuleStatus() == msReady) { if (CamSlot->ProvidesCa(Channel->Caids())) { if (!ChannelCamRelations.CamChecked(Channel->GetChannelID(), CamSlot->SlotNumber())) { SlotPriority[CamSlot->Index()] = CamSlot->Priority(); NumUsableSlots++; } } } } if (!NumUsableSlots) return NULL; // no CAM is able to decrypt this channel } bool NeedsDetachReceivers = false; cDevice *d = NULL; //cCamSlot *s = NULL; uint32_t Impact = 0xFFFFFFFF; // we're looking for a device with the least impact for (int j = 0; j < NumCamSlots || !NumUsableSlots; j++) { if (NumUsableSlots && SlotPriority[j] > MAXPRIORITY) continue; // there is no CAM available in this slot for (int i = 0; i < cDevice::NumDevices(); i++) { cDevice *device = cDevice::GetDevice(i); if (device == AvoidDevice) continue; // we've been asked to skip this device if (Channel->Ca() && Channel->Ca() <= CA_DVB_MAX && Channel->Ca() != device->CardIndex() + 1) continue; // a specific card was requested, but not this one if (NumUsableSlots && !CamSlots.Get(j)->Assign(device, true)) continue; // CAM slot can't be used with this device bool ndr; if (device->ProvidesChannel(Channel, Priority, &ndr)) { // this device is basicly able to do the job if (NumUsableSlots && device->CamSlot() && device->CamSlot() != CamSlots.Get(j)) ndr = true; // using a different CAM slot requires detaching receivers // Put together an integer number that reflects the "impact" using // this device would have on the overall system. Each condition is represented // by one bit in the number (or several bits, if the condition is actually // a numeric value). The sequence in which the conditions are listed corresponds // to their individual severity, where the one listed first will make the most // difference, because it results in the most significant bit of the result. uint32_t imp = 0; imp <<= 1; imp |= LiveView ? !device->IsPrimaryDevice() || ndr : 0; // prefer the primary device for live viewing if we don't need to detach existing receivers imp <<= 1; imp |= !device->Receiving() && (device != cTransferControl::ReceiverDevice() || device->IsPrimaryDevice()) || ndr; // use receiving devices if we don't need to detach existing receivers, but avoid primary device in local transfer mode imp <<= 1; imp |= device->Receiving(); // avoid devices that are receiving #if APIVERSNUM >= 10700 imp <<= 4; imp |= GetClippedNumProvidedSystems(4, device) - 1; // avoid cards which support multiple delivery systems #endif imp <<= 1; imp |= device == cTransferControl::ReceiverDevice(); // avoid the Transfer Mode receiver device imp <<= 8; imp |= min(max(device->Priority() + MAXPRIORITY, 0), 0xFF); // use the device with the lowest priority (+MAXPRIORITY to assure that values -99..99 can be used) imp <<= 8; imp |= min(max((NumUsableSlots ? SlotPriority[j] : 0) + MAXPRIORITY, 0), 0xFF); // use the CAM slot with the lowest priority (+MAXPRIORITY to assure that values -99..99 can be used) imp <<= 1; imp |= ndr; // avoid devices if we need to detach existing receivers #if VDRVERSNUM < 10719 imp <<= 1; imp |= device->IsPrimaryDevice(); // avoid the primary device #endif imp <<= 1; imp |= NumUsableSlots ? 0 : device->HasCi(); // avoid cards with Common Interface for FTA channels #if VDRVERSNUM < 10719 imp <<= 1; imp |= device->HasDecoder(); // avoid full featured cards #else imp <<= 1; imp |= device->AvoidRecording(); // avoid SD full featured cards #endif imp <<= 1; imp |= NumUsableSlots ? !ChannelCamRelations.CamDecrypt(Channel->GetChannelID(), j + 1) : 0; // prefer CAMs that are known to decrypt this channel #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10719 imp <<= 1; imp |= device->IsPrimaryDevice(); // avoid the primary device #endif if (imp < Impact) { // This device has less impact than any previous one, so we take it. Impact = imp; d = device; NeedsDetachReceivers = ndr; } } } if (!NumUsableSlots) break; // no CAM necessary, so just one loop over the devices } return d; } bool cServerConnection::UsedByLiveTV(cDevice *device) { return device == cTransferControl::ReceiverDevice() || (device->IsPrimaryDevice() && device->HasDecoder() && !device->Replaying()); } cDevice *cServerConnection::GetDevice(const cChannel *Channel, int Priority) { // turn off the streams of this connection Detach(); // This call may detach receivers of the device it returns cDevice *device = cDevice::GetDevice(Channel, Priority, false); if (device && !device->IsTunedToTransponder(Channel) && UsedByLiveTV(device)) { // now we would have to switch away live tv...let's see if live tv // can be handled by another device device = m_SwitchLive->Switch(device, Channel); } if (!device) { // can't switch - continue the current stream Attach(); dsyslog("streamdev: GetDevice failed for channel %d (%s) at priority %d (PrimaryDevice=%d, ActualDevice=%d)", Channel->Number(), Channel->Name(), Priority, cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->CardIndex(), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } return device; } bool cServerConnection::ProvidesChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Priority) { cDevice *device = CheckDevice(Channel, Priority, false); if (!device || (StreamdevServerSetup.SuspendMode != smAlways && !device->IsTunedToTransponder(Channel) && UsedByLiveTV(device))) { // no device available or the device is in use for live TV and suspend mode doesn't allow us to switch it: // maybe a device would be free if THIS connection did turn off its streams? Detach(); device = CheckDevice(Channel, Priority, false); Attach(); if (device && StreamdevServerSetup.SuspendMode != smAlways && !device->IsTunedToTransponder(Channel) && UsedByLiveTV(device)) { // now we would have to switch away live tv...let's see if live tv // can be handled by another device const cChannel *current = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel()); cDevice *newdev = current ? CheckDevice(current, 0, true, device) : NULL; if (newdev) { dsyslog("streamdev: Providing channel %d (%s) at priority %d requires moving live TV to device %d (PrimaryDevice=%d, ActualDevice=%d)", Channel->Number(), Channel->Name(), Priority, newdev->CardIndex(), cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->CardIndex(), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else { device = NULL; dsyslog("streamdev: Not providing channel %d (%s) at priority %d - live TV not suspended", Channel->Number(), Channel->Name(), Priority); } } else if (!device) dsyslog("streamdev: No device provides channel %d (%s) at priority %d", Channel->Number(), Channel->Name(), Priority); } return device; } void cServerConnection::MainThreadHook() { m_SwitchLive->Switch(); }