/* * $Id: connectionVTP.c,v 1.18 2008/04/07 14:27:30 schmirl Exp $ */ #include "server/connectionVTP.h" #include "server/livestreamer.h" #include "server/suspend.h" #include "setup.h" #include <vdr/tools.h> #include <tools/select.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdarg.h> /* VTP Response codes: 220: Service ready 221: Service closing connection 451: Requested action aborted: try again 500: Syntax error or Command unrecognized 501: Wrong parameters or missing parameters 550: Requested action not taken 551: Data connection not accepted 560: Channel not available currently 561: Capability not known 562: Pid not available currently 563: Recording not available (currently?) */ // --- cLSTEHandler ----------------------------------------------------------- class cLSTEHandler { private: enum eStates { Channel, Event, Title, Subtitle, Description, Vps, EndEvent, EndChannel, EndEPG }; cConnectionVTP *m_Client; cSchedulesLock *m_SchedulesLock; const cSchedules *m_Schedules; const cSchedule *m_Schedule; const cEvent *m_Event; int m_Errno; char *m_Error; eStates m_State; bool m_Traverse; public: cLSTEHandler(cConnectionVTP *Client, const char *Option); ~cLSTEHandler(); bool Next(bool &Last); }; cLSTEHandler::cLSTEHandler(cConnectionVTP *Client, const char *Option): m_Client(Client), m_SchedulesLock(new cSchedulesLock(false, 500)), m_Schedules(cSchedules::Schedules(*m_SchedulesLock)), m_Schedule(NULL), m_Event(NULL), m_Errno(0), m_Error(NULL), m_State(Channel), m_Traverse(false) { eDumpMode dumpmode = dmAll; time_t attime = 0; if (m_Schedules != NULL && *Option) { char buf[strlen(Option) + 1]; strcpy(buf, Option); const char *delim = " \t"; char *strtok_next; char *p = strtok_r(buf, delim, &strtok_next); while (p && dumpmode == dmAll) { if (strcasecmp(p, "NOW") == 0) dumpmode = dmPresent; else if (strcasecmp(p, "NEXT") == 0) dumpmode = dmFollowing; else if (strcasecmp(p, "AT") == 0) { dumpmode = dmAtTime; if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (isnumber(p)) attime = strtol(p, NULL, 10); else { m_Errno = 501; m_Error = strdup("Invalid time"); break; } } else { m_Errno = 501; m_Error = strdup("Missing time"); break; } } else if (!m_Schedule) { cChannel* Channel = NULL; if (isnumber(p)) Channel = Channels.GetByNumber(strtol(Option, NULL, 10)); else Channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(tChannelID::FromString( Option)); if (Channel) { m_Schedule = m_Schedules->GetSchedule(Channel->GetChannelID()); if (!m_Schedule) { m_Errno = 550; m_Error = strdup("No schedule found"); break; } } else { m_Errno = 550; asprintf(&m_Error, "Channel \"%s\" not defined", p); break; } } else { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Unknown option: \"%s\"", p); break; } p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next); } } else if (m_Schedules == NULL) { m_Errno = 451; m_Error = strdup("EPG data is being modified, try again"); } if (m_Error == NULL) { if (m_Schedule != NULL) m_Schedules = NULL; else if (m_Schedules != NULL) m_Schedule = m_Schedules->First(); if (m_Schedule != NULL && m_Schedule->Events() != NULL) { switch (dumpmode) { case dmAll: m_Event = m_Schedule->Events()->First(); m_Traverse = true; break; case dmPresent: m_Event = m_Schedule->GetPresentEvent(); break; case dmFollowing: m_Event = m_Schedule->GetFollowingEvent(); break; case dmAtTime: m_Event = m_Schedule->GetEventAround(attime); break; } } } } cLSTEHandler::~cLSTEHandler() { delete m_SchedulesLock; if (m_Error != NULL) free(m_Error); } bool cLSTEHandler::Next(bool &Last) { if (m_Error != NULL) { Last = true; cString str(m_Error, true); m_Error = NULL; return m_Client->Respond(m_Errno, *str); } Last = false; switch (m_State) { case Channel: if (m_Schedule != NULL) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(m_Schedule->ChannelID(), true); if (channel != NULL) { m_State = Event; return m_Client->Respond(-215, "C %s %s", *channel->GetChannelID().ToString(), channel->Name()); } else { esyslog("ERROR: vdr streamdev: unable to find channel %s by ID", *m_Schedule->ChannelID().ToString()); m_State = EndChannel; return Next(Last); } } else { m_State = EndEPG; return Next(Last); } break; case Event: if (m_Event != NULL) { m_State = Title; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ return m_Client->Respond(-215, "E %u %d %d %X", m_Event->EventID(), #else return m_Client->Respond(-215, "E %u %ld %d %X", m_Event->EventID(), #endif m_Event->StartTime(), m_Event->Duration(), m_Event->TableID()); } else { m_State = EndChannel; return Next(Last); } break; case Title: m_State = Subtitle; if (!isempty(m_Event->Title())) return m_Client->Respond(-215, "T %s", m_Event->Title()); else return Next(Last); break; case Subtitle: m_State = Description; if (!isempty(m_Event->ShortText())) return m_Client->Respond(-215, "S %s", m_Event->ShortText()); else return Next(Last); break; case Description: m_State = Vps; if (!isempty(m_Event->Description())) { char *copy = strdup(m_Event->Description()); cString cpy(copy, true); strreplace(copy, '\n', '|'); return m_Client->Respond(-215, "D %s", copy); } else return Next(Last); break; case Vps: m_State = EndEvent; if (m_Event->Vps()) #ifdef __FreeBSD__ return m_Client->Respond(-215, "V %d", m_Event->Vps()); #else return m_Client->Respond(-215, "V %ld", m_Event->Vps()); #endif else return Next(Last); break; case EndEvent: if (m_Traverse) m_Event = m_Schedule->Events()->Next(m_Event); else m_Event = NULL; if (m_Event != NULL) m_State = Event; else m_State = EndChannel; return m_Client->Respond(-215, "e"); case EndChannel: if (m_Schedules != NULL) { m_Schedule = m_Schedules->Next(m_Schedule); if (m_Schedule != NULL) { if (m_Schedule->Events() != NULL) m_Event = m_Schedule->Events()->First(); m_State = Channel; } } if (m_Schedules == NULL || m_Schedule == NULL) m_State = EndEPG; return m_Client->Respond(-215, "c"); case EndEPG: Last = true; return m_Client->Respond(215, "End of EPG data"); } return false; } // --- cLSTCHandler ----------------------------------------------------------- class cLSTCHandler { private: cConnectionVTP *m_Client; const cChannel *m_Channel; char *m_Option; int m_Errno; char *m_Error; bool m_Traverse; public: cLSTCHandler(cConnectionVTP *Client, const char *Option); ~cLSTCHandler(); bool Next(bool &Last); }; cLSTCHandler::cLSTCHandler(cConnectionVTP *Client, const char *Option): m_Client(Client), m_Channel(NULL), m_Option(NULL), m_Errno(0), m_Error(NULL), m_Traverse(false) { if (!Channels.Lock(false, 500)) { m_Errno = 451; m_Error = strdup("Channels are being modified - try again"); } else if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { m_Channel = Channels.GetByNumber(strtol(Option, NULL, 10)); if (m_Channel == NULL) { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Channel \"%s\" not defined", Option); return; } } else { int i = 1; m_Traverse = true; m_Option = strdup(Option); while (i <= Channels.MaxNumber()) { m_Channel = Channels.GetByNumber(i, 1); if (strcasestr(m_Channel->Name(), Option) != NULL) break; i = m_Channel->Number() + 1; } if (i > Channels.MaxNumber()) { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Channel \"%s\" not defined", Option); return; } } } else if (Channels.MaxNumber() >= 1) { m_Channel = Channels.GetByNumber(1, 1); m_Traverse = true; } else { m_Errno = 550; m_Error = strdup("No channels defined"); } } cLSTCHandler::~cLSTCHandler() { Channels.Unlock(); if (m_Error != NULL) free(m_Error); if (m_Option != NULL) free(m_Option); } bool cLSTCHandler::Next(bool &Last) { if (m_Error != NULL) { Last = true; cString str(m_Error, true); m_Error = NULL; return m_Client->Respond(m_Errno, *str); } int number; char *buffer; number = m_Channel->Number(); buffer = strdup(*m_Channel->ToText()); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; // remove \n cString str(buffer, true); Last = true; if (m_Traverse) { int i = m_Channel->Number() + 1; while (i <= Channels.MaxNumber()) { m_Channel = Channels.GetByNumber(i, 1); if (m_Channel != NULL) { if (m_Option == NULL || strcasestr(m_Channel->Name(), m_Option) != NULL) break; i = m_Channel->Number() + 1; } else { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Channel \"%d\" not found", i); } } if (i < Channels.MaxNumber()) Last = false; } return m_Client->Respond(Last ? 250 : -250, "%d %s", number, buffer); } // --- cLSTTHandler ----------------------------------------------------------- class cLSTTHandler { private: cConnectionVTP *m_Client; cTimer *m_Timer; int m_Index; int m_Errno; char *m_Error; bool m_Traverse; public: cLSTTHandler(cConnectionVTP *Client, const char *Option); ~cLSTTHandler(); bool Next(bool &Last); }; cLSTTHandler::cLSTTHandler(cConnectionVTP *Client, const char *Option): m_Client(Client), m_Timer(NULL), m_Index(0), m_Errno(0), m_Error(NULL), m_Traverse(false) { if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { m_Timer = Timers.Get(strtol(Option, NULL, 10) - 1); if (m_Timer == NULL) { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Timer \"%s\" not defined", Option); } } else { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Error in timer number \"%s\"", Option); } } else if (Timers.Count()) { m_Traverse = true; m_Index = 0; m_Timer = Timers.Get(m_Index); if (m_Timer == NULL) { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Timer \"%d\" not found", m_Index + 1); } } else { m_Errno = 550; m_Error = strdup("No timers defined"); } } cLSTTHandler::~cLSTTHandler() { if (m_Error != NULL) free(m_Error); } bool cLSTTHandler::Next(bool &Last) { if (m_Error != NULL) { Last = true; cString str(m_Error, true); m_Error = NULL; return m_Client->Respond(m_Errno, *str); } bool result; char *buffer; Last = !m_Traverse || m_Index >= Timers.Count() - 1; buffer = strdup(*m_Timer->ToText()); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; // strip \n result = m_Client->Respond(Last ? 250 : -250, "%d %s", m_Timer->Index() + 1, buffer); free(buffer); if (m_Traverse && !Last) { m_Timer = Timers.Get(++m_Index); if (m_Timer == NULL) { m_Errno = 501; asprintf(&m_Error, "Timer \"%d\" not found", m_Index + 1); } } return result; } // --- cConnectionVTP --------------------------------------------------------- cConnectionVTP::cConnectionVTP(void): cServerConnection("VTP"), m_LiveSocket(NULL), m_LiveStreamer(NULL), m_FilterSocket(NULL), m_FilterStreamer(NULL), m_LastCommand(NULL), m_StreamType(stTSPIDS), m_FiltersSupport(false), m_LSTEHandler(NULL), m_LSTCHandler(NULL), m_LSTTHandler(NULL) { } cConnectionVTP::~cConnectionVTP() { if (m_LastCommand != NULL) free(m_LastCommand); delete m_LiveStreamer; delete m_LiveSocket; delete m_FilterStreamer; delete m_FilterSocket; delete m_LSTTHandler; delete m_LSTCHandler; delete m_LSTEHandler; } inline bool cConnectionVTP::Abort(void) const { return m_LiveStreamer && m_LiveStreamer->Abort(); } void cConnectionVTP::Welcome(void) { Respond(220, "Welcome to Video Disk Recorder (VTP)"); } void cConnectionVTP::Reject(void) { Respond(221, "Too many clients or client not allowed to connect"); cServerConnection::Reject(); } void cConnectionVTP::Detach(void) { if (m_LiveStreamer) m_LiveStreamer->Detach(); if (m_FilterStreamer) m_FilterStreamer->Detach(); } void cConnectionVTP::Attach(void) { if (m_LiveStreamer) m_LiveStreamer->Attach(); if (m_FilterStreamer) m_FilterStreamer->Attach(); } bool cConnectionVTP::Command(char *Cmd) { char *param = NULL; if (Cmd != NULL) { if (m_LastCommand != NULL) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev: protocol violation (VTP) from %s:%d", RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort()); return false; } if ((param = strchr(Cmd, ' ')) != NULL) *(param++) = '\0'; else param = Cmd + strlen(Cmd); m_LastCommand = strdup(Cmd); } else { Cmd = m_LastCommand; param = NULL; } if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "LSTE") == 0) return CmdLSTE(param); //else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "LSTR") == 0) return CmdLSTR(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "LSTT") == 0) return CmdLSTT(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "LSTC") == 0) return CmdLSTC(param); if (param == NULL) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev: this seriously shouldn't happen at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "CAPS") == 0) return CmdCAPS(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "PROV") == 0) return CmdPROV(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "PORT") == 0) return CmdPORT(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "TUNE") == 0) return CmdTUNE(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "ADDP") == 0) return CmdADDP(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "DELP") == 0) return CmdDELP(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "ADDF") == 0) return CmdADDF(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "DELF") == 0) return CmdDELF(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "ABRT") == 0) return CmdABRT(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "QUIT") == 0) return CmdQUIT(); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "SUSP") == 0) return CmdSUSP(); // Commands adopted from SVDRP //else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "DELR") == 0) return CmdDELR(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "MODT") == 0) return CmdMODT(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "NEWT") == 0) return CmdNEWT(param); else if (strcasecmp(Cmd, "DELT") == 0) return CmdDELT(param); else return Respond(500, "Unknown Command \"%s\"", Cmd); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdCAPS(char *Opts) { if (strcasecmp(Opts, "TS") == 0) { m_StreamType = stTS; return Respond(220, "Capability \"%s\" accepted", Opts); } if (strcasecmp(Opts, "TSPIDS") == 0) { m_StreamType = stTSPIDS; return Respond(220, "Capability \"%s\" accepted", Opts); } if (strcasecmp(Opts, "PS") == 0) { m_StreamType = stPS; return Respond(220, "Capability \"%s\" accepted", Opts); } if (strcasecmp(Opts, "PES") == 0) { m_StreamType = stPES; return Respond(220, "Capability \"%s\" accepted", Opts); } if (strcasecmp(Opts, "EXTERN") == 0) { m_StreamType = stExtern; return Respond(220, "Capability \"%s\" accepted", Opts); } // // Deliver section filters data in separate, channel-independent data stream // if (strcasecmp(Opts, "FILTERS") == 0) { m_FiltersSupport = true; return Respond(220, "Capability \"%s\" accepted", Opts); } return Respond(561, "Capability \"%s\" not known", Opts); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdPROV(char *Opts) { const cChannel *chan; int prio; char *ep; prio = strtol(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || !isspace(*ep)) return Respond(501, "Use: PROV Priority Channel"); Opts = skipspace(ep); if ((chan = ChannelFromString(Opts)) == NULL) return Respond(550, "Undefined channel \"%s\"", Opts); return GetDevice(chan, prio) != NULL ? Respond(220, "Channel available") : Respond(560, "Channel not available"); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdPORT(char *Opts) { uint id, dataport = 0; char dataip[20]; char *ep, *ipoffs; int n; id = strtoul(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || !isspace(*ep)) return Respond(500, "Use: PORT Id Destination"); if (id != siLive && id != siLiveFilter) return Respond(501, "Wrong connection id %d", id); Opts = skipspace(ep); n = 0; ipoffs = dataip; while ((ep = strchr(Opts, ',')) != NULL) { if (n < 4) { memcpy(ipoffs, Opts, ep - Opts); ipoffs += ep - Opts; if (n < 3) *(ipoffs++) = '.'; } else if (n == 4) { *ep = 0; dataport = strtoul(Opts, NULL, 10) << 8; } else break; Opts = ep + 1; ++n; } *ipoffs = '\0'; if (n != 5) return Respond(501, "Argument count invalid (must be 6 values)"); dataport |= strtoul(Opts, NULL, 10); isyslog("Streamdev: Setting data connection to %s:%d", dataip, dataport); if (id == siLiveFilter) { m_FiltersSupport = true; if(m_FilterStreamer) m_FilterStreamer->Stop(); delete m_FilterSocket; m_FilterSocket = new cTBSocket(SOCK_STREAM); if (!m_FilterSocket->Connect(dataip, dataport)) { esyslog("ERROR: Streamdev: Couldn't open data connection to %s:%d: %s", dataip, dataport, strerror(errno)); DELETENULL(m_FilterSocket); return Respond(551, "Couldn't open data connection"); } if(!m_FilterStreamer) m_FilterStreamer = new cStreamdevFilterStreamer; m_FilterStreamer->Start(m_FilterSocket); m_FilterStreamer->Activate(true); return Respond(220, "Port command ok, data connection opened"); } if(m_LiveSocket && m_LiveStreamer) m_LiveStreamer->Stop(); delete m_LiveSocket; m_LiveSocket = new cTBSocket(SOCK_STREAM); if (!m_LiveSocket->Connect(dataip, dataport)) { esyslog("ERROR: Streamdev: Couldn't open data connection to %s:%d: %s", dataip, dataport, strerror(errno)); DELETENULL(m_LiveSocket); return Respond(551, "Couldn't open data connection"); } if (!m_LiveSocket->SetDSCP()) LOG_ERROR_STR("unable to set DSCP sockopt"); if (m_LiveStreamer) m_LiveStreamer->Start(m_LiveSocket); return Respond(220, "Port command ok, data connection opened"); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdTUNE(char *Opts) { const cChannel *chan; cDevice *dev; if ((chan = ChannelFromString(Opts)) == NULL) return Respond(550, "Undefined channel \"%s\"", Opts); if ((dev = GetDevice(chan, 0)) == NULL) return Respond(560, "Channel not available"); if (!dev->SwitchChannel(chan, false)) return Respond(560, "Channel not available"); delete m_LiveStreamer; m_LiveStreamer = new cStreamdevLiveStreamer(1); m_LiveStreamer->SetChannel(chan, m_StreamType); m_LiveStreamer->SetDevice(dev); if(m_LiveSocket) m_LiveStreamer->Start(m_LiveSocket); if(m_FiltersSupport) { if(!m_FilterStreamer) m_FilterStreamer = new cStreamdevFilterStreamer; m_FilterStreamer->SetDevice(dev); //m_FilterStreamer->SetChannel(chan); } return Respond(220, "Channel tuned"); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdADDP(char *Opts) { int pid; char *end; pid = strtoul(Opts, &end, 10); if (end == Opts || (*end != '\0' && *end != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: ADDP Pid"); return m_LiveStreamer && m_LiveStreamer->SetPid(pid, true) ? Respond(220, "Pid %d available", pid) : Respond(560, "Pid %d not available", pid); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdDELP(char *Opts) { int pid; char *end; pid = strtoul(Opts, &end, 10); if (end == Opts || (*end != '\0' && *end != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: DELP Pid"); return m_LiveStreamer && m_LiveStreamer->SetPid(pid, false) ? Respond(220, "Pid %d stopped", pid) : Respond(560, "Pid %d not transferring", pid); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdADDF(char *Opts) { int pid, tid, mask; char *ep; if (m_FilterStreamer == NULL) return Respond(560, "Can't set filters without a filter stream"); pid = strtol(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || (*ep != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: ADDF Pid Tid Mask"); Opts = skipspace(ep); tid = strtol(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || (*ep != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: ADDF Pid Tid Mask"); Opts = skipspace(ep); mask = strtol(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || (*ep != '\0' && *ep != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: ADDF Pid Tid Mask"); return m_FilterStreamer->SetFilter(pid, tid, mask, true) ? Respond(220, "Filter %d transferring", pid) : Respond(560, "Filter %d not available", pid); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdDELF(char *Opts) { int pid, tid, mask; char *ep; if (m_FilterStreamer == NULL) return Respond(560, "Can't delete filters without a stream"); pid = strtol(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || (*ep != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: DELF Pid Tid Mask"); Opts = skipspace(ep); tid = strtol(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || (*ep != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: DELF Pid Tid Mask"); Opts = skipspace(ep); mask = strtol(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || (*ep != '\0' && *ep != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: DELF Pid Tid Mask"); m_FilterStreamer->SetFilter(pid, tid, mask, false); return Respond(220, "Filter %d stopped", pid); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdABRT(char *Opts) { uint id; char *ep; id = strtoul(Opts, &ep, 10); if (ep == Opts || (*ep != '\0' && *ep != ' ')) return Respond(500, "Use: ABRT Id"); switch (id) { case siLive: DELETENULL(m_LiveStreamer); DELETENULL(m_LiveSocket); break; case siLiveFilter: DELETENULL(m_FilterStreamer); DELETENULL(m_FilterSocket); break; default: return Respond(501, "Wrong connection id %d", id); break; } return Respond(220, "Data connection closed"); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdQUIT(void) { DeferClose(); return Respond(221, "Video Disk Recorder closing connection"); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdSUSP(void) { if (StreamdevServerSetup.SuspendMode == smAlways || cSuspendCtl::IsActive()) return Respond(220, "Server is suspended"); else if (StreamdevServerSetup.SuspendMode == smOffer && StreamdevServerSetup.AllowSuspend) { cControl::Launch(new cSuspendCtl); return Respond(220, "Server is suspended"); } else return Respond(550, "Client may not suspend server"); } // Functions extended from SVDRP template<class cHandler> bool cConnectionVTP::CmdLSTX(cHandler *&Handler, char *Option) { if (Option != NULL) { delete Handler; Handler = new cHandler(this, Option); } bool last, result = false; if (Handler != NULL) result = Handler->Next(last); else esyslog("ERROR: vdr streamdev: Handler in LSTX command is NULL"); if (!result || last) DELETENULL(Handler); return result; } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdLSTE(char *Option) { return CmdLSTX(m_LSTEHandler, Option); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdLSTC(char *Option) { return CmdLSTX(m_LSTCHandler, Option); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdLSTT(char *Option) { return CmdLSTX(m_LSTTHandler, Option); } // Functions adopted from SVDRP #define INIT_WRAPPER() bool _res #define Reply(c,m...) _res = Respond(c,m) #define EXIT_WRAPPER() return _res bool cConnectionVTP::CmdMODT(const char *Option) { INIT_WRAPPER(); if (*Option) { char *tail; int n = strtol(Option, &tail, 10); if (tail && tail != Option) { tail = skipspace(tail); cTimer *timer = Timers.Get(n - 1); if (timer) { cTimer t = *timer; if (strcasecmp(tail, "ON") == 0) t.SetFlags(tfActive); else if (strcasecmp(tail, "OFF") == 0) t.ClrFlags(tfActive); else if (!t.Parse(tail)) { Reply(501, "Error in timer settings"); EXIT_WRAPPER(); } *timer = t; Timers.SetModified(); isyslog("timer %s modified (%s)", *timer->ToDescr(), timer->HasFlags(tfActive) ? "active" : "inactive"); Reply(250, "%d %s", timer->Index() + 1, *timer->ToText()); } else Reply(501, "Timer \"%d\" not defined", n); } else Reply(501, "Error in timer number"); } else Reply(501, "Missing timer settings"); EXIT_WRAPPER(); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdNEWT(const char *Option) { INIT_WRAPPER(); if (*Option) { cTimer *timer = new cTimer; if (timer->Parse(Option)) { cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer); if (!t) { Timers.Add(timer); Timers.SetModified(); isyslog("timer %s added", *timer->ToDescr()); Reply(250, "%d %s", timer->Index() + 1, *timer->ToText()); EXIT_WRAPPER(); } else Reply(550, "Timer already defined: %d %s", t->Index() + 1, *t->ToText()); } else Reply(501, "Error in timer settings"); delete timer; } else Reply(501, "Missing timer settings"); EXIT_WRAPPER(); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdDELT(const char *Option) { INIT_WRAPPER(); if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { cTimer *timer = Timers.Get(strtol(Option, NULL, 10) - 1); if (timer) { if (!timer->Recording()) { isyslog("deleting timer %s", *timer->ToDescr()); Timers.Del(timer); Timers.SetModified(); Reply(250, "Timer \"%s\" deleted", Option); } else Reply(550, "Timer \"%s\" is recording", Option); } else Reply(501, "Timer \"%s\" not defined", Option); } else Reply(501, "Error in timer number \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(501, "Missing timer number"); EXIT_WRAPPER(); } /*bool cConnectionVTP::CmdLSTR(char *Option) { INIT_WRAPPER(); bool recordings = Recordings.Load(); Recordings.Sort(); if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { cRecording *recording = Recordings.Get(strtol(Option, NULL, 10) - 1); if (recording) { if (recording->Summary()) { char *summary = strdup(recording->Summary()); Reply(250, "%s", strreplace(summary,'\n','|')); free(summary); } else Reply(550, "No summary availabe"); } else Reply(550, "Recording \"%s\" not found", Option); } else Reply(501, "Error in recording number \"%s\"", Option); } else if (recordings) { cRecording *recording = Recordings.First(); while (recording) { Reply(recording == Recordings.Last() ? 250 : -250, "%d %s", recording->Index() + 1, recording->Title(' ', true)); recording = Recordings.Next(recording); } } else Reply(550, "No recordings available"); EXIT_WRAPPER(); } bool cConnectionVTP::CmdDELR(char *Option) { INIT_WRAPPER(); if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { cRecording *recording = Recordings.Get(strtol(Option, NULL, 10) - 1); if (recording) { if (recording->Delete()) Reply(250, "Recording \"%s\" deleted", Option); else Reply(554, "Error while deleting recording!"); } else Reply(550, "Recording \"%s\" not found%s", Option, Recordings.Count() ? "" : " (use LSTR before deleting)"); } else Reply(501, "Error in recording number \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(501, "Missing recording number"); EXIT_WRAPPER(); }*/ bool cConnectionVTP::Respond(int Code, const char *Message, ...) { char *buffer; va_list ap; va_start(ap, Message); vasprintf(&buffer, Message, ap); va_end(ap); cString str(buffer, true); if (Code >= 0 && m_LastCommand != NULL) { free(m_LastCommand); m_LastCommand = NULL; } return cServerConnection::Respond("%03d%c%s", Code >= 0, Code < 0 ? -Code : Code, Code < 0 ? '-' : ' ', buffer); }